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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

Page 5

by Sheri L. Swift

  When the meal was nearly finished, Willy asked to go and play on his tablet upstairs. The rest of the family took their cake and coffee into the living room where Rose had a fire going in the brick fireplace to warm them. Jedediah and Lizzy sat in the love seat, Lana and Rose sat on the couch.

  Cole sat in his brown leather recliner and then asked Lana, “How are things going with the mer?” He sensed there might be something wrong.

  “Last night Prince Terrance and Prince Tristan were out on patrol and they had an encounter with some of the others that had crossed the boundary.” Lana hated to have to tell her father that and especially in front of the family.

  “So they’ve broken the truce then?”

  “You know how they are, they said it was a mistake and Prince Terrance allowed them to leave, but they felt their hatred of us and aren’t sure what’s up.”

  “Thanks for telling me Lana. I’ll do all I can to also keep watch for any sign of them.”

  “I know you will Dad,” Lana said with a knowing glance to her father.

  “What others?” Jedediah asked with concern as he could sense that it was not a good thing.

  Cole had a stern expression and said, “Well Jed, there’s another branch of the mer family out there that aren’t so nice. About fifteen years back they actually went to war with Lana’s family while they were staying in their city of Tullius in the South Pacific.”

  “Why haven’t you told me this before?”

  “Because King Titan and your brother-in-law handled things pretty good; even your uncle Micah and his men of Kaloki Island helped to battle them and they won. The others took a beating and then asked for a truce. We found out a year later, you were only about a year and a half at the time and there hasn’t been any trouble since.”

  “Gosh, was it really that bad Lana?” Lizzy asked with concern.

  “Yeah, it was pretty bad. They don’t exactly fight fair; if there is such a thing. Titus nearly lost his life and many of the mer family were killed as well as the enemy. Rose was just a toddler then and I was pregnant with Tarrock.”

  “Lana I’m glad you guys are okay, but what does all this mean now?” asked Jedediah.

  “I guess time will tell, it may not be anything, but Titus has doubled the guard and now we have to travel with some of the guard when we leave the city.”

  “Are they out at the dock right now?” asked Lizzy.

  “Yes, Titus and Prince Makoa are waiting for me.”

  “I’ll pray that all will be well Lana, for all of us,” said Rose as she gently squeezed Lana’s hand in hers.

  “Thanks Mom.”

  “I’m glad King Titan is taking this seriously, you can never trust them.” Cole looked down with a scowl.

  “I can’t believe they’re all like that Dad; look at Prince Tristan.” Lana gave a slight smile.

  “Was he one of them that fought against you?” Jedediah asked with disgust.

  “No Jed; in fact, he and Sirene not only warned us in time, but Prince Tristan saved Titus’ life that night, not to mention King Titan’s. He’s told us a lot about his life before and the ways the mer have to live in their city of Tiselius.”

  “Is that why his eyes are blue and not silver like the other white-haired mer? Lizzy asked.

  “Yes Lizzy.”

  “Whoa, did you just say you know where their city is?” Jedediah asked in shock.

  “Yeah Jed; Tiselius isn’t really that far from here, as a mer travels that is.” Lana smiled.

  Cole stared toward the window and said, “They’re out pass Florida near the Bermuda Rise. Titus thinks it’s their environment that causes their eyes to change. I know they’ve kept the peace for this long, but I still don’t trust them.”

  “I suppose there’s always some you can’t completely trust,” Rose said sadly.

  “Yeah, I know you’re right, I just wish we could all be friends,” Lana said with a sigh.

  “Honey their kind is anything but friendly. They would more than willingly slit your husband’s throat and take you for themselves,” said Cole through gritted teeth.

  “I know Dad,” said Lana, I know that all too well, she thought and all heard it.

  “Why Dad?” asked Lizzy.

  “Because Lana is a merwalker and they would use her to help them on land.”

  “I would never do that Dad!”

  “You don’t know what ways they might use to get you to do what they want.”

  Dad, please, not in front of Jed and Lizzy, Lana thought and of course everyone in the room read her thoughts once more.

  “What are you not telling us Dad, we can take it!” said Jedediah angry that they were keeping something from them.

  “Yeah Dad, we need to know!” said Lizzy also upset.

  “They’ve tried kidnapping Lana twice before and then even started a war.”

  “Wow, our sister Helen of Troy,” said Jedediah jokingly and then realized that no one thought it was funny.

  “Jed, that’s the saddest part of all; I feel like it’s mostly my fault,” Lana said as her tears began to roll down her cheeks.

  “Kid, it’s never been your fault, there’re just some who envy others and try to have what they can’t; even if it means taking it by violence,” said Cole as he stood up and walked over to Lana and kissed her on top of her head.


  That next morning, Jedediah and Lizzy were the last ones out of the house. Rose had an early meeting and drove Willy to school with her. Cole went down to the Marina to make sure things were going smoothly, but Jedediah figured that his dad didn’t want to talk about the others with them and that it was pretty convenient. Jedediah was still upset about never being told of their existence.

  As Lizzy rode on the back of Jedediah’s motorcycle, she spoke to Jedediah in her mind, “Can you believe there could ever be such evil mer like the others dad and Lana told us about?”

  “I don’t know what to believe anymore. I can’t believe dad would keep something like that from us,” said Jedediah in his mind as he sped around a corner.

  “Maybe he didn’t want us to be afraid of the mer.”

  “Yeah, maybe, but you or I could have run into them while out surfing or who knows where.”

  “I guess dad has probably been on top of things Jed or he might not have let us. Remember how he used to keep Lana as hidden as possible?”

  “Yeah, but now I understand why.”

  “Do you think they’ll try and kidnap Lana again?”

  “I don’t know Sis; I guess we should all be thankful they’ve been keeping to their agreement all these years. Titus must be worried about this bit of news.”

  “Yeah, I guess Lana is too.”

  “I think I’m gonna head over to Gull Island after school and have a talk with uncle Micah,” said Jedediah as he pulled into the school parking lot.

  “Be careful Jed, I’m not sure if dad would like you doing that or not. But if you do, don’t forget to take the net; the whole island knows we have permission to collect any debris that the seagulls might try and eat. I’m sure uncle Micah can give you some of his trash.” Lizzy removed her helmet and handed it to Jedediah.

  “I know Liz, but dad can’t expect us to just leave it alone, especially if he’s not willing to talk about it with us himself. Yeah, I’ll be sure and take the net; like we always do. You know mom can drive you home.” Jedediah also removed his helmet and locked them both on the bike’s rack.

  “Yeah, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be walking home with Robbie. The Baldwins haven’t even spoke to us since the last incident; their dad must have really given them a talking to,” said Lizzy and swung her book bag on her shoulder. She saw Robbie across the parking lot; she smiled and waved.

  Robbie walked up with a wide grin on his face and said, “You two are runnin a little late.”

  “You know how girls are.” Jedediah grinned to Lizzy.

  “Yeah right, more like brothers who can’t seem to get up on t
ime.” Lizzy rolled her eyes.

  They all three walked together quickly to their classes before the last bell rang.


  After Jedediah began to row his boat out from Safe Harbor, he sensed his mer cousins below the water’s surface. “So how’s things goin?” he asked them in his mind as he rowed.

  “A little boring, King Titan will not allow us to surface outside the city or the cavern,” answered Prince Keola.

  “Yeah, I heard you’re supposed to have an escort too.”

  “Yes, we have Prince Ulysses with us,” said Maiele.

  “You are blessed to be able to go above and beneath the water. Father will not allow me to go on the land,” said Princess Talei somewhat upset by it.

  “Yeah, but I can’t stay under for long without scuba gear,” Jedediah chuckled.

  “Why have you come?” Keola asked.

  “I need to talk to your dad. I’m thinking there’s some stuff only uncle Micah will talk to me about.”

  “Father will be pleased that you have come for a visit. I will tell him that you are coming,” said Talei and then she quickly swam towards the cavern.

  Jedediah continued to talk to his cousins while he rowed around Safe Harbor and out to Gull Island. When he arrived, he got out at the rock ledge and hoisted the rowboat onto it. He was sure to prop up the net just in case someone saw him. Then he dove down into the shimmering blue-green water. His cousins swam with him until he reached the entrance of the cavern; they allowed him to enter alone.

  Micah was there to greet him and gripped his hand in his, pulling him up onto the ledge. “Glad you have come Jedediah. What can I do for you?” he asked in his Fijian accent.

  “Thanks Uncle Micah, dad and Lana told us about the others last night. Dad said that you even helped Titus and Lana to win the war against them fifteen years ago.”

  “Yes, these others are fierce and do not fight fairly; we had to help them. Tarra was within the city at the time; it was safer for her than our grotto.”

  “The thing is dad never mentioned anything of these others until last night. Not to me or Lizzy.”

  “I can only guess as to why he never told you. He probably did not want you to fear your mer family, or maybe he did not wish you to worry.”

  “Yeah, it’s just, how could he know that we’d always be safe?”

  “Your father is a smart man Jedediah and he knows how to protect you and Lizzy. It was also probably best that you were not thinking about them. It would have kept you from enjoying the water that you and your sister love so much.”

  “You’re probably right I guess. So what do you think about them crossing the territory?”

  “I do not trust them. As I am sure you have guessed, a merwalker is greatly desired. I fear for my Talei as well as Princess Lana.”

  “Dad did tell us that too. Don’t they have merwalkers?”

  “I have heard some say that they have taken human women captives and tried to breed them for merwalkers and failed; the women died before their child could be born. You see, in your line, the mer women have chosen to marry human men. I do not think the others would allow their women to mate with humans.”

  “Oh, now I get it. That’s kinda scary when you think of it. I guess you and your brother are pretty lucky,” Jedediah chuckled.

  “Yes, we are blessed men as well as your human ancestors.” Micah grinned.

  “Yep, that’s for sure.”

  “It is important that you not think of these others when you are out from the island. And, if you ever hear their thoughts, do not think of them; get to your home as quickly as you can and warn your father. We must all be diligent in our watches.”

  “I’ll do all you say Uncle Micah and thanks for talking with me. You helped me understand it a little better.”

  “You are welcome, but I am sure that I will still hear from your father about your visit here today.”

  “Yeah, sorry bout that, but I’m glad I can talk with you.”

  “It is well Jedediah, that’s what uncles are for.” Micah grinned and gave a slap to Jedediah’s back.

  “Almost forgot, give me some of your trash.” Jedediah smiled.

  “Yes, I have some.” Micah handed him a small plastic bag that had been tied for safe travels through the water to the surface.

  Jedediah took the bag, “Guess I’ll see you on the weekend if not before.”

  “Yes, I am looking forward to playing cards with you and your family, not to mention your mother’s cooking.” Micah smiled and rubbed his belly.

  “Yeah, mom is a pretty good cook; no complaints from me. We’ll have to partner up again and beat em all.”

  “No doubt.” Micah grinned and shook Jedediah’s hand.

  Jedediah dove down into the water and out the cavern. He swam for a little while with his cousins before returning home. He knew his father might not be too pleased with him, but felt it was worth the risk to get some answers.




  Now that summer break was here, Jedediah and Elizabeth were glad to help out with the Surf Camp for kids with special needs. Every year more camps were being added. The camps offered lessons for the blind, hearing impaired, spinal cord injuries and children with autism. There were six kids attending this week’s lessons for the children with autism. Six volunteers helped individually with each child as the Director gave instructions.

  Jedediah helped Calob (nine) with his surfboard.

  Lizzy helped Shannon (six) with hers.

  The Director told the volunteers to help the children to lie on top of their surfboards on the sand so they would adjust to the feel of the board.

  “Way to go Shannon! You’re doing great,” said Lizzy as she gently pretended to paddle Shannon’s arms in the air with her own.

  “Hey buddy, you’re doing pretty good yourself Calob,” Jedediah said with a grin.

  “I’m big surfer like you Je-diah!” Calob smiled.

  “You sure are.”

  “I too!” squealed Shannon with a big smile.

  “Yeah, you are Shannon.” Lizzy smiled back.

  “Now let’s take these surfboards into the water,” said the Director.

  “Just like we did yesterday okay?” said Jedediah. He and Lizzy took the boards to the water.

  Shannon ran right into the surf and got onto her surfboard with Lizzy.

  Calob was a little hesitant and said, “Je-diah, I not go deep water!”

  “No Calob, just like we did yesterday okay buddy?” Jedediah gently helped him onto his board.

  In no time Calob and Shannon were giggling with delight as Jedediah and Lizzy pulled them through the surf as they lay on their surfboards and splashed their arms into the water.

  “See Calob, I told you you’re a surfer just like me,” Jedediah said as he continued to hold the board for Calob.

  Calob grinned and said, “Yeah I am!”

  After the class had ended and the children left with their families, Lizzy and Jedediah turned to the water as they heard the sound of an engine. They saw Robbie riding his new Jet Ski. It had red, black and white coloring and the specs of a sporting watercraft.

  “Oh dude, you are so letting me ride that!” called out Jedediah and he jumped into the water and swam to Robbie.

  “I told you I’d get her and I knew you’d love the color!” Robbie said with a smile and then he spun donuts around in the water to show-off for Lizzy.

  Lizzy couldn’t help but smile back at him. He was so handsome with his matching black, red and white swim vest. He reminded her of a prince sitting atop his trusty steed. She dove into the water. When Lizzy swam closer she said, “She’s beautiful Robbie!”

  “Thanks, I guess I’ll let Jed have a turn.” Robbie turned off the motor and jumped into the water near Lizzy.

  “Oh you know I love her color and I’m so gonna love this,” said Jedediah as he turned her on, revved up and spun around taking off out
to the deep at a high rate of speed.

  “You certainly got a nice one, but are you sure you wanna see it again?” Lizzy laughed.


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