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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

Page 3

by Sheri L. Swift

  Prince Titus swam through the entrance of their home and he saw Lana looking at the necklace with a smile upon her face, “It has been some time since I gave it to you.” He smiled brightly himself and went and took her into his arms and kissed her.

  “Yes it has, but it also seems like it was just yesterday; you make me so happy,” she said as she stared into his silver eyes; she had always loved them. It was wonderful to learn that there was someone who shared so much of who she was. He was her best friend in the entire world as well as her lover and husband.

  “So, I please you then?” he chuckled.

  “Definitely.” Lana smiled.

  “Good.” He held her even closer and rubbed his chin across her cheek, teasing her with his goatee and then kissed her deeply.

  “Okay Titus, enough or our children will be in soon to see us,” she giggled trying to swim from his embrace.

  “And what if they should; I am not ashamed of the love that I have for my mate.”

  “I’m not ashamed either,” Lana said with a smile as she relaxed in his arms and then gently caressed his cheek with her fingers and kissed him back.

  Their son Prince Tarrock swam through the door of their home with his dolphins Servo and Salvus. “Yuk, enough already.” Tarrock smiled. He also wore a crown of shells like his father, but his hair was blonde.

  Princess Rose wore a crown of pearls like her mother. She followed Tarrock through the opening, “Tarrock you know that you are not supposed to have your dolphins inside the house; I do not know why you do it!” said Rose quite upset at the thought of having the animals within their dwelling.

  Titus gave a half grin and said, “Tarrock, you must put them out. And Rose, may I remind you that it was not so long ago and you yourself slept with a dolphin.” Titus and Lana smiled to remember those days that Rose slept with Tempest. They were happy that Tarrock had Tempest’s sons for pets as Titus himself once had.

  “Okay Dad; Servo, Salvus out!” said Tarrock and the two dolphins quickly swam out the door, but stayed near the open doorway.

  “As you know my Son, our home is not large enough to include them. The four of us barely fit as it is,” said Titus with a chuckle.

  “Yeah, yeah, I get it.”

  “Mother, I cannot believe that you would allow Tarrock to speak in such a way,” Rose said with disgust.

  “Rose, you forget he’s learned his speech from me; I doubt I’ll ever be able to talk completely like your father and the rest of the mer,” said Lana a little sadly.

  “It does not matter Rose; you make too much of it,” said Titus with disappointment upon his face. This had been a discussion they all had many times. Rose was becoming too arrogant with her ways; she felt that she was above most of the other mer because, not only was she a Princess and one of King Titan’s many generations of granddaughters, but she also knew that her father was destined to be King one day. King Titan had made it known to all that Prince Titus was to be named King after him.

  “Yes father, I am sorry mother,” said Rose as she had said a hundred times before without the meaning behind it.


  The next morning Lana woke late to find her family gone. Even Titus had only slept a few hours. How do they have so much energy after such a long trip? Lana thought.

  Tarrock popped his head through the doorway and said, “Mom, Grandpa Cole stopped by and talked to Dad. He said that they’ll return at sundown to visit with us in the cavern. Do you wanna come with me to the cavern now; Keola said that aunt Tarra and aunt Fianna is making seafood stew?”

  Prince Titus and Rose came inside after him and waited for Lana’s answer.

  Lana gave a wide grin and then looked to Titus.

  “Yes, we will all go for a visit and then you can have some of the foods you and Tarrock like so well,” said Titus to Lana with a half grin himself; knowing that Lana still preferred her fish cooked.

  Rose only rolled her eyes; she never wanted to do anything that the humans did, but she did enjoy visiting with her cousin Talei.

  All four of them and the dolphins Servo and Salvus swam to the cavern that Micah and Tarra shared with Andrew and Fianna and their families. They all lived there in the summer months.

  When Lana and Titus surfaced in the cavern with their family, Lana couldn’t keep her stomach from growling as the smells filled her senses. She had always loved the seafood stew like her father used to make.

  Princess Tarra had adapted to performing many human tasks for her family. She was able to cook from a fire pit that was placed on the cavern floor and was made with a ring of large stones. Tarra had even learned from Lana how to sew by hand; she was able to make clothes for her husband Micah and her daughter Talei. Her son Keola was a complete mer and had no need of clothes. Princess Tarra even taught her sister-in-law Fianna how to sew for her husband Andrew and their son Maiele. Fianna also helped to make the stew.

  “Bula; I thought you might stop by.” Tarra smiled as she sat on the ledge of the cavern floor with her glistening blue-green tail swishing in the water. She looked a lot like Lana with her white hair, skin and silver eyes.

  “Hi, you know I can’t refuse an invitation for your stew; besides I guess dad isn’t gonna come by until sundown.” Lana grinned as she hopped up on the ledge next to her.

  “Are you sure you won’t try some Titus?” teased Fianna as she sat near the fire and ladled out the stew into wooden bowls for Lana and Tarrock. Fianna had long black hair, brown eyes and a dark blue tail.

  “Yes, quite sure,” Titus chuckled as he swam to the ledge and asked Micah, “How are things with your father and Eli?”

  “Good, he is making plans to have Eli become Chief of Kaloki Island after him.”

  “Does it bother you to be the oldest son and not be chosen Chief after your father?”

  “No, he knows that I have chosen the life of a mer with Tarra as well as Andrew and Fianna. It is a good thing that our brother Eli becomes Chief for our people.” Micah smiled.

  “Yes, it is good for our people,” said Andrew with a smile.

  “Then I am glad for him also,” said Titus as he gave a slight nod of his head.

  “Father, after Keola, Maiele and I finish eating can we go out with Servo and Salvus?” asked Tarrock.

  “Yes, if it is alright with your uncle Micah and uncle Andrew.” Titus looked to them.

  “It is well, if you remain beneath the water. Cole has said that there are tourists coming now and some cruise ships. The waters have greatly changed,” said Micah a little sadly.

  “I agree, but be careful there are many dangers now,” Andrew cautioned them.

  “Yes, humans are searching for places of retreat. Prince Makoa and Prince Tristan have told me as much after their patrols. Even King Titan has proclaimed that our people remain below the water. You boys need to stay close to Gull Island and you must not surface outside of the cavern,” said Titus sternly in agreement with Micah and Andrew.

  “Alright, we won’t,” answered Tarrock and he, Maiele and Keola quickly scarfed down their stew and jumped into the water with Servo and Salvus and took off.

  “Do you want to go with them Rose?” asked her cousin Talei.

  “No, they annoy me,” Rose said quite decidedly.

  “Then would you like to gather shells with me?”

  “Yes, that would be wonderful,” said Rose as she and Talei swam out the entrance of the cavern.

  “Lana, I cannot believe how much Rose has grown, she is definitely taking after your human side.” Fianna grinned.

  “Yeah, she’s becoming a woman; even her blonde hair is beginning to show some strands of white. It won’t be long and she’ll be of age.” Lana sighed and grinned in return.

  “How I remember the day that Titus brought you to the cavern and how shocked you were to discover that you were half mer,” giggled Tarra.

  “Yeah, that was quite a shock. I still can’t believe my dad never told me and just allowed me to find it out on
my own.”

  “How are he and Rose?” asked Tarra.

  “They were fine, last I phoned them from the yacht as we were nearing Safe Harbor last night. Dad says that Jedediah is restless and is finding it hard to keep the family secret,” Lana said sadly.

  “I imagine that it is hard for him and the other children as well,” said Fianna.

  “At least they know the truth and we’ve been able to enjoy being a family. I’m glad things worked out the way they did and my dad was finally able to let go of his grief and marry again.”

  “I am thankful that there will be a future Guardian for us in the North Atlantic,” Fianna said with a smile and Tarra shook her head in agreement.

  “Yeah, but I’m still not so sure if that’s what Jedediah wants to do. It may end up being Willy,” laughed Lana.

  “What do you sense with Jedediah?” Tarra asked.

  “I know he feels like he’s suffocating on the island; I can certainly relate. I hope he plans to go away to college somewhere. It would help him not to have to guard our secret so much and that of his future family too.”

  “It would be good for him. Perhaps he will go on to more schooling and find another human to marry one day,” said Fianna.

  “Yeah, that would be nice, but it’ll still be hard for him to find one he can trust with such a big secret. That’s why it was so perfect with my dad and Rose; she being a descendant of the merwalkers too.”

  “We must pray for Jedediah that Arius will guide him to the right mate. Tell me, do you think Prince Makoa will ask Princess Rose to be his mate?” Tarra asked playfully.

  “I don’t know; he’s so guarded with his thoughts these days. Rose hardly notices him and has always thought of him as an uncle. He may choose your daughter Princess Talei instead; she is now nearly a woman herself.” Lana smiled brightly.

  “Yes, she is, but she does not seem interested in becoming anyone’s mate. She is still quite happy to swim off with Keola and the other boys,” laughed Tarra.

  “She is beautiful and a merwalker; she is greatly praised among our people,” said Fianna.

  “Yes, but I feel that it will be some time before she chooses. Like you Lana, Micah would not choose a mate for her when she was born. He wants her to choose for herself who she will marry,” said Tarra with a smile shaking her head.

  “Sometimes I wonder if we did the right thing or not with Rose. Titus would’ve chosen Prince Makoa, but I wouldn’t allow it. Where I come from, humans get to choose their own husband or wife. I’m thankful that my parents chose Titus to be my husband. I still can’t believe he waited seventeen years for me,” Lana giggled.

  “It was hard for him to watch you grow up on the land and never being allowed to speak with you and you never being allowed in the Sea to speak with him. He was often swimming below your dock and watching you atop the lighthouse. Your father knew that he was there but never acknowledged him,” Tarra said with a grin.

  “Yeah, dad was pretty ornery in those days,” Lana laughed out loud.

  “I am glad that we will all soon be visiting with him and his family,” said Fianna.

  “Titus and I can’t wait. I hope you have enough of that stew; dad will probably want some, you know how much he loves it.”

  “There is plenty for all,” said Tarra and Fianna agreed.

  “I can only imagine just how much Willy has grown this past year.” Lana smiled at the thought of her littlest brother. It doesn’t seem so long ago when Jedediah was that young.

  “It will be good to see them.” Titus smiled as he swam to the ledge next to Lana and she jumped into the water with him and kissed him.




  Jedediah couldn’t wait to go and see his extended mer family. Cole told him about their arrival late last night. He said it would be best for the family to go to the cavern at dusk. The fog usually rolled in by then and they’d be hidden as they rowed their small boat out to Gull Island. They’d all need to wear their swimsuits because they’d most likely ride the backs of the mermen down to the entrance of the cavern as they had several times before.

  “Hey mom, are you gonna bring some oranges for Lana and Titus?” asked Jedediah.

  “Yes, your dad’s already got them in the net bag and put it in the shed.” Rose said with a smile remembering how much Lana and Titus loved oranges.

  “I can’t wait to ride on the mer!” yelled Willy.

  “I can’t either, it’s always been one of my favorite things,” said Lizzy with a smile.

  “I’d have to agree Sweetheart. I still remember the first time I rode Prince Makoa down to the cavern to see my new grandson Prince Tarrock. He was such a tiny thing in Lana’s arms. How time has flown by,” said Rose with a grin.

  Willy went and jumped on Jedediah’s back playfully. Jedediah spun him around and then tossed him on the couch.

  “Okay boys, it won’t be long now,” said Cole as he walked in the back door. “I’ve got some of the provisions already loaded in the row boat. The fog’s rolling in pretty good and it’s turned cold again. There won’t be many out tonight.”

  “Wonderful, I don’t think the kids can wait much longer,” said Rose, knowing full well that Cole knew she couldn’t wait either.

  “Yeah, I figured as much.” Cole smiled to her. “Now let’s get our jackets and the blankets in the garbage bags for later; we’re gonna need em.”


  As Cole rowed out towards Gull Island, they were met by some of the mer. Prince Titus, Prince Makoa, Prince Tristan, Prince Ulysses and Prince Tarrock had swum out to greet them.

  “It is a cold night, but a good night for a fog,” said Titus with a smile as he went and shook Cole’s hand.

  “Yeah, if it wasn’t such a great night, we might have done things a little differently,” Cole chuckled. Cole pulled in the oars.

  The mermen began to swim the boat, pushing it forward at a fast pace.

  Willy couldn’t help but to let out, “Yippee!”

  Cole and Rose quickly looked to William and said, “Shhhh!”

  After they reached Gull Island, the mermen lifted the small rowboat up and put it on the rock ledge so that it wouldn’t drift away while they visited. Each member of Cole’s family got into the water and held onto the mermen’s necks as they swiftly dove down deep below to the cavern entrance. When they surfaced inside Lana and the others were there to greet them with a warm fire and hot coffee.

  “Hi Dad and Mom!” Lana smiled and then went and hugged each member as the mer helped them onto the rock ledge of the cavern floor.

  “Hello there!” Smiled Cole and went and kissed the top of Lana’s head.

  “It’s so good to see you all again,” said Rose as she went and hugged everyone.

  “We’ve got a hot seafood stew ready and waiting,” said Tarra and Fianna nodded in agreement.

  “I was hoping you’d ask,” chuckled Cole.

  “You are always welcome to share our meal,” said Fianna as she ladled out bowls for the family.

  “So what took you so long Lana?” Jedediah asked with a knowing smile as he took his bowl and began to eat.

  “Well, the Saborea Festival in San Juan was the perfect occasion to stop and have a bite to eat.”

  “Yeah, but not the kind of bite Maiele wanted,” teased Talei.

  “I did not know they did not eat them!” Maiele smiled brightly.

  “What are you talking about?” asked Lizzy.

  “He wanted to eat that man’s pet iguana,” said Micah with a chuckle.

  “Oh dude, you didn’t! I can see how that went down,” Jedediah chuckled. Then everyone in the cavern laughed at the thought of it.

  “Did you guys have any trouble along the way?” Cole asked.

  “No, things were good, but there is much traffic now. It is hard to stop for long,” said Micah.

  “Yeah, I bet so,” Cole shook his head in agreement.

  “So Mako
a, you wanna go lobstering tomorrow?” Jedediah asked.

  “Yes, that would be good. How is your surfing?”

  “Okay, swells are down this spring and now we’re headed for the small season. At least it’s good for teaching others to surf.”

  “Jedediah and me are helping teach kids with special needs at the Surfing Camp this year,” said Lizzy.


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