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Being with the Brothers Next Door

Page 6

by Being

  “Fuck, yeah, Sasha.” Jonas sounded like he had been running a marathon. Just as her orgasm waned, and before she could let her embarrassment consume her because she was one of those girls who had that kind of reaction when her G-spot was hit, she was being lifted and flipped around. Her belly was to the now warmed counter, her dress over her ass, and Jonas slammed back into her, bottoming out and causing her to gasp out.

  “That’s it. You’re fucking taking my cock like you were made for me, Sasha.” Who was fucking her right now? This certainly wasn’t the Jonas she had grown up around. Now, that wasn’t to say she didn’t like this version, because she sure as hell did.

  “God, Sasha, you’re so fucking tight … and wet. I want you to come again. Yeah, baby, you’re going to fucking come so hard you can’t sit for a week.”

  He groaned the last part. He snaked his hand down her belly and to her clit. Rubbing the bud back and forth had another set of smaller orgasms coursing through her. She bit her lip and tasted blood, but the pleasure outweighed the discomfort.

  “I’m going to come, baby, but you’re getting there one more time.” He slammed into her once, twice, and on the third time her orgasm claimed her completely. Jonas bottomed out inside of her and came long and hard. After a minute he collapsed on top of her. The feel of his sweaty chest against her back was actually enticing instead of disgusting. He pulled out of her and backed away, but Sasha couldn’t find the strength to move. She didn’t even care that her ass and pussy were on full display, and apparently neither did Jonas since he chose that moment to slap her right cheek. A squeal left her, and she spun around.

  “That stung.” She massaged her ass but didn’t hide her grin.

  After he grabbed a few napkins that were on the counter and helped her clean up he leaned against the breakfast bar. The sun streaming through the window washed his body in a golden hue, and all she could do was sigh in appreciation. It wasn’t until she realized she was gawking at him that she looked into his face. He watched her with a strange expression, one that made her feel bare, and not having anything to do with the fact her breasts were still visible or that they had just had sex. She didn’t even feel weird after the fact “What?” After she adjusted her dress and felt ten shades of red, he finally answered.

  “I’m just in awe that you’re actually here, and that I’m lucky enough to have your love.” And there it was, the Jonas that she had grown up with. He was sweet and kind and spoke such gentle words that they made her chest constrict with emotion. So he was just a dirty talker in bed. She so could handle that. He grabbed his jeans and started putting them on, and Sasha turned to look out the window. All she saw was acres of wooded land.

  “It’s so beautiful here, Jonas.” The fact he and Tanner built these beautiful houses astounded her. It wasn’t that she didn’t think they couldn’t, but that they had accomplished so much since she had been gone. That thought was followed by the anger she felt for herself at letting it get to be that way.

  “Hey.” His hands were on her shoulders, and he turned her around. “What’s wrong?” The fact he had been able to tell something was wrong with her without her even having to say anything proved to her that she made the right decision in sharing her feelings with him. Now she just needed to tell Tanner. She turned around and faced Jonas.

  “I’m just angry at myself for avoiding you two for so long. I can’t help but think how different my life would be if I had just told you and Tanner how much you meant to me instead of running.”

  “Baby.” He sighed and looked up at the ceiling, and she wondered what was going through his head right now. “We can’t live in the past. If we do we won’t ever make it in the future. Do you understand?”

  She did, but words weren’t going to help her forget any of it, no matter how eloquently they were phrased.

  “Listen, until you realize that you’ll never be able to enjoy life. And, baby,” he leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. “I want to enjoy that life with you.” Mouth fully fused with hers, Jonas kissed her like they hadn’t just fucked on the counter.

  “What the fuck?” Rian sounded shocked and angry.

  Sasha’s heart stopped. Jonas turned around slowly, as if her brother finding them in an intimate embrace wasn’t a big deal. This was so a big deal. No way in hell was Rian supposed to find out this way. Sasha had wanted to sit down with him, explain that she loved Tanner and Jonas, and hope he accepted that. This, of course, would have all been done after she spoke with Tanner.

  “Rian, just calm down.” That was so not the right thing to say. To make matters worse Tanner walked through the front door and stopped when he saw them.

  “What’s going on?” By the way he looked at Rian, then turned and looked at her and Jonas, she could see in his eyes he knew what happened. How could he not when Jonas’s shirt was still unbuttoned and her hair probably looked like she just got fucked on a kitchen counter?

  “I…” She smoothed her hands down her dress and looked between her furious brother and a shocked Tanner.

  Rian’s chest rose and fell, and his face was turning an angry shade of red. “I want to hear what Jonas has to say,” Rian said. This was going from bad to worse, especially when Rian kept clenching and unclenching his hands.

  Tanner took a step closer, and the air shifted to something uncomfortable.

  Her brother looked between her and Jonas, and she could see the barely restrained rage below the surface. “Did you fuck my sister, man?” Rian’s nostrils flared, and he looked between her and Jonas over and over again. If the danger wasn’t right at the surface she would have been mortified by the situation.

  Nothing was said for so long Sasha didn’t think Jonas would actually answer, but then he said, “Yes, but I’m in love with your sister, and she’s in love with me.” A heartbeat of silence passed before Tanner added gasoline to the already raging fire.

  “Jonas isn’t the only one, Rian. I’m in love with your sister, too.”

  Chapter Four

  Everything happened so quickly that Sasha didn’t know what the hell was even happening. One minute she was leaning against the counter, and the next Jonas had her pushed into the corner of the kitchen just as Rian charged him. The breakfast bar blocked the two men, but that didn’t stop her insane brother from practically vaulting the damn thing to get to Jonas.

  “You owe me one hell of an explanation.” Rian continued to clench and unclench his hands at his sides. When Jonas didn’t answer fast enough Rian moved closer.

  “Rian, stop it.” She made a move to go to them, to stop what was clearly about to happen, but strong arms wrapped around her middle and the scent of Tanner surrounded her.

  “Stay put. I don’t want you getting hurt.” He let go of her and went over to Rian, who was in some kind of standoff with Jonas. Jonas held his hand up to stop his brother.

  “Rian, man, calm down. It isn’t what you think. We love your sister.” Hearing Tanner say that after all this time squeezed her heart in a vice.

  “You.” Rian pointed at Tanner and speared him with a gaze that was filled with rage, but also hurt.

  Oh God. Seeing her brother’s expression look like one of betrayal was hard to stomach.

  “I’ll get to you when I’m done with him.”

  “If you’ll just let us explain—” Jonas’s words were cut off when Rian punched him in the face. Tanner said something low and angry, but Jonas held one hand up to stop him. His other hand cupped the side of his mouth. “I deserved that for not explaining my intentions to you sooner.” She could see a trickle of blood dripping down his chin and covered her own mouth to hold off her sound of distress. The next thing she knew Rian and Jonas were at each other’s throats. It was clear Jonas was trying to defend himself as Rian wailed on him, and there was no doubt in Sasha’s mind that Jonas was letting her brother kick his ass. Tanner was in the fight in the next second, trying to get his best friend off of his twin. Blood was on the floor and splattered across
Rian’s white t-shirt.

  She screamed for him to stop, begged him to get control of himself, but her words fell on deaf ears. There was nothing she could do, because getting in the middle of three fully grown and powerful men as they fought was dumb as hell.

  “How could you do this shit behind my back?” Rian slammed his fist into Jonas’s stomach. “Did you fuck her, too, Tanner?” If he actually expected an answer he wasn’t going to get one while he still beat on them. She couldn’t handle this anymore.

  “Rain, just fucking stop it.” When that didn’t work she screamed as loud as she could, “I’m in love with both of them, and all you’re doing is hurting the men I love as well as me.”

  It seemed like those were the magic words because Rian had his fists poised in the air and stared at her. Their breathing was a combined cacophony of hard pants. Both Tanner and Jonas stared at her with identical stunned expressions on their face. Tanner looked at her with a stunned expression on his face, and Jonas watched her but made sure to keep Rian in his sights. She didn’t blame him, not when her brother was acting like a crazed lunatic.

  “Stop, Rian. Just fucking stop.” Her brother took a step back and stared at her as if she had betrayed him. After looking at the bloody noses and forming black eyes Tanner and Jonas were sporting, her anger grew. “Why in the hell would you hit them because they said they loved me?” Tears blurred her vision, and she hated the fact she cried when she was angry. “I’m an adult, and you’re acting like some crazy person.” She wiped away her tears and balled her hands into fists. “You’re not Dad, Rian.” Her brother gritted his teeth and continued to breathe heavily. “You’re acting like some kind of caveman, and all it’s doing is driving a wedge between us.”


  “Why, Rian? You go and act all insane because they love me and I love them?” She knew it was more than that, but right now her emotions were running high. He looked down, and his jaw clenched. “I don’t expect you to take all of this in stride. It’s a shock to all of us, but violence, Rian?”

  He looked at her harshly, then to Tanner and Jonas, and left out of the front door in angry strides. Once he was gone no one said anything, and the silence grew to an uncomfortable level. Jonas’s nose had stopped bleeding, as had Tanner’s, but they were still bloody. This was all her fault. If she had just told Rian about how she felt a long time ago, things might have been different. These were his best friends, and she was his little sister, so she could see why he would be angry, but the shock of everything coming to light was a reality check of the worst kind. The fact Rian felt betrayed, or that he was somehow protecting her, was unjust. Something needed to be said, but what?

  “So, you love me, too?” Tanner grinned over at her, all bloodied and bruised, but still managing to make light of the situation. Jonas groaned, but she could tell it was all in fun.

  “Come on. Let’s clean you guys up.”


  After Sasha had helped the guys clean up they stood around the breakfast bar. Tanner’s eye was starting to turn a nasty shade of purple, and Jonas’s cheek was red and swollen and his lip was split. She was pissed at Rian, but in her heart she knew he had acted that way because he did love her, even if he handled it in a totally fucked-up way.

  “You know, he just doesn’t want to see you get hurt,” Jonas said and rested his forearms on the counter.

  “Especially given my history with women.” She didn’t miss how Jonas narrowed his eyes at his brother. “I’m not going to lie to her, Jonas.”

  “I don’t want you to lie to her either, but bringing that shit up right now certainly doesn’t help anything.”

  Jonas was right. There would never be a good time to talk about that. Resting her elbows on the counter and covering her face with her hands, Sasha thought about how in the hell she was going to talk to Rian about this. He had been so angry, and the look he had given her, like she had somehow stabbed him in the back, cut her deep.

  “Everything will be okay.” Jonas smoothed his hand up and down her back. What she needed to do first was talk to Tanner about what she revealed. He was looking at her when she lifted her head. Straightening and putting on the bravado of confidence, something she didn’t feel at the moment, she just went for it.

  “I meant it, Tanner.” Her words were low, purposefully so, and when he didn’t say anything she caught his gaze. It was out there, so the only thing she could do was deal with it.

  “As did I.” Those three words were spoken so strongly, as if he wanted her to know he meant them from the very depths of his soul. She exhaled, not even realizing she had been holding her breath.

  A part of her snapped, and she started to laugh, a full-on bellow of rolling laughter. Tanner and Jonas looked at her as if she’d lost her mind, and maybe she had. Wiping the tears away she sobered.

  “This whole thing isn’t funny, but it is fucked up. I mean I am in love with my brother’s best friends, and slept with both of them. How does that even happen?” She said the last part to herself, but a second later both of them started laughing, too. She supposed all someone could do was make light of a very strange and unorthodox situation. When the laughter died Tanner grew very serious.

  “Come here, Sasha.” At the sound of those words her heart started racing. Moving around the breakfast counter and passing Jonas—who made sure to brush his fingers down her arm—she stopped in front of Tanner. Sliding his hand behind her neck, he gently pulled her forward until her chest brushed along his. “Say it again, but look me in the eyes when you do.”

  The words were spoken intimately, and with Jonas right behind her, his body heat seeping into hers, everything felt right in the world. She wasn’t thinking about her brother, or what people would say about her with two men. It was only the three of them, and it felt so damn good. Lifting her hand and gently caressing right below his eyes, she couldn’t help but wince at the forming bruise.

  “What about Brianna?” Bringing her up was the last thing she wanted to do, but Sasha needed to know if he was still with her. It didn’t matter how much she loved him, because if he was still with Brianna this wouldn’t work.

  “I broke up with her last night. After I saw you I knew my emotions were still there, as strong as ever.” His eyes held hers, and she could see him imploring her to understand exactly what he was saying. “I love you, and I knew I had to make things right with us. My past relationships were empty, and all I could do was compare every single female to you.” Tanner ran his fingers over her bottom lip. “Now, tell me again, Sasha.”

  A heartbeat passed between them before she said, “I am so in love with you, Tanner Ashbury.” Jonas pressed his chest to her back, pushed her hair away from her shoulder, and kissed the exposed skin. Tanner dipped his head and brought his lips to hers. After four long years she was finally doing this with him again, and it felt so right. He was soft then rough, demanding then coaxing. The flavor of him invaded her senses, filled her taste buds, and had her craving for more. Jonas continued to kiss and nibble at her shoulder. Their erections pressed into her lower back and belly, but she knew this wasn’t about sex. This was about kindling something that should have been started a long time ago. The violence, Rian’s anger, and her self-annoyance over everything faded into the background. The fact she was sandwiched between the Ashbury twins didn’t feel strange at all. In fact, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.


  By the time they left the house and she was back home it was too late for her to talk to Rian, but she wouldn’t have anyway, not with how upset he was. The next day proved just as uncomfortable, especially when Rian refused to take her calls, but she wasn’t going to just let him avoid her. There were things that needed to be said, and things that needed to be straightened out. Maybe the smart thing would have been to leave him alone for a while and allow him to cool off, but she knew her brother, and the longer she avoided him and the subject the worse the situation would become.

p; She grabbed her keys and headed over to his house, but didn’t bother pulling into the driveway since his truck wasn’t there. The only other place she could think of was the construction site. She saw his truck as soon as she pulled into the gravel driveway. The sound of metal clanking together, wood being cut, and men laughing and talking loudly, filled her ears as she climbed out of the car. Rian wasn’t anywhere to be seen, so she walked up to a few sweaty men standing around with yellow hardhats on.

  “Excuse me.”

  A big burly man turned around and looked down at her. Sweat glistened off his toned body, and his cut-off t-shirt showed his bulging biceps. He was intimidating just standing in front of her.

  “Yeah?” His voice was like a serrated blade, and Sasha took a step back.

  “I’m looking for Rian Marsh.”

  One thick, black eyebrow rose. “His latest pussy don’t usually show up at the sites.” He chuckled, which caused the men behind him to do the same. He thought she was a girl Rian… Gross. Shaking her head to get rid of those thoughts, Sasha straightened her shoulders.

  “I’m his sister.”

  The smug grin on his face vanished, and he looked sheepish. Good.

  “Oh. Shit. I’m sorry I implied…” Shaking his head he took his hardhat off and ran his hand over his shaved, glistening head. “He’s looking over some blueprints in the trailer. I can take you back there if you want?”

  “No, no. It’s fine.” Before he could say anything else, or the situation could become more awkward, Sasha headed toward the small, industrial looking trailer out of the way from the construction site. She knocked, heard him call out to enter, and pulled the door open. The cold air from the AC was the first thing that hit her, and then she saw Rian bent over a worktable looking over a set of blueprints. An older gentleman looked at them as well, but when they heard her enter they turned toward her. When his eyes caught hers the shift in him was noticeable.


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