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Cruel Temptation: An Age Gap Romance (Cruel Beauty Trilogy Book 1)

Page 4

by C Standing

  After our jaunt around the houses, she’d gone back to Duke, and I’d stayed on a little longer with the girls. I’m due to head back home tomorrow, and if I’m honest, I’m dreading it. Being around Mali and Lydia again after all these years is like balm to my soul. Everything just feels better.

  “You holding up over there, bestie?” Mali asks, sitting on her couch with a beer in hand.

  In light of our chat in the diner, Lydia packed her bags and took the first flight back to Montreal.

  Setting my phone beside me, I tuck my legs under me and try to focus on the mindless shit on the TV. “It’s a lot to process,” I admit, hating feeling vulnerable.

  Narrowing her eyes at me, she nods and pushes off the couch. “This calls for some booze,” she announces, walking over to her liquor cabinet and pulling out a bottle of Jack Daniels.

  Groaning, I sit up. “Thank God for that. No offense, but your coffee tastes like piss.”

  “None taken. I wouldn’t drink that shit, and I bought it.” Unscrewing the cap, she takes a swig and hands it to me. “Ain’t a damn thing this guy can’t solve.”

  I chuckle at her candidness before taking a hearty gulp and wincing as it goes down. “That’s some good shit.”

  Throwing herself onto the seat beside me, Mali sits cross-legged. “Start talking, McKinley.”

  Passing the bottle back to her, I sigh and comb a hand through my hair. “It’s nothing I can’t deal with,” I tell her, not wanting to take a trip down memory lane.

  I made a promise to Joey that I’d look forward and live in the now, so that’s what I’m going to do.

  The bottle dangles from Mali’s fingers as she stares at me unconvinced, not buying my bullshit for one second. “You think I’m falling for that? I’ve known you for years, bestie. I know when something’s on your mind.”

  “Honestly, Mali, I’m fine,” I lie, because lying is better than admitting how scared I am.

  Her eyes squint skeptically. “Don’t make me show you my TikTok moves, woman. I can grind with the best of them.”

  Tipping my head back, I bark out an unladylike laugh. “Now that I’d pay to see.”

  Arching a perfectly shaped brow, she grins wickedly. “Challenge accepted.” Hopping off the couch, she grabs her phone from the coffee table and presses a few buttons. Setting it down, she stands in front of me, drops into a squat and plumps her boobs, ready for action.

  When Megan Thee Stallions’ “Savage” comes on, I burst out laughing.

  “You asked for it.” She winks before lifting her leg onto the cushion and grinding her pelvis.

  By the time the song’s midway through, she’s flipping her hair, shaking her ass, twerking on my lap, and pressing her tits in my face.

  It’s fucking hilarious, and I damn near pee myself with laughter.

  As the song ends, she’s panting from exertion but laughing her ass off. Tying her now sweaty, matted hair into a topknot, she plonks down beside me. “Holy fuck, that’s the most action I’ve gotten all year.”

  I guzzle down the amber whiskey, ignoring the burn. “Girl, that’s the most sex I’ve had in over a decade. I’m surprised the old girl hasn’t shriveled up from lack of use.”

  I let that hang there for a minute, before we both double over, crying with laughter.

  “Dude, we seriously need to get some dick,” Mali muses, going for her bottle again.

  I nod in agreement. “It’s been so long since I’ve ridden anything that isn’t silicone. I’m struggling to remember what a real cock feels like.”

  Grabbing the tub of Cherry Garcia from the coffee table, she nabs a spoon and scoops an enthusiastic spoonful into her mouth. “Damn, McKinley, that’s fucking tragic.”

  The girl's not wrong.

  If you look up the word tragic in the dictionary, you’ll probably see my name.

  Passing me her spoon, I delve into the ice cream. “I want a decent fucking orgasm. Is that too much to ask? I want a decent fucking orgasm with someone who actually knows what they’re doing.”

  Mali’s quiet for a second, reflective, and I’m wondering if I’ve said too much. However, her next words quickly reassure me that I probably couldn’t ever say anything that would shock her because what she says blows me out of the water.

  “I’ve never had any complaints.”

  My chest jumps in a silent chuckle, and I nudge her arm playfully. “You been with many women, Mali?”

  “Some.” She shrugs unabashedly, and I swear my eyes bug from my head. “I don’t close myself off to the beauty of sex. I love eating pussy just as much as I love sucking cock.”

  I’m fucking stunned.

  We’ve been friends for years, how am I just finding this out?

  Maybe because you haven’t seen her in sixteen years, genius.

  “You’re bi?”

  Her forehead wrinkles in a glare. “Don’t be so narrow-minded, McKinley. I don’t put labels or restrictions on myself. Life is supposed to be fun—sex is fun. Why shouldn’t I indulge in everything it has to offer?”

  I can’t argue with that.

  “When was the last time you were… with a woman?”

  “A few months back,” she answers calmly, tearing into her Ben and Jerry’s.

  I shake my head, trying to wrap my head around this. “How do you—doesn’t it bother you?” As the words leave my mouth, I realize how disrespectful they sound, and I feel like a total bitch. “Fuck, I’m sorry. That came out wrong. I just meant how do you…”

  “Get her off?” Mali offers, saving me the embarrassment. “Why?” Her glittering eyes rake over my body as she licks her lips. “You interested?”

  “Be serious, woman,” I say, deadpan.

  “Oh, I’m dead serious.” She downs a long gulp of drink. “And to answer your question, I just do the usual stuff. I play with her tits, eat her out, and then we fuck.”

  I stare at her blankly.

  Mali’s lips curl up in a knowing smirk. “We scissor. I rub our pussies together until we cum.”

  Heat warms my cheeks. “I know what scissoring is, bitch.” I chuckle awkwardly.

  An amused glint sparkles in her eyes.

  Fucking bitch is enjoying this.

  “You okay, bestie. You look a little flushed,” she teases, trailing her thumb down my cheek. “Is this turning you on?”


  A mortified groan leaves me as I scrub a hand over my face. “I haven’t had sex in years, Mali. What do you think?”

  Letting out a loud laugh, she leans forward, and sets the bottle and her ice cream on the table. “I think it’s high time you had a fucking orgasm.”

  “Tell me about it.” It’s been so long since I’ve had an orgasm, I’m starting to think they’re just a figment of my imagination. “I’m shit out of luck there.”

  Shifting to face me, she shoots me a really? look, and cocks her head to the side. “Seriously, bestie? Didn’t you hear anything I just said?” When I don’t answer, she shakes her head and mutters, “women,” under her breath.

  Jumping to her feet, she pulls me up with her, and wraps her arms around my neck. The hard swells of her breast press against mine, and I almost gasp.

  Well, that’s new.

  Mali’s always been an overly affectionate woman, so this touchy-feely behavior isn’t out of the ordinary. However, given our current topic of conversation, and the fact her tits are flush with mine, I can’t help but feel a little weirded out.

  “Open those ears, McKinley, and listen carefully. I won’t offer this twice.” A roguish gleam twinkles in her eyes. “Well, I might, but it depends how good you are.” She winks and lowers her gaze to my lips. “Look, it’s not rocket science. You need an orgasm to loosen you up and blow out those cobwebs, and I happen to be pretty fucking epic at dishing them out.”

  My gaze shifts to hers and I let out a small laugh, not knowing whether to be amused or alarmed. “I think you’ve had a little too much of the strong stuff.” />
  Mali shrugs. “The way I see it, we’d be doing each other a favor. We’re both horny as fuck, otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” Her voice drops to a whisper, and her fingers sensually comb through my hair, sending ripples of desire down my spine.

  Rife distress surges through me.

  What the fuck was that?

  “The boys you fucked in the past clearly couldn’t get the job done.” She doesn’t even bother to hide the way her heady gaze roams over my body, lingering longer on my breasts than platonic—if there’s even such a thing. “Let’s see if we can’t switch things up.”

  The way she bites her lip and focuses all her attention on my body, makes me react in ways I’m not used to.

  I suddenly feel a little self-conscious.

  She’s my best friend, for God’s sake.

  It’s weird.

  Friends aren’t supposed to be attracted to each other. Especially female best friends. There are lines that you don’t blur, and this is one of them.

  So why do I want to?

  I’m desperate to feel good, and she’s offering to help me with that.

  Would it really be so wrong?

  I like men and I always will. Not that there’s anything wrong with being with a woman, but it’s just not my thing. They’ve never done anything for me.

  Men, on the other hand, make me feel sexy, cherished, and desired.

  Well, in my head anyway. Because let’s face it, the boys I’ve been with wouldn’t know how to give an orgasm if it walked up and tugged on their dicks.

  I’ve never had the opportunity to be with a real man, thanks to my self-induced abstinence.

  I know what I want, and I know what I’ve fantasized about, and as much as I appreciate the female beauty in all its forms, men have a certain… appendage that I don’t think I could live without.

  Yes, I’m aware there are options we could explore, but it’s not the same. Trust me, I’ve been getting off on silicone for years, and as much as it gets the job done, it doesn’t give me the satisfaction a real cock does.

  Plus, men have that alpha, domineering, slam-me-up-against-the-wall-and-fuck-me thing. I want to be held in a pair of strong, muscular arms. I want to be lifted and thrown to the bed like I weigh nothing. I want the solid, ripped planes of his chest against mine as he takes me hard and fast. I want that deep, raspy baritone, growling dirty promises in my ear when he tells me I’m his.

  I’ve always dreamed of being with a man who knows exactly what he wants and isn’t afraid to take it.

  I love their power, their confidence, their intensity.

  I want to be able to drive a man so insane, he can’t think about anything else except being inside of me. I want a guy so crazy about me, he’ll cut off work early just to have me.

  As much as I respect and recognize my own gender, they don’t give me the same panty-melting vibes.

  So, the notion of me being with another woman has me at a crossroads. I’m not against being with someone of my own sex, but I’m not sure if it’s a route I’d like to explore.

  It’s not an opportunity that’s ever presented itself, but now that it has, I’m fucking gob-smacked on what I should do.

  It’s been years since I’ve had a decent orgasm, should I give in to my body’s desires, or should I do the sensible thing and stop this now before it potentially ruins a lifelong friendship?

  She must sense my hesitation, because she cups my face with both hands and forces me to look at her. “Stop over-thinking it, bestie. It’s only sex. We’re just two people enjoying each other’s bodies.”

  “You’re my best friend,” I say pathetically, trying not to be aroused by her words and the way she’s making me feel.

  "And that’s the way it’ll stay,” she assures me, her gentle but confident touch lowers to my breasts.

  My breathing deepens as she palms me over my tank, her fingers lightly brushing my nipples.

  Oh my God.

  I bite back a moan and arch myself into her hands.

  “There’s no harm in what we’re doing. We’re not hurting anyone. We’re just two horny girls who want to feel good.” My eyes roll shut as she pinches and tweaks my nipples, sending a jolt of desire to my pussy. “I can make you feel good.”

  My eyes drift closed and my body acts on its own accord as I push myself into her touch. “I want to feel good.”

  Mali brushes my hair from my shoulder as her hot lips find my neck. “Just say the word, bestie.”

  The moan I’ve been holding flies free. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” I mumble. “Friends don’t touch each other like this.”

  She ignores my protests as her mouth travels down the column of my throat, her tongue snaking out and teasing my trembling flesh. “Friends fuck, McKinley. I should know, I’ve fucked plenty of mine. It’s perfectly natural.”

  My eyes narrow in confusion.

  She bangs her friends?

  Since when?

  I’m learning a whole other side of her; one she’s never shown me before. It makes me wonder what else I don’t know about this girl. Has she slept with Lydia?

  I mean, I highly doubt it, considering Lydia has been with Camden since high school, and she’d never cheat on her husband.

  Mali tilts my head to the side, exposing my skin so she can get a better taste. “You’ve always been beautiful, McKinley. A solid fucking ten. But seeing you again after all these years makes me realize what I’ve been missing out on.” Wait—what? “I could’ve been fucking you and eating this sweet cunt all this time.”

  This may be a stupid time to ask this, but considering my brain is pretty much mush from the way she’s kissing and touching me, I go with it. “You-you're into me?”

  Goosebumps dance across my skin as she sucks on my neck. “You’re sexy as hell, bestie. Of course, I’m into you.”

  A strange and somewhat unnerving feeling settles in my stomach as I realize how much I like that she’s into me. I like that she thinks I’m sexy.

  What the hell is going on?

  I’m not attracted to women, so why do I want to be consumed by her?

  She must notice what she’s doing to me because her fingers squeeze my plump flesh firmly. “You like that, don’t you?” Her tone is more resonant and throaty than I’ve ever heard it. “You like that you do it for me.”

  Do I?

  In all honesty, I don’t have a goddamn clue what to think anymore. My feelings or rather my desires, were throwing me all out of whack.

  All I do know is that I don’t hate it. In fact, I’m really starting to like it.

  “Yes,” I reply, a little breathless.

  “Do you want to know when it was?” Her voice is a barely-there whisper. “Do you want to know the moment I realized I wanted to bury my face between your legs, and lick that sweet pussy until you creamed over my face?” I try to answer, but I can’t. She’s stunned me to silence. “We were seventeen. It was summer break, and we were in my parents’ pool house. You were teasing me with that sexy as fuck red two-piece,” Mali groans and bites her lip at the memory. “I’ve always thought you were gorgeous, but seeing you in that? The way your tits spilled out and your bottoms clung to your cunt like a second skin? Fuck, McKinley. You made me so fucking horny, I dragged Clive Warren into the guest bedroom and fucked him until I couldn’t stand.”

  Clive Warren was one of her high school hookups.

  They dated on and off for a year before she called it quits.

  “You want to know the really fucked-up part?” She fingers the hem of my tank, her thumb gliding across a sliver of exposed skin. “I was riding his dick but thinking of you.” Her warm breath drifts across my ear as she nibbles on my lobe. “I wanted your pussy so badly; I came with your name on my lips.”

  My sex pulses at her words, and a gush of wetness rushes between my thighs. It’s so lewd and dirty and forbidden, but fuck, I want to hear more.

  Her other hand toys with the elastic hem of my
sleep shorts, and my breathing quickens.

  I’m bare and wet as hell under these; if she dips her fingers below the waistband, she’ll feel just how much she’s affecting me.

  Instead, Mali glides her palm lower until it disappears between my legs. “Fuck, bestie,” she hisses, cupping my most intimate place and feeling me wet and ready for her. “I want to sink my tongue inside that sexy little cunt and fuck you until you’re riding my face.” I gasp as her thumb grazes my pulsating nub. “Spread your legs for me, McKinley.”

  I’m so lost in this sexual fog, I don’t even question her.

  Before I can process what’s happening, Mali's dropping to her knees and forcing my legs apart.

  Holy fuck.

  Her soft hands glide along the outside of my thighs, leaving tingles of heat in their wake as she leans in and runs the tip of her nose over my mound, inhaling my musky essence. “You have any idea how much I want you.”

  The husky, thick timbre of her voice breaks through my amorous haze and leaves me feeling a little on edge.

  The mixed signals I’m getting from her are messing with my head. Didn’t she just say this was only sex? Why is she bringing feelings into it?

  I’m not heartless; I can tell her feelings for me are a little stronger than ones of friendship, and I’d never want to do anything to hurt or mislead her. She’s my best friend. Despite not seeing each other in over a decade, I still love her with all my heart, and I’d do anything for her, but the last thing I want to do is lead her on.

  I lower my eyes to the beautiful woman on her knees before me and tilt her chin up. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this.”

  Ignoring me, she curls her fingers around my sleep shorts and slowly edges them down. “Relax.” She presses a kiss to the newly exposed skin and peers up at me. “I can’t deny how crazy you make me, but I know it’s just sex.”

  Butterflies the size of pterodactyl swarm in my stomach, still not easing the worry taunting me, and I lick my lips. “I don’t want to mislead you, Mali.”

  Her brown eyes flick to mine. “Trust me, I’m under no illusions as to what this is.” Mali sits up on her haunches, and trails her tongue along my hipbone, making me drop my head back on a low moan.


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