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Dead Dreams ((Young Adult Paranormal Romance) ( Dead Dreams Trilogy))

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by Michelle Wright

  Dead Dreams.

  Written and published by Michelle Wright

  Table of contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work

  All Rights Reserved

  Chapter 1

  The stony silences had taken Julie closer to the edge with each passing day as she embroiled herself in a battle of wills between her husband and Adam, her out of control teenage son who had, by the age of eighteen grown angry and resentful towards his step-father. The troubled and unstable relationship resulted in a perilous slide down a slippery slope with Julie walking on eggshells-expecting all manner of hell to break loose at frequent intervals. Of course it did, frequently; as she watched in deep denial the interactions between them become more and more aggressive. From the moment Roy had entered Adam’s life he’d openly defied him. At aged thirteen he had reservations about how far he could go but, by eighteen he was psychically stronger and more inclined to take him on. It was plain and simple he just didn’t like the man or his volatile temper. Julie did her best to referee but made excuses for her husband’s abusive nature, convincing herself that if Adam kept his mouth shut and didn’t backchat all the time life would be easier. She blamed him for creating Roy’s stress which forced him to blow up- sometimes grabbing Adam and pushing him across a room

  Frustration and anxiety had become so much a part of her daily routine that she had forgotten what it was like to have a happy family. Days that she used to have a long time ago when her world was simple and the future looked promising. Now she struggled with a demanding job in a legal office that she absolutely hated, maintained a tension-filled household and pandered to a husband who worked far too many hours. She had little time for anything else including the lazy troubled son who year by year had become impossible.

  It was a Saturday afternoon, like so many others when she had repeatedly called Adam to get out of bed. It was getting on to late afternoon and not wanting problems with Roy she would repeatedly tried to rouse him. This Saturday was no exception.

  He blotted out her endless pleas by feigning sleep –preferring to stay awake under the covers. ‘If you get rid of the motherfucker I might just get up!’ He told himself, his head swirling with black thoughts again; the ones that always came.

  ‘How easy it would be to just open the window climb out onto the ledge and jump. They don’t want me and they surely don’t give a shit about me.

  His empty stomach grumbled for food enticing him to get up and ask his mother to make something- if she wasn’t too pissed.

  He entered the kitchen quietly knowing he’d be facing the wrath of his hated step-father.

  “Well well, look who’s here, the walking fucking dead!” Roy said eying his every move.

  Adam blithely ignored him. Instead he slumped into a chair at the kitchen table and proceeded to stare at a chip in the wood that was increasing in size every time he saw it.

  “After you’ve eaten, if it doesn’t kill you to move your lazy ass, I want you outside and mowing the lawn!” He ordered.

  Adam was convinced that this man was put on earth to spend every living moment ordering him around with an iron fist and no let up. Do this do that, take out the trash, mow the lawn, clean up your room, do the dishes and get a job bla bla bla.

  “I’ll do it after I go to the store for batteries.” Adam replied defiantly, he had other ideas.

  “Like hell you will, you’ll do it after you’ve eaten!”

  Roy was an extremely jealous and possessive man whose world consisted of Julie with no appendages. Abusive and controlling often fuelled by alcohol his aim was to get Adam out of the picture. Adam in turn viewed his mother as little more than a dishcloth that Roy wiped his hands on; having little or no respect for either.

  Reluctantly pulling and dragging the lawn mower from the garage Adam surveyed the usual going’s on for a typical suburban week-end afternoon. Bratty neighbourhood kids tore around on bikes whilst pain in the ass neighbour Norman, the obsessed gardener tended his plants with unnatural precision. The next door gossip was out front spewing her latest lies and garbage to the naïve listener from across the street while; two houses down Roy’s buddy washed his car- like he did every Saturday come rain or shine.

  What I wouldn’t give to get the power saw out of the garage and shred every single one of those shit perfect plants, throw paint over the loser’s car and glue that woman’s mouth up. Fuck them all, fuck me fuck the world!

  “Are you gonna take all day? Stop dragging your ass!” Roy had come out to survey the progress.

  “I’m doing my best!” He replied flatly.

  Steaming mad he half- heartedly continued, happy to leave patches here and there, a deliberate act to bring on the negative attention he craved every minute of the day and night. “Hey deadbeat you call this mowed!’ Roy screamed from an upstairs open window.

  He enjoyed watching the transformation from calm to anger. Roy’s face invariably turned red as he unconsciously dribbled while in the throws of a tirade like a babbling lunatic. This delighted Adam who would marvel at how easy it was to get the man to rise up at the drop of a hat and, he wished he’d keel over and drop dead from a heart attack.

  Peace reigned when leaving Adam to lounge on the lawn they reluctantly went shopping. It was the same scenario every Saturday. They would come back with same crap frozen lasagne that Roy craved, automatically thrown in the microwave whilst he ate his favourite potato chips. When all the groceries were put away Roy would sit in front of the oversized flat screen with a six-pack watching sports while Julie spent her valuable free time cleaning and cooking. For now Adam was alone. The longer they were away the better but he hoped they’d remembered the cookies and batteries. It was no problem to depend on them for finances. Having dropped out of school with no job meant his income was limited to hand-outs and occasional forays into his mother’s wallet. Alone in the dirty dishevelled mess of his room he angrily kicked his dirty clothes out of the way and threw himself on the bed boiling over with frustration and boredom. Books used to be a passion then it was on-line games- now it was nothing. Listless he switched on the laptop browsing face book to check out who was doing what, even though he had so few friends left since he dropped out of school. To his annoyance there were three messages from part-time girlfriend Katie. But before he could read them all she popped up in chat.

  ‘Where have u been? I’m real upset with you. What happened last night you were supposed to come over…what’s the excuse Adam?’ She’d typed.

  He deviously thought long and hard for an answer searching in his mind for the one she needed to hear; and he didn’t care if it was a blatant lie. He had zero respect for girls and K
atie was no exception, just a convenience when he felt the need for female company and sex.

  Thinking through a good excuse he prepared his words carefully making sure the excuse was a good one.

  ‘Sorry I’m sick. Was throwing up all day and fell asleep early…god I feel like shit haven’t eaten anything and can barely drink water, must be a bug or something just woken up.’

  There was no instant message back as he waited to see if she’d bought it. Right from the start of their ill-fated relationship Katie had suffered. Adam’s lack of responsibility in life, his constant threats towards her when she dared to challenge him and his fixation with suicide had caused her to walk away more than once, only to return when he called and pleaded with her that he’d change.

  ‘I’m sorry to hear that but why didn’t you call me or something? I sat here all night waiting.’

  Her response was exactly the one Adam wanted. He enjoyed the psychological games he played believing that he was an expert in getting what he wanted and he’d managed to wind her tightly around his little finger.

  Poor dumb girl, she the most gullible piece of ass I’ve ever come across. Maybe if I go over there I can get what I want, the sympathy screw for being sick and a few bucks to keep me going.

  ‘I’ll be over later u.’ He typed without a pang of guilt. He was long past caring about anything or anyone. Friends had become practically non-existent unless they supplied his drug of choice and, education was over and out when the Principal suggested that his return to classes served no purpose. His Mother was devastated with the news and Roy was as angry as hell. But Adam was delighted as he had more time than ever to indulge in what he wanted to do, including his dark fantasies about death and suicide. After eighteen years he’d had enough.

  Every time he thought about his life he bristled with anger towards his mother and the stupid pathetic man who dared to call himself a step-father.

  September the 11th 2001. That was the day Adam’s father died. But he never felt he’d left and held regular conversations with him- or so he believed

  “Dad I’ve had a cool thought, I could poison Roy!”

  “Maybe you should choose lighter thoughts Adam, it’ll give you nightmares.”

  “It’s the nightmares I already have living in this place. I don’t have any where else to go and don’t tell me to like Roy there’s no way that’s ever gonna happen.”

  “I never told you to son, I’m still your dad, he can’t take my place.”

  “Adam who are you talking to up here?” They were back and Julie had overheard him.

  “No-one I’m reading.”

  “I heard you, don’t tell me you’re talking to yourself again!”

  “Your dreaming mom did you get the batteries for my MP3 and the cookies?”

  “Yes I did.” She called up compliant to his demands, desperate to keep the peace.

  “Adam you need to help your mom put away the groceries now!” Roy shouted.

  “Do it yourself!”

  The thumping footsteps coming up the stairs had no affect as Adam engrossed himself in thinking how much dope he could score with a few bucks. Suddenly the door flew open to reveal a red-faced Roy standing menacingly at the doorway,

  “Get your ass downstairs right now or else!”

  “Yeh…or else what Roy…what’ya gonna do to me huh…what?”

  Before he had a chance to react Roy lunged towards him and grabbed him by the front of his t-shirt pulling him violently towards the door. Adam screamed and yelled but the heavy built Roy was no match as he was unceremoniously dragged downstairs by force. The loud cussing alerted his Mother.

  “What the hell’s going on?” She said in surprise.

  Roy was in a thunderous rage, “I warned him Julie, if he dares to think I’m a pushover he’s got another thing coming!”

  Adam was taken to the dishwasher with Roy’s hand pushing down on his neck.

  “Fill it up boy without argument!” He demanded.

  Reluctantly he filled the dishwasher while Roy stood over him, like a taskmaster making sure he didn’t slack.

  “I wish I was fucking dead!” Adam screamed loudly.

  “For goodness sake will you stop talking this way and don’t cuss.” Julie replied anxiously.

  “I want…to…be…dead.” He repeated slowly and deliberately.

  For Roy it was a turning point. Exasperated he stormed out heading to the living room where he delivered his protest by pouring a glass of scotch and turning the TV up way too loud.

  “Turn it down.” Julie asked.

  “Fuck you Roy!” Adam hoped that he’d pissed him off enough to ruin his day.

  “How dare you swear at Roy like that? Adam Michael, I’m ashamed of you!” His mother said with tears in her eyes.

  Absolutely sure that he didn’t plan to stay too long in the world he figured to himself that he might as well go out with a bang instead of a whimper. Soon it’ll all be over and I’ll be out of this stinking shit for good.’

  Roy returned to the kitchen with lightening speed determined not to let a spoilt little upstart take control. This time Adam wasn’t getting off lightly.

  “What did you say boy?” He asked menacingly.

  “I said fuck you Roy!”

  With his right hand clenched in a tight fist he punched Adam clean in the mouth. Blood trickled instantly from a busted lip which he slowly wiped away with his hand. All he dared to do in the past was to throw hateful glances at Roy. He knew that to retaliate against such a psychically strong man would result in him being far worse off, but he was steaming with anger and upset that as usual his mother just stood by and watched. Something inside him clicked- and he snapped.

  To Roy’s surprise Adam lunged forward putting his hands around his neck, but he was a beef-cake of a man and threw Adam down onto the ground in a second. They scuffled, with Roy on top, filled with rage, his hands around Adam’s neck, squeezing the life out of him. Julie was hysterical and tried to pull Roy off, but it was fruitless. The chaos continued until Roy decided to release his grip. Adam stayed where he was coughing and slightly disappointed that he hadn’t been strangled.

  “Get to you room asshole, right now this minute!” Roy demanded with argument.

  Compliant and out of his depth Adam went upstairs leaving an icy atmosphere below. For years he’d been trying to drive Roy insane so he’d pack up and leave but it never worked as Julie always took his side. The only thing he’d accomplished was to drive a wedge between his mother and himself that didn’t look like it was due for repair any time soon.

  ‘Dearest Mother,

  If the rot doesn’t get you first then look out,

  the gravy train’s never coming so live with your guilt.

  Because I’m on the road to suicide and it feels so good.

  Click ‘like’ if you’ll miss me. Friends I don’t have,

  Goodbye all, don’t care to be in the world no more, don’t care to try.’

  Adam sat by the window trying to finish his twenty- fifth suicide note. He’d never quite reached the point of when or where he’d end his life. Each note was discarded as he fought the urge to carry it through. Now it felt different, more serious and more desperate. He carefully folded the small note into four and put it in his jean pocket- grateful that he’d been left alone so he could plan what to do next.

  ‘Will I go to hell for taking my own life, damned and doomed forever, who cares? The whole world’s going to hell anyway.

  Adam was eight years old when his father died. Before that every day was a good day. He was a daddy’s boy from as far back as he could recall and didn’t like it when they were apart. He looked forward to week-ends when they would spend inordinate amounts of time together, playing games, going for burgers and family road trips in the summer. He’d built Adam a tree house in the garden where the two of them would sit for hours talking about school, baseball and comics. At eight he couldn’t imagine a world without his father an
d his mother would laugh and joke about how they were joined at the hip. ‘Two peas in a pod.’ She would frequently comment.

  It was just another ordinary day in Adam’s life. Weekdays were always rushed. His father would grab a piece of toast, drink a fast cup of coffee and fly out of the door hugging Adam on the way out. But he could never forget that Tuesday morning, burned in his memory forever. His father was running late but he was happy and joked with Adam before giving him a goodbye hug. Less than an hour after arriving at work he was rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack just as horror was raging across the country in New York. By the time both towers fell the devoted thirty-eight year old family man who had everything to live for was gone.

  Unaware of what happened Adam was kept at school and only told when he got home. That really angered him, just because he was a kid it didn’t mean they had the right to leave him out of the picture which resulted in him being the last to know. The funeral was doubly hard. As the whole world still mourned, the small figure of Adam Wesley stayed close by his mother -not understanding why his world had collapsed along with the twin towers.

  The rest of his childhood was fraught. No-one ever sat him down and asked him how he felt, and Adam never spoke about it either. It resulted in an intense anger that he’d learned to bottle up deep inside, inadvertently setting his future up to be a negative one. He became obsessed with horror movies and violent games whilst slowly developing an ability to use and discard others. That way no-one would ever get close enough to hurt him again and all the conversations that had with his dead father convinced him unequivocally that life wasn’t worth living.

  As if life wasn’t hard enough, when Julie met Roy, a hard-working short tempered man with a passion for alcohol Adam hated his guts on sight. He was the complete opposite of the gentle loving father he missed and, he didn’t take kindly to being bossed around by a man who showed him no love and understanding. Roy was divorced with two kids that he never saw, his ex having taken them out of state before he had time to object and he never once showed remorse at losing them. For Adam the warning bell had sounded. A man who didn’t care whether his own kids lived or died was not going to be a father to someone else’s kid and from day one Roy proved him right.


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