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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

Page 4

by Sheri L. Swift

  “Wow, that’s really nice, I’m proud to be your sister,” Lana said smiling to them both.

  “Ask Jedediah about his swimming,” said Rose with a grin.

  “Ah, Mom.” Jedediah blushed.

  “How is your swimming Jedediah?” asked Princess Rose.

  “Good. I swim them all, but the medleys and relays are my favorite; we took our team to Regional.” Jedediah felt a little humbled knowing he could never swim as fast as the mer, even though his father cautioned him to hold back and not show his full potential.

  “That’s really great Jed!” Lana went and punched him in the arm as a loving gesture like she always had before.

  Jedediah pretended to be hurt, rubbing his arm and mouthing, “Ouch.”

  “How are things with King Titan?” asked Cole to Titus.

  “He is well, but he is beginning to feel his age and has many dreams of Queen Horaios when they were both younger. He feels that it is Arius’ way of telling him that it will not be long and they will be reunited.”

  “I know that must be hard for you.”

  “Yes, he is torn between two worlds and feels that it is time to begin to let this one go. I pray he will have many more winters with us to teach me his ways.”

  Lana jumped in the water, hugged Titus, kissed his cheek, and said, “I pray it also.”

  The family enjoyed their time catching up and eating together. It wasn’t long and the group divided into two; the older carrying on conversations of their past year and the younger bragging to each other of their latest feats.


  The next morning, Jedediah took his surfboard out to the North end of the island. There the waves were the largest Safe Harbor had to offer. After a few duck dives, he found just the right one and paddled his surfboard at an angle rising with the water as he stood up. He began shredding the wave back and forth, only to have his surfboard come to a complete stop. It caused Jedediah to pitch forward into the surf. When he swam to the surface and towards his board, he gave a half grin as he knew what must have happened.

  Prince Makoa popped up and rested his folded arms on top of the surfboard and gave a big smile showing off his white teeth. He had long black hair, dark eyes and a dark blue powerful tail. He wore the crown of shells like all the Princes, but it was a rare thing to be chosen a Prince. Makoa was of the Native American descent that had once lived on Safe Harbor Island and long ago mixed with the mer. Usually only the direct line of King Titan was considered royalty.

  “You did want to go lobstering did you not?” Makoa said with a wink.

  “Just like old times,” Jedediah grinned.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yep, let me get a good grip.” Jedediah grabbed his surfboard on either side.

  Makoa got beneath the surfboard, holding it near the front. He swam at lightning speed, taking Jedediah further out.

  This was Jedediah’s favorite thing to do. He and Makoa had become good friends. Although Prince Makoa was nearly fifty years old, he was close to the equivalent of Jedediah’s seventeen years. It was good to have someone to talk to that could understand some of his frustrations. Except for his uncle Micah, Makoa was the one person he could talk to about anything. It had become a yearly ritual of theirs. The rest of the family knew to give them space during this time.

  After swimming about five miles out, Jedediah not only gripped his surfboard tighter, but also gripped the back sides with his feet. Makoa pulled the surfboard downward under the water’s surface and swam it and Jedediah deep below until they reached, what the mer call, Lobster Grotto.

  When they surfaced inside the underwater cave, Makoa set the board up onto the rocky ledge. The grotto was much like the cavern inside Gull Island, only smaller. It had a shimmering green light that danced on the rock walls from the sun’s rays filtering through the water. Jedediah hopped up onto the ledge.

  Makoa grabbed up one of the lobsters and also hopped up onto the ledge next to Jedediah. Makoa cracked the lobster with his hands and took a handful of the meat and said, “Would you like a bite?”

  “Still trying to get me to eat my fish raw,” Jedediah chuckled.

  “You insult your mer ancestors by not even tasting it,” said Makoa playfully as he offered it once more.

  “No, I’m good.” Jedediah put up his hands and smiled.

  “Alright, but you do not know what you are missing,” said Makoa with raised brows and then he popped it into his mouth.

  “Looks like there are plenty of lobsters again this year; my friend Robbie and his dad would love to know where this was.” Jedediah grinned.

  “How are things with you?”

  “Pretty good, we’ve had some trouble. Robbie was beaten up trying to protect Lizzy from some thugs the other day.”

  “What did your father do?”

  “You know dad, he doesn’t like to draw attention to our strength. He talked to their dad and he said he’ll handle it. Time will tell.”

  “Let me know if you need me to help take care of it.” Makoa grinned.

  “I will. So how’s things with you?”

  “It is well.”

  Jedediah knew Makoa enough to know that he was holding back something and then he couldn’t help but read Makoa’s thoughts of Princess Rose.

  Makoa couldn’t help but hear Jedediah’s thoughts.

  “Are you gonna ask her?” said Jedediah, knowing Makoa’s heart.

  “I really do not know. I do not think she would say yes, she seems indifferent to me.”

  “Maybe she’ll realize her feelings after your birthday.”

  “Perhaps. So you are swimming for your school?” said Makoa wanting to change the subject.

  “Yeah, but it’s messed up. Dad doesn’t want me to swim my fastest.”

  “It would not be fair,” Makoa chuckled.

  “Yeah, but I’d just like to see all their faces after they read my times.” Jedediah grinned.

  “I pray that Arius will help you find your way and become the man that you were meant to be,” said Prince Makoa giving a pat on Jedediah’s back.

  “Thanks, yeah some directions would be good.”

  The two talked a few hours more and shared their dreams for the future. Then they both filled two large net bags Makoa had brought for the lobsters. One bag was for Jedediah’s family with special care in choosing the largest for Cole and Lana; he knew they would soon have boiled lobster to celebrate her return. The other was for Makoa to take back to the cavern for the Fijian families.


  One of Lana’s favorite things to do while on Safe Harbor Island was to go upstairs to her old bedroom in the Keeper’s house. Although it was now Willy and Jedediah’s, it still brought back so many memories of the times when she and her father lived there alone. Lana had to smile when she saw how much stuff the boys had crammed into their bedroom; she lived such a simple life with the mer. She was amazed how much technology advanced each year, but wondered if it wasn’t also putting a strain on family ties.

  Rose passed by the hall and saw Lana and went and hugged her. “I’m so glad you came for a visit. What’s Titus up to?”

  Lana rolled her eyes with a smile, “You know Titus, he’s not far out waiting for me. Every since I ran into Jody Harper ages ago; he’s felt the need to protect me.”

  “Yes, I do remember that summer and we were all glad that Titus didn’t bring his spear,” Rose giggled.

  “Yeah, he can get so jealous, even though he knows perfectly well he has no reason to.” Lana smiled and shook her head.

  “The kids seem to have really grown this past year.”

  “Rose especially, they definitely took after the Prentis side.”

  “Yes they did, except for the tail of course,” Rose said with a giggle.

  “Yeah, that they got from Titus. Well, I better get going before he starts to worry.”

  “Thank you for stopping by and sharing lunch with me and Lizzy.”

  “No, thank you! An
y chance I get to eat a hot meal I’m gonna take it!” Lana smiled and hugged her mom.

  “Hey Lana, come read my poem,” called Lizzy from her room down the hall.

  Lana walked in and smiled to see her father’s old computer; it was now an aquarium filled with tropical fish. “I always have to laugh when I see that. I spent many hours on that old thing,” Lana giggled.

  “Yeah, you know dad can’t waste a thing. I wrote a poem for my poetry class. Do you think dad or King Titan would mind this?” Lizzy held up her poem for Lana to read.

  King Titan

  His beard and brows are snowy-white

  As well as his long hair

  His chest is broad and his tail is strong

  Sending salty sprays into the air

  His eyes are silver and dark gray

  None can look upon him and not fear

  He causes his enemies to tremble

  Whenever he swims near

  He travels deep into grottos and caves

  And rules his Kingdom well

  His mer people praise him for the good he does

  And in their legends they tell

  Of Titan their mighty and sovereign King

  That is wise and ancient of days

  He rules with love, kindness and mercy

  And teaches them all of his ways

  “Wow Lizzy, I really like it! I can see why you might want to get dad’s approval, but I don’t think he’d mind and I know King Titan would even like it. Just don’t tell the class that you really know him though,” Lana giggled.

  “I won’t.” Lizzy smiled and set the poem down on her desk until she could show it to her dad.

  Lana walked downstairs to the kitchen where her mother was, “Well, I suppose I should get going; I know Titus must be tired of waiting out there.”

  “Don’t forget, we’ll be having boiled lobster tomorrow night.”

  “I won’t, you know it’s my favorite! Tell dad I’ll see him tomorrow!”

  “I will, bye honey.”

  “Bye mom.”

  Lana walked out the front door and crossed the sandy beach to the old wooden dock in front of the home. She already sensed Titus and could tell that he was a little anxious. She walked to the end of the dock and dove head first into the cool blue-green water.

  Titus gave a smile and open arms as she swam to him. “Did you enjoy your lunch?” he asked as he held her and kissed her cheek.

  “Yeah, we had cheese sandwiches and hot tomato-basil soup and I even got to read a poem of Lizzy’s about King Titan.” She smiled brightly.

  “I suppose there is no harm in that. I am glad that you had this time with Rose and Elizabeth.”

  “Me too, thank you Titus for understanding that I do need some alone time with my family, especially where they don’t have to get wet,” she giggled.

  “You are welcome; now let us return to the city.” Titus pulled her around onto his back and sped through the water.

  Lana thought about how much she loved her life with the mer. King Titan was such a wise and loving ruler. She couldn’t help but think about Titus and how much she loved him. She squeezed him a little tighter and kissed his shoulder. She read his thoughts about how much he loved it. Then she hugged him once more.




  When Titus and Lana returned to the city of Torbist, Titus was summoned to the Hall to meet with King Titan. As he swam and passed the rows of large white marble columns on either side, he wondered what the King would want.

  The Hall was long with marble tiles on the floor which had a blue and green Italian motif. All of the tiles were grouted with gold. At the end of the long Hall were steps that led to the large golden throne of King Titan. He was sitting upon his throne while holding his golden forked staff which meant that an audience was taking place. He wore a crown of shells upon his head and he looked to Prince Titus as he approached. “Come my grandson, we have news of importance.”

  Titus saw his father Prince Terrance, Prince Makoa and Prince Tristan also before the King. “What news my King?” Titus asked with a bow of his head.

  “Prince Terrance, speak of what you have seen,” said King Titan with a grim expression.

  “We have spotted a patrol of the others crossing into our waters.”

  “They have broken the truce?” Titus asked.

  “They said that they did not realize their error and we allowed them to leave, but there is still bitterness in their thoughts towards us,” said Prince Terrance sadly.

  “We shall have to double the guard around the city for a time, if it is your will my King?” Titus looked to King Titan and bowed his head once more.

  “Yes, we must. We must be ever cautious with our travels outside the city as well; all will need to be accompanied by some of the guard. Time will tell if it is more,” said King Titan with a sigh as he gripped his staff tightly.

  “I shall do as you wish my King.” Titus bowed his head and then swam to advise the guard of the new restrictions and possible danger of the others.


  The next evening the Prentis household was in a whirl of preparations for Lana’s annual lobster dinner with her father. This dinner represented all the holidays Lana had missed with the family throughout the year as she lived in the South Pacific with the mer. Rose was sure to make all of Lana’s favorite delights.

  Rose wiped her hands on the kitchen towel and said, “Let’s see, the cheesy bread is nearly ready. The triple chocolate cake is on the white porcelain pedestal the way she likes. I’ve got the orange, pineapple, mango salad in the special crystal bowl. I made sure to make the ranch dip as thick as she likes and cut up and arranged all the vegetables on her favorite crystal platter. The cheddar cheese and crackers are on the table. I’ve got all the table linens put out and the scented candles are lit…”

  “Rose honey, it’s okay, Lana isn’t gonna want you to wear yourself out and not be able to enjoy her visit,” said Cole giving her a hug and kiss on her cheek.

  “I know, but it’s such a special night and I want everything to be just perfect.”

  “It is honey; just having her home to visit with all of us is perfect.” Cole grinned.

  “Yes it is, isn’t it?” Rose smiled.

  “Okay mom, the lemonade is fixed and the coffee’s started,” said Lizzy also excited to have her older sister home.

  “I wish we could eat like this everyday!” Willy yelled.

  “Really sport? Then you’d be as big as this house!” said Jedediah as he whirled Willy around by his waist.

  There was a knock on the front door and all felt the presence of Lana’s joyful spirit. “Come on in, your mom’s fixed you a feast!” called Cole.

  Lana opened up the door and said, “Wow, everything smells so wonderful! Mom, you even made my favorite triple chocolate cake!”

  “Yes, sweetheart, I wanted tonight to be the holidays we never got to share this year,” said Rose with misty eyes.

  “Mom, that’s so sweet of you. Thank you all for going to so much trouble. Hey, is that sharp cheddar cheese? How much I love coming home!” Lana said as she went and got some of the cheese and crackers.

  “Yeah, you know they have to kill the fatted calf when the prodigal daughter shows up!” Jedediah grinned.

  “Ha, ha, just wait till I get you in the water little brother!” Lana said as she took a carrot and dipped it into the ranch dip.

  “I’ve got the water just about boiling.” Cole grinned to Lana.

  “Well drop those puppies in!” Lana smiled brightly.

  “Makoa and I made sure to get you two the largest,” said Jedediah as he went to the mud room and got the lobsters out of the sink and brought them to the stove.

  “Jedediah, those look great! Sorry guys, but tonight you’re on the menu.” Lana grinned as Jedediah dropped them into the pot.

  Rose put on one of Lana’s favorite CD’s (Toby Mac ~ Tonight) and set the sound just ri
ght. The family sat down at the table together. Each member took the others hand next to them and bowed their heads.

  Cole said, “Lord we thank You that You allowed us another year to celebrate the return of our daughter and extended family. We ask that You bless this food and those who’ve prepared it. Keep us all in Your loving and protecting hands and thank You for this fine feast laid out before us.” And all of the family said Amen!

  As they ate their meal, they chatted about the latest news; Willy told how well he did on his spelling test. Jedediah filled Lana in on the latest with Lizzy and Robbie seeming to become more than friends; Cole wasn’t as pleased with that bit of news. Lizzy shared with Lana about how much she was enjoying her poetry class and that dad did give his okay on the poem. Rose talked about any new Safe Harbor gossip that was going around.


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