American Caesar
Page 107
52 Mayer Japan 79-80; Millis Arms and State 270; Truman II 354; Whitney 375; Sebald and Brines 115 (back to text)
53 Trumbull Higgins 37, 39; Millis Arms and State 270-71; Lee and Henschel 201; Whitney 377 (back to text)
54 SH 3477-80, 182-84; Wittner 41-44 (back to text)
55 Trumbull Higgins 40; Acheson 423; Truman II 354—55 (back to text)
56 Trumbull Higgins 39-40; Truman II 355, 383 (back to text)
57 Trumbull Higgins 40; Truman II 355-56 (back to text)
58 Acheson 423-24; Truman II 356 (back to text)
59 MacArthur Reminiscences 341—42 (back to text)
60 Ibid. 342; Whitney 381; Millis Arms and State 271—72 (back to text)
61 Kelley and Ryan 13-14 (back to text)
62 WM/Laurence E. Bunker 4/20/1976; Huff 136 (back to text)
63 Sebald and Brines 188-89; Millis Arms and State 272; MacArthur Reminiscences 346 (back to text)
64 Willoughby and Chamberlain 365; Heinl 19; Churchill World 241 (back to text)
65 NYT 10/20/1949; Heinl 20, 24, 32 (back to text)
66 Heinl 25; Spanier 79 (back to text)
67 Spanier 78-79; Willoughby and Chamberlain 368; Whitney 345—50 (back to text)
68 Whitney 345 (back to text)
69 Spanier 79; MacArthur Reminiscences 349 (back to text)
70 MacArthur Reminiscences 349; Spanier 79; Heinl 41 (back to text)
71 MacArthur Reminiscences 349-50; Trumbull Higgins 45; Heinl 42 (back to text)
72 MacArthur Reminiscences 350; “MacArthur Watches Landing and Spends a Spirited Day Ashore,” Life 10/2/1950; Mayer Japan 82-83 (back to text)
73 “Plain Talk on Korea by the Boss,” Life 11/17/1967; Heinl 42 (back to text)
74 Heinl 64; MacArthur Reminiscences 351; Ridgway Soldier 44 (back to text)
75 Heinl 10-11 (back to text)
76 “MacArthur Is Not to Blame,” Collier’s 9/16/1950; Heinl 74; Whitney 354 (back to text)
77 Heinl 87 (back to text)
78 Whitney 356-59 (back to text)
79 Heinl 89, 96; Whitney 359; “MacArthur Is Not to Blame,” Collier’s 9/16/1950 (back to text)
80 “MacArthur Is Not to Blame,” Collier’s 9/16/1950; Charles Marshall in New Republic 10/3/1964; Heinl, 96, 104, 127 (back to text)
81 Heinl 131-32; “MacArthur Watches Landing and Spends a Spirited Day Ashore,” Life 10/2/1950 (back to text)
82 Heinl 267; WM/James M. Gavin 8/17/1977 (back to text)
83 Trumbull Higgins 67 (back to text)
84 Heinl 229; Pravda 9/23/1950 (back to text)
85 Heinl 252 (back to text)
86 MacArthur Reminiscences 354-55; Fredricks 20; Heinl 199-200 (back to text)
87 Heinl 253-54; MacArthur Reminiscences 355; Willoughby and Chamberlain 375—76 (back to text)
88 MacArthur Reminiscences 356; Heinl 254-55; Kenney Know 216-17 (back to text)
89 Acheson 445—46; MacArthur Reminiscences 358 (back to text)
90 Trumbull Higgins 54, 82; NYT 7/5/1942; MacArthur Reminiscences 358; Acheson 453; SH 1241 (back to text)
91 Whitney 399; Millis Arms and State 275; NYT 9/2/1950 (back to text)
92 Millis Anns and State 276-77 (back to text)
93 Ibid. 278 (back to text)
94 NYT 8/21, 8/23, 8/25, 9/2/1950; Millis Arms and State 279 (back to text)
95 Millis Arms and State 275, 277; Acheson 455; Sebald and Brines 200; Truman II 362 (back to text)
96 Millis Arms and State 277-78; Acheson 455 (back to text)
97 NYT 10/10, 10/11, 10/20, 10/26, 10/27/1950 (back to text)
98 MacArthur Reminiscences 360 (back to text)
99 Truman II 362; Millis Arms and State 280; Lee and Henschel 206 (back to text)
100 MacArthur Reminiscences 363-64; Sebald and Brines 217; “Political ‘It’ and Glory: MacArthur’s Lure for Presidents,” U.S. News and World Report 10/20/1950; Rovere and Schlesinger 130 (back to text)
101 Sebald and Brines 218; Acheson 456 (back to text)
102 “The Presidency,” T 10/23/1950; WM/Charles S. Murphy 9/1/1977; Spanier 104; de Gaulle 103; Trumbull Higgins vi (back to text)
103 Gavin M. Long ail; Merle Miller 315-16; NYT 12/8/1973; WM/Dean Rusk 8/31/1977; WM/Robert H. Alexander 10/11/1976; Story flight log; Averell Harriman to J. E. Wiltz (Indiana University) 12/19/1975; Frank Pace to J. E. Wiltz 1/23/1976; John J. Muccio to J. E. Wiltz 2/18/1976; WM/Murphy 9/1/1977; “The Presidency,” T 10/23/1950; Truman II 364; MacArthur Reminiscences 361; Spanier 105 (back to text)
104 Whitney 387; Truman II 365; Millis Arms and State 279; Rovere and Schlesinger 233 (back to text)
105 Truman II 365; “The MacArthur Hearing,” T 5/14/1951; Acheson 456; Rovere and Schlesinger 131-32; Whitney 391; WM/Rusk 8/31/1977; Gavin M. Long 212 (back to text)
106 Acheson 457; Truman II 365-66; MacArthur Reminiscences 362; Whitney 392 (back to text)
107 WM/Murphy 9/1/1977; Spanier 92; Whitney 393—94 (back to text)
108 Truman II 367; Whitney 389-90 (back to text)
109 Spanier 112; Gunther 200-01; NYT 10/16/1950; Rovere and Schlesinger 131; “The Presidency,” T 10/23/1950 (back to text)
110 NYT 10/18, 10/20/1950; Lee and Henschel 208; Rovere and Schlesinger 132-33 (back to text)
111 “The Antimilitarist,” T 12/24/1951 (back to text)
112 MacArthur Reminiscences 374; Cabell Phillips 330 (back to text)
113 Page, Leitch, and Knightly 206, 215-17; Spanier 94; “Letter from General James M. Gavin,” Atlantic Monthly 6/1965; Ronald Clark 207-08 (back to text)
114 West 267; NYT 2/18/1956; “Letters to and from the Editor,” Atlantic Monthly 6/1965; MacArthur Reminiscences 375; Jarrell in U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 1/1974; WMC/David Cornwell 11/14/1977; WMC/Rusk 12/7/1977; WMC/D. C. Walker, first secretary British embassy (Washington) 1/31/1978 (back to text)
115 Page, Leitch, and Knightly 216-17; West 234-68 passim; Ronald Clark 207-08 (back to text)
116 Page, Leitch, and Knightly 215—16; West 268 (back to text)
117 Mayer Japan 103-04; Mydans in Life 4/17/1964; Manchester Glory 542; Rovere and Schle-singer 135 (back to text)
118 Mayer Japan 103-04 (back to text)
119 Spanier 123; SH 1241; Acheson 468 (back to text)
120 NYT 10/26, 10/27, 11/17/1950 (back to text)
121 Ibid. 11/12, 11/16, 11/17/1950; Spanier 121 (back to text)
122 NYT 10/27/1950; Heinl 76 (back to text)
123 NYT 10/26, 10/28, 10/29, 11/1, 11/2, 11/3, 11/4/1950 (back to text)
124 Ibid. 11/1, 11/2, 11/6/1950; Trumbull Higgins 67-68 (back to text)
125 Truman II 377; Sebald and Brines 204; Acheson 463 (back to text)
126 Trumbull Higgins 68; Acheson 464; Truman II 375 (back to text)
127 Acheson 464; Truman II 375-76; Whitney 406-07; MacArthur Reminiscences 369 (back to text)
128 Acheson 465; MacArthur Reminiscences 365; Lee and Henschel 211 (back to text)
129 Lee and Henschel 212; MaeArthur Reminiscences 365 (back to text)
130 Whitney 392; Truman II 376 (back to text)
131 SH 1216-17, 1230, 3193; Truman II 360; Fredricks 21-22; MacArthur Reminiscences 371; Lee and Henschel 215; Sebald and Brines 203 (back to text)
132 NYT 11/21/1950; Willoughby and Chamberlain 388 (back to text)
133 Rovere and Schlesinger 141-42 (back to text)
134 Millis Arms and State 292; NYT 11/25/1950 (back to text)
135 Lee and Henschel 346; Fredricks 24; Millis Arms and State 293; Hunt Untold 483-84 (back to text)
136 Mayer Japan 107; MacArthur Reminiscences 372-73; WM/Bunker 4/20/1976 (back to text)
137 MacArthur Reminiscences 373 (back to text)
138 Marshall River 14-16 (back to text)
139 NYT 11/25, 11/26/1950 (back to text)
140 Ibid. 11/27, 11/29/1950; Acheson 469; Lee and Henschel 215 (back to text)
141 Trumbull Higgins 82 (back to text)
142 NYT 11/30/1950 (back to text)
143 Acheson 469; Cabell Phillips 329; Millis Arms and State 298 (back to text)
144 SH 1628; Sebald and Brines 205 (back to text)
145 Acheson 481 (back to text)
146 MacArthur Reminiscences 374, 377; Whitney 426-27 (back to text)
147 NYT 5/16/1951 (back to text)
148 Epstein 218 (back to text)
149 Wittner 164; New York Herald Tribune 12/16/1950; Sulzberger 594; Rovere and Schle singer 11 (back to text)
150 Wittner 95; Ickes in New Republic 12/11/1950; NYT 11/30/1950; New York Herald Tribune 12/11/1950; Stars and Stripes 12/17/1950; Whitney 451 (back to text)
151 SH 3491-95. 3532-35; Spanier 149; Whitney 440-457 passim (back to text)
152 Whitney 149, 446-49; Spanier 150 (back to text)
153 Truman II 381; Cabell Phillips 330 (back to text)
154 Acheson 472; Truman II 382-84; NYT 12/7/1950; Lee and Henschel 226; Spanier 150-51; Whitney 450; SH 3536 (back to text)
155 Hunt Untold 500; Lee and Henschel 220; Whitney 450-52 (back to text)
156 Truman II 382 (back to text)
157 Manchester Glory 556 (back to text)
158 MacArthur Reminiscences 366 (back to text)
159 Spanier 139, 141-42; Whitney 433-34; SH 2180-81; Truman II 336, 430; NYT 2/18/1951; Trumbull Higgins 84 (back to text)
160 Truman II 429-30; Acheson 474-75 (back to text)
161 Millis Arms and State 311-12; Spanier 144; Lee and Henschel 215; Gavin M. Long 210 (back to text)
162 Weigley 513 (back to text)
163 Rovere and Schlesinger 156-57; Cabell Phillips 337; MacArthur Reminiscences 383; Millis Arms and State 302 (back to text)
164 Cabell Phillips 327 (back to text)
165 Manchester Glory 550-55; Willoughby and Chamberlain 407; Acheson 489 (back to text)
166 Willoughby and Chamberlain 408; SH 2179; MacArthur Reminiscences 378, 383; Gavin M. Long 216; Truman II 433 (back to text)
167 MacArthur Reminiscences 377-78; Whitney 396 (back to text)
168 SH 2180-81; Millis Arms and State 304; Whitney 432-34 (back to text)
169 Millis Arms and State 295, 307 (back to text)
170 Truman II 433-34; Cabell Phillips 333; Acheson 515; MacArthur Reminiscences 380 (back to text)
171 MacArthur Reminiscences 380-81; Millis Arms and State 309-10; SH 1583, 882, 1119, 324-25; Whitney 435-36 (back to text)
172 Acheson 515 (back to text)
173 Millis Arms and State 312; “The MacArthur Hearing,” T 5/14/1951; Acheson 516; Lee and Henschel 220 (back to text)
174 Whitney 439; SH 14, 332 (back to text)
175 Truman II 436-37; Millis Arms and State 306 (back to text)
176 Ridgway Soldier 216; Truman II 438; Sulzberger 639 (back to text)
177 MacArthur Reminiscences 384; Acheson 517 (back to text)
178 Weigley 518 (back to text)
179 Rovere and Schlesinger 249 (back to text)
1 Wittner 175-76 (back to text)
2 Lee and Henschel 129; Wittner 176 (back to text)
3 Trumbull Higgins 62, 102 (back to text)
4 Ibid. 102; Mayer MacArthur 34; SH 105 (back to text)
5 Werth 206; de Gaulle 46-47 (back to text)
6 Spanier 235; Sulzberger 722; Acheson 527; Mayer Japan 147 (back to text)
7 Trumbull Higgins 132; Weigley 517 (back to text)
8 Rovere and Schlesinger 121 (back to text)
9 Manchester Glory 438; Sebald and Rrines 223-24 (back to text)
10 Acheson 527; Payne 316-17; “Letter from Tokyo,” T 4/16/1951 (back to text)
11 MacArthur Reminiscences 392-93; NYT 3/8/1951 (back to text)
12 MacArthur Reminiscences 393; Acheson 518 (back to text)
13 Truman II 438-39; SH 1193, 343; Whitney 464-65 (back to text)
14 Rovere and Schlesinger 168-69 (back to text)
15 Spanier 205; “After MacArthur,” Economist 4/14/1951; Rovere and Schlesinger 168-69 (back to text)
16 Truman II 440; Mayer Japan 121, 123-25 (back to text)
17 Acheson 518 (back to text)
18 Truman II 441-43; Millis Arms and State 317; Acheson 519 (back to text)
19 SH 69-70; Cabell Phillips 339; MacArthur Reminiscences 389 (back to text)
20 Willoughby and Chamberlain 422; Lee and Henschel 225; Hunt Untold 507; NYT 10/18/1951 (back to text)
21 SH 483-86; Truman II 442 (back to text)
22 RG 19; Spanier 205; Intelligence Digest 10/1962; RG 21 (back to text)
23 Truman II 450; Acheson 520; Mayer Japan 121, 123-25 (back to text)
24 Trumbull Higgins 104 (back to text)
25 MacArthur Reminiscences 386; Truman II 445-46; SH 133, 3543-44 (back to text)
26 Observer 4/8/1951; Millis Arms and State 319; “The Mysterious Voyage,” Life 10/30/1950 (back to text)
27 Lee and Henschel 226; Manchester Glory 559 (back to text)
28 Acheson 521; Truman II 447 (back to text)
29 Truman II 447; Acheson 521 (back to text)
30 Millis Arms and State 320; Truman II 447-48; Acheson 522; Cabell Phillips 346; Trumbull Higgins 126; Lee and Henschel 230 (back to text)
31 Acheson 522 (back to text)
32 Ibid. 523; Payne 318; Fournier 677 (back to text)
33 Acheson 521 (back to text)
34 Sebald and Brines 226; Cabell Phillips 342 (back to text)
35 Truman II 449; Merle Miller 329; Gavin M. Long 225 (back to text)
36 Acheson 523; Truman II 449 (back to text)
37 Bovere and Schlesinger 3; Osborne in Life 4/23/1951; Lee Pacific 231 (back to text)
38 Whitney 470; Huff 6 (back to text)
39 Huff 6-7 (back to text)
40 Lee and Henschel 227; Sebald and Brines 227; Huff 7; Whitney 471; MacArthur Reminiscences 395 (back to text)
41 Sebald and Brines 228 (back to text)
42 Whitney 472; Lee and Henschel 115; Hunt Untold 518; WM/Laurence E. Bunker 4/20/1976 (back to text)
43 Huff 140; WM/Bunker 4/20/1976 (back to text)
44 Sebald and Brines 229; Dennis Vetock, Army War College, Carlisle, Pa., 11/21/1977 (back to text)
45 MacArthur Reminiscences 389; Blaik 493; NYT 4/12/1951; Huff 137-38 (back to text)
46 Manchester Glory 561; Cabell Phillips 345; NYT 4/12/1951; Genet in New Yorker 4/21/1951 (back to text)
47 Rovere and Schlesinger 5; Trumbull Higgins 124; Lee and Henschel 99; Wittner 102 (back to text)
48 Osborne in Life 4/23/1951; “The Old Soldier,” T 4/30/1951; Spanier vii; NYT 4/12/1951 (back to text)
49 Osborne in Life 4/23/1951 (back to text)
50 Rovere and Schlesinger 6; Roper and Harris in Saturday Review of Literature 7/14/1951; Manchester Glory 561; NYT 4/13/1951; “The General Comes Home,” Business Week 4/21/1951 (back to text)
51 Wittner 121; Liebling in New Yorker 4/28/1951 (back to text)
52 Rovere and Schlesinger 12; NYT 4/12, 4/13/1951; Spanier 213 (back to text)
53 Costello in New Republic 12/14/1959 (back to text)
54 Lee and Henschel 226; “The Old Soldier,” T 4/30/1951; Mayer Japan 128 (back to text)
55 Sebald and Brines 232-33 (back to text)
56 MacArthur Reminiscence’s 396; Mayer Japan 127; Whitney 475 (back to text)
57 Sebald and Brines 230; Francis T. Miller 9-10; Whitney 474; Willoughby and Chamberlain 424 (back to text)
58 Huff 138; “ ‘No Substitute for Victory’—Lessons of the Korean War, U.S. News and World Report 4/20/1964; Sebald and Brines 231 (back to text)
59 WM/Bunker 4/20/1976; Whitney 480; Huff 138 (back to text)
60 Sebald and Brines 235; Huff 139-40 (back to text)
61 Huff 12 (back to text)
62 WM/Bunker 4/12/1976; Spanier 213 (back to text)
63 Whitney 481-82; Huff 151; “The Response to MacArthur,” Life 4/30/1951 (back to text)
64 “The Old
Soldier,” T 4/30/1951 (back to text)
65 Lee and Henschel 91; Whitney 483-84; Merle Miller 336-37 (back to text)
66 Millis Arms and State 321; NYT 4/20/1951; “The Old Soldier,” T 4/30/1951; SH 2553-58; Whan 243-44 (back to text)
67 George C. Kenney, introduction, MacArthur Duty 5; “An Old Soldier Fades Away into New Glory,” Life 4/30/1951; Whan 245, 251 (back to text)
68 Whan 249 (back to text)
69 Ibid. 251-52 (back to text)
70 Congressional Record, 82nd Congress, 1st Session, 4129; Rovere and Schlesinger 15-16; Kenney, introduction, MacArthur Duty 5 (back to text)
71 Merle Miller 338-39; “The Old Soldier,” T 4/30/1951 (back to text)
72 WM/Louis Sullivan 4/1/1976; Whitney 487 (back to text)
73 WM/Sullivan 4/1/1976; NYT 4/20, 4/21/1951; “The Old Soldier,” T 4/30/1951; “The Heartiest Welcome Ever,” Life 5/7/1951 (back to text)
74 “The Old Soldier,” T 4/30/1951; “The Heartiest Welcome Ever,” Life 5/7/1951; Rovere and Schlesinger 9-10; NYT 4/21/1951; WM/Sullivan 4/1/1976 (back to text)
75 “The Old Soldier,” T 4/30/1951; “The General in Seattle,” T 11/26/1951 (back to text)
76 “The Antimilitarist,” T 12/24/1951; Rovere and Schlesinger 176; Whitney 488 (back to text)
77 “The Antimilitarist,” T 12/24/1951; Lee and Henschel 92; SH 1-3 (back to text)
78 SH 39-40; Wittner 53; “The MacArthur Hearing,” T 5/14/1951 (back to text)
79 Trumbull Higgins 154; Rovere and Schlesinger 220-21; Payne 319-20; SH 42, 111 (back to text)
80 Rovere and Schlesinger 188, 225-26; Wittner 53; Spanier 223; SH 82 (back to text)
81 “The MacArthur Hearing,” T 5/14/1951; SH 39-40, 67-68, 3557, 30, 13, 49, 10, 2071, 81, 221 (back to text)
82 SH 3553; NYT 11/14/1951; Whitney 307; Rovere and Schlesinger 220 (back to text)
83 SH 9, 69, 130-31, 250; Spanier 225 (back to text)
84 Spanier 263; SH 100; “The MacArthur Hearing,” T 5/14/1951 (back to text)
85 “The MacArthur Hearing,” T 5/14/1951; Spanier 226; SH 75-76, 80, 83, 120 (back to text)
86 Lee and Henschel 115-16 (back to text)
87 Merle Miller 436; Rovere and Schlesinger 219; Payne 319-20 (back to text)
88 SH 882-83, 619, 337, 673-74, 74, 886. 903; Spanier 246; Rovere and Schlesinger 245 (back to text)
89 Rovere and Schlesinger 190; SH 1369 (back to text)
90 Rovere and Schlesinger 192 (back to text)
91 New York Herald Tribune 4/30/1951, 8/24/1956; Suizberger 635; Spanier 273 (back to text)