American Caesar
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7 Van Der Post in Holiday 10/1961; Fredricks 42 (back to text)
8 Brines 36; Van Der Post in Holiday 10/1961; Reischauer Japanese 104 (back to text)
9 Brines 40, 145; Sommers in Saturday Evening Post 5/25/1946 (back to text)
10 Cochrane in Harper’s 9/1947; Gavin M. Long 182; Kodama 205 (back to text)
11 MacArthur Reminiscences 280-81; Kenney Know 197; Gunther 95 (back to text)
12 Kenney Know 196; MacArthur Reminiscences 310 (back to text)
13 Gunther 18; Bush in Life 12/2/1946 (back to text)
14 NYT 9/5/1945; MacArthur Reminiscences 280 (back to text)
15 Cochrane in Harper’s 9/1947 (back to text)
16 MacArthur Reminiscences 280; Willoughby and Chamberlain 302; Rovere and Schlesinger 95 (back to text)
17 Mayer Japan 6; Brines 64 (back to text)
18 “New Door to Asia,” T 5/9/1949; Brines 62-68 passim; Sulzberger 560 (back to text)
19 Sebald and Brines 102-04 passim; Rovere and Schlesinger 86; Brines 64; Mayer Japan 14; Gunther 92; Bowers in Esquire 1/1967; Whitney 251 (back to text)
20 Osborne in Life 4/23/1951; Gunther 125; Brines 28; Cronin 377; Lee and Henschel 184 (back to text)
21 MacArthur Reminiscences 291; Hunt Untold 419; Osborne in Life 4/23/1951; Sebald and Brines 103 (back to text)
22 Sebald and Brines 103 (back to text)
23 Gunther 116-17; Spanier 66; Gavin M. Long 182; MacArthur Reminiscences 281-82; Brines 27—28 (back to text)
24 Gunther 3, 4; Whitney 245 (back to text)
25 Gavin M. Long 186, 189; Gunther 83; Sebald and Brines 119 (back to text)
26 Reischauer Japanese 105; “I Remember Mac,” Newsweek 4/19/1948; “New Door to Asia,” T 5/9/l949 (back to text)
27 Gunther 123-24 (back to text)
28 “Strategic Springboard,” T 9/2/1946; “The U.S. Does a Job,” Fortune 3/1947; Brines 38 (back to text)
29 Cochrane in Harpers 9/1947; Kodama 205 (back to text)
30 Gunther 92, 228 (back to text)
31 Creel in Collier’s 5/15/1948; “Strategic Springboard,” T 9/2/1946; “On the Record,” T 3/31/1947; “New Door to Asia,” T 5/9/1949 (back to text)
32 Archer 154; Brines 60; Rovere and Schlesinger 91 (back to text)
33 “Announcement from Tokyo,” T 3/22/1948; “New Door to Asia,” T 5/9/1949; Gunther 52 (back to text)
34 Brines 270; Sommers in Saturday Evening Post 5/25/1946; “Hon. Mac,” Newsweek 7/22/1946; Kelley and Ryan 139-40 (back to text)
35 Sulzberger 560; Whitney 233, 238 (back to text)
36 Whitney 239; Gunther 6, 7; Kelley and Ryan 27; Richards 81; “Jeeps, MP’s and Japanese Cops Make a Daily Parade of MacArthur’s Trip to Work,” U.S. News and World Report 3/19/1948 (back to text)
37 Whitney 230; Brines 60; WM/Laurence E. Bunker 4/20/1976 (back to text)
38 Bowers in Esquire 1/1967 (back to text)
39 Brines 60; “Assassination Day,” Newsweek 5/13/1946; Bowers in Esquire 1/1967 (back to text)
40 Bowers in Esquire 1/1967 (back to text)
41 Whitney 230; Gunther 54; Sebald and Brines 104 (back to text)
42 Gunther 52 (back to text)
43 Ibid.; “Announcement from Tokyo,” T 3/22/1948; Bowers in Esquire 1/1967 (back to text)
44 “MacArthur and the Press,” Newsweek 2/9/1948; Mydans in Life 4/17/1964; Gunther 55 (back to text)
45 Sheean in Holiday 12/1949; Bowers in Esquire 1/1967; Lee and Henschel 66, 105; Hunt Untold 439, 440 (back to text)
46 Gunther 55, 70; Sebald and Brines 105 (back to text)
47 Sebald and Brines 105; Thomas J. Fleming 286-87; Whitney 232; Blaik 255; WM/Bunker (back to text)
48 Whitney 231-32; Bowers in Esquire 1/1967 (back to text)
49 Gunther 54; Bowers in Esquire 1/1967 (back to text)
50 Whitney 232; Rovere and Schlesinger 23; Mydans in Life 4/17/1964; Bowers in Esquire 1/1967 (back to text)
51 Whitney 233; Brines 67; “Making Milwaukee Famous,” Newsweek 7/28/1947 (back to text)
52 Brines 66; Kelley and Ryan 25-27 (back to text)
53 Kelley and Ryan 25-26; Brines 67; Gunther 3; Sulzberger 561 (back to text)
54 Truman I 520-21 (back to text)
55 WM/Bunker 4/12/1976 (back to text)
56 Gunther 151 (back to text)
57 MacArthur Reminiscences 318-19; Brines 114; Kenney Know 198; Mayer Japan 28 (back to text)
58 Gunther 151; MacArthur Reminiscences 319 (back to text)
59 Gavin M. Long 190; Toland Sun 677 (back to text)
60 Reel 87, 142-43, 174 (back to text)
61 Brines 94 (back to text)
62 MacArthur Reminiscences 296-97; Gavin M, Long 190; Howard 373 (back to text)
63 NYT 2/13/1946; Gavin M. Long igo; Toland Sun 677-78; MacArthur Reminiscences 296; Wainwright 286, 299; Howard 377; Reel 111 (back to text)
64 MacArthur Reminiscences 295-96, 297 (back to text)
65 Toland Sun 678 (back to text)
66 Wittner 153 (back to text)
67 Bush in Life 12/0/1946 (back to text)
68 Ibid.; Brines 89, 92; Gavin M. Long 182-83 (back to text)
69 Kelley and Ryan 148 (back to text)
70 Ibid.; MacArthur Reminiscences 287-88; Mayer Japan 15 (back to text)
71 Brines 97; Wain in Saturday Evening Post 9/2/1950; Bowers in Esquire 1/1967; MacArthur Reminiscences 288 (back to text)
72 Gunther xiv; Brines 98 (back to text)
73 Gunther 116 (back to text)
74 WM/Roger O. Egeberg 10/18/1976; Gunther xiv; Sommers in Saturday Evening Post 5/25/1946 (back to text)
75 Kelley and Ryan 27; “Japan: MacArthur Magic,” Newsweek 12/9/1946 (back to text)
76 Truman I 520; Acheson 126; “Watch on Tokyo,” T 10/1/1945; Osborne in Life 4/23/1951 (back to text)
77 Stone in Nation 9/29/1945; “Grew and MacArthur,” New Republic 8/27/1945; “Good Faith with Japan,” Christian Century 10/3/1945 (back to text)
78 Gunther 91-92; Wittner 86-87; Kennan Memoirs 375-76, 386-90 (back to text)
79 Sulzberger 487 (back to text)
80 Gunther 66, 78, 96-97; “Generals in 1948 Campaign,” U.S. News and World Report 8/1/1947; Lee and Henschel 106 (back to text)
81 Sebald and Brines 111; “Press vs. MacArthur,” Newsweek 3/1/1948; Gunther 67 (back to text)
82 MaeArthur Reminiscences 316; Rovere and Schlesinger 23; Reischauer Japan 223-27 (back to text)
83 Reischauer Japan 223-27; Kelley and Ryan 26; Bowers in Esquire 1/1967; Rovere and Schlesinger 91-94 (back to text)
84 Sulzberger 610; Rovere and Schlesinger 91-92 (back to text)
85 Acheson 427-28; Gavin M. Long 184; Sebald and Brines 141-42; Reischauer Japanese 104 (back to text)
86 Brines 69 (back to text)
87 Kodama 186; Brines 48 (back to text)
88 Gavin M. Long 184, 191; MacArthur Reminiscences 300 (back to text)
89 Gavin M. Long 191; American Political Science Review 12/1956, 980-1010; MacArthur Reminiscences 303; Reischauer Japanese 106; “Which Way to End War?” Christian Century 4/17/1946 (back to text)
90 MacArthur Reminiscences 303; Osborne in Life 4/23/1951; Phillips in New Republic 4/18/1964; Willoughby and Chamberlain 335-36 (back to text)
91 Brines 90; MacArthur Reminiscences 302 (back to text)
92 Brines 74 (back to text)
93 “Under MacArthur Management,” T 1/14/1946 (back to text)
94 Whitney 263-64; Brines 201; Kenney Know 202 (back to text)
95 Whitney 291 (back to text)
96 Ibid. (back to text)
97 Willoughby and Chamberlain 341; Sebald and Brines 92—93; Bush in Life 12/2/1946; Reischauer Japanese 108 (back to text)
98 Sebald and Brines 92-93; Kodama 212; Gunther 163 (back to text)
99 Kodama 200-01 (back to text)
100 Brines 165; MacArthur Reminiscences 308-09; Sulzberger 564; Kodama 201 (back to text)
Gunther 121 (back to text)
102 Sebald and Brines 88 (back to text)
103 Mayer Japan 45; MacArthur Reminiscences 307 (back to text)
104 Gavin M. Long 184; Whitney 268, 271-72 (back to text)
105 “The General’s Lady Charmed the Japanese,” Life 8/22/1955; Rovere and Schlesinger 88; WMC/Edwin O. Reischauer 12/9/1977 (back to text)
106 MacArthur Reminiscences 313; Brines 222 (back to text)
107 Willoughby and Chamberlain 343, 345; Mayer Japan 47-48 (back to text)
108 Reischauer Japanese 109; “Jeeps, MP’s and Japanese Cops Make a Daily Parade of MacArthur’s Trip to Work,” U.S. News and World Report 3/19/1948; Mayer Japan 47 (back to text)
109 MacArthur Reminiscences 312; Gunther 148; “The General’s Lady Charmed the Japanese,” Life 8/22/1955 (back to text)
110 Rovere and Schlesinger 89—90; MacArthur Reminiscences 310 (back to text)
111 Whan 190; NYT 8/8/1947 (back to text)
112 Kenney Know 253; NYT 6/8/1947; The General’s Lady Charmed the Japanese,” Life (back to text)
113 Gunther 2, 3; Lee and Henschel 74; Hunt Untold 407 (back to text)
114 Lee and Henschel 74; Eichelberger Jungle 264-65; Wain in Saturday Evening Post 9/2/1950 (back to text)
115 Kelley and Ryan 56-58; Hunt Untold 435-36; Sebald and Brines 108 (back to text)
116 Lee and Henschel 74; Gunther 46 (back to text)
117 Huff 119; Gunther 46; Hunt Untold 435 (back to text)
118 Wain in Saturday Evening Post 9/2/1950 (back to text)
119 Lee and Henschel 75; Kelley and Ryan 58; Wain in Saturday Evening Post g/2/1950 (back to text)
120 Gunther 48; Lee and Henschel 75; Whitney 237; Kenney Know 256 (back to text)
121 Bowers in Esquire 1/1967; Ryan and Kelley in Collier’s 9/23/1950; Huff 118; Whitney 236 (back to text)
122 Whitney 236; Ryan and Kelley in Collier’s 9/23/1950; Kelley and Ryan 55 (back to text)
123 “Master MacArthur,” Newsweek 1/19/1948 (back to text)
124 Sebald and Brines 113; Brines 11; Gunther 47; WPA-DM; Maher, passim; Bowers in Esquire 1/1967 (back to text)
125 Gunther 47; Huff 112-13; Huff in Saturday Evening Post 10/20/1951 (back to text)
126 Huff 113; Whitney 229-30; Sebald and Brines 107; “The General’s Lady Charmed the Japanese,” Life 8/22/1955 (back to text)
127 “The General’s Lady Charmed the Japanese,” Life 8/22/1955; Brines 72 (back to text)
128 Huff 120-21 (back to text)
129 Ibid. 8, 9 (back to text)
130 Gunther 49; Creel in Collier’s 5/15/1948; Sommers in Saturday Evening Post 5/25/1946; Sebald and Brines 115 (back to text)
131 Gunther 50; Mydans in Life 4/17/1964; Ryan and Kelley in Collier’s 9/23/1950; Huff 10; Kelley and Ryan 58 (back to text)
132 “Making Milwaukee Famous,” Newsweek 7/28/1947; Kenney Know 248; Archer 171 (back to text)
133 Forrestal 325 (back to text)
134 “Polities: Maybe MacArthur,” Newsweek 11/24/1947; “Politics: MacArthur Is Willing,” Newsweek 3/15/1948 (back to text)
135 MacArthur Reminiscences 319; Mayer Japan 48; Whitney 519 (back to text)
136 Gunther 62; “Our Far-Flung Correspondents,” New Yorker 4/10/1948 (back to text)
137 “Booby-Trapped?” T 3/15/1948; “Announcement from Tokyo,” T 3/22/1948; Kelley and Ryan 49 (back to text)
138 Gunther 62; “Announcement from Tokyo,” T 3/22/1948 (back to text)
139 “The MacArthur Gamble,” Life 4/5/1948; LaFollette 280; Lee and Henschel 105; Gunther 62 (back to text)
140 Sebald and Brines 106 (back to text)
141 Lee and Henschel 106, 329; Hunt Untold 444; WM/Bunker 4/20/1976 (back to text)
142 David Steinberg 126 (back to text)
143 Abaya 271-72; Bernstein 244 (back to text)
144 Bernstein 245, 249; MacArthur Reminiscences 316; Rovere and Schlesinger 83-84 (back to text)
145 Friend 269-70; Rovere and Schlesinger 83-84 (back to text)
146 Friend 263, 268; Mayer Japan 20-21 (back to text)
147 Kelley and Ryan 157; Sulzberger 562 (back to text)
148 Sebald and Brines 115, 144-46; Gunther 22 (back to text)
149 Mayer Japan 23; Sulzberger 563-64; Rovere and Schlesinger 90 (back to text)
150 Gavin M. Long 191; Wittner 153-54 (back to text)
151 Sebald and Brines 244; Costello in New Republic 3/31/1947 (back to text)
152 Sebald and Brines 243 (back to text)
153 Gavin M. Long 192; “Can’t a General Speak to a Senator, Even in Confidence?” Saturday Evening Post 2/18/1950; Mayer Japan 62 (back to text)
154 MacArthur Reminiscences 315; Lee and Henschel 100 (back to text)
155 Mayer Japan 62 (back to text)
156 Acheson 430, 441; Sebald and Brines 247 (back to text)
157 Manchester Glory 491, 493 (back to text)
158 Rovere and Schlesinger 203 (back to text)
159 Trumbull Higgins 6; Chennault vii; Rovere and Schlesinger 192 (back to text)
160 “MacArthur Says Fall of China Imperils U.S.,” Life 12/20/1948 (back to text)
161 Ibid. (back to text)
162 NYT 1/6/1950 (back to text)
163 Heinl 9; Millis Arms and State 236 (back to text)
164 “Over the Mountains: Mountains,” T 7/10/1950 (back to text)
165 Gunther 178; Acheson 449 (back to text)
166 Alfred Steinberg 161; Sebald and Brines 181 (back to text)
167 Spanier 17 (back to text)
168 Hunt Untold 447; MacArthur Reminiscences 319; Kelley and Ryan 167; Gunther 168; Truman II 329; Ryan in American Mercury 10/1950 (back to text)
169 Trumbull Higgins 9; Sebald and Brines 182 (back to text)
170 Acheson 358 (back to text)
171 Ibid. 357; Cabell Phillips 293 (back to text)
172 Trumbull Higgins 14; Rovere and Schlesinger 101; Sebald and Brines 179 (back to text)
173 Cabell Phillips 306-08 (back to text)
174 Mayer Japan 59 (back to text)
175 Sulzberger 563; MacArthur Reminiscences 324 (back to text)
176 Willoughby and Chamberlain 351; Rovere and Schlesinger 113 (back to text)
177 Sulzberger 561 (back to text)
178 “Over the Mountains: Mountains,” T 7/10/1950; Wain in Saturday Evening Post 9/2/1950; WM/Bunker 4/20/1976 (back to text)
1 Genet in New Yorker 4/21/1941; Kelley and Ryan 168 (back to text)
2 Cabell Phillips 290; Heinl 14 (back to text)
3 Mayer Japan 66 (back to text)
4 Sebald and Brines 184; MacArthur Reminiscences 331 (back to text)
5 Whitney 376 (back to text)
6 Spanier 68 (back to text)
7 Sebald and Brines 184; MacArthur Reminiscences 327 (back to text)
8 Whitney 316, 318-99 (back to text)
9 “Strategy,” T 7/10/1950; Lee and Henschel 193; Gunther 166-67; Cabell Phillips 300; Sebald and Brines 122 (back to text)
10 Spanier 68; Millis Arms and State 262, 264 (back to text)
11 Spanier 77; Mayer Japan 72-73; Whitney 319 (back to text)
12 Spanier 65, 68; Sebald and Brines 211-12 (back to text)
13 Trumbull Higgins 40; Gavin M. Long 202; MacArthur Reminiscences 327-28 (back to text)
14 Gavin M. Long 202; Fredricks 39 (back to text)
15 MacArthur Reminiscences 330; NYT 7/9/1950 (back to text)
16 Sebald and Brines 191 (back to text)
17 Acheson 411; “Joint Chiefs of Staff and MacArthur, as U.S. High Command, Again Get Powers over Civilians as Well as Armed Forces,” U.S. News and World Report 7/14/1950 (back to text)
18 Gavin M. Long 205; Whitney 325 (back to text)
19 Kelley and Ryan 13-14; Gunther 173; “Strategy,” T 7/10/1950 (back to text)
20 Kelley and Ryan 15, 139; “Strategy,” T 7/10/1950; NYT 8/20/1950 (back to text)
> 21 Whitney 327, 331; Sebald and Brines 187 (back to text)
22 Merle Miller 302-03; Sebald and Brines 188-89 (back to text)
23 Willoughby and Chamberlain 356-57; Whitney 328; MacArthur Reminiscences 332 (back to text)
24 Cabell Phillips 300; “Strategy,” T 7/10/1950; Sebald and Brines 187-88; Heinl 16 (back to text)
25 NYT 8/20/1950; Sebald and Brines 195 (back to text)
26 Fehrenbach This Kind of War 89 (back to text)
27 MacArthur Reminiscences 334-35 (back to text)
28 Merle Miller 303; Millis Arms and State 264 (back to text)
29 Spanier 204; “The Last Word,” T 8/14/1950; Truman II 342; Acheson 412; Whitney 369-70; Merle Miller 304; United States Policy in the Korean Crisis 24-25 (back to text)
30 Hunt Untold 482; Sebald and Brines 199 (back to text)
31 MacArthur Reminiscences 335, 337; Spanier 83; Whitney 337-38 (back to text)
32 Rovere and Schlesinger 115; Hunt Untold 454; SH 231-32 (back to text)
33 MacArthur Reminiscences 338, 346 (back to text)
34 Hunt Untold 457-58; SH 231-32; Sebald and Brines 192; MacArthur Reminiscences 338 (back to text)
35 Sebald and Brines 194; Cabell Phillips 311 (back to text)
36 Manchester Glory 539; Heinl 16 (back to text)
37 Manchester Glory 539; MacArthur Reminiscences 339 (back to text)
38 Trumbull Higgins 36; Whitney 376; SH 3383 (back to text)
39 Whitney 371; Acheson 412-13; Mayer Japan 78; Gavin M. Long 205; Sebald and Brines 134 (back to text)
40 Whitney 371-72; Merle Miller 302-03; Millis Arms and State 264 (back to text)
41 Whitney 372-73; Sebald and Brines 214-15 (back to text)
42 NYT 8/12/1950; Wittner 41 (back to text)
43 Truman II 354; Trumbull Higgins 37; “General Douglas MacArthur, Soldier with Diplomatic Role and Diplomat Heading Armies, Leads U.S. Policy in Orient,” U.S. News and World Report 9/1/1950; “The Last Word,” T 8/14/1950 (back to text)
44 Acheson 422; Sebald and Brines 123 (back to text)
45 Rovere and Schlesinger 128; Trumbull Higgins 37-38; NYT 8/6/1950 (back to text)
46 Whitney 376; Truman II 354; Sebald and Brines 124 (back to text)
47 Truman II 349-50 (back to text)
48 “The Last Word,” T 8/14/1950; Sebald and Brines 124 (back to text)
49 Mayer Japan 79; Trumbull Higgins 38 (back to text)
50 Wittner 93—94; Truman II 351 (back to text)
51 Gavin M. Long 205; Mayer Japan 79-80; Wittner 94; Truman II 351-52 (back to text)