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Being with the Brothers Next Door

Page 5

by Being

  “And we wish you would have said something, too.” He smiled at her and brushed his thumb along her bottom lip. She couldn’t argue with him, because the past four years had been all of her fault.

  “I’m sorry I avoided you guys and hid my feelings. I was scared, worried that Tanner thought what we did was a mistake. I shouldn’t have wasted all that time.” Bringing his other hand to the side of her face, he stared into her eyes.

  “No, Sasha, you shouldn’t, but no one is to blame, especially not when the past doesn’t matter anymore. You’re here now, and that is all that matters.” Bringing her close for a kiss, he whispered against her lips. “Let’s just focus on the future and the fact everything is out in the open.”

  “But what about Tanner? And … oh God, Rian.” Her brother was so not going to like this, even if she was an adult and he had no say in the situation. And what about Tanner and his new girlfriend? Was he really serious about her?

  “Everything will work out, I promise.” Jonas, always the optimist. And the whole issue with Tanner and this Brianna girl is nothing you need to worry about. I saw the way he looked at you at Shake’s. He still loves you, whether he is trying to fool himself and everyone else or not.”

  Just the thought of talking to Tanner and telling him all of this scared the shit out of her. “I just don’t see how you can be okay with me loving your brother … and wanting to be with your brother, too.” He shook his head before she even finished.

  “Sasha, don’t you understand?” He didn’t wait for her to answer. “This isn’t about me sharing you with Tanner. This is about the one girl we are both madly in love with returning our feelings.” He kissed her lightly, as if to solidify his point. “This is about not worrying what others think, and going with what our hearts tell us. Do you understand, sweetheart?”

  She did, but all of this was so confusing and unconventional. It also seemed so easy and went far too fast. It was like the years away from them hadn’t happened at all, like they had always been together and were now making it known.

  “And don’t worry about, Rian. He’s a hard-ass, but he loves you and I know he’ll want you to be happy. Besides, I’ll talk with him.”

  Did he not know her brother? Rian was going to shit bricks once this all came to light. Their parents, too, but Sasha didn’t want to think about any of that, not when it seemed everything was finally falling into place.

  Chapter Three

  To Sasha’s utter disappointment Jonas didn’t allow her to help him relieve his clear arousal in the truck. Granted, it wasn’t the most romantic of spots, but after all the years of denying herself she didn’t care where they were. Besides, she hadn’t exactly wanted to have sex in his truck, but his erection had been hard and insistent, and she had wanted nothing more than to feel his length in her mouth or in another part of her body. Even thinking about that now had her cheeks heating and a hard slam of lust pulsing through her veins. Yes, she had been with two guys in the four years away from home, but even they couldn’t erase what she felt for Tanner and Jonas. The sex had been anything but romantic or memorable, but she knew she couldn’t let herself pine over men who didn’t return her feelings. Or that was what she had thought.

  Now it was the following day, and Jonas was due to pick her up to go house hunting in ten minutes. Sasha found herself trying on the fifth outfit. She felt like she was going on her first date, which was a ridiculous notion given the fact she was twenty-two and it wasn’t a date at all. House hunting had to be the most non-date and unromantic thing in the world, but here she was prettying herself up. She headed downstairs and passed her mother and father who were in a heated discussion about Scrabble.

  “Honey, can you come over here and settle this dispute I’m having with your mother?” Her father called out from the kitchen.

  Fortunately, the sound of Jonas pulling into the driveway saved her from having to get in the middle of another one of their “discussions”.

  “Can’t right now. Jonas is taking me house hunting.” Before she could make a smooth getaway her mother rushed into the foyer.


  “Mom, you don’t expect me to live here forever do you?” The look in her mother’s eyes told her that was exactly what her mother thought. “Mom, I’m an adult. You have to be realistic.”

  “I know, honey. It’s just that your father and I haven’t seen you in so long, and the times you did visit it was hardly long enough.” Her dad, with his receding and graying hairline came to stand next to her mom. “We just thought you’d stay with us for a little while. Catch up and whatnot.”


  Jonas knocked on the door, and she gave her parents an apologetic smile, yet she wasn’t sorry for the interruption at all. She opened the door, and there he was, looking casual but so freaking sexy she couldn’t do anything but stare. His jeans were low on his narrow hips, and his button-up was a dark green that matched his eyes perfectly.

  “Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Marsh.”

  Sasha waved goodbye over her shoulder and shut the front door before her mother could put a guilt trip on her and convince her to stay with them longer. She needed her own place, especially when she started work in just over a week.

  Jonas drove to a few places he knew were on the market. They didn’t talk about what happened in his truck last night, and she was thankful, yet disappointed all at the same time. The first few places were out of her price range, but when he pulled into the driveway of a partially built one-story home, she fell in love instantly. It looked almost completely built, with the windows and door already installed and the final portions of the siding being applied.

  “Wow, it’s gorgeous.” They climbed out of the truck, and she made her way up the cobbled pathway that led to the front door. “I think this may be out of my budget, too, Jonas.” He walked in front of her and unlocked the door before pushing it open. The smell of hardwood instantly filled her senses. The foyer was all dark wood and tiled accents. A small, modest chandelier hung in the entryway. The foyer led into a living room, then that into the kitchen, a breakfast bar separating the two rooms.

  “Well, I happen to know for a fact the seller would give you an incredible deal.” She walked into the kitchen and ran her hand over the granite countertops.

  “What, Rian own this property, too?” She knew her brother owned not just his construction company, but also several properties in Hayven Hill. When he didn’t answer right away she stopped and turned to face him. Jonas leaned against the wall, his arms crossed and one foot over the other. He appeared extremely relaxed, even if he did wear a little smirk.

  “No. Me.”

  It was her turn to lift her brows.

  “You own this?”

  He shrugged and pushed off the wall to walk toward her. He leaned his forearms against the breakfast bar and gave her a full on grin. “Well, Tanner designed it, and I did all the legal paperwork, but yeah, we both own it.” He kept his eyes on her. “Marsh Construction is building it, and we planned on putting it on the market when it was finished, but…” He cut off his words stared at her as if she should assume what he was talking about. When she didn’t respond, because frankly she had no clue what to say, he continued talking. “I think this place would be perfect for you, and it’ll be completely finished in the next couple of weeks.”

  It sounded incredible, but she still didn’t think it was in her price range, nor did she know how Tanner would feel about all of this. She still hadn’t spoken to Tanner about her feelings or the conversation she had with Jonas last night. For all she knew Jonas might be totally wrong about his twin’s feelings toward her.

  “And the best part of all of this is that Tanner and I only live a mile down the road.” He gave her a wink, and her entire body lit up.

  “Um, it sounds great and the house is wonderful, but I don’t really know how Tanner would feel about this, especially since I haven’t spoken to him.” She worried her thumbnail with her teeth and looked aro
und the kitchen. “Besides, even if he was okay with this as well I’m pretty sure this is out of my price-range.”

  “I can guarantee that Tanner would be okay with this.” He gave her a lopsided smile, and suspicions slammed into her.

  “And why would you think he’d be okay with this when you haven’t even spoken to him about it?” Or maybe he had. Was that why he was so sure?

  He stalked forward, like a damn predator about to attack her. She pressed as far against the counter as she could, but it wasn’t that she actually wanted to escape him. What she needed was something solid to hold on to for fear that she wouldn’t be able to stand on her own. When he was close enough that she smelled his mint flavored breath along her lips, he spoke.

  “I know he’d be more than good with you staying here because then we could visit you all the time, Sasha.” He leaned in, and she felt the lightest caress of his lips against hers. “And believe me when I saw that is something both of us would enjoy immensely. Day or night, baby.” He took her lips in the next second and gave her everything that she had missed since only last night. His tongue swept into her mouth, claiming hers in a sensual dance that had her pussy wet and her nipples hard as rock. His big body pressed into her, making her mold against the counter as he delved his tongue in and out of her mouth. She got lost in the sensations, became dizzy from the emotions, and wanted to take this further.

  “Please, Jonas. Please.” Fortunately, she didn’t have to elaborate on what she desperately needed because he slid his hands down her back and curved them over her ass. He flexed his fingers several times, before hauling her onto the counter. Spreading her legs to make room for his hips, Sasha sighed in bliss when his erection bumped against her pussy. At least she had been smart enough to wear a skirt this time. The material bunched up her thighs, but apparently that wasn’t good enough because Jonas gripped the hem and shoved the dress up until it was well over her hips. The white panties she wore weren’t anything special, but they were lacy, and she knew for a fact he could see her lips through the transparent material.

  “Christ, Sasha.” He flicked his eyes to hers for a second before dropping them back between her splayed legs. Taking her ankles in his hands he brought them up until her feet rested on the counter. Gripping her knees, he spread her thighs as wide as they would go. Her labia parted, but embarrassment wasn’t an emotion she felt at the moment. She was too aroused and needy for any of that. “I can see your fucking pussy through your panties.” His hard pants tickled the base of her throat. He continued a downward path with his mouth, groaning every time she made a little noise of pleasure. He cupped her breasts and used his thumbs to brush them back and forth over her nipples, causing them to stiffen further. Before she could catch her breath his mouth was on her breasts, sucking her right one through the thin material of her dress then going to her left one. The fabric was wet, and when he continued moving lower she saw her stiff nipples clearly through the white fabric.

  “God, you are trying to kill me, Sasha.”

  He must have liked what he saw because he moved back up and latched onto her breasts once more. Her clit pulsated in time with his sucking mouth.

  “Tell me if feels good for you, Sasha.” His words were muffled against her chest.

  “It feels so good, Jonas.” She speared her hands in the dark strands of his hair and gave them a hard tug.

  “I’m about to make you feel a hell of a lot better, sweets.” She didn’t have to wait and wonder what he meant, because in the next second his mouth on her lace-covered mound. For several long moments all he did was lick and nip at her through her panties—which seemed so much more erotic than actually feeling his lips on her bare flesh. Wetness slipped from her on a continuous basis, making her pussy slick with the need to be fucked. She leaned back and rested against the cool granite. He was never-ending in his pleasurable onslaught, but when he hooked his finger under the side of her panties and pulled them aside, that was when the real ecstasy began.

  “Oh. God, Jonas.”

  He moved his tongue through the folds of her pussy, lapping up her juices and making more spill from her. The fact she still wore her panties, but that he was causing her to fly higher and closer to climax, sped the process along. It was hot and erotic, and she knew there was no way she could stop the flow of desire that was sure to take her over the edge.

  “Come on, Sasha.” He ran his tongue over her clit, sucked the hard nub into his mouth, and growled when she bucked against him. A slight discomfort from her panties digging into her flesh seemed to make her pleasure that more intense. “Come for me. Fucking come all over my face.” He tightened his fingers on her thighs.

  She could have come right then, was about to, but then he shoved two fingers into her, curled the digits up so the pads rubbed along an ultrasensitive area, and growled once more against her clit. The vibrations coupled with the thrust of those thick fingers had her exploding. She came hard and long, screaming his name and pulling at his hair. He wouldn’t relent, wouldn’t give her a reprieve from the pleasure/pain he delivered. It was only when she pleaded and begged for him to stop, that he actually did, but he wasn’t finished with her, not if the look in his eyes was anything to go by.

  All Sasha could do was suck enough air into her lungs and watch as he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside. Then he grabbed a condom from his wallet and got rid of his jeans. He wore no underwear, and that fact alone was one of the sexiest things she had ever seen.

  “Pull the dress down. Just enough that I can see your tits, Sasha.”

  Gone was the gentleman that had always been Jonas. In its place was a man who wanted to fuck her. His wide shoulders led down defined to pecs, a rippling six-pack, and narrow hips. He had that delicious V of muscles that pointed right to his cock, and what a cock it was—long and thick and everything masculine. She shouldn’t have expected less, not after she had been with Tanner and had felt exactly how big he was. They were twins after all, similar in appearance and it appeared in raw sexuality, too. He slipped the condom on and moved back between her thighs.

  “Let me see your tits, Sasha.” Her heart felt like it was about to explode for how fast everything was going. Moving slowly, and not because she was being coy, but because she was so turned on she couldn’t get her limbs to do what she wanted, Sasha pushed the straps of her dress down her shoulders. She didn’t wear a bra, and her breasts sprang free of their constraint. It was clear Jonas liked it by the way he groaned and immediately dipped his head to take a bared nipple into his mouth. He alternated between her breasts, and sucked on the peaks so hard the ecstasy and agony morphed into one continuous wave. The hot length of him pressed against her slit, and all she wanted to do was demand he tear her panties away and plunge into her. This was a long time in coming. While he continued to suckle on her, he reached between their bodies, gripped her panties, and tore the damn things away. He pulled back, caught her gaze with his, and aligned the thick crest of his cock at the entrance of her body.

  “You have no fucking idea how many times I’ve thought about doing this, Sasha.” He ran the tip up and down her cleft, teasing her to the point she wanted to scream. “Years, baby.” He pressed the cap of his dick back at her opening, and for a suspended moment he stared at her, not moving or breathing. “Tell me you want my dick in your cunt. Tell me you’ve touched your hot little pussy while thinking about this moment, thinking about me shoving my cock inside of you.”

  God, his filthy fucking words drove her insane. There had only been one other man who could arouse her so completely with just a few, dirty words—Tanner.

  Licking her lips then dropping her gaze down to his mouth, she whispered, “Yes. I’ve thought about you fucking me.” He groaned. “Fuck my cunt with your big dick.”

  Slowly she dragged her eyes back to his. His lids were half-lidded, but his lust was a tangible entity.

  “Say it again. Slowly.” He was a damn sadist intent on torturing her, but this was the best kind of
punishment. His eyes lowered to stare at her mouth, as if wanting to actually see her lips form the words. Curling her nails into her palms, she said it again, slowly.

  “Jonas. Please, fuck. My. Cunt.” He slammed his dick into her in one, swift move, and she threw her head back and cried out. His moan matched her own hoarse shouts of pleasure. The stretch and burn from his thickness had tears pooling in her eyes, but that discomfort soon faded when he started to move. At first his thrusts were slow and easy, but then he slammed in and out of her, so fast and hard all she could do was ride it out with him. He had to keep a tight grip on her waist so she didn’t get pushed up the counter as he pounded into her, a fact she found hot as hell. It was also an arousal heightening drug to see that his focus was on their conjoined bodies.

  “Your pussy is so wet and pink.” His chest rose and fell from exertion. “It is stretched so fucking wide around my cock.” He looked at her and said, “It is the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen, Sasha.”

  He slammed into her again and again, the pain of his forcefulness bringing her to new heights as it merged with the ecstasy. When he withdrew the head of his shaft rubbed along her G-spot, and she moaned. Her climax came unexpectedly and had stars dancing before her vision. A gush of wetness came from her, and her eyes widened when she looked down and saw the clear moisture coming from her. The ecstasy was never-ending, and so was the fluid. Before she could become humiliated by what her body was doing, Jonas groaned roughly and rubbed her clit back and forth with his thumb. The action had the pleasure coursing through her and exploding into a million a tiny little pieces that consumed every single inch of her.


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