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Gentle: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 10

by Jason Lenov

  "Anna Elizabeth we have to leave this place!"

  Her eyes went wide with shock. "What? How can you say that? How can you say that after everything that's happened? After everything I've endured?"

  "You've endured?" I balked.

  Anna Elizabeth lowered her eyes and I saw a single tear form at the corner of one of them. "After all those times I found you fornicating with those other women. After I let myself be used for your pleasure, Matthew. I did all of that for you and now you want to leave?"

  What on earth was she talking about? "What do you mean? You did that for me?" I asked.

  She looked up and her eyes grew kind. "Of course I did it for you Matthew!" she wailed. "Why else would I have done it? Are you telling me you didn't like it? Are you telling me you didn't like seeing me like that?"

  Her question stopped me in my tracks. I couldn't deny that I'd enjoyed it but...was that really worth a lifetime in this place? "Anna Elizabeth, I love you. I love you but I..."

  But I what? I couldn't lie to my Anna Elizabeth! The truth was undeniable. My body had betrayed me and she'd seen how intense my pleasure had been at seeing her pilfered by another man.

  "Matthew," she cooed, "I think I know what's happening here."

  "You do?" I asked.

  "I think that you're just feeling nervous. It's normal. It happens all the time. The night before the wedding men begin to wonder if they're making the right decision."

  "No! No!" I cried. "I'm sure about you, Anna Elizabeth! I don't doubt it for one second, I never have! I just...I just don't want to...I can't. I can't live here. I can't live like this."

  Her smile waned. Soon it was gone completely and her expression turned serious. She lowered her chin and looked at me from under her brow. "But Matthew you can not have one without the other. This is my home. This is where I was meant to be. This is my story. The only question is, will it be yours too?"

  Before I could answer, Anna Elizabeth spun around and disappeared into the dark space behind the secret door. And before I could reach her or call out, the door slammed shut.

  No amount of pulling or tugging would loosen it from its invisible frame. It was as if some dark force were keeping it closed from within. Finally, I gave up. I stumbled back, my shoulders sagging, my face long.

  An agony gripped me and I wanted to cry out. But I did not want to be discovered. Dejected, I shuffled back to my room.

  Tobias was not there and I didn't wonder long where he might be. Perhaps with his new bride. Perhaps he had been given the night with her, his last before he, too, would be taken to the counting room and a green visor set upon his head.

  I sat, staring at the wall and wondering if that was the fate that would befall me. I thought my love for Anna Elizabeth knew no bounds but the prospect of a life inside these walls, inside this prison of heartbreak and pain was daunting. Would I really be able to live like that?

  There was something else to consider. What did I have outside of these walls? The answer was simple. Without Anna Elizabeth I had nothing. I had no family, no friends. If I needed to I could find a job elsewhere but I would forever be racked with doubt about whether I could have had a happier, or at least a less miserable life, here.

  I pondered the possibilities late into the night. I can't remember if I came up with an answer or not. The next thing I remember was being woken up the next morning. Not by Tobias. Not by Anna Elizabeth. Not by the three Anna's either. By the calm accountant that I'd spoken to the night before.

  "Matthew," he whispered in a furtive voice. "Matthew!"

  "What?" I said, rubbing my bleary eyes. "You. It's you. How do you know my name?"

  "It's not important. Listen to me. I am Yasha. You must listen." He had a tempestuous look that made me sit up and pay attention.

  "I'm listening."

  "There is still hope for you. There is still a way out of this!"

  "What? There is?"

  "There is but you must listen well. Pater demands your submission because he needs it! It is what grants him his power!"

  "It is?" I asked, my voice full of wonder.

  "It is. If you do not give it to him, if you do not submit, his power over you will not be complete. It will wane and he will not be able to pull you back as he has the rest of us."

  I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Was this a way out? Was this what I'd been looking for? "Tell me Yasha, please! How do I keep myself from falling into this life!"

  Yasha set his jaw, as if what he was about to say would not come easily. "Pater Rex cannot make you submit to his will any more than you can make your Anna submit to yours. You cannot make a woman love you if she does not. She has fallen victim to the promise of the power of his loins. But that promise is empty. A cock is nothing without the man behind it."

  I shook my head. How could it be so? How could a woman ever love someone like me after experiencing a man like that?

  "No! Don't be fooled! The world is full of fearsome cocks, there is no shortage of that."

  "Then what are you saying? What could I have that he doesn't?" I said, an anger brewing inside me at his naive rant.

  "You may not have his thick, dark gift, Matthew. But you have something else to give her."

  "What?!?" I shouted, losing my patience.

  He paused and cocked his head. "Love, Matthew. Love."

  The words melted me inside. How could I have been so blind! Of course this was my secret weapon! This was what I had to put my trust in! Did I dare? Did I dare to lose her if I tested this? "How will I convince her of this? I can't even see her before the wedding!" I cried.

  "Then it is at the wedding that you will confront him and her together. When he pierces her and stuffs his muscle towards her womb and fills her with his potent spunk, he will then ask you to do the same."

  "And?!? Then what?!?"

  " will tell him 'no.'"

  "No?" I asked.


  "That is it? That is your big plan?" I growled, gritting my teeth and ready to rage against this crazy man.

  "You will look into her eyes and you will say these words:

  I have loved you since we met and I will love you 'till we die, But my heart will break in two if I am spurned!

  Even love like mine will flounder in a wretched place like this, The strongest love will fade if not returned!"

  "What?!? That's it? That's your plan?"

  "Wait!" he said. "I'm not finished. Then:

  Meet me in the morning on the road towards the hill, We can walk away together hand in hand!

  I will know then that you've chosen me and love instead of lust, And we'll spend our lives together 'till the end!"

  Had there been crickets in that great stone palace their singing would have drowned out the silence between us. Instead, there was only silence.

  "Are you mad?" I whispered.

  Yasha shook his head. "I am not. I have saved one like you before. I can save you too."

  "How will this work?"

  He rubbed a hand across his chin. "It will only work if she truly loves you, Matthew."

  The weight of his words sank heavily on my chest. They were heavy because I knew them to be true. I did not want to speak the next question but I knew it had to be spoken. "And what about...what about the ceremony?"

  "The ceremony?"

  "The wedding. Must I...must I see her with him? I don't think I can."

  Yasha laid a hand on my arm. When he spoke, his voice was gentle. "You can, Matthew."

  "I can't! It will stay with me forever!"

  Slowly, he shook his head. "It will not. It will fade with time, like all untold stories do."

  "But he will have had her! He will have been the one who took her first!"

  A smile crept across his lips. "And that memory will fade into the past. And you will have her for the rest of your life."

  And I knew then that Yasha was a good man and that the path he'd laid out for me was the only way to redemption.

  Chapter 17

  I paced so much that day that I must have worn a path into those stones. I walked back and forth across the room rubbing my palms together and steeling myself for what I knew I must do. I played the scene over and over again in my mind. I imagined myself standing over Anna Elizabeth as Tobias had stood over his wife. As Yasha had stood over his. As all the men had stood over all their wives as they were taken by Pater's mighty pole.

  As hard as I tried, I couldn't ignore the twisting of my insides at the thought that she would carry the memory of Pater's massive cock inside her mind for the rest of our days. If she even chose me, that is.

  And yet I knew what I must do.

  When the knock came at the door I felt ready. When I walked into the hallway and began the long walk to the wedding chamber flanked by two dark guards, my feet felt leaden. My insides felt as if they'd been twisted into a thousand knots. But I felt calm. I knew what I must do.

  As I was led into the room and my eyes fell upon Anna Elizabeth lying naked on the altar-bed, my resolve faltered.

  And yet I knew what I must do.

  "Matthew!" Pater Rex bellowed from the corner as the door was shut.

  I looked at him. I bowed my head. I closed my eyes. "Pater Rex," I whispered. I looked back up to see him smiling.

  "I'm happy to hear you speak my name," he said.

  "Peace and goodness to you," Pater said.

  I looked him squarely in the eye. "May peace and goodness fill our cups with light." My voice was even and strong.

  His smile faltered. Was that flicker of fear that skittered across his lips at how I'd said it? It only lasted a moment. "Have you read your Brave Brother's Companion, Matthew?" he asked. "Do you know what you must do in this ceremony?" It sounded like a challenge. As if he expected me to say no and was ready to reign his hell-fire upon me for my dissent.

  "I have," I lied.

  He paused, frozen momentarily by my unexpected answer. "You have?"

  "I have. I know about the ceremony." Though I hadn't read the story, I had seen enough the night before to know what was going to happen.

  A wicked grin spread across his mouth. Joy, no doubt, at my compliance. "Good," he purred. "Then you will know where to take your place."

  I glanced at Anna Elizabeth. She looked scared. She tried to smile but it was a weak, empty thing. She looked away, as if unable to stare at me any longer.

  A shiver trembled through me. But I knew what I must do. I walked slowly around to the head of the altar-bed and took up my place, prepared to meet my destiny.

  Still grinning, Pater Rex shrugged off his robe. It slipped off his broad shoulders, forming a dark puddle of fabric on the cold, stone floor. He straightened his back and seemed to flex his arms, his broad chest growing broader as he began to walk towards my bride.

  I felt the nerves shaking me now and I wondered if Anna Elizabeth would feel it too as I held her legs open for Pater Rex.

  By the time he'd made it to the foot of the altar-bed, he'd stroked his cock into a full erection.

  I gazed at the ebony shaft, covered with crawling, bulging veins. I glanced at Anna Elizabeth's core. Already the hair above her pussy was damp. The sight made me shudder. If she did love me, how could she be aroused by this? How could she be so ready to take another man?

  My breathing became laboured and I looked down hoping that a glance from her would steady my nerves. But she, too, was looking between her legs at Pater Rex's dark and meaty pole.

  "Now," Pater Rex growled, "part your bride for me so you can say your vows."

  I leaned forward. I reached out with both hands. As I did, Anna Elizabeth brought up her knees so that I could tuck my fingers beneath them and spread her the rest of the way. I could not tear my eyes away from her slick pussy. As I parted her thighs to both sides, the folds of her sacred gash split open and clear evidence of her arousal spilled forth from inside her.

  Pater Rex moved forward. He put the head of his cock above her tight, unbroken cunt. He looked up, grinned, then looked into Anna Elizabeth's eyes.

  "Anna Elizabeth," he began. "How I have been waiting to say your name in this room." One corner of his mouth twisted even higher in a sinister smile. "How I have been waiting to wed you!"

  My heart was pounding in my chest. The urge to call out and tell him to stop, to say what Yasha had told me to say instead of waiting was almost irresistible. But I knew I couldn't. I knew what I had to do.

  "Anna Elizabeth, most loyal daughter of these gentle hills, do you take this man to be your husband?" His eyes roamed up to mine, his head still bent low so that he looked like a demon possessed, staring into the very furthest depths of my soul.

  "I do," Anna Elizabeth responded, her voice trembling like the last leaf of autumn clinging to tree-limb in a storm.

  Steady, Matthew. Steady.

  Pater Rex lifted his head, his chin rising high in the air so that now he was staring down his nose at me. "And Matthew, do you take this woman, Anna Elizabeth, to be your wife? To hold in times of need? To comfort and to love no matter what may come?"

  Though I was shaking and I knew Anna Elizabeth could feel it, my voice came strong. "I do."

  Pater Rex smirked. "And in exchange for our gentle company, will you give your bride to me?"

  "I will."

  "And will you let me break her?" he snarled.

  His eyes were boring in to me, the heat of his stare almost unbearable but I did not dare break it. I knew what I had to do. "I will."

  Pater Rex drew a long breath, sniffing at the air that was now pungent with Anna Elizabeth's terrified arousal. "And do you agree to let me fill her first? To fill her with my seed? Will you let nature decide, who was meant to breed?"

  The final answer. I spoke it softly. "I will."

  And unlike with Tobias the night before, Pater did not wait. He did not place the head of his cock gently onto those soaked folds. He did not ease himself in, or pause to let her body accept him. No. Lowering his eyes to her sweaty snatch he put his hands on her supple thighs, rested his cock's head on her drooling puss and drilled himself inside.

  "Aaagh!" Anna Elizabeth's shrill scream tore along the walls and racing out the window sent flocks of birds from their roosts, flapping up into the dark, cold night.

  I watched in horror as Pater's throbbing member pierced her maidenhood and plunged into her tightest part, splitting it open with a with a sweaty slurp.

  She screamed as he filled her, plunging faster, deeper, harder until he came to a part of her that seemed to be the deepest part. But instead of stopping and pulling out and pushing in again, he braced himself, black hands on white hips, and thrust into her even harder.

  Her scream melted into a moaning mewl as her slick snatch swallowed the rest of his dark cock.

  I felt the change in her legs, too. Tense muscles relaxed into undulating waves, her body opening to take him completely as he leaned over her.

  I had imagined in my torment that day that this, this moment, would be the hardest part. It was and watching it brought a hardness to me that I could not ignore. My cock punched against my pants, the hard flesh aching to be brought free and buried in the same soft hole Pater Rex was filling now.

  It was in that moment that I realized where my greatest challenge lay. My greatest challenge would not be watching as Pater Rex defiled my angel and pierced her with his shaft. My greatest challenge would be in resisting the urge to take her for myself and sealing his power over me when it was done. I took a deep breath and continued to watch.

  Pater Rex looked up. His muscles were all flexed, his back curled like that of an animal in a rut. "Take her by the ankles!" he snarled.

  I did as I was told, stretching her legs up until her knees were at her sides and her feet above her head.

  Pater Rex began his ferocious fuck.

  Anna Elizabeth's eyes rolled back into her head as his giant cock thundered into her now swollen, red cunt. Her head began to roll side to side as she moane
d her pleasure, calling out "Oh! Oh! Oh!" at each of his thrusts.

  Pater Rex's lips were curled in a snarl as his cock drove in and out, in and out of her, each time stickier with the juice from her greedy cunt. The altar-bed began to shake and move across the floor and I wondered if it would give under his violent affection.

  Each time I looked away at some other corner of the room, or closed my eyes so as to quell my arousal, they were drawn back to the sight of that massive cock plundering my bride's filthy puss. I cringed. I knew the moment was approaching. I knew that soon would be the time to make my stand. The thought of watching his seed spilling from her belly made me hard and scared and hard again.

  As their two bodies began to shiver in unison, approaching their collision with bliss, I stared at the profane image of Pater Rex impaling his dark root into my angel.

  I saw his fingers tighten on her hips.

  I felt her body buck. She let out a moan and then her hips began flailing as she begged him for more of his fat cock.

  For a moment Pater looked up and smiled at me with his wicked grin. Then, his attention turned back to Anna Elizabeth. He grasped one of her bouncing breasts with his hand and squeezed it. His back arched. His head flailed back. He roared, an vicious animal sound and I knew the moment had come.

  Gazing at his throbbing member I saw it pumping. Flex, release. Flex, release. Flex release. As it dumped hot seed into Elizabeth it looked like it was swelling to twice its size and I imagined how much spunk it was spewing into her virgin cunt.

  I thought of all that seed swimming deep inside her already, plunging even further into her depths, searching for its goal. And what if it took? What if this first fucking made her belly grow, what then? Would I still love her? Would I raise another man's child? The thought was almost too much to bear. I pushed it away and focused on what was happening in front of me.

  After a moment of stillness, as they both crested the wave of pleasure, their bodies began to move once more. Groins rubbed into and against each other. Sloppy wetness oozed and leaked. Pater bent low over Anna Elizabeth.


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