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Gentle: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 9

by Jason Lenov

  Tobias jumped up. "It is time," he said with terrified excitement. He looked at me. "It is time."

  I didn't even know what to say. If this had been a friend from back home I would have shaken hands or offered my congratulations. A smile. A slap on the back. Why did he look so sombre? So dour? I watched him walk across the room. As he swung the door open I saw the two dark shapes. Hooded men in black robes again.

  Tobias lowered his head, then stepped outside. The door swung shut.

  The silence that descended had a sobering effect on me. The cool breeze drifting through the window made me sit up. Something stirred inside of me, something I hadn't felt since our arrival. As much as I wanted to please Anna Elizabeth and now Pater Rex, something was niggling in the back of my mind.

  Why did I suddenly feel like this wasn't my wedding as much as it was Anna Elizabeth's? Why had I let myself be guided into these strange and taboo rituals so easily? What about my idea of what a wedding was supposed to be like? She hadn't even asked about it. Not once. I had been so blinded by my love for her that I simply accepted all of this as inevitable. I felt a doubt stirring inside of me.

  Did I really mean to live my life like this? What did all of these people do? No one seemed to be working here. And where were all the white men that I'd seen inside the church? Where did they spend their days?

  The questions began gnawing at me and wouldn't relent. I began to wonder if I would ever be given any real answers. Any answers that made sense.

  All it took was a tiny spark of mischief to fan the flames of my doubt into a burn. Had I even tried the door? Who had said that I always needed to be chaperoned by someone when venturing out of my room? What was stopping me from exploring the compound on my own?

  I thought the matter over to great length. I sensed that somehow Pater Rex would be disappointed and this I didn't like. I still couldn't put my finger on why, but I knew I felt a need for his approval. For a few moments, my curiosity outweighed that need. I bounced off the bed and tiptoed towards the door.

  The hallway outside was empty. I'd even remembered to lift the door slightly on its hinges to keep it from groaning as it swung. I slipped outside and crept along the wall. A sound coming from the other end of the hall made me freeze in my tracks. I craned my neck and pricked my ears to listen.

  "Oh yes, Pater! Yes!"

  The pitch and timbre made it unmistakable. It was the sound of a woman's voice. The sound of Anna Esther's voice, no doubt. I listened again.

  A long, low moan filled the hallway. A woman's moan. The kind of moan made at an indescribable pleasure.

  Again my curiosity got the better of me. That and knowing that Pater Rex was preoccupied led me to change direction and sneak along the wall towards the noise. As I crept the moans became louder and louder until finally I was sure I was standing in front of the door they were coming from.

  Surprisingly, it had been left ajar.

  Closing one eye I peered inside. I moved my head right to left then left to right until my one eye settled on a dark blob. Squinting, I brought the image into focus.

  Again, my breath was drawn from my lungs and would not return at what I saw.

  There, on a cross between a bed and an altar, lay the beautiful Anna Esther. Her legs were splayed like a mantis revealing a deep pink slit whose petals were opened in a damp arousal. Above her stood Tobias, her husband to be, holding her legs apart by the knees, opening her.

  But it was what was between those legs that made my heart thunder in my chest and my blood run cold. The dark shape of a naked Pater Rex knelt between her fine, soft thighs. His black hands were on the seat of her buttocks and his mouth was less than an inch from her wet cunt. I watched in horror as he honoured her with his mouth. This was what had been causing her to moan. After some minutes of this, he stood and I saw that his cock was engorged and ready to penetrate her soft flesh.

  I nearly gasped in horror.

  "Anna Esther," he began, "daughter of these gentle hills do you take this man to be your husband?"

  Anna Esther's back was arching up, her breasts heaving with each breath. "I do," she said.

  Pater Rex looked up at Tobias. "And Tobias, do you take this woman, Anna Esther, to be your wife? To hold in times of need? To comfort and to love no matter what may come?"

  The vows were certainly a different version than I had heard.

  Tobias took a deep breath. He swallowed and closed his eyes, as if he were trying to quell some lingering doubt he might have had about the whole thing. When he opened them, however, he seemed certain. "I do."

  A smile flirted with the corners of Pater Rex's mouth at the answer. He glanced down at Anna Esther's messy slit that had started leaking white cream in her excitement. Her body was trembling and she was looking at him with wide eyes. She licked her lips.

  "In exchange for our company," Pater Rex began, "will you give your bride to me?"

  Now my own eyes went wide as I realized what Pater Rex was asking of poor Tobias.

  Tobias swallowed. He looked down at Anna Elizabeth as tears formed at the corners of his eyes. Then he looked at Pater Rex and spoke. "I will."

  "And will you let me break her?"

  "I will."

  "And do you agree to let me fill her first? To fill her with my seed? Will you let nature decide who was meant to breed?" There was a fire in his voice now as he spoke. His own words seemed to be working him into a raging lust.

  "I..." Tobias hesitated. He bit his lip. "I do," the words came in a whisper.

  I swear I heard Pater Rex growl in that moment. As he pointed the head of his fearsome prick at her slippery cunt, he snarled in anticipation of the feeling of sliding into her. With a firm thrust of his muscled thighs he began to push himself inside.

  "Ah!" Anna Esther cried out as he drove the head of his cock past her tender lips. "Oh Pater!" she moaned.

  He stopped, as if there were a barrier to her entrance. With another snarl, he thrust his hips forward, puncturing her and driving his cock into the depths of her tight pussy.

  Slick, clear-white cream came gushing from her along with a tiny trickle of blood.

  My jaw dropped at what I was seeing! Pater Rex drove the entire length of his shaft into her as Tobias cried, watching from above. As Pater Rex removed his meat, it came out coated in her juices. He thrust it in again making her writhe on the altar bed beneath the two men.

  With long, slow strokes he began sloshing in and out, in and out of the woman. His cock had hardened to full stiffness and his hips thrust faster and faster in ever more fitful jerks.

  Tobias looked back and forth between Pater Rex's eyes and his brides slick gash. Tears streamed down his cheeks.

  It was as macabre a scene as I had ever seen and yet I couldn't look away. Anna Esther whimpered and mewled each time he filled her and soon her body began to shake. Her eyes closed. Her lips split in a silent moan.

  Pater continued his fuck.

  An icy chill blew through me. This, I realized, was the wedding ceremony. The same wedding ceremony I was meant to endure tomorrow. My insides tightened. My mind went numb. I had been through so much with Anna Elizabeth since we'd come here and yet somehow I'd never expected this! That I would be asked what Tobias had been asked. That I would be asked to offer my bride to Pater Rex so that he may have the first chance to inseminate her!

  The slick sounds of his cock pulsing into her pussy drew my eye back to the room. His fucking was more furious now and she had spread her legs to take him as deeply as she could. As the two approached their climax, Tobias staggered back, seemingly unable to endure the sight. And yet, he looked on.

  "Argh!" Pater Rex roared. His motion slowed. My eyes drifted to his cock. He held most of it inside her but I could still see the root. It began to bulge and grow, throbbing within her, no doubt spewing its potent load deep between her legs.

  "Ah!" Anna Esther shouted as her own climax took her. Perhaps at the feeling of being filled with Pater Rex's hot cum. Pe
rhaps at the feeling of his throbbing muscle stretching her. Or perhaps at the thought that he was the first to try and make her belly grow.

  He held her pinned to the altar-bed as she writhed and cried beneath him. He moved in and out of her only slightly, determined to blast the deepest parts of her womb with his gift. When the peak of his orgasm had passed he began to fuck her with all his fury. This stretched out her anguished pleasure and she thrashed her head from side to side until it looked like she could not take any more. Until it looked like she might pass out from the pleasure he was giving her.

  He slowed. Thick, sticky cream flowed from her, a mixture of both their juices. It drizzled down from her cunt, covering her ass hole and dripping down onto the altar-bed. Once the last spurts had erupted inside her, Pater Rex stepped back and I watched his formidable cock fall out. Even in its waning state it was larger than any I could have imagined.

  "Now," Pater Rex said, "you may take her for yourself."

  Wiping the tears from his eyes Tobias stepped around and took Pater Rex's place. He pushed his pants down from his hips and withdrew his own rod, a pale an sickly looking thing at least compared to Pater's mighty girth.

  As Anna Esther lay limp on the table, Tobias stepped between her legs and pushed his crooked twig into her stretched and leaking slit. She did not respond. As if she hadn't even felt him enter her.

  Tobias' body began shaking. His hips jerked in jagged thrusts, his pelvis slamming against her spent pussy. A few moments later he squawked a wretched sound. The sound of an ill bird dying. His body jerked once, twice, thrice and I realized this was his climax. His contribution to their wedding night. When he pulled himself out a few moments later I realized he didn't stand a chance.

  I realized then that poor Tobias had been receiving regular, daily milkings from the three Anna's. As I had. Even if he'd been allowed to abstain and save himself for this moment, nothing that came out of that thin, white cock could match the volume of Pater's seed.

  It became clear to me then what had just happened. Nature was being allowed to take its course. The stronger, more potent man would be the one to pass along his genes. This was where all this debauchery had been leading. To rob poor Tobias of any chance at progeny with Anna Esther.

  The same thing had been done to me.

  I had to free my lover. I had to find a way out!

  Chapter 15

  I had stumbled through the halls after slipping away from the door. I had no idea where I was headed or what plan I would concoct. My head was spinning. A million thoughts raced through my mind each of them less intelligible than the last. One thing was certain, I had to find Anna Elizabeth. I had to tell her about what I'd seen. And I had to convince her to leave this place no matter how impossible that seemed.

  As I climbed the stairs from one floor to the next, I paused at each door listening intently in the hopes that that room might be hers. Room after room I heard nothing until the very faint sound of clacking from somewhere down the darkened hall drew me forth.

  It grew louder as I approached. It was a frightening, furious sound like a thousand tiny spiders skittering along the floor. As I approached it, I found the door where it was coming from. Happily, it was ajar.

  Seated in row after row of low-lit desks, there sat a seemingly endless sea of balding, white heads all capped with green eye shades. As I looked up and down the rows I came to realize that each of the men were those that I had seen in the church. Pale and thin, they say above their counting machines, fingers clacking on noisy keyboards as their eyes scanned endless receipts.


  Just. Like. Me.

  Unable to stop myself, I stepped into the room careful not to make noise with the door. Maybe they smelled a kindred spirit.

  All clacking stopped.

  All heads turned towards me.

  They stared at me from beneath their clear, green visors, eyeing me with furrowed brows full of suspicion until one of them dared to speak.

  "You are not allowed to be here," he croaked.

  What brought me the courage to close the door and pull the bolt to this day I don't understand. When I looked back at them they all seemed scared. As if they knew a punishment was waiting for them because of my visit.

  "Who are you?" I whispered.

  Heads began to turn as the men reluctantly met eyes, deciding whether an answer was worth the risk.

  "Who are you?" the one who'd spoken before asked.

  "I am...I am Matthew. I am to be married tomorrow. To Anna Elizabeth. She brought me here. But..."

  A pregnant silence hung in the air. They all seemed to lean forward in their seats, eager to her my condition.

  "But what?" the calm one asked.

  "But...I saw..."

  He scowled and exhaled an evil-sounding breath. "But what? You saw what?"

  He did not seem like the type that I should trust. And yet where else did I have to turn? "I saw Pater Rex. I saw him...marrying my roommate and his bride."

  Gasps. Some of the green-hats turned back toward their keyboards though they did not begin to type. They just sat staring at the numbers, their faces burning with guilt and shame.

  "You were not meant to see that," the calm one spoke.

  Suddenly I felt the need to move to him. Maybe I felt a closer proximity would lend a more desperate air to my imploring. "Please!" I cried, grabbing his arm.

  The accountants around him scattered in a chorus of shrill and womanly shrieks. Chairs fell and bounced off the hard, stone floor as the men cowered in the corners.

  He did not try to break my grip or tear his arm away. "You will be in big trouble if you are found out," he explained.

  "Please," I begged, "I don't want to go through with this. I want to leave this place. Where is my Anna Elizabeth? Where can I find her?"

  He shook his head. "You will not find her in these walls. There are secret entrances and rooms where unwed brides are kept. You don't have a chance of seeing her before your wedding tomorrow."

  A hopelessness filled me as I looked about the room. I began to wonder. Had all these men...

  "Are you..." I began.

  "We are the Brave Brothers, yes."

  "Brave Brothers," I echoed. "Why? Why do they call you brave?"

  He arched a brow. "Haven't you read the story?" he asked.

  "The Brave Brother's Companion? No. No, I have not," I said, lowering my eyes, somehow ashamed at my admission.

  He took a deep breath. "We were all led here. Just like you. By beautiful white wives, most too beautiful for the likes of us."

  "Why then? Why did you come?!?" I asked, trying to mask the desperation in my voice.

  "Why?" he asked. "Why did you?"

  "I...because...Anna Elizabeth. She is so beautiful and good and pure. She is an angel and I hardly deserve her..." I trailed off.

  "Now you know why. All of the Anna's are the same. All of the Brave Brother's felt the way you did at one time."

  So this was it. This was the treachery. Lured here by these angel-nymphs, these mermaids of the open air. Then, once they had been welcomed into the fold, once they'd tasted acceptance and love these poor souls were cast away into this dungeon while their brides feasted on big, black cocks.

  "You''re all accountants?"

  "Yes," the calm man nodded. "Except for Jebediah in the corner. He runs IT."

  I looked to where the man was pointing a thin, crooked finger. In the corner there sat a man at a computer, one that seemed even more ancient than all the rest. A single external hard-drive sat smoking beside him on the desk. "What's that?"

  "He's running backups," the calm man explained. His voice took a note of sadness as he spoke.

  It all seemed so pathetic, so unnecessary!

  "Why? Why do you stay?"

  The calm one smiled. "The same reason you will." He leaned closer and spoke in a whisper. "What better pleasure have you felt than thinking of your wife-to-be's sweet pussy being stuffed with a bi
g, black cock?"

  I gasped at his answer. So I was not the only one! There were others and they were all here in this room! It was a thrilling realization and yet it filled me with a sadness. "Do you ever get to see your wives? Do you get be with them?"

  He smiled a sympathetic smile. "Of course. We watch them almost every night."

  "Watch them?" I asked.

  "Watch them, yes. As they spread their legs and take their black lovers between them. We watch as their pussies are fucked and filled with seed. We hold their hands and kiss their mouths as they are defiled and then..."

  "Yes?" I gasped. "Then?"

  "And then we are led to our bedrooms to sleep." His shoulders sagged. "Where we can relieve ourselves, remembering what we've seen."

  "But...don't you ever want to..."

  "We've made our choice. Now go. I've already said too much!" he snapped. Then, turning to his brothers he barked, "Enough of this circus! Back to work!"

  The men all seemed to snap out of their stupor at his command. The one's who'd been unseated picked up their chairs and sat down. As if on cue, the violent clacking began again. And not a single one of them looked back as I slipped out of the room.

  I closed the door as quietly as I could. I turned around. As I did, I caught sight of an ankle disappearing around the corner at the other end of the hall. And I knew it was her ankle. My ankle. It was Anna Elizabeth! This was my chance! I broke into a run.

  Chapter 16

  By some miracle I caught her the moment she was about to disappear into another hidden door. "Anna Elizabeth!" I cried, catching her by the shoulder and spinning her around.

  The look of terror on her face made me stagger back.

  "Matthew!" she hissed. "What are you doing here?!? You are not supposed to see me again before the wedding!"

  My angel looked even more beautiful than she had the last time I'd seen her. Suddenly I felt the weight of the calm man's words descend onto my chest.

  Most too beautiful for the likes of us.

  It was true. Anna Elizabeth was too beautiful for me. Why she'd said yes to my proposal I didn't know. But I knew that I would not become like the others. I would not become another green-capped slave, toiling over my numbers while my wife spent her days wandering the streets with her lovers.


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