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Love Intertwined Vol 2

Page 13

by Pepper Pace

  “Wait!” Her brow knit. “I rather like that word. “I’ll think of a different one.” She was feeling very strange under his gaze, kind of turned on. “Pogo.”

  He watched her for a few more moments and then nodded once. “The quiz Friday is basic memorization. There are tricks that you can use to help aid in memorization. I like using little rhymes, but you can use word association, or whatever. The key is that it has to be personal to you. There are nine principals that the quiz will cover. Do you know what they are?”

  “Micro and macro…positive, hetero…like heterosexual.”

  “Good!” He gave her an encouraging smile. “Micro…like your skirt. Macro; like…?” He waited for her to finish while she tried not to smile at the crack about her skirt.

  “Mackerel; like a fish?”

  “Good! Just remember to spell it correctly.” And within ten minutes they had gone through each of the nine principals that would be covered on the quiz and she had them stuck in her head like glue.

  “That was easy!”

  He nodded. “Now the hard part is to remember the meaning behind each of them. What is positive economics?”

  Tina searched her mind. But all of the definitions began to cloud together. Her brow knit and she scowled. “I don’t know! That’s what you’re here for, to teach me!” She snapped. His response was a smirk.

  “Are you positive about that?”

  Her back straightened and she gave him a steady look. “Yes I am.”

  “Good answer Tina! Very good. Positive economics is what IS. It is a fact that you will get an A on Friday’s quiz. I’m positive of that. How about you, Tina? Are you positive?”

  She gave him a slow smile. “I…IS?”

  He chuckled and in that way Daniel went through each definition until Tina had little tricks to help her remember.

  “I think that’s enough for the night. I work Thursday so we can’t get together before Friday’s test, but I want you to remember and practice what you learned.” Daniel got up and led her to the door.

  That hadn’t been so painful, she thought. She gave him a curious look before leaving. “What about…payment?”

  He didn’t say anything for a moment. “Just…don’t miss any questions on the quiz; not even one.” Tina opened her mouth and then closed it, biting back the sarcastic comment.

  “Sure Emoboy. See you tomorrow.” He shut the door without watching her walk down the corridor. That kind of disappointed her. Daniel hadn’t even made a move on her at all.

  The next day during class, Tina found herself watching Daniel as much as she was supposed to be watching the teacher. He wore a black zip up hoodie and baggie jeans. His untidy black hair was swept behind one ear but managed to fall forward about twenty times during class. She peeked at the way he always unconsciously swept it back as he watched the teacher and jotted down notes. A shadow crossed her face as she wondered why he wasn’t even looking at her at all.

  After class he had quickly left and was on his longboard, skating down the street before she could catch him. Damn, why did he have to talk to that girlfriend every freaking day?! She jumped in her car feeling very horny. She’d call one of her boytoys to meet her at her apartment and burn off some pent up energy. As she scanned through the names in her contacts, none of them appealed. They were all jocks and juiceheads. She wanted…someone thin and emo. She cursed when she realized that the only one in her contacts that fit that description was Daniel.


  Tina was nervous about the test as she squirmed in her seat Friday. The tricks that Daniel had taught her couldn’t be all that there was to economics…but in actuality it really was a simple as Daniel had made it! She flew through each multiple choice question. The formulas were not things that they had studied but her brain seemed to free up the necessary cells to work through them since she wasn’t overwhelmed by everything else. She finished the quiz with time to spare and managed to catch Daniel’s eyes. He cocked his brow at her as if to ask how she thought she’d done. Her bright smile was answer enough.

  She met him after class. “Want a ride back to the dorm?”

  “No, heading straight to work today.”

  “Oh? No phone call with the girlfriend?”

  “No, not until later tonight. She works extra hours on Fridays.” Likely story. She was probably back home getting poked by another farm boy.

  “Well, I’ll drive you to work if you want.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah. Come on.” She decided to pick his brain since she had him alone. “What do you think of California?”

  “Well…I’ve been too busy to enjoy much of it.” He had made some casual acquaintances at school and at work but they liked drinking and trying to find the next party so he generally begged off since he wasn’t the most social person in the world, anyways.

  “What do you like to do?”

  He shrugged. He used to like hanging out with Blair, hitting a movie, or just chilling. It didn’t matter. “I usually just mess around on the computer when I have spare time,” and surf for porn and masturbate to the images of black women that looked like his girlfriend. What else was there to do?

  Tina pulled up to the curb and Daniel hopped out of the car. He didn’t immediately enter the restaurant. “Thanks for the ride. So you want to study tomorrow? We can meet around noon. That’s when Mr. McHenry usually posts the quiz results online.”

  “Noon is good.” Noon was a bit early when she planned on being out most of the night before partying, but she was anxious to see how she’d done on the quiz. Someone whistled shrilly and Daniel turned to see one of the drivers entering the store with a sly smile on his face. The top was down on her Miata and she certainly made a beautiful image. Several guys were watching them through the large picture window and he shook his head to himself. They were going to start ribbing him again. Tina was really pretty, but…she wasn’t what he wanted.

  “See you tomorrow.” He waved and entered the store.


  Tina showed up at exactly noon. She toyed with the idea of not showing up until one but for some reason she was really anxious. She guessed she wanted to see Daniel grin when he saw that she had passed the quiz with an A!

  She wore jean shorts and a halter top; both were very small. Daniel opened the door and gestured her inside. There was a little paper sign hanging from the doorknob from a piece of string and he placed it on the outside of the door before closing it.

  “My roommate doesn’t usually come home until later Saturday, but just in case.” He explained. He gestured for her to take the roommates chair again while he settled behind his computer. Music was playing softly from the stereo syste and she pulled her chair close to his and watched him peck and navigate his way to the school’s bulletin board. After locating Professor McHenry’s page he logged in using his password to retrieve his test score. Perfect A and some comments on one of his narrative answers. Tina smiled at him. She knew she’d picked the right guy to tutor her.

  Daniel moved his chair over to give her room to type in her password. Suddenly she was nervous. What if she’d screwed up? Tina held her breath as her score came up. A! She made a small squeak of pleasure. She looked at Daniel who was also smiling.

  “I missed one question though.”

  “I see that.” He leaned in closer to read the screen and she caught a scent of clean cotton and the shampoo that he’d used that morning. She leaned in to him a little closer. Daniel turned his head to look at her, though he didn’t move back at her close proximity.

  “You missed the question about the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics.”

  “Yeah, but they’re so similar. Micro…macro I got confused.”

  “Well you have to be punished anyways.” He came to his feet in an almost lazy manner.

  “But I got an A-”

  “There was never any doubt that you’d pull an A.” Daniel walked to his wardrobe and opened it. He didn’t even l
ook at her. “But you still didn’t do what I asked.”


  He looked at her. “I told you not to miss even one question.”

  Tina came to her feet angrily. “But that’s not fair.”

  Daniel shut the wardrobe suddenly. “My rules, Tina. Or game over and you can leave now.”

  Her mouth snapped shut and she crossed her arms while her posture changed into one of anger but also a little bit of fear. “What do you mean punishment?”

  He opened the wardrobe again and withdrew a belt. “A spanking, I think would be in order.”

  Tina hid a happy smirk. The kinky little bastard; he couldn’t know that she loved being spanked. She felt her body clench. She hadn’t been spanked in a long time.

  Daniel moved to his chair again, and lowered the arm rests. “Take off your pants.” He said matter-of-factly. “Panties, too.”

  She felt a surge as her pussy swelled. She stepped in front of him and undid her tight shorts and then she swept off her teeny thong. She stood before him half naked but suddenly she felt a little uncomfortable at his wordless scrutiny. She watched him wrap the belt securely around his fist and felt her throat dry up.

  “Across my lap.”

  Tina hesitated only a moment before closing the space between them and positioning her body over his legs. This wasn’t easy since she only had Daniel’s leg to brace against. But he had nice long legs. She watched him expectantly as he looked at her butt. She felt his hand push up her blouse only seconds before she received the first strike from the leather.

  The pain was sharp and intense, surprising Tina and causing her body to stiffen and her ass cheeks to flex. Three more strikes came in rapid succession and this time she jumped and cried out. Damn! Most guys started off a little softer than that. She looked at him with a scowl. She saw in alarm that his arm was drawn back pretty far and then he swiftly brought it down and the belt cracked across her ass again.

  “OW!” She yelled and reached behind her to rub her bottom. Daniel moved swiftly, gripping her wrist.

  “Hands back on my thighs.” He commanded.

  She didn’t move immediately and felt the belt licking at the tender flesh of her buttocks, teasing but not hurting.

  “Are you ready?” He asked after she’d replaced her hands on the cloth of this leg.

  “Well…how many are you going to give me?”



  He gave her a smirk. “Safe word?”

  She shook her head rapidly, almost angrily. “Just do it!”

  “Count them off for me.” She felt the belt come down hard across the bottom of her cheeks almost on her thighs. She bit back her cry and then spat out the word.


  “No. Start from one. Each time I have to stop to explain something to you we start from one. ONE!” He said as the belt come down sharply over just one cheek.

  Her eyes squeezed close. “One,” She managed to croak out. By the time she got to seventeen her legs were kicking with each strike and she had to grit her teeth in order to count out. By the time she got to twenty-five she had to bury her head into his leg, at thirty the first tear fell from her eyes and she thought about saying the safe word. At forty she could barely call out the number due to her sobs and she clutched the loose denim of Daniel’s jeans to prevent herself from reaching back to rub her sore ass.

  She could have jumped up and left, had even thought about it around the twentieth strike of his belt. But there was something in the way that he continued to lay that belt on her, with no apology, no remorse, not effected by her flinches, her cries or her moans that made her continue. There was a challenge, unspoken between them. He’d offered up the safe word as if he knew she’d take the easy way out. And maybe she would just walk out the door as soon as he’d delivered the last strike. But she had no intentions of leaving until she showed him that she was no pushover!

  “Fifty…” she moaned and the belt fell no more. That had hurt so bad, the bastard. No one had ever beaten her so badly, not even her parents.

  “Can I rub my ass now?” And she hated how her voice sounded broken and shaky from her tears.

  “No.” But then she felt his gentle hand on her sore skin. His fingers stroked along the hot skin of her ass, thighs and lower back, where the belt had striped her flesh. He seemed to trace each welt. He reached forward and grabbed a tissue from the desk. Tina watched him warily.

  “Sit up.”

  Sit up? Her butt was flaming. She wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably for a long time! She slid off his lap and stood on shaky legs and he pulled her onto his lap. It stung; the stiff denim of his pants against her sore bottom and she sucked in a soft gasp. Daniel used the tissue to dab at the tears.

  Tina examined him closely. He had a strange look on his face; it wasn’t remorse or regret. He seemed…pleased.

  “Let me wipe away your tears. That’s a good girl. Come here, put your head here.” For some unfathomable reason she placed her head on his chest and felt a well of emotion open up inside of her; anger, hatred but also…a desire to be comforted.

  Daniel stroked Tina’s hair, now damp from the sweat of her punishment. He could smell it, not unpleasant, actually it was intoxicating. He traced each tear as it continued to coarse down her cheek. And he placed his lips on her forehead and kissed her there lightly. He wondered if she understood the great courage it took for someone like her to submit to someone like him. She lifted her face and offered her lips to him. He just smiled.

  “Stand up, Tina.” She did with a bit of hesitation. He gestured to his bed which was on risers so that his desk could fit beneath it. “Climb up into my bed.” She turned and climbed up the ladder to his loft bed and he admired the red welts on her ass, how they stood out against her tanned skin. Tina lay down, the bed was too close to the ceiling for her to do anything different. She watched as Daniel kicked off his shoes. He unbuckled his pants and quickly kicked out of them as well.

  Tina blinked her eyes at the sight of the tent in his boxer shorts. He pulled them off and peeked at her and Tina’s cheeks grew as hot as the cheeks on her ass. He had a magnificent dick! About as big as she’d ever seen. He walked over to his wardrobe and she watched as he pulled out a fresh pair of boxers. He slipped them on quickly and located another pair of jeans. He slipped these on as well, taking a moment to adjust his erection.

  Tina sat up and almost bumped her head. What was he doing getting dressed? Daniel sat down in the chair and pulled his shoes back on. “Lay down and rest.” He said while coming to his feet. “I’ll be back with some bottled water and lunch.” Tina’s mouth gaped open.

  “You’re going to leave?”

  “I’ll be back.” He put his hand on the doorknob and then turned back to her. His normally pleasant expression was suddenly hard. “Don’t make me have to punish you again. I expect you to be in that bed when I return.” He opened the door and left.

  Tina clenched her thighs together and felt a surprising spike of pleasure. How could he just leave like that? She closed her eyes and licked her lips as her hand moved between her clenched thighs and slid past her wet crease. Her body shook as she quickly worked her way to climax.

  When the door finally opened it was nearly half an hour later and Tina had actually begun to doze. He closed the door and stood watching her. She saw him inhale deeply before moving to his desk with the paper bag that evidently contained lunch.

  “You can come down now.” She did, not very gracefully and reached for her thong and shorts. “No. Not until I say. Just bring your chair over here.” He had two bottled waters, two apples and two sandwiches spread out on his desk.


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