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Wishes for the Wolf: Men of the Pack Book Two (Silver Moon Pack / Men of the Pack 2)

Page 8

by Parker Skye

  “Good, boy,” Izzy replied, using his other hand to brush up Ryan’s neck again, tilting his head to the side. Izzy’s mouth latched onto his neck and Ryan felt Izzy’s sharp teeth scraping almost hard enough to break the skin. He knew for sure he was going to be marked up after this. Unbelievably, his wolf seemed to love it, wanting the D'Jinn to cover him in evidence of their connection.

  Izzy eventually moved on from Ryan’s neck, leaving the skin sore and tingling. He dropped to his knees, forcing Ryan’s legs apart as he slid between them to the floor. Izzy grabbed the waist of Ryan’s sleep pants and pulled, making no secret of his desire for them to be gone. Ryan lifted his hips in agreement. He’d always felt clothes were overrated.

  The way Izzy’s eyes flared iridescent again upon finally taking in Ryan’s fully naked form had Ryan practically patting himself on the back. Ryan didn’t even need his heightened wolf’s senses to feel the need pouring off the D'Jinn. Before he could make another move, Izzy had grasped his cock again and swallowed it to the root. Definitely like riding a bike.

  “Holy shit, Izzy!” Ryan blurted out, head thrown back in ecstasy. The instant loss of contact had Ryan looking back at his lap. His cock glistened with saliva and stood at full attention, but Izzy was perched back on his heels, his expression full of reproach. He slowly crossed his arms over his naked chest and said, “You had one rule, Ryan. Do I need to show you what happens to boys that don’t follow the rules?”

  Ryan was almost fool enough to speak his answer but caught himself just in time. He slowly shook his head side to side, waiting for whatever debauchery Izzy was going to offer up next. After the way Izzy had mentally broken the night before, Ryan had never expected the D'Jinn had been hiding a secret kinky streak.

  “Hmmm, I don’t know,” Izzy replied, slowly caressing both hands up Ryan’s lightly furred thighs. “This is twice I’ve had to remind you. I think a punishment is in order, don’t you?”

  “Holy, hell. Where did this side of Izzy come from?” Ryan thought to himself. Well, wherever it had been hiding, Ryan was absolutely thrilled to have found it.

  “Get on the bed, on your stomach, Ryan,” Izzy said, his tone left no doubt to his sincerity. Ryan shivered at the command but instantly complied. He had to reposition a little to avoid breaking his dick in half when it got trapped between his hip and the bed. He was so hard, he could probably puncture the air mattress with it if he aimed just right. When he added an extra stroke for good measure, the slap from Izzy’s hand meeting his right ass cheek sounded through the room.

  “Hands off, Ryan. That’s mine,” Izzy added another smack, leaving a pink handprint behind for good measure. “As a matter of fact, put your hands together behind your neck and don’t move them unless I tell you to.” Ryan hesitated for a moment and looked over his shoulder to meet Izzy’s gaze, growing concern painted across Ryan’s furrowed brow.

  Ryan couldn’t suppress the full body shiver as Izzy crawled slowly over his prone form. He moved slow as molasses, placing gentle kisses all along Ryan’s spine until finally his slight body was fully covering the wolf. He breathed into Ryan’s ear and asked, “You know I’m just playing, right? I promise I’m not going to hurt you, Ryan.” All the tension melted out of Ryan’s form at Izzy’s reassurance.

  “Hmm, but this position is giving me some fantastic ideas,” Izzy groaned out, grinding his cock in the cleft between Ryan’s muscular cheeks. Izzy huffed out a laugh when Ryan’s hips rose in an answering rhythm. “You like that idea, too, huh,” Izzy said, forcing another moan out of Ryan’s chest when he grabbed Ryan’s earlobe between his teeth and sucked.

  “Oh, fuck this,” Ryan growled out as he exploded in motion, rolling over and capturing Izzy beneath him. Izzy couldn’t control the laughter that bubbled up in his chest.

  “You are so predictable, Ryan Fearborn, I knew you couldn’t give up control that easily,” Izzy said, his words broken by bursts of laughter. Ryan felt his wolf howling at the challenge. “Predictable, huh? How’s this for predictable?” Izzy’s head flew back and his eyes slammed shut as Ryan’s head descended and reminded Izzy who was boss. Ryan’s mouth was on fire as he laved Izzy’s cock. The obscene wet sound from Ryan’s hand sliding up and down Izzy’s length only added to the overwhelming frenzy building.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” Izzy ground out as he was unable to stop the orgasm that sped through him like a careening freight train. The taste of Izzy’s release had Ryan unbelievably following him over the edge, completely hands (and other body parts) free. Ryan huffed out a laugh of his own as he collapsed boneless, his head resting on Izzy’s waist. Izzy ran his hand contentedly through Ryan’s brown locks, doing nothing to help the craziness of his bedhead. When Ryan looked up at him, face flushed and eyes dancing happily, Izzy beamed back.

  Chapter 20


  Their moment was broken by a firm knock at the front door. Geez, was every encounter they had together destined to be interrupted? Ryan glanced over his shoulder at the offending sound, and then turned back to Izzy, the furrow between his brows deepening by the second. That knock was unmistakable, Izzy thought to himself. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum were definitely back. The knocking continued and Ryan groaned in exasperation. Unfortunately the police officers weren’t buying that no one was home. It wasn’t surprising given how loud they both had been in the not too distant past.

  Ryan huffed out a breath and pushed himself upright. “I better get that,” he said, shrugging back into his jeans commando. Izzy really just wanted to watch him walk around naked some more, but he got up to get dressed instead. By the time they were decent, the knocking had progressed to pounding, prompting Ryan to call out, “Alright, alright, I’m coming!”

  Izzy stuck to him like a Siamese twin as Ryan opened the front door and aimed an irritated glance at their unwelcome visitors. “Hello, again, Mr. Fearborn,” Detective Black said, adding, “and to you, too, Mr. Spector. Hope we didn’t interrupt anything.”

  “What do you want, Detective? We were a little busy,” Ryan replied, irritation evident in his gruff tone. Obviously Ryan was less likely to act nice when his carnal activities were interrupted.

  “Can we come in? I’m sure we would all be more comfortable having this discussion out of the heat,” Officer Spicer added, his fake smile blinding in its intensity.

  “I’m comfortable like this. How about you, Izzy? You comfortable?” Ryan asked. Ryan’s lack of eye contact only confirmed his trust Izzy was on the same page.

  “Totally,” Izzy replied, crossing his arms over his still bare chest, firm in his solidarity. Izzy gave his best glare, giving up on the dumb glitter bomb act. If the cops had returned this quickly, they hadn’t bought it anyway. If Ryan was intent on appearing pissed off and territorial, then Izzy could do the same. He had years of pent up aggression to burn off anyway.

  “Look, boys. We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Detective Black said, putting one hand on his hip, near his holster. The old good cop-bad cop routine? Couldn’t these guys get any new material? Izzy recognized the move from all his years of binge-watching Law and Order while serving time at the Hideaway Inn.

  “Officers, I believe we answered all your questions last time and since there is no new information that I am aware of, I would kindly ask you to leave us alone. My boyfriend and I were in the middle of more private activities and I’d really like to get back to that,” Ryan said, voice dripping with irritation. Izzy was shocked at Ryan’s open admission of what they had been up to, but he guessed it wasn’t really a surprise to anyone. Both Izzy and Ryan looked like they’d dressed in a blender and the smell of sex was almost overpowering in the room. Even the cops duller senses couldn’t have missed the distinct fragrance.

  “Well, that’s where you’re wrong, Mr. Fearborn. There has been a breakthrough in the case since we last spoke. Charles Harris is no longer considered a missing person,” Detective Black went on.

  “He came back?” Izzy asked,
honestly confused.

  “No, he’s no longer considered missing, since he’s now confirmed to be dead. We found his body after an anonymous tip. Now, if you both will come with me, I think we need to continue this at the station.”

  The ride to the station seemed to go on forever. Thankfully, the officers had only brought one car, so Ryan and Izzy weren’t separated for the trip. Neither were reportedly under arrest, but the threat that they would be taken into custody if they refused to go voluntarily was evident. There was no longer any doubt about the severity of their situation as they were both read their Miranda Rights before being placed into the back of the same unmarked blue sedan. Izzy tried the door handle curiously when he slid over, but he wasn’t surprised to find it could only be opened from the outside.

  Izzy shot a warning glance to Ryan, trying to tell him without words to stay silent. They didn’t have enough information to go making up whole-cloth lies. They would both best be served by continuing to play dumb. Maybe the officers would let more information slip and they would know better how to protect their friends.

  Ryan smiled reassuringly and grabbed Izzy’s hand, squeezing it tight. Izzy couldn’t believe Ryan was offering him comfort at a time like this. But, then again, Ryan had no idea this entire situation was really the D'Jinn’s fault.

  He’d known it would happen eventually. Ryan had delayed his first wish too long and the curse of the lamp was forcing the issue. How Izzy wished he could explain it to Ryan. If Ryan would just make a wish to undo something that led up to this point, everything would go back to the way it was. But Izzy’s hands were tied. He was trapped by the rules of the curse, as well. Izzy was forced to sit back and ride out the aftermath. Hopefully, Ryan would figure it out before the situation got too out of control.

  When they finally reached the police station, Ryan was placed in a separate interrogation room. Izzy found himself down the hall; he was sure in an equally weathered room with only a battered table, two hard metal chairs, and an obviously two-way mirror. He stayed there alone for what seemed like hours. Izzy hoped Ryan was holding strong. He closed his eyes and reached inside, trying to feel his connection to his master. He felt Ryan’s nervousness skitter across his mind but behind that was a firm resolve that had Izzy breathing a sigh of relief. Ryan was too smart to let the cops get to him.

  Unable to sit still, Izzy paced a groove into the floor in front of the two-way mirror. By the time Officer Spicer entered the room, Izzy’s lower lip was sore from tweaking his hoop so many times. The pain centered him, though, and he was grateful for it. Izzy should have been thankful to be given the Good Cop, but that meant Ryan had the bad one all alone now. His worry over his master’s predicament grew.

  “Please sit, Mr. Spector,” Officer Spicer said. “I just have a few questions for you and then you will be free to go.”

  “We are men of action. Lies do not become us,” Izzy quoted as he sat, feet planted wide as if ready to launch himself upright at a moment’s notice.

  “Princess Bride, huh? Funny,” Spicer replied, apparently not amused. “Tell me, Mr. Spector, how long have you known Adam Harris?”

  Chapter 21


  By the time Ryan’s interrogation was over ‘for now’ as Detective Black put it, Ryan’s brain felt like it had gone through the spin cycle twice. He thought he’d done pretty well at evading the most important questions, but he’d been asked about the same details so many times, he couldn’t be positive he hadn’t let something slip. He was eternally grateful they had had a video conference with their alpha the evening before to get their stories straight. He wished he’d thought to clue Izzy in to it, though.

  As soon as the thought passed through his mind, Ryan easily dismissed it. Izzy was the one spouting advice to play dumb and keep his mouth shut. He had less fear about Izzy’s revelations than he did his own. While Ryan wasn’t completely confident in his aptitude for deception, he did feel he had more information than when they arrived. Ryan could only hope the police had given up more intel than they had gotten.

  Detective Black seemed to be almost gleeful as he told Ryan how they had located Charles Harris’s body. Adam’s father’s heavily decomposed corpse had been found buried deep in the woods near Sam Houston State Park. Turns out the police had been given an anonymous tip and decided for some vague reason it was worthy enough to follow up. Huntsville police had provided one of their cadaver dogs to aid the effort, resulting in the find. The cause of death had obviously been homicide, but the exact method was indeterminate due to the overall condition of the body. At least Ben’s teeth marks were no longer evident, Ryan thought to himself. Detective Black had intoned that once the autopsy results were back, arrests of both Adam and Ben would be imminent. No way in hell would Ryan or any of the other members of their pack let that happen.

  Ryan made his way through the police station lobby and found Izzy waiting for him, perched on the edge of a hard plastic chair. He had obviously been running his hands nervously through his hair as it stood up in every direction even more than usual. When Ryan came closer, Izzy’s gaze shot up and Ryan frowned at the irritated redness surrounding the piercing in Izzy’s lower lip. He had obviously been agitated enough to make it bleed.

  “Are you okay? They didn’t hurt you did they?” Ryan’s voice rumbled out deeper than normal, his wolf completely pissed as it took in Izzy’s frazzled state.

  “No, I’m okay, Ryan. I just want to get out of here, okay? I called Logan and he should be here any minute to pick us up,” Izzy said, voice quavering with nerves. He held his arms crossed over his waist, both palms clasping the opposite elbow defensively.

  Ryan held out his hand, motioning for Izzy to join him as they walked out of the station. When Izzy made to speak, Ryan’s subtle head shake cut him off mid-thought. Once they were outside, Ryan silently turned and took the D'Jinn in his arms, holding him tightly.

  “It’s going to be okay, Izzy. Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you,” Ryan said soothing one hand in small circles at the small of Izzy’s back. Izzy stiffened in response and Ryan pulled back, confused. They didn’t have time for any further discussion as their SUV pulled up to the curb, all three shifters pouring out to surround them protectively. Ryan had to force them all back into the vehicle, promising explanations when they were home again. He was pleased to see Izzy riding herd on Adam, making sure he got back into the truck unscathed.

  Ryan finally climbed into the SUV himself, taking his usual space next to Izzy. His hand grasped the back of Izzy’s neck firmly. He felt the muscles in the D’Jinn’s shoulders release once he squeezed slightly, reasserting their connection. Ryan’s wolf paced uncomfortable at the growing threat, but he was temporarily soothed by the physical contact with the D’Jinn.

  Ryan made quick work of explaining to the others what they had discovered. Izzy had little to add, other than that Officer Spicer was more of a dick than he first appeared. Once it was obvious Izzy wasn’t going to give up any information willingly, he had made veiled threats of a more personal nature regarding Izzy and Ryan’s sexual orientation. It seemed parts of the south still hadn’t gotten with the times when it came to gay rights. At this revelation, claws popped out of Ryan’s fingertips, causing Izzy to cry out in concern at the sudden piercing sensation on the back of his neck. Ryan instantly pulled his now partially shifted hand away, clenching his fist tightly and trying to regain control of his wolf.

  “Sorry, Izzy. My wolf is really pissed right now,” Ryan said, feral tones vibrating through his speech. Ryan could smell Izzy’s blood, even though the wound was minor. He couldn’t help himself when he nuzzled Izzy’s neck in apology, running his tongue over the scrape to aid its closure.

  “It’s o-o-okay, Ryan. I’m okay,” Izzy replied, trembling from head to toe. Ryan could smell his fear and pulled back, trying to give the D’Jinn some space. He knew Izzy must be close to sensory overload, given the events of the day. Ryan’s wolf trying to make a surp
rise appearance wasn’t helping matters any. He’d have to make sure Izzy was more comfortable around his other half soon. If they were going to be spending more time together, it was inevitable that Izzy would need to know both sides of him.

  The SUV had barely pulled into the garage when Ryan was spilling out of the back seat, heading for the house. His destination was obviously no surprise as his pack mates followed him into what used to be the office. Izzy trailed last, uncertain if he was welcome. Ryan’s heated glance followed by a nod to the sofa, told Izzy this meeting was wolves only.

  Ryan was already dialing by the time they were surrounding the computer. When Alpha Leikos’ face popped up on the screen, Ryan felt some of the weight pressing down on his shoulders lift. He had to remember he was part of a pack for a reason. His alpha was the ultimate decision maker. He would know what to do.

  “Ryan. Boys. What’s going on? Has something happened since we spoke last night?”

  “Yes, Alpha. Adam’s father’s body has been found. Izzy and I were taken to the police station for questioning today and I’m worried arrests are on the horizon for at least Adam, if not Ben, too.”

  “Well, shit,” the alpha said. “Wait a minute. Who’s Izzy?”

  “Oh, um, Izzy is a friend that is staying with us,” Ryan answered, sheepishly.

  “Is he a shifter?” the alpha abruptly asked.

  “Um, no sir,” Ryan added. He wanted so badly to be able to explain his connection in that moment, but the curse still kept his tongue tied whenever he tried to divulge their secret.

  “Do you really think it wise to bring in an outsider at a time like this? What if he’s the weak link? How much does he know?” the alpha continued, starting down a line of questioning that was making Ryan even more uncomfortable than his day at the police station.


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