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Love Intertwined Vol 2

Page 12

by Pepper Pace

  Tina waited for him after class. She knew she looked good in her khaki mini skirt and white t-shirt. She’d just hit the tanning booth and her skin was golden brown. She’d been to the salon and had her brown roots touched up so that there was no evidence that she was not a natural born blonde.

  “Excuse me.” Daniel had been tucking his notes into his notebook as he walked out of class. He had almost run into the blond girl standing in the entrance. He looked around to make sure she was talking to him, and she was.

  “You. What’s your name?”


  “Hi Daniel, I’m Tina. Look, I know you’re pretty good in economics and I’m looking for a…tutor. Mr. McHenry is an asshole, I’m going to flunk-”

  He swept his bangs out of his eyes and she was surprised that he wasn’t actually bad looking. “I don’t have time to tutor.”

  She gave him a surprised look. “Well…I mean, I can pay you-”

  “No. Sorry, maybe one of the other guys can. Ask the redheaded guy. His grades are better than mine.” Daniel walked away with Tina staring after him in surprise.

  “What the—?” He hadn’t even checked out her boobs. Tina’s face grew red; not in embarrassment but in anger. She stared after Daniel. She would get him to reconsider.

  Daniel dropped off his things in his dorm. Jeff wasn’t around, no surprise there. He powered up the laptop and checked to see if Blair was signed on to SKYPE; she wasn’t. He could call her on the phone but he liked seeing her. With a sigh he typed out a quick message letting her know that he was going off to work and that he’d talk to her this evening.

  He had a job at a pizza joint making deliveries. It was Tuesday and would be a slow pizza day. His boss let him mess around in the back with the laptop or with his PSP when it was slow. He was playing a Kingdom Hearts game when one of the cooks called him.

  “Yo Daniel! Someone here to see you.” Daniel squinted. He didn’t know anyone that would come up to the job to visit him. He saved his game and headed out front. His eyes moved instantly to the girl from his economics class; the one that wanted him to tutor her. He noted that some of the guys making pizza were looking back and forth from him to her in confusion. He supposed he was going to get mass coolness points for being seen with her. Everyone sort of thought of him as just the geeky quiet guy.

  “What are you doing here?” He asked.

  “I know you said no, already. But I thought I could offer you something in exchange for your help.” She was wearing a tiny cheerleading skirt, a halter and heels. She leaned in to him and he caught his breath.

  “Oh…Tina, look. I have a girlfriend.”

  Her face dropped. He already had a girlfriend…and she was either so hot that he couldn’t look twice at her, or he was just that whipped. She was willing to bet it was the second.

  “Look, Daniel, is there somewhere we can talk?”

  He looked around nervously. “Well I’m supposed to be working.”

  His Boss, Mr. Julius, was watching wide-eyed from the kitchen and he waved his hand. “You go take a break…Hell, take two!” Everyone began chuckling. Daniel shrugged and led her outside.

  “I’m sorry, Tina.” I just can’t take on something like tutoring. I mean, it’s not about the money or anything. But I have this job and school and there is no time with trying to get my own homework done and mid-terms coming up.”

  “Daniel…” She allowed her eyes to linger on his thin, yet toned form. He was wearing loose jeans, a tight skateboarder shirt, and Diesels on his feet. “I think Emo’s are really cool-”

  “I’m not an Emo! I’ve always dressed this way and this is my real hair and I can’t move it out of my eyes!” He brushed it back nervously and it flopped right back over his eye. He sighed in reluctant acceptance. “But everyone thinks that so it’s no biggie. Even my girlfriend calls me Emoboy.”

  Tina laughed and it wasn’t as fake as it could have been. “Look, Emoboy, I’m willing to do more than pay you money if you can help me pass this year. How’s that for directness?”

  His eyes searched her face. He chuckled softly while shaking his head. She opened her mouth to speak but he held up his hand to halt her. “Okay.”

  “Okay? Just…Okay?” She frowned. “You’re not going to ask what I’ll give you to help me?”

  He headed back into the restaurant and turned slightly without looking at her. “No. I’m going to tell you what you’re going to give me.” He continued into the restaurant, disappearing out of sight.

  Tina rubbed her arms. For some reason she was shivering.


  The next day after class Tina quickly hurried to catch up with Daniel. “Hey!” He had already slipped his book bag over one shoulder and was hurrying outside with his longboard in hand. He turned to her and paused, checking his watch.

  Tina was not used to having to hurry after some guy. A slight scowl touched her face as she finally reached him. “So…about the tutoring?”

  “Well, I don’t work on Wednesdays and Saturdays are good, too. I don’t start delivering until after six so we’d have to get together early. How’s that sound?” He seemed rushed, but she had not worn this super short denim skirt and a skimpy halter top just so that she could have him salivating at the sight of her, and then he not even look at her once! The professor had nearly drooled at the sight of her, and so had most of the guys in class, but she didn’t think Daniel had even noticed her once.

  She crossed her hands behind her back. That move never failed to draw attention to her perfect tits. She hid a smirk when she saw him glance at them and then she saw a soft blush creep up his neck and face as he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra.

  “So what about your girlfriend?” He gave her a confused look. “You’re off on Wednesdays, work Saturday evenings but you’re going to tutor me. So when do you have time for your girlfriend?”

  “Oh. Well Blair doesn’t live in California. I’m from Ohio.” Mmmm, corn-fed Midwest boy, she thought. He talked different and now she saw why; slower, more precise. And she liked that his girlfriend was far away. It meant that she could work her magic and have him wrapped around her manicured finger when she offered up what his girlfriend couldn’t. And then she’d have him doing her assignments, and once she had completed economics she’d have him latch on to several more of her courses. She was contemplating all of this when he checked his watch again. “I was getting ready to call her now before she goes off to work--”

  “Well I have my car. I’ll drive you and we can discuss…payment.”

  Daniel nodded and followed her to the parking lot, his brow furrowed as he seemed to be in deep thought. “We can study in my dorm room. My roommate, Jeff, is barely ever there.” He looked at her as they walked. “Tomorrow is Wednesday and I’ll give you the conditions of my tutoring at that time. If you accept them…then we’ll start.”

  HE would be giving Her conditions? He almost sounded like he thought he was in control. Hmph, they always did…in the beginning. She would let him think that, for now. They got into her red Miata and Daniel looked impressed.

  “Nice.” He said, stowing his backpack and longboard at his feet. He gave her directions to his dorm and she decided to pick his brain a little. She glanced at him noting that he was tall and lanky but still pretty cut. Today he was wearing faded black jeans and another tight fitting t-shirt that showed off his defined chest and arms. She wasn’t sure why she had thought he was nerdy or geeky. He was pretty fucking cute, but a little on the shy side for her tastes.

  “It must be hard being in a long distance relationship.”

  “It is. Blair’s been my best friend since grade school.”

  “Aww, that’s really sweet.” She lied. “I bet you miss her a lot.”

  “Yes.” If he had the money he would have flown back for a weekend visit, but his parent’s were already helping him out a lot with the expenses that his grants and scholarships didn’t cover. He couldn’t ask them to foot the bill for
a plane ticket just so that he could spend the day with his girlfriend. “What about you, Tina?”

  “I’m single.”

  “Good.” He said and she wondered if he even realized that he’d said that. She felt very good about the direction that this was taking.

  They reached his building in a short time and he jumped out and thanked her for the ride. “Sorry I can’t invite you up, but I won’t have much time to talk to my girl. But I’ll see you tomorrow. We can head over here right after class.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” She watched him quickly disappear into the building. This time next week she predicted he wouldn’t give a second thought about the girl back home.


  The next day, Tina had her ammunition prepared. It began with her attire; she wore a short spaghetti string sun dress and heels that did wonders showing off her toned legs. Her long blonde hair flowed loose down her back and she had trimmed her slight pubic hair just in case she allowed him a glimpse of her pussy when she crossed her legs. Oh, she wasn’t wearing panties, so the chance of him getting a glimpse was pretty high.

  After class they rode together to his dorm. “How was your conversation with your girlfriend, yesterday? Blair, right?”

  His eyes sparkled. “Great.” And it had been great. She had been a bit depressed and said she missed him a lot. She told him she couldn’t wait for Thanksgiving and when he got home from work that night, even though she didn’t undress for him, she described all of the things she intended to do to his body when she saw him. And when he began stroking his hard dick right there on cam, she didn’t tell him to stop and actually seemed to enjoy watching him cum for her. When they signed off that night she told him over and over how much she loved him.

  He missed her so much.

  When they got to his dorm he placed his things neatly in his wardrobe. She looked around curiously. There weren’t any personal effects around, no pictures of the girlfriend, no knickknacks from home. Just two desks, two beds and two wardrobes along with a mini fridge that had a small television set sitting on top of it. A small component system and laptop computer were the only things that she saw of any value.

  A freshman dorm left a lot to be desired. The room was small and cramped even though it was neat, She already knew that they would have to find a better place to study. She was not going to sit for an hour or more in this teeny room!

  As she scanned the small room, Daniel sat in a desk chair and watched her. She sat on the edge of the opposite desk so that he could get a good view of her legs.

  “What are your ‘conditions’?” She asked using a dismissive tone.

  He moved his eyes from the sight of her legs, opened his desk drawer and offered her a sheet of paper. She held out her hand for it without moving and he quickly came to his feet and handed it to her.

  “Sign this contract.” He said simply.

  “Contract?” She gave him a curious look.

  “Well I’m not going to waste my time if you’re not going to do what I say.” His face held a strange calmness. “And you’re the one that offered to pay me more than money. I certainly don’t want you threatening to have me expelled or some such thing. And besides…” His eyes moved swiftly over her form. “It’s a contract to protect you as well as me.”

  Her eyes quickly scanned the brief contract and then she halted and frowned at him.

  By signing this contract you agree to the following terms:

  -You will complete all assignments provided by me.

  -You will not question me.

  -You will come to each session prepared.

  -You will not waste my time.

  -You will come up with a safe word.

  I, the instructor, agree to the following terms:

  -I will not permanently mark you.

  -I will abide by the safe word.

  Failure to adhere to all terms will result in the termination of services. This contract may end at any time and at the discretion of either party.

  “What the hell…?”

  “I believe it’s fairly simple to understand.” He sat back down at his desk and powered up his computer. “You need to have that witnessed and dated.”

  “Safe word? Why the hell would I need a safe word? And what in the fuck do you mean that you’re not going to mark me?”

  Daniel turned in his chair. Mostly his face was obscured by his long bangs, but she saw his green eyes looking up at her through the dark strands, and the green of them seemed to lock her into place.

  “Sign it or don’t sign it, it’s up to you. But you want an A in that class. When I’m done with you, you will have that A.”

  After a short pause she rolled her eyes. “Fine! I’ll have it witnessed and signed.” He nodded.

  “There’s a quiz on Friday. Have you studied for it?”

  “No.” She answered honestly. She guessed that made her look pretty pathetic, knowing she was flunking out, searching for a tutor but not studying. Daniel just nodded in a very non-judgmental way.

  “I won’t even bother to ask if you began studying for the mid-terms. Go get that signed and we’ll start. There’s a copy machine on the first floor. I want a copy of the signed form.”

  She got up from her seat perched on the desk and moved reluctantly to the door. She turned and he was still watching her. “What…what do you mean by safe word?”

  His lip quirked up slightly. “You shouldn’t be so pessimistic. Maybe you won’t need a safe word. Let’s just assume that you will do everything I tell you to do. Now, I need to Skype my girl before she leaves for work. Just knock before you come back in.” She assumed she had been dismissed when he turned back to the computer.

  Damnit! Tina closed the door behind her to search out someone to be her witness. This was turning out to be more complicated than she’d wanted…but when he said she’d have her A in the class, for some reason she believed him.

  It wasn’t even ten minutes before she had returned with two signed copies of the contract. She paused outside of Daniel’s room, trying to hear his muffled conversation. But all she could make out was his soft words and the girlfriend’s faint responses. She knocked on the door.

  “Come in.” Daniel called. She opened the door and tried to see the large laptop screen but unfortunately his body and the angle prevented that from happening. Damn, she wanted to know what the infamous girlfriend looked like.

  “Alright, babe. I gotta go. The person I’m tutoring is here. I’ll talk to you later tonight—early because I don’t have to work.”

  “Bye babe. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  Aww, how sweet. NOT. She’d never said those words to a boy and meant it. She handed him the paper and after scanning it quickly he placed it into his desk drawer.

  Daniel gestured to his roommate’s desk. “Pull up a chair Tina.” He pulled out his Economics book while she wheeled the crickety looking chair to his desk. “What’s the safe word?” He asked as he flipped through the pages of the book.

  “You told me not to be pessimistic, remember?” She smirked.

  He looked up. “Safe word?”

  She rolled her eyes. He had no sense of humor. “Emo…boy.” She said distinctly.

  He watched her carefully. “Every time you say that word—I stop what I’m doing.”


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