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Wishes for the Wolf: Men of the Pack Book Two (Silver Moon Pack / Men of the Pack 2)

Page 7

by Parker Skye

  Ryan froze, looking over Izzy’s exposed form. The intensity of Ryan’s gaze had Izzy again breaking out in gooseflesh. Not to be alone in his nakedness, Izzy’s hands grabbed the waistband of Ryan’s sweats and slowly eased them past his hips. Once Ryan had finally kicked off the last article of clothing left between them, he settled himself back atop the D'Jinn.

  Izzy’s eyes fluttered closed at the sensation of Ryan’s fullness sliding next to his own, making a slippery path across his abdomen. He turned his head to the side, afraid to look at Ryan’s face anymore. He was already too overwhelmed. If he didn’t distract himself somehow, this was going to be over in the next twenty seconds. Ryan froze over him, obviously sensing Izzy’s attempt to pull back.

  “Izzy,” Ryan practically growled out his name. “Izzy, look at me.” The command in Ryan’s voice was evident in every inflection and Izzy could no more disobey than break his own curse. He opened his violet eyes wide and eagerly met Ryan’s gaze. “That’s better. Don’t close your eyes. I want you looking at me. I need you to see me,” Ryan continued as he reached down and wrapped both their erections tight in one of his large hands.

  Izzy did as commanded and kept eye contact but his mouth dropped open in an almost continuous pant. There was no way he was going to last. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d touched himself, much less anyone else touching him so intimately. Ryan’s hand was warm and firm and the pads of his fingers were covered in small callouses that did crazy things to his nerves when they rubbed across his shaft. Izzy’s breath hitched and he almost fell over the edge when Ryan added a crazy twisting motion with his wrist.

  “Don’t you dare cum yet, Izzy. I’m nowhere near done with you,” Ryan demanded. Izzy whined out in desperation but forced himself to hold off. He needed some respite from the pleasure or he would never last. He reached up and grabbed the piercing in his left nipple and twisted hard. The sensation was just painful enough to bring him back from the edge.

  Ryan’s gaze focused on his abused nipple and his mouth dropped to capture the silver bar, flicking and twisting around it with his tongue. Izzy’s sharp cry couldn’t be silenced. Ryan squeezed them tight together and thrust again and again while he continued to torture Izzy’s chest.

  When Ryan started humming, Izzy couldn’t restrain himself any longer. His eyes slammed shut and his head flew back, neck exposed as he came explosively all over them both. The sight and sound of Izzy’s completion must have been enough to push Ryan past the point of no return. His breath shuddered out of him as he collapsed across the mess of their combined release.

  Izzy couldn’t breathe from the weight of Ryan’s heavy form crushing him, but he didn’t care. He never wanted to move again, never wanted this to end. He felt alive for the first time in millennia and tears filled his eyes as he realized this could never last.

  Chapter 17


  Ryan smelled Izzy’s tears before he felt them falling gently down his shoulder. He slowly pushed himself up on his elbows and looked down at the D'Jinn, concerned. The despair painted across Izzy’s face was heartbreaking.

  “Izzy, baby, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” Ryan asked as he fully pushed himself to the side, easing his weight from Izzy’s smaller form. The move only seemed to hurt Izzy more as his slow tears turned to a river.

  Izzy curled into the fetal position on his side, his back to Ryan and began to sob; shoulder’s shaking with the force of his anguished cries. Ryan was lost. He could only think to wrap Izzy tightly in his arms and pull him back against his chest. Ryan buried his face against the D'Jinn’s neck and rocked Izzy gently like one would an upset child. His attempts to soothe were either eventually successful or Izzy cried himself to exhaustion. His weeping finally calmed, replaced with slow hitching breaths. Ryan lay there holding him as he fitfully slept, utterly destroyed by Izzy’s breakdown.

  His wolf sat up on high alert, unwilling to let his guard down for one second. Ryan could feel the tension vibrating through his very bones as he worried over Izzy’s disconcerting post-coital reaction. Ryan was so sure Izzy had been into what was happening between them, but maybe he had pushed too far. There was so much to this D'Jinn thing that Ryan just didn’t understand. If it turned out Izzy truly hadn’t wanted what happened between them, Ryan didn’t know how he would ever recover from that. Self-disgust roiled in his belly at the very thought. Ryan knew he should remove himself from Izzy’s side until he was sure what Izzy really wanted, but he just couldn’t make himself let the D'Jinn go in his present state. His wolf growled and paced at even the thought of leaving Izzy to sleep alone.

  Izzy’s body finally began to relax and Ryan almost shed tears of his own in relief. When Izzy’s hand reached up to twine his fingers through his, Ryan couldn’t contain the single choked sob that burst forth. Resolve poured through Ryan as strong as any he’d felt before. He would not rest until Izzy was happy, in whatever way that had to happen.

  Izzy had been dealt a shit hand so far in this life. Ryan wouldn’t stand by and let it continue on this way anymore. Izzy deserved to have a real life, not just an existence. Apparently, if his wolf had anything to say about it, Ryan suspected he would want to be a large part of it. But, Ryan realized he would do anything in his power to see the D'Jinn content. If that meant letting Izzy go to make him truly happy, then Ryan would.

  When dawn poured through the windows, Ryan slowly stirred, relieved Izzy’s back remained pressed tight to his chest. Their legs had become intertwined like the branches of a corkscrew willow. Ryan wasn’t sure where he ended and Izzy began. He pressed a faint kiss to the D'Jinn’s exposed shoulder and a fractured sigh sounded in response. Ryan tried to pull away, concerned at Izzy’s reaction, but Izzy’s firm hand holding his arm tight across the D'Jinn’s chest refused to let him escape.

  Izzy’s voice crept out in almost a whisper, “Don’t go, please.” The tension in Ryan’s form instantly melted away. Softly, Izzy continued, “I’m sorry if I freaked you out last night, Ryan. I don’t know what came over me. I think I was just overwhelmed.”

  Ryan stayed silent for a while, contemplating how to get an honest answer from the D'Jinn. Finally, he realized he just had to trust Izzy to tell him the truth. Ryan asked the question that had been burning a hole through his heart all night. “Did you want to be with me last night or were you just performing your duties as a D'Jinn? I get that you think I’m your master, but I don’t think of myself as your master. I don’t want you doing anything you don’t want to do.”

  Izzy rolled over to meet Ryan’s concerned gaze. “You don’t have to worry, Ryan. I wanted everything that happened between us. My brain just started overthinking things, I think. You have to understand, I haven’t done anything like that as a D'Jinn. I didn’t even know it was possible to be with anyone like that. And to have it be with you, that was more than I could have wished for myself.”

  Ryan smiled, gratefully reassured. “Thank heaven. I’ve been nearly sick all night thinking I forced you into something you didn’t want to do. I think I would have gone into a monastery if you said you hated what we did last night. I’m not even sure they have werewolf monasteries, but I would have found one regardless.”

  The seductive twist to Izzy’s mouth easily broadcast his true feelings. “I didn’t hate any part of it, Ryan. In fact, I loved every last second and can’t wait to do it again,” Izzy’s eyes sparkled, the violet becoming almost iridescent with his growing desire to pick up where they had left off. Ryan captured Izzy’s lip piercing as he kissed the edge of his mouth, pulling it gently between his lips. Izzy’s answering groan was all the affirmation Ryan needed.

  Unfortunately, Adam’s squeak of surprise ruined any chance for a repeat performance that morning. Izzy laughed out loud and hid his head under the blanket. Ryan gave Adam the stink eye over Izzy’s shoulder. Adam’s hand covered his eyes as he backed quickly down the hall, mumbles of ‘sorry, so sorry’ echoing in his wake. When the master bedroom door slam
med shut with more force than normal, neither of them could control the laughter that bubbled forth. Ben’s loud, “They were doing what?!!” echoed down the hall and Izzy laughed so hard, tears were streaming down his cheeks again.

  Ryan brought a hand up to cradle Izzy’s cheek, unable to resist the need to touch the D'Jinn again. The stunned look of frank adoration that Izzy beamed Ryan’s way made his human side want to sit up and howl as much as his wolf. When Izzy rolled over and off the bed, Ryan pitifully whined, “Do we have to get up? I was so comfortable.”

  Izzy shot a feral look back over his shoulder, replying, “The faster we get them all to leave the house, the faster we can be alone again.” Ryan shot up from bed fast enough to have the flimsy air mattress shooting across the floor comically. “You do have the best ideas, beautiful Izzy.”

  Chapter 18


  No one commented on the less than stellar breakfast Izzy shoved at them this morning, but he could feel it in the way they wouldn’t quite look him in the eye. Well, everyone except Ryan. He was fairly certain he could have fed Ryan a bowl of gloppy overcooked oatmeal and he would have eaten it happily, constantly praising Izzy with how wonderful it was. Scrambled eggs and toast was honestly all he could come up with. His brain was too full of Ryan to think of anything else. Heck, they were lucky the eggs weren’t full of shells. He’d been able to scrape most of the scorch off the toast, too, so there was that to be thankful for.

  “I so need to get laid,” Logan grumbled out as he finished his last bite of toast. Adam almost choked, as he chose that moment to take a large gulp of his orange juice. Logan met his brother’s sardonic gaze as Ben clapped Adam on the back several times, helping him to clear his airway.

  “Seriously, Ben. How did I end up being the lone man out? Look at me! I’m totally the hottest guy in this room and I’m the only one still dating my right hand,” Logan growled. Izzy felt the blush rushing up from his chest at the wolves’ frank discussion of his newly burgeoning sex life. He didn’t know if he would ever get used to how open werewolves were with each other. It must have something to do with the pack mindset they all shared. Well that and their propensity for walking around naked half the time. Their utter lack of a filter must be part of their genetics.

  “Okay, guys, new mission,” Ben announced to the room at large. “Its get Logan laid night tonight. There’s a shifter club about thirty miles from here that we can hit if you’re all up for it.”

  Everyone’s affirmative responses had Logan’s chest puffing up with excitement. “You guys love me. You really love me,” he crooned out as he walked his dishes to the sink.

  “Not really. We’re just tired of watching you stalk around the house like a cat in heat. If I have to hear one more mention about you ‘dying of blue balls’, I’m going to poke out my own eardrums,” Ryan snarkily replied, turning to stare into Izzy’s laughing eyes.

  “Yeah, whatever, Fearborn. You know deep down you really want me. I mean, how could you not? I’m,” Logan replied seductively rubbing one hand down his golden six-pack that was dusted with the faintest hint of black hair. He jogged to the side, laughing, when Ryan threw his half-eaten piece of toast at him. Logan continued down the hall, calling over his shoulder, “Dibs on the shower! I’ve got a job interview in an hour. Haha, I made a rhyme!”

  Ryan rolled his eyes at Logan’s antics and brushed a kiss across Izzy’s lips. He started clearing away the remains of their breakfast and Izzy knew better than to try to help at this point. Instead, he sat and peacefully drank the rest of his coffee, reveling in the feeling of homecoming that was echoing through his very being.

  Izzy watched the way Adam and Ben spoke to each other lovingly as they finished the meager meal. Their hands kept touching in small, almost unseen ways, as if they couldn’t bear to lose contact even for those few moments. Finally, realizing they were going to be late for school again, Adam headed for the master bedroom, mentioning a book he needed to grab. Ben stood with his back to the fridge, eyes flicking between Ryan and the D'Jinn.

  “I know it’s none of my business, but you two, huh? I gotta say, I didn’t see that coming with the way you started out,” Ben commented.

  “You’re right. It is none of your business, Ben,” Ryan answered, meeting his best friend’s eyes in challenge. If Izzy didn’t know better, he would have thought Ryan was truly pissed, either that or embarrassed. Thankfully, Ben seemed to take the hint and backed off, hands held up in front of his chest, palms out in a placating manner.

  “No problem, Ryan. Didn’t mean to step on any toes. I’m going to ride the bus with Adam this morning so Logan can have the truck for his interview,” Ben added as Adam returned to the room, backpack slung over one shoulder.

  “You ready, babe?” Adam asked, oblivious to the tension in the air.

  “Absolutely. Let’s go,” Ben replied, grabbing his own bag from the rack near the front door. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, Ryan,” Ben tossed over his shoulder as he walked out, apparently feeling safer to dig at his friend with more physical distance between them.

  Ryan’s shoulders hunched up at the verbal sparring, but he refrained from responding. Izzy worried he was going to break something with the way he was slamming dishes into the dishwasher, though. Every clatter and bang cut through Izzy’s psyche like a knife. He couldn’t help but worry that Ryan was having regrets already, despite the repeated physical affection he had showed to him this morning. Izzy had known it would eventually happen, though. How could it not with what he was.

  Izzy knew he was fooling himself if he thought Ryan saw him as anything more than a physical release. It was just proximity and convenience that brought them together, he was sure. Ryan must have been embarrassed by Ben’s assumption that an evening of sex meant they were together now.

  While Izzy didn’t like the idea of being just another hole in Ryan’s belt, he honestly would take whatever he could get. Now that he’d been reminded of the joys of that intense physical connection, there was no way he was going to give it up before he had to. The D'Jinn part of him was forced to do his master’s will, but that wasn’t the part responsible for the aching need that burned inside as he thought of getting Ryan alone and naked again. No, it would never be love, but it was enough for now. He would be content with whatever more Ryan was willing to give him before Ryan moved on for good.

  Chapter 19


  Once Logan finally walked out the door, Ryan couldn’t help but notice how Izzy virtually stripped him naked with a single look. His violet eyes shone like lanterns and Ryan could feel his blood heating up from the other side of the room. The way Izzy’s tongue kept flicking that damn hoop in his lip was driving Ryan mad. He could feel his wolf pacing just under the surface, fully intent on capturing his prey. Before he could make a move from the couch, however, Izzy strode across the room confidently, shedding clothes on the way.

  Before he knew what hit him, Ryan had a lapful of naked D'Jinn, not that he was complaining. He couldn’t with the way Izzy’s tongue was being shoved down his throat. While Izzy claimed to have lacked a partner for eons, Ryan guessed it must have been like riding a bicycle, you never truly forgot how. Ryan’s brain was practically dissolving from Izzy’s onslaught. The D'Jinn’s hands were firm on both sides of Ryan’s stubbled jaw as he plundered Ryan’s mouth with his wicked tongue. His piercing clicked on the backs of Ryan’s teeth, adding to the intrigue.

  Izzy pulled back just long enough to beg, “Touch me, Ryan, please.” Ryan was happy to comply. Each hand grabbed a hipbone and squeezed, grinding Izzy down onto his answering hardness. Izzy’s stuttered groan had Ryan’s lips twisting up in a half-smile. Ryan left one hand in place, but the other smoothed up Izzy’s hairless chest. He circled a finger around the peaked nipple teasingly, just missing the silver bar on several passes. Izzy finally shifted and brushed the cool metal against Ryan’s hand more fully. Ryan couldn’t stifle a moan of his own at how hot that was, I
zzy just taking what he needed.

  Izzy’s hands caressed down Ryan’s neck and beyond, unerring in their quest for the ultimate prize. Ryan would have tried to slow him down if he’d dared, but the feral look had returned to Izzy’s gaze and Ryan suspected the D'Jinn’s control was starting to slip. That was actually fine by him, since Ryan’s wolf was doing its best to rise to the surface, wanting in on the fun, too. Ryan had to split his attention to keep from shifting unexpectedly. He was pretty sure Izzy’s ardor would be quelled if Ryan suddenly furred out on him.

  When Izzy’s hand slipped past Ryan’s waistband and grabbed his shaft firmly, Ryan practically came on the spot. As if sensing this, Izzy squeezed just enough to bring Ryan back from the edge. Ryan was almost embarrassed at his lack of control, but he was more proud of Izzy for finding the nerve to take charge so impressively.

  “Damn, Izzy,” Ryan choked out. “That’s so hot.”

  “Shhhh,” Izzy shushed into Ryan’s ear. “No talking.”

  “Wha-” Ryan tried to clarify, but Izzy’s intense glare had him snapping his mouth closed. His prick was still in Izzy’s death grip and Ryan was really fond of his smaller self, well his not-so-much-smaller self.

  “Nod your head if you understand, Ryan,” Izzy said, his tone of voice all business. “No talking, got it?” Ryan slowly nodded his head; more than a little freaked out at what he hoped was just a little role-play. He’d never been one for the BDSM thing before and if he had been, he sure as hell wouldn’t have been the one following orders. .


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