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Dead Dreams ((Young Adult Paranormal Romance) ( Dead Dreams Trilogy))

Page 2

by Michelle Wright

  With the fight now over, a sense of calm prevailed with Roy holed up in the front room sulking while Julie cleaned the kitchen as if nothing was wrong. Adam was desperate to get out of the house and head off to Lucy. He hoped she’d drop him a twenty for some weed to take the pain away; before he had to crawl back home and swallow his pride.

  Going downstairs as quietly as possible, unsure of what to expect he was still angry that his lip had swelled up and wanted to confront Roy. But the man had gone into his usual ‘stay away from me’ phase while Julie was deathly quiet as she cleaned the oven. Adam could see she’d been crying.

  “I’m off to Katie’s.” He flatly informed her.

  “Are you back later?”

  “Who knows…it’s in the wind.”

  Irritated that Roy was ignoring him he knew it was pointless to try to get him to see that what he’d done was wrong. It wasn’t the first time Adam had been on the receiving end of his fist, drunk or sober and usually with the same excuses; He needed to get a job, stop sleeping all day, help around the house and show more respect.

  Behind Julie’s back as she was engrossed in cleaning the oven he reached into her bag and carefully pulled forty dollars from her wallet.

  Without saying a word he left through the back door and before he’d even got past the block Roy called. At first he refused to pick up but as it kept ringing and out of curiosity and in the mood for an argument he answered.

  “I want you out of the house now… today!” Roy told him in no uncertain terms.

  “Yeh….sure I can do that asshole!”

  “What did you call me you piece of shit?”

  “I think I said asshole, correct me if I’m wrong.”

  “I mean it Adam stay out I’ve had enough. What kinda low-life steals money from his own mother?”

  “So what? I borrowed some money, big fucking deal!”

  “Yeh for drugs I’m sure. I’m warning you boy stay away, don’t come back!”

  “Sure Roy have a nice fucking life!” Adam replied cutting him off and switching off his cell.

  Angry, upset and worried, he wasn’t sure where to go or what to do next so franticly he attempted to look at his options. If he showed up at Katie’s and told her what happened she’d do the motherly thing. Berate and plead with him to go home and apologize. If Adam was forced to get down on his knees and beg then that was a fate worse than death; although dying was a welcome relief he needed another plan right now.

  Switching his phone back on to see if Roy had left a message there was voice mail from Julie; Roy is very angry with you and he’s right. But I can’t have you out on the streets please come home and we’ll work it out, I love you Adam, call me back...please’.

  Then a text from Katie,

  Still waiting where r u??

  Stressed and frustrated Adam switched his cell off again. It was time to figure out where to go and what to do with just forty bucks in his pocket and five in change. ‘What do I do now dad, wander the fucking streets?’

  ‘It’s up to you Adam you can go anywhere you please.’

  ‘Maybe head for the city but I’d better walk, can’t use my cash for transport I need it.”

  ‘Then walk son, I’ll walk with you.’

  ‘Okay dad but don’t leave me alone.’

  Chapter 2.

  Thankfully it was still warm and that was a blessing. He couldn’t bear thinking what it would be like if Roy had kicked him out in the dead of winter. The one worry he had was that he’d left the house with nothing other than what he was standing in, and very little money, not a good start for a soon-to-be homeless person.

  The walk took longer than expected; it was a long stretch to the city by foot. Trusting his instincts that he was heading out of the suburbs in the right direction he found his way on the highway and as cars and trucks thundered by he attempted to hitch as it looked like they were going in his direction.

  No matter how many times he stuck his thumb and body out and repeatedly tried to grab a lift- he had no luck. He concluded that it was because he was young, male and alone. Drivers were too scared to stop because they suspected he could be a psycho serial killer on account of his longish dark hair, black t-shirt and old jeans.

  The sky was slowly beginning to darken as early evening approached and by the time he arrived at the outskirts of the city it had taken him hours to get there. Annoyed at how long it was just to get that far he found a place to sit on a low wall where he couldn’t wait to take off his sneakers that had been rubbing and causing discomfort.

  Surprisingly there were no signs of blisters or scraped skin, considering how far he’d walked wanting to get as far away as possible from what he saw as a living hell he was relieved.

  Homeless shelter, I’m close to the city there must be hundreds of the, they’ll take me in.

  Adam’s brainwave was the first part of what he considered to be a plan, day had turned into evening so it was the moment to head into the heart of the city and find a place to stay. He figured out that all he had to do was find a homeless person on the street and ask where the nearest shelter was- how hard could it be?

  His mood had changed from angry pride to melancholy, knowing that going home would be a difficult option as the concessions he would be forced to make were beyond his stubbornness. There were a few options still available, a shelter, sleep under a bridge with the other down and outs or check out for good.

  Suicide meant planning but not knowing what to plan Adam found a bench nearby to sit and work out how to end his life. Screw the homeless shelter, do it now and save myself the bullshit.

  Making a mental list he came up with what he thought were possibilities;

  Break into a closed drug store and steal meds, overdose.

  Find a tall building with open access and jump off the roof.

  Go into a shop and purchase razor blades.

  Jump off a bridge onto oncoming traffic.

  He decided to go with the bridge if he could find one. The city wasn’t a familiar area to someone from the suburbs that tended to hang out in one area most of the time. Trips downtown were for specific occasions like the Dentist, or Christmas shopping, for the rest it was a non-existent no-go area.

  ‘So where’s the nearest bridge?’ He said out loud.

  After walking for another forty minutes, tired, hungry and dejected he spotted a pedestrian bridge with the sound of heavy traffic thundering past underneath. It was the perfect location. There didn’t seem to be anyone around that would try to be the good citizen and talk him out of it. The barrier was low enough to climb onto and there were enough cars down below to make an impact. He decided without a doubt that it would be the perfect location to end his life. How hard can it be to climb up and jump off? I’ll keep my eyes closed. I’ll take a deep breath and…bingo it’s all over and I’m out of this crap world!

  Upon reaching the guard rail the noise of the traffic down below was deafening. Precariously looking over he watched as wave after wave of vehicles rushed past, unsuspecting that someone just above them was contemplating to jump causing chaos, possibly a serious accident or even more fatalities.

  Climbing onto the rail he turned his body around so he was sitting on the narrow top facing traffic. Holding on tightly with both hands he looked down and told himself to avoid high roofed trucks that could act as a buffer to his fall. The worse scenario being that he survived either brain damaged or paralysed. To be sure he checked the traffic as he slowly loosened his grip slightly on the rail moving each finger away one by one.

  “I can’t do this’ He yelled. “I don’t want to die!”

  Immediately he turned himself around and jumped off the bridge and back onto the walkway. Relieved that he hadn’t done it he decided to do away with dark thoughts and make his way in the world without family. He didn’t need them he told himself. Curiosity kicked in as he wondered if anyone had missed him, like his mother or Katie. Reaching into his jeans pocket for his phone he was in f
or a surprise.

  “Shit, where is it?” He said in a panic, “It must have dropped out when I was walking or sitting on the wall….shit!”

  His confident mood had changed in an instant. It was one bad thing after another. He’d been kicked out onto the streets, failed in his suicide attempt and his phone had vanished into thin air. Scrambling franticly in the other pocket for his forty dollars he was shocked to turn up nothing, it was also gone- along with the five dollars in change.

  “No way, no way…what the f..!”

  Before he could finish a young man came walking towards him, laughing as he got closer.

  “Yeh what’s funny man?” Adam said in no mood for conversation.

  “Lost your money, what a shame, are you okay?”

  “That’s none of your business, get lost!”

  “Hey chill out.” He replied taken aback but such an aggressive response. “I was only asking.”

  Adam studied the young stranger standing by him and immediately analysed his situation.

  I’m homeless and broke, he looks like a non-homeless person maybe with cash and a place to stay and better still some food. If I play my cards right I could get lucky.

  With his ability to use people to his advantage he honed into what he saw as easy pickings and turned on the charm. Past experience had taught him that playing the victim always worked; that’s how he got Katie and drugs on credit. Now he was determined to apply the same tactics to what could turn out to be a potential meal ticket.

  “Hey man I’ve nowhere to stay, my step-dad kicked me out today, I was gonna throw myself off the bridge but I changed my mind. I can’t go home, not now, the man’s a monster and the way he treats my mom, real bad.”

  Turn it up…yep…keep going he’ll fall for it even though it’s the truth I have to lay it on thick!

  The young man’s appearance was grungy his clothes were very alternative and with a shocking head of white bleached hair and a large nose-ring Adam couldn’t stand the way he looked. But he was prepared to overcome his distaste if there was a pay off at the end.

  He introduced himself as Tyrone, but said he preferred to be called Rone, because he hated his given name. Adam’s first impression was that he was weird- not normal.

  “I can help you out with somewhere to stay maybe at my cousin’s place?” He suggested.

  “Wow, that’s so cool man but will he be okay with you bringing a stranger…I’ve been through a lot you know?” Adam pleaded his case.

  “I guess so. It’s a bit of a mess there, lots of people coming and going but it’s off the streets.”

  As they were talking an older man came out of nowhere, stopped and attempted to make conversation, much to Adam’s dislike.

  “What are you boys doing here not getting into mischief I hope?” He remarked.

  Adam laughed mockingly; how old does he think we are, twelve?

  “No, we’re cool.” He replied slightly irritated with the intrusion.

  “Have a nice night then boys and be good.”

  With the man still hanging around Adam decided to push Rone to go to his cousin’s place before they were seen as acting suspiciously. He remained a short distance away leaning on his cane, smiling at them both and not moving.

  “Maybe he thinks we’re gonna throw stones onto cars like stupid kids.” Rone said.

  “Whatever he thinks he should mind his old man’s business, let’s get outta here shall we?”

  Following Rone and unsure of where he was headed it took a while to reach the busy run down part of the city where Adam hoped and prayed he had a bed for the night. The sky had just darkened when they arrived. City night life was just beginning.

  In spite of his bravado he wasn’t comfortable with the foreboding atmosphere. Everywhere they were dealers, junkies and hookers. The first sights and sounds took him straight out of his comfort zone as they passed by a myriad of life’s rejects going about their business. Adam was surprised there was no objection to Rone’s extreme appearance that would stand out a mile in the leafy suburbs. Fortunately they were allowed to pass freely without harassment to what looked like a quieter area of the neighbourhood.

  “Those guys back there looked like they’d kill you as soon as looked at you.” Adam remarked nervously.

  “Yeh they could, but then they’d be looking for something, like drugs or money and we don’t have either so they’d just beat us up and leave us lying for dead.” Rone replied.

  “Great, what a neighbourhood, you seriously live around here.”

  “Yeh, its okay once you get used to it and besides where else you gonna go?”

  Rone was right. Where else was there to go as a feeling of homesickness began to kick in. He battled with his stubborn refusal to go back to the cosy bedroom, home cooked food on the table and a safe and decent neighbourhood.

  I’m not going back there no matter what. I won’t give in, they can sweat now wondering when I am, I don’t care how much shit I’m in, I’m staying put!’

  They arrived at a building that had seen better days where piles of garbage bags littered the sidewalk and the steps up to the communal door looked like they hadn’t been cleaned in decades. Close by a small group of dubious characters hung around the shabby night streets making Adam wish he could just be transported back. But it was too late now. He wanted to be tough and proud and that prevented him from making the decision to go home as he eagerly followed Rone up the steps to his cousin’s apartment. The building’s age and neglect was given away by the musty smell. The walls looked like they hadn’t seen a lick of paint for decades and each floor came with music, shouts and screams emanating from closed doors.

  Adam was out of breath as he struggled to follow Rone. “How many more?” He asked.

  “Just a few, you’re outta shape man!”

  His laziness had meant he’d become a teenage couch potato for so long that the challenge of six flights of stairs had left him defeated. Even though he’d been without food for a long time he didn’t feel hungry at all figuring that he’d gone past the hunger pains and was more into thinking about what to do next while he prayed he wasn’t walking into a lions den.

  The door to the apartment was slightly open. Rone pushed it to reveal a small barely lit room with two guys and a young girl squeezed together on the one and only sofa. There was no great welcome- in fact they barely acknowledged his presence.

  “Where’s Joe?” Rone asked.

  “Out someplace we don’t know.” The girl replied her eyes glazed.

  There was a strong smell of weed. Adam hoped that if he was friendly enough they’d offer him some to ease the cracks and creases in his troubled mind. He smiled as best he could and assumed he was welcome.

  The girl got up from the couch and slowly drifted toward a small dirty refrigerator. She was way too skinny with washed out ripped denim jeans and a tiny black t-shirt with the logo ‘tanked’ on the front. Her long blonde hair was wild and probably not washed for weeks and her dirty fingernails were bitten down to the core. She smiled sweetly at Adam as she walked past him but, he could see she was high and in a daze.

  “Who are you…do I know you?” She asked in a slurred voice.

  “I’m Adam a friend of Rone and you?”

  “I’m Summer.”

  “Nice name.”


  “Sorry…what’s haze?”

  “Summer Haze, that’s my name.”

  “You’re kidding me right?”

  “My screwed up mom thought it was cool because she told me I was born in a summer haze. Dumb bitch, I hate her and I hate this shitty fucked up world too, and you?

  “Me what,” He replied. “I don’t get what you’re saying.”

  “Hate the world too stranger boy?”

  “Yep with vengeance I want out.”

  “That makes two of us then.” She replied grabbing a can of coke as she fell back down on the old sofa staring at Adam, her eyes seducing him.

  He c
ouldn’t quite make her out, granted she was seriously hot and totally different from the clean cut high school girls that he’d always mixed with. This was a rough edged city girl who he thought more his style than the boring narrow minded Katie types whose only desire was to snag the guy sing wedding bells and settle in suburbia.

  Not quite sure whether to sit down on the floor and make himself at home or to stand on the spot and wait to be introduced Adam’s quandary was over when Rone sat on a chair and threw him an oversized cushion.

  The two guys slumped on the couch were stoned, one of them almost asleep while the other stared out into space. Summer didn’t stop biting away at her non-existent nails eyeing Adam and giggling occasionally while Rone chattered non-stop about nothing special. He couldn’t take his eyes of the cool dark-minded chick that he was desperate to get to know- in more ways than one.

  “Did Joe say he was bringing food guys?” Rone asked.

  “Hope so,” Summer replied. “Because I am really hungry and there’s nothing here.”

  Adam was itching to talk to her but he was lost for words, wanting to say the coolest thing was uppermost in his thoughts but he was stumped and remained silent. The only thing he could think to do was to throw the occasional ‘I’m hot for you’ glances in her direction.

  Home was a million miles away, the neatly mowed lawns and well-kept houses was another world to the chaos of the city with all its dysfunctional inhabitants. For the first time in years he was grateful to someone. It was Rone who he hardly knew and without him he’d probably still be wandering the dark unknown streets with no place to go.

  The familiar voices of his dad had stopped and attempting to analyse the reason he came up with a logical answer. That since he made the right decision to leave home his dad was happy although everything was still messed up he felt that Summer was a kindred spirit. Someone who’d had been through enough bullshit to know how he felt and what he’d been through. Katie lived in a nice home with warm loving parents who doted on her. She didn’t know the meaning of real misery, but he knew for sure that Summer Haze did.


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