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Untouched Perfection

Page 11

by Mayer, Kristin

  I sat up straight at the sound of my friend’s panicked voice. “Oh no, Sawyer. What can I do? What do you need?”

  “Nothing right now.” She paused. “I can’t lose my mom, Knoah. I can’t. I need her. There’s internal bleeding. The doctors are saying all these things, and I don’t understand!”

  Loss was something I acutely understood. My chest tightened at the thought. I needed to be strong for her. “Where’s Cameron?”

  “Trying to get us a flight to Denver. I can see the panic in his eyes.” Sawyer was barely hanging on.

  “Until we hear exactly what’s going on from the doctors, stay positive. Your mom needs you to be positive for her. I’m here for you. Day or night.”

  She sniffled. “Thank you. Love you, Knoah.”

  “Love you, too.”

  “I’ve got to go. Cameron’s calling me over to the check-in counter. Bye.”


  I hung up and shook my head. “Sawyer’s mom was in some sort of snowmobile accident in Colorado. She and Cameron are flying there.”

  Garrick watched me for a second. “I can call Cameron and have my plane take them there.”


  “Yes. If you’re okay with it.”

  I let out a breath. “Please. Anything to get Sawyer there faster. I’ll pay for the flight.”

  He pulled out his phone and connected the call and raised an eyebrow at me. “Cameron. Garrick. I know. Knoah told me. No, there aren’t any direct flights to Loveland. I’ll make arrangements to have you flown directly there. Yes. No problem.” There was a long pause. “I understand. My assistant, Annie, will give you a call with the details.”

  For a moment, I sat there stunned before I stood and hugged Garrick. Without hesitation, he disconnected the call and brought his arms around me.

  “Thank you. Thank you for getting Sawyer to her mom.”

  “Any time.” He put the phone to his ear while his other hand moved up and down my back. “Annie, arrange for the available plane to pick up a Cameron and Sawyer Wade. Cameron’s phone number is in my contacts. Yes. Perfect. Thanks, Annie.”

  My phone vibrated again, and I looked to the side, keeping my head against his chest. I whispered, “It’s Sawyer. I need to text her back.”

  He nodded and took a few steps into the kitchen to continue his discussion.

  I picked up my phone to read the latest text.

  Sawyer: Garrick is amazing. Cameron just told me.

  Me: Yes he is.

  Garrick came back into the kitchen. “Are you doing okay?”

  After texting Sawyer, I resumed my position with my head against his chest and his arms protectively wrapped around me. Every touch built something within me. Inside, I felt electrified. My core clenched as the desire grew. If this kept going, I might explode.

  “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me, too. Let me finish putting the dishes away.”

  “I’ll help.”

  After clearing the table, we stood in the kitchen, and I wondered what was next. But Garrick was already ahead of me. “You mentioned the other night you had a bucket list, and it got me thinking about things. Before I knew it, I wrote down a few items.”

  “Really? Why?”

  He took off his tie and laid it on the back of his chair. He sat there, sexy as ever, with his pants clinging to him in a way that showed off his body. “I’m not sure why I do half the things I do when I’m with you, but I did it. You make me think about life in a way I never have before.”

  “Will you show me what’s on your list?” I felt lighter inside.

  “I think we’ll have to come to a sharing arrangement.”

  Without thinking, I said, “Deal. Let me go get mine.”

  I had to know what Garrick had on his list. What did someone who could have anything want?

  The thought of Garrick’s hopes and dreams intrigued me. He wrote a bucket list, I thought, and that giddy feeling returned.

  I was halfway down the hall to my bedroom when I paused and came back. “No laughing. I started this in my younger days.”

  “I promise.”

  “Cross your heart.”

  He suppressed a laugh and drew a cross over his heart. “Cross my heart. I won’t laugh.”

  The sight of Garrick crossing his heart made me giggle. It was completely out of character. “Stick a thousand needles in your eye?”

  “What?” The perplexed look made me laugh harder.

  “Have you never heard of ‘cross your heart, hope to die, stick a thousand needles in your eye’?”

  “No. I don’t think I have.” He brought me to him and ran his nose along mine. “I’ll stick a thousand needles in my eye.”

  The words were a declaration as his mouth touched mine again. This time I parted my lips, and his tongue swept in once, twice, teasing me. I was caught in his web and didn’t want to struggle any longer. “I’ll go get the list,” I murmured.

  “I’ll wait for you out here.”

  That was probably smart, though I needed to somehow ease the ache between my legs. I went into my bedroom and pulled out the box from underneath my bed. In it was something I’d forgotten about—my journals. I took a deep breath and grabbed the legal sheet of paper with my items scribbled every which way on it.

  I walked back into the living room where Garrick waited, and we took a seat on the couch.

  “Are those glitter flowers on your list?” There was a teasing tone about him.

  I raised my eyebrow. “You did the ultimate girl oath. No laughing.” Again, I received his full-on smile, which was gorgeous.

  “Okay, who first?” I asked. This was one of my favorite moments between us. It was as if we were baring parts of ourselves no one knew about.

  “What do you think about giving five each and then swapping? And no questions.”

  Idly, I wondered if the no questions was meant for me, him, or both. I liked the idea because it kept things from getting too raw for me, emotionally.

  “I like that idea. You first.”

  He took a crisply folded sheet of cream stationery from his pants pocket. “These are in no particular order. Let me see…” There was a nervous edge to him. “I want to get lost with someone, spend a weekend disconnected from the world, share my deepest fears with someone, have a family, feel true love.”

  Those were beautiful, yet revealing. He glanced my way, and I smiled. A little of the tension eased in him. Garrick’s desires were emotionally based. He wanted more in his life. I wanted to ask questions, but we’d agreed not to.

  So he wouldn’t feel exposed for too long, I said, “My turn.” Turning the sheet around, I showed him all the little hearts and stars. “See how cute it is?”

  He stared at the list. “How old were you when you started it?”

  The date was in the corner. “Twelve. As you can see, it’s a long list. A very long list. When I mark something off, I put the date so I’ll always remember.”

  “Do I need to add glitter to make mine official?”

  Again, he was teasing me, and I loved it. From how he seemed with everyone else he encountered, I imagined not many saw this side of him.

  “Okay, let’s see… you know about the hot air balloon, snorkeling with stingrays, kissing the Blarney Stone. Five new ones—” I scanned the list. “I want to see whales in the open ocean, stand in four places at once, visit Samisen Castle. I want to be led somewhere unknown, and I want to learn how to cook mofongo.”

  Garrick watched me for a minute. I could tell it was hard not asking questions. Like me, he was probably analyzing what they revealed. I wanted adventure and to live life to the fullest. Or I had before I lost my way for a bit. But now, I wanted it all.

  Looking over his list, Garrick said, “I want a simple Christmas, to dance in the snow with my girl, take a romantic getaway, cut ties with those I need to, find a balance.”

  Those last five were more insightful. “Is that all of them?” I asked as G
arrick put the paper away.

  I wanted to peel back the layers and discover what made him tick. Last night he stated he never had relationships, but his bucket list items were about love.


  “Can I ask what made you start the list?”

  Resting his hand on my knee, Garrick looked toward the corner of the room. “After dinner last night, I returned home to work. Instead of work, I found myself staring at a piece of paper, wondering what I wanted. I’ve traveled, conquered what some would say is impossible, and created an empire. But last night, I thought about this for hours.”

  “It’s a beautiful list.”

  “I’ve never wanted these things, Knoah. Yet this week, I can’t stop thinking about them.”

  The confession hung out there, and I decided to give him a little more of me. “I feel the same thing. This week something has come alive inside me that’s been dead for a long time.”

  Our eyes connected again, and I searched his face, trying to decipher the deeper meaning behind the items on his list. My heart wanted more, so much more. I sensed a change in Garrick, too.

  Yet something held us back. So I focused on the list. “Umm… let’s see five more.” Scanning the list, I randomly picked a few more. “I want to have a picnic on a boat, touch the Painted Desert, taste the snow on my tongue, make a snow angel, and touch a cloud.”

  His intense expression remained focused while he listened, making me want to give him more. “Do you want to see them all?”


  Little butterflies danced in my stomach, and I reveled in the sensation. It made me feel alive. I handed Garrick my list. There were several items that already had check marks with dates.

  Dance in the rain.

  Get buried in sand.

  Watch a sea turtle lay eggs.

  “What makes you add things to your list?” he asked.

  I pointed to sea turtle laying eggs and his fingers brushed mine. “I didn’t know this one should be on my list until I experienced it. It’s beautiful, and I think everyone should. So I came home and wrote it on here then checked it off.” I pointed to touch a cloud. “I saw this on a movie and wanted to experience it.”

  An electrical charge zipped between us, and his lips moved to mine. Warm, firm, and controlled. I wanted to taste him again. His hand cradled the back of my neck while his tongue swept across my lips once, and I opened to him. It was as if we’d been kissing for a lifetime—completely attuned to each other. He tasted of fresh mint. The smell of his spicy cologne added to his masculinity. He swept his thumb across my cheek, and I pressed a little closer. The kiss slowed, and our breaths came out in rapid succession. Soon, we wouldn’t be able to stop.

  He closed his eyes. “Every time is better than I remembered. It’s better than I imagined.”

  “You’ve imagined kissing me this week?”

  “And more.”

  Oh my. More.

  When would we do more? Nerves settled in the pit of my stomach, and I took a deep breath.

  “In time, Knoah. At our own pace. This is new territory for us, I think.” His brow furrowed for a minute but then smoothed out. Inside, he still seemed to be fighting realizations of his own… like I was.

  “I like the sound of that.”

  He gathered me to him, and I nestled against him. “What are your plans for tomorrow?”

  Biting my lip, I wondered if I should tell him. Be honest. At some point, I would have to disclose everything anyway. “I have a therapist appointment in the afternoon.”

  “Can I see you after?”

  “Is that it? No questions?” I expected him to need more information. New girl he was seeing has a therapist appointment might sound alarming. To most, that would be a warning sign to find out more.

  He paused for a second before he responded, “When you’re ready, you’ll tell me. We all have things we’re working through. And if we rush it, I don’t think it will work.”

  I wondered what his were. Garrick gave nothing away. “I suppose we do.”

  “So, can I see you afterward?”

  “I’d like that.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ring. Ring. Ring.

  Sleepily, I reached for my phone. “Hello?”


  “Morning. What time is it?”

  “Oh, thank God.” His sigh of relief was audible. What’s going on? “I’m at the door. Will you let me in?”

  “Of course. What time is it?” I hadn’t set an alarm last night since no job beckoned today.

  “A little after six.”

  Wow. That’s early. Belatedly, his urgency barreled through my foggy state. “I’m coming.”

  I threw the covers back and grabbed my robe. After Garrick left, I stayed up late thinking about all that happened. The kisses. The feel of Garrick next to me. I’d waited for the guilt, yet it never came.

  I opened the door, and Garrick filled the doorway holding a bag and flowers. What looked to be a police officer stood behind him. My heart caught in my throat. “What’s going on?”

  He dropped everything and brought me into his arms. “Thank God you’re okay.”

  I pulled back. “What’s going on? Why are you here?”

  “I was going to leave flowers and some muffins on your doorstep this morning.”

  He was so sweet.

  “Are you Knoah Knox?” A middle-aged man in a sports jacket took a few steps closer. Behind him in the hallway, two police officers walked past my door. Garrick shifted me beside him in a protective stance. I loved how safe I felt around him.

  “Yes, I’m her.”

  Peering around me, he asked, “Is there anyone else in the apartment?”

  Nervousness prickled my senses. Something wasn’t right. “No, I’m home alone.” A gurney rolled passed the door. My stomach pitched a little at the sight. “Can you tell me what’s going on?”

  He cleared his throat. “Your neighbor was murdered last night.”

  Murdered? What? It took a few seconds before I found my voice. “What? Who? Are you sure it’s Jessica? Jessica Knight?”

  The detective turned to the officer who joined him, and I sank further into Garrick’s arms. “Ms. Knox, mind if we come in and ask you a few questions?”

  I glanced up at Garrick for guidance. He nodded.

  “Yes, please come in.”

  Jessica’s gone? My heart galloped in my chest.

  A man wearing a coroner’s jacket walked behind him, and Garrick’s arms flexed around me. She was gone. I’d been in her apartment just the day before, and now Jessica was gone.

  I led everyone into the living room, still in shock. The detective who’d been with Garrick initially nodded at the two chairs. “May we?”

  “Yes,” I responded woodenly.

  “Knoah, why don’t you get dressed, and I’ll wait with the officers in the living room.”

  I glanced down at my attire and realized I was wearing my silk robe. Underneath I only had on a camisole and shorts. “Thank you. I’ll be right back. Excuse me, officers.”

  They nodded their acknowledgment. In a fog, I changed. Jessica was dead. Dead. This had to be a dream.

  Garrick met me in the hallway and led me to the couch with a supportive arm around my waist. Once seated, he pulled me against his side possessively. I found it comforting, and melted into him. The last officer to join us remained standing. The other flipped through his notepad.

  I straightened, not sure what to do with myself, and fidgeted with my fingers.

  “I’m Detective Williams and this is Officer Bruscow.” I nodded. “Ms. Knox, when was the last time you saw Ms. Knight?”

  “Almost a week ago when she gave me a key to her place. I’ve been taking care of her cat, Snickers.”

  The man’s face gave nothing away as he jotted down some notes. “When was Miss Knight due to come home?”

  “Umm… last night. She’d been in Boston to see her parents. Her fiancé, Michael, wa
s out west meeting with a client, I think. He was coming home today. Or that’s what I believe Jessica said when she dropped off the key.”

  Detective Williams wrote some more and then looked me straight in the eye. “Why is your name on Miss Knight’s rental agreement?”

  I shifted a little further into Garrick, feeling a little bit of the weirdness I’d been feeling this week. “I sublet it to her. My roommate and I had planned to knock out the adjoining wall and make our place larger.” I pointed to the wall in front of me. “The landlord changed his mind but agreed to let me sublet it. He wouldn’t void the lease since expanding the apartment wasn’t listed as a condition. We signed a transfer.”

  Garrick’s fingers tightened around my shoulders.

  A few pages flipped and he read something on his notepad. “The sublease wasn’t on file. You’re still listed as the renter.”

  “I can get you a copy if you’d like.”

  “Is it here? Yes, I’d like to take it.”

  Garrick stiffened beside me. “You can take photos of the paperwork, if you’d like, but the originals stay with Ms. Knox.”

  “Mr. Shaw.” The detective’s voice held a clear warning.

  Garrick remained undeterred. “I’ll have my lawyers down here, if necessary, and you won’t get the copy without a warrant. As you can see, Ms. Knox wants to cooperate, but I will protect her best interests. I’ll also be taking the proper steps to correct this oversight regarding the paperwork.”

  Neither officer looked surprised by the statement. Garrick must have told the officers he owned the place.

  This was the tone I’d heard in his office that first day. Garrick was in full-on business mode. The officers looked at each other, silently communicating, and the detective nodded. “Okay, that will work for now.”

  I stood. “I’ll be right back.”

  Something was off with the way Garrick eyed the men. I wasn’t sure what he thought, but I would follow his lead on this.

  I hurried to my bedroom and went through the file to find my copy. When I returned to the room, the detective was in the middle of writing something else. I handed over the agreement. “Here you go.”


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