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Love Intertwined Vol 2

Page 14

by Pepper Pace

  “This is from my meal ticket. They didn’t have anything hot that looked interesting so I hope you don’t mind turkey.” He sat down and looked at her still standing there. “Sit.”

  She did and sulked. “I can’t believe you spanked me.” He seemed to ignore her as he opened the plastic containing his sandwich. “You fucking hurt me!”

  Daniel reached out and gripped her wrist; not roughly but not gently either. He pulled her hand to his face and sniffed. His eyes bore into hers.

  “You liked it. You masturbated.” He released his hold on her wrist. Her face turned beet red and she was on the verge of jumping up and running out of the room. “Relax, Tina. I liked it too.”

  Her body was tensed but she stayed in the chair and watched him bite into his sandwich. “You like…inflicting pain?”

  He swallowed his mouthful of sandwich before answering. “I like…when you submit to me. I’d rather not have to punish you, but I will if I need to.”

  She mulled over his words as she reached for her sandwich. “What makes you think you can make me submit to you?”

  Now his brow did gather. “Make?” He shook his head. “I’m not going to MAKE you do anything.” Daniel smiled and it was the truest expression she’d seen on any man’s face. “I want you to give it to me. If you don’t give it to me freely then I don’t want it.” Her heart was racing at his words.

  “Well what makes you think that I would WANT to submit to you?”

  He smoothed his hands across the top of his desk. “You smell your fingers and then you tell me.”

  Daniel let Tina get dressed after lunch. He led her out of the room and down the corridor to the girl’s restroom and instructed her to look at her backside in the mirror. He was leaning against the wall waiting for her when she came storming out of the restroom.

  “You said you wouldn’t and the back of my thighs are covered with welts!”

  “I never said I wouldn’t. I only said I wouldn’t do anything permanent. Besides,” his eyes scanned her form. “If anyone sees the marks it’s because of your choice in attire.” It was a fact that her shorts barely concealed her ass and the angry red welts were visible several inches along her upper thigh.

  “You did that on purpose?”

  He led them back to the room. “Come on, there is one more lesson I have to teach you today.” Her heart beat quickened.


  “Discipline.” He held the door open for her.

  Once they were inside he gestured for her to sit down at the roommate’s desk. “Grab a sheet of paper and begin writing a short essay. It is to be half a page long, and punctuated correctly. The title of the essay should be; Why Do I Dress Like a Slut. Consider this your punishment for questioning me. We could have been working on the difference between micro vs. macro, but instead you are using my precious time to write an essay. Next time remember our contract; don’t waste my time.”

  Daniel moved across the room and sat down at his own desk and began working on his laptop. After a moment she located paper and picked up an ink pen.

  Tina was going to write the first thing that came to her mind but she paused and glanced at Daniel and then looked at the paper. He thought she dressed like a slut? He never seemed interested when she wore revealing attire. Did he think she was a slut?!

  That was never the image that she had tried to portray…but that had been the effect, hadn’t it? Clenching her teeth she began to write. When she was done she’d written slightly over half a page but she got up from her chair and placed it on his desk.

  Daniel glanced at her and then at the paper. “Go sit down Tina. I’ll get to that when I’m finished here. Open up your Economics book and locate the chapter on Microeconomics. I want you to sum up the meaning in three short sentences. Do the same for Macroeconomics.”

  Tina was so engrossed in trying to summarize three pages of information into three sentences that she didn’t even see that Daniel was now standing beside her desk. He asked her what she had come up with in defining the two different economic principals.

  She chewed her lip but told him, glancing at the scrap of paper that she had used to jot down notes. When she was finished, she looked at him expectantly, maybe even a bit nervously. She was rewarded with a smile.

  “Good girl. Very good, actually.” He looked down at the essay she’d just written and spoke without meeting her eyes. “You won’t forget the difference between micro and macro again, will you?”


  “Good. I’ll quiz you on it later.” He looked at her. “And if you forget, you will be punished.” She tried to meet his unwavering gaze and found that she had a difficult time doing it.

  He held up the paper. “ And by the way, when you wrote here that everyone probably views you as a slut, that’s not the truth. I’ve never formed that opinion about you. But…if that is what some guy is looking for, and that’s all he wants, then that is all that he might see in you if that is all you show.”

  He handed it back to her. “I think we’re done for the day.” He led her to the door. She nodded and left. He didn’t say, ‘see you Wednesday.’ Maybe she wouldn’t ever come back. But as she walked out into the bright light of the day, with her tangled hair, tear streaked face, and welts still stinging her legs and ass—she was not the same girl that had arrived hours before. In fact, she was now a girl that had passed an economics quiz without cheating AND with an A, could tell you the 9 principals of economics and recite the difference between micro and macro…all based on two short days with the Emoboy.


  When Monday came, Tina was at the entrance of class early. Daniel almost walked right past her and then took a double-take and stopped.


  “Hi Daniel.”

  “You look nice.” She was dressed in jeans and a white polo shirt with leather loafers on her feet. It was simple but such a stark contrast to her usual look that it stood out.

  One of the football jerks walked past and sneered at them. “Who’s this Tina? Somebody you fucking for grades?”

  “Shut up, Todd!” Her eyes cut at the larger boy. “You don’t need to worry about who I’m fucking, it won’t be you, faggot!” Todd paused and the dark look in his eyes was nothing to toy with.

  Daniel took her arm and led her into the room. “That an ex?” He asked curiously as he took a seat next to her.

  “I don’t know if I’d say ex…he would have had to have been someone important to even be considered an ex.” He was just another in a long line of faceless guys that she’d given herself to; either to get a step up or because he appealed to her passing fancy.

  Tina was somewhat ashamed of herself now.


  Daniel placed his book bag into his wardrobe and then quickly logged into Skype. The phone rang only once before Blair picked it up.

  She gave him a half smile. “Hi Emoboy, you’re getting toasty, you been out in the sun?”

  “Hi, baby. It’s hard not to do in Cali. That sun creeps into everything.”

  She groaned. “I can’t wait to see you; just a few more weeks.” She exclaimed excitedly.

  “Me, either.” His brow creased as he considered how he would be able to slip away from the family in order to get her alone. “I don’t know how we’re going to get some time alone together.” He had bought his plane ticket and had booked a Sunday flight. They were supposed to have a nice Sunday dinner, and Blair would be there along with his older brother and sister and their kids. Daniel was the youngest of three and the age difference was significant enough that had he never palled around with his other siblings, but he liked them none the less.

  “I was thinking about that, too. I want you so bad, Daniel I can’t think about anything else.”

  Daniel shuddered, feeling his dick harden. “My parents are going to pick me up from the airport and we’re going to go straight home, have dinner then…you should say something about us meeting up with some friends.”
br />   “Mmm, good idea, but they have to know that you don’t have any other friends but me.”

  He chuckled and blushed. “Yeah, well…I’m pretty sure that I’ll have a raging boner and they’ll put two and two together.”

  He saw Blair lick her lips. “Once we get away from your parents I’ll take care of things from there.”

  “Oh?” He leaned back in his chair and stroked himself through his pants, just lightly. He knew he didn’t have time to jerk off.

  “Yes, baby. We’re going to have so much fun…I love you. I gotta get to work now!” She said. “Talk to you tonight?”

  He nodded and she turned off Skype with one last kiss of her full lips. Daniel stared at the blank screen. “I love you too.”

  There was a swift knock at the door and Daniel adjusted himself and sat up. “Come in.”

  Tina had listened at the door before knocking. She had heard part of their conversation. She’d been coming to Daniel for three weeks now, and she was a very different girl than the one that had first thought to wrap this man around her fingers. Now she knew that it was she that was hopelessly wrapped around his. And it was not in the most obvious sexual way, either. She did crave sex with Daniel, but what she truly desired was his approval.

  He stretched in his chair before coming to his feet. “Daniel, you know that project we’re going to be working on next semester?”

  “Yeah, the marketing project.” They would form teams and spend the entire quarter on a project which would then count for half of their final grade. Tina had been ecstatic when Daniel told her that they’d be a team together. But they needed at least four. Not that anyone would worry about forming teams until after fall break and actually not until right before winter break. Right now most were preoccupied with the upcoming midterms.

  “What about it?”

  “I think I found two other people to round out our group.”

  He shrugged. “It wouldn’t have been difficult to find two more people.” He was one of the top Economics students in their grade. People have already been hinting at teaming up with him, though he pretended not to know what they were getting at.

  Tina rubbed her hands together nervously. Daniel picked up on her new gestures. She was relearning many things about herself. For instance, she wasn’t quite as cocky, and she knew not to come to a tutoring session dressed in skimpy clothes. She had learned to do what Daniel requested the first time and not the second time when it was then accompanied by an unpleasant punishment. But most importantly, she had learned to give Daniel what he wanted and then he would give her what she wanted.

  “Will I have to guess?” He asked impatiently.

  She took a deep breath. “These two…they need to be tutored.”

  He didn’t speak for so long that she thought he wouldn’t.

  “And you’ve told them what it means to be tutored by me?”

  She looked down. “Some.”

  “Why would you want to split your time with two others? I only have two days to tutor and, mid-terms are-”

  “Because I thought you’d like to have more…students. You could tutor us at the same time.” She finally met his eyes. “And I hoped…that if I did good, you’d reward me.”

  A flush rose from his neck to his cheeks but other than this, he showed no response to her words. He’d rewarded her once…

  “Who are they?” He asked quickly, putting the memory out of his head.

  “Well, I brought them, for you to…interview.”

  He sighed and leaned against his desk. “Tina, you are much closer to getting punished than rewarded.” He frowned his disapproval and Tina’s cheeks reddened. She thought this was just the thing he would like, but maybe she’d ruined it. Maybe she was wrong.

  “Well go get them.”

  She opened the door and ushered two individuals into the room. He knew them both, though not well. One was a girl that stayed off to herself probably more than he did. She was over-weight and had the overly made-up face of a goth girl. She even had dyed black hair that swept over one eye as his did only hers was due to the use of gel. She was smart enough, got fair grades.

  His eyes scanned over the other. He was petite and appeared younger than his age. People said he was a twink, though he didn’t know one way or the other about such things. Once placed in the category of gay, Daniel had no idea of the other subcategories. He was blonde, tanned with blue eyes that watched him in open curiosity.

  “Do you both want to be tutored by me?”

  The girl bit her lower lip and then tilted up her chin. “I do.”

  The guy’s eyes bored into Daniel. “Yes.”

  Daniel was silent and then he came to his feet and stood in front of the two. “Did Tina explain what I want in return for tutoring you?”

  The both of them nodded and the boy said yes again.

  Daniel turned to look at Tina. “Please explain what I expect in return for tutoring them.”

  Tina moved to stand beside Daniel. “Daniel will help you pass the mid-terms and get A’s on tests and quizzes, and in return you will give him the gift of your submission.” The big girl had seemed and looked very tough, but her slight intake of breath told him everything. And the boy, he trembled.

  They would work well together. He turned to Tina. “I also require discretion.” Tina looked down and Daniel returned his gaze to his two newest students. “Besides you, there are three other people whose privacy must be preserved.”

  Daniel moved back to his computer and ignored them while he began to quickly peck away. His printer soon hummed to life and he retrieved three sheets of paper and handed them to his two newest students and the last to Tina.

  “Read this and sign. Tina, you will note that I have added a new requirement; secrecy.”

  “Yes, Emoboy. I’m sorry.”

  “Yes, but you will still need to be punished.” The new boy and girl glanced at Tina’s face as it paled and then looked at each other. Lastly they looked at Daniel, who Tina had called Emoboy. They each read and signed, each being the witness for each other, and then Daniel told Tina to make copies. In the mean time, he had them pull up their last test scores so that he could examine them.

  When Tina returned he put aside the printed material. “I’m sorry there are only two chairs. When you return,” he gave them each pointed looks, “if you return, I’ll have seats for you.” He rolled his chair to the center of the floor and lowered the handrest. Tina’s eyes had taken on a glazed look.

  “Take off your pants.” He said to her.

  Melissa, the newest girl frowned. She was not going to take off her pants in front of anyone, not with the way she looked. She was overweight and not in that pretty way in which people were still curvaceous with high boobs and rounded bellies. No, she was obese and the humiliation of showing herself to a roomful of people was more than she could ever bear.

  Still, she couldn’t take her eyes off of Tina. Daniel had her trembling and Melissa knew for a fact that Tina was a bad-ass chick. She had seen her cut boys down just for looking at her wrong. For her to shiver before this…this…Emoboy meant something significant.

  Tina had watched her for several days. It seemed that Tina’s eyes found her when she sunk down lowest in her seat and hoped to disappear. Why would she be looking at her? Melissa would raise her head and glare into the prettier girl’s eyes daring her to pick with her. She’d had that shit all of her life and hadn’t come to college to have it follow her here. Tina would just turn away. And then she had sat down beside her two days ago and explained about the project, talked about grades and then finally about Daniel.


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