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Love Intertwined Vol 2

Page 15

by Pepper Pace

  Melissa knew who Daniel was. He was a bookworm geek, who despite his status was also just another in a long line of people that would never acknowledge her. But then Tina had said that Daniel would give her what she wanted…as if someone like Tina knew what she wanted. What Tina might want is to get fucked, or to marry some rich man and date the popular boys. All Melissa wanted was to fit in.

  Peter didn’t like violence. He didn’t know what Daniel was planning to do to Tina, not that he particularly liked or disliked her. But that didn’t mean he wanted to see her looking afraid. And plus, she had stood up for him, when that bastard Todd had cornered him again. What was Peter supposed to do? Todd was bigger and he had a network of friends that could get him at any time. So…when he’d told him what to do he’d done it. Todd had been laughing as he sucked him off but when Peter had looked up into his eyes, Todd had stopped and there was some look there on his face, and Peter had known then that Todd was closeted.

  What Peter didn’t know is that Tina had been watching, had seen Todd order the smaller boy to his knees, had seen the way that he had complied.

  It seemed to Peter that Todd was always there, watching him and waiting to get him alone. But this last time Tina had made him stop. She had threatened to tell everyone that he was a fag and Todd had been pretty mad but more scared than mad. He’d left him alone…which was good, he guessed.

  Tina had given Peter a strange look and confessed that Todd had gotten into the blowjob more with him than he ever had with her. She then asked him point blank if he liked Todd and his eyes had teared up when he confessed that he did.

  For the next couple of days she had watched him, and he thought that she was up to something like blackmailing Todd and he didn’t want any part of it. But it was something different that she wanted. And that is why he was here now. He didn’t know what he thought the quiet Emoboy could do for him, but Tina seemed to think that he would give him something that he wanted. If Daniel was straight, than there was nothing that he could give him.

  “Over my lap.” Daniel said drawing both Peter and Melissa’s focus away from why they were here but to the disturbing sight before them. Tina was laid across his lap, her tanned bottom bare, still wearing her shirt but now hiked half-way up her back.

  “How many, Emoboy?” She asked and her voice cracked in her nervousness.

  “Twenty-five. Count off.”

  He didn’t use the belt this time, but a ping pong paddle. And when the paddle struck her ass the crack of it filled the room and both Melissa and Peter flinched. This was no love tap.

  “One!” Tina cried out. Melissa momentarily averted her eyes, feeling ready to run out of the room, but something in her wanted to know why Tina submitted to his punishment. So instead of retreating, she watched out of curiosity.

  “Fifteen!” Tina’s voice cracked. “Sixteen!” Her legs kicked out and she buried her face in Daniel’s leg. “Ow, SEVENTEEN!” She sobbed. “Eighteen…please Daniel! NINETEEN!” She rolled a bit and seemed about to reach behind her and Daniel paused.

  “Safeword?” He asked.

  She hesitated. “No.” He smacked her ass again and Tina shuddered and yelped. “Twenty!”

  Melissa’s face held a distasteful scowl. Tina’s bottom was fiery red. Melissa bit her lip, she was on the verge of smacking him! How could he be so cold in the face of her tears? Still…she could have left, but…

  “TWENTY-FIVE!” Tina yelled then seemed to collapse trembling on his leg. Daniel’s fingers moved gently over her reddened flesh. He never acknowledged the watchers once. His attention was fully on his task. His fingers fanned over Tina’s ass and Peter saw her ass cheeks flex as goose pimples flowed over her flesh. And then her lower body began to gyrate slightly against Daniel’s lap and his eyes closed.

  Peter felt something slam into him at the expression on Daniel’s face. There was so much pleasure there.

  He opened his eyes. “Sit up.” Tina slipped off his lap and Daniel opened his arms. She seemed to curl up into his lap as his arms went around her and he pulled her close. Daniel kissed away her tears.

  “You didn’t want to use the safeword?”

  “No.” She whispered while shaking her head, her face buried against his chest.

  “Why?” He murmured, but the way he asked, it seemed to Peter that he already knew the answer.

  “I wanted to please you.”

  He smiled. “Thank you for your sweet submission.” They continued to murmur to each other very intimately and neither Peter nor Melissa could make out everything they talked about. Sometimes they even chuckled together and Tina could be heard saying, ‘Did I earn my reward?’

  Daniel sighed. “Yes…but later.” He finally glanced up at his two newest students. “I think we’ve already scared them enough.” Tina looked at them with red rimmed, yet happy eyes.

  “They don’t look scared to me.” She smirked. Melissa blinked. There was something in her that needed what she had just seen pass between Daniel and Tina. It didn’t matter if it was real or if it was just manufactured. Melissa needed even a shadow of what she’d just witnessed.

  “Get up.” He gave her a gentle tap on the thigh, clear of her red bottom. Tina leaped up.

  “May I put on my clothes now, Emoboy?”

  “Yes.” He wheeled the chair to its proper position beneath the desk and kicked off his shoes, not paying attention to anyone else even though all eyes were on him. He quickly unzipped his jeans and slipped them off until he was in boxers. Next he pulled them off and picked up his clothes and tossed them into a laundry basket located in his wardrobe. Daniel’s cock stood straight up and Peter gasped.

  Peter had no plans to go anywhere after seeing Daniel’s perfect penis. Melissa blushed but did nothing to avert her eyes. Daniel grabbed clean underwear and quickly pulled them on. Next he pulled on a fresh pair of jeans and adjusted his erection. Once it was to his satisfaction he sat down and quickly pulled on shoes.

  He stood up and moved to the two new recruits.

  “So, stay? Go?”

  Peter’s lips parted. “Stay.”

  Daniel looked at Melissa. She hesitated. “It’s just…stay.” She said with a lost sigh.

  He smiled. “I need a safe word.”


  Melissa and Peter left soon after Daniel gave them an assignment. They were to list the five things that they most valued, most dreaded, and lastly the thing they most desired. And then the list was to be turned in when they met Saturday...or receive punishment. After she and Daniel were alone, Tina stood nervously in the middle of the small room.

  “Reward time?” She asked timidly.

  He chuckled good-naturedly. “Did you bring your own brush?”


  He rolled his eyes. “Go get it.”

  Tina hurried to her purse while Daniel waited by the chair for her to sit down. When she did he took the hairbrush from her hand and gently pulled it through the snags.

  “100 strokes please.” This particular reward began after Daniel asked her what her biggest regret was. Without hesitation she said it was not having a mother to brush her hair. When she’d gotten all of the answers correct on his impromptu quiz, he’d retrieved his brush and brushed her hair for several minutes.

  “100 strokes.” He repeated while blushing. But he brushed her hair without complaint while she sat hugging her knees like a little girl.


  Having the two new people to tutor made Daniel feel strangely complete. He had never thought of himself as someone that would have subs at his command, and he still didn’t. He didn’t think of it in those terms. But it turned a switch on in him when their actions were based on a direct desire to please him. He could already sense their need to submit. It was like the hidden desire he’d had to submit to Blair for all of those years. There was something so meaningful in giving himself completely over to her will even when he didn’t always like the things she did.

  But this other side
of him, the desire to control was something he was just beginning to recognize. He wanted to both submit and to dominate. He read that he was considered a switch. He didn’t know if he could fit himself into any type of category, he just knew that having them look at him for approval made him swell with pride, especially when they did something that they would not otherwise willingly do. It made the prize even better.

  Melissa liked the way Daniel didn’t get mad when she gave a wrong answer. They were studying and it was Saturday. He was pointing out equations that she knew, but for some reason his closeness seemed to be wreaking havoc on her.

  “It’s okay.” He said patiently. He knew that she worried about disappointing him and then therefore being punished. But Daniel did not operate in that way. Learning was sometimes trial and error. Punishment only came when a direct command was broken. Through her nervousness, she could sense that he really cared about whether or not she understood what he was saying. And when she finally gave the correct answer he seemed to beam.

  “That’s it! Good job.” He squeezed her in a half hug. “Mmmm,” he murmured. I think you need a reward.” Peter looked up quickly. He’d been studying quietly. He was curious as to what Daniel considered a reward. He hadn’t seen him dish one out before.

  Daniel walked to the door. “Come on. We’re going out for lunch; my treat on my meal ticket. Everyone.” They followed Daniel out the door. It was always quiet on Saturdays but Melissa still looked at the passing people and wondered what they thought of their odd little group; a geek, a beauty queen, a twink and, of course, the fat girl…hey this sounded like the Breakfast Club. She smiled to herself. It actually felt…like she kind of belonged.

  Lunch was fun. Even Tina seemed to have fun and didn’t shy away from them and act like she was superior. Their conversation was surprisingly easy. Daniel was big into video games, as was Melissa. The both of them liked HALO and Daniel mentioned that he missed playing online.

  “You should get back into it Daniel.” Melissa said. Her eyes darted away in embarrassment. “We could play together if you want.”

  “Cool.” He said with an enthusiastic nod of his head. She watched him, thinking he seemed so different when he wasn’t ‘Emoboy’. Melissa tended to think of it in those terms; Daniel was how he acted in school or when they weren’t studying. But he made a visible change when he instructed them. Then she tended to think of him as Emoboy.

  It was how they all thought. Peter had seen Melissa several days ago as she was leaving campus. He stopped her and asked if she had studied for Emoboy’s quiz. It seemed natural to think of him in that way. And then the next minute one of them might say Daniel missed a test question…I wonder who’s going to punish him.

  They hung out for a while, in the mostly vacant lounge, feeling comfortable with each other as they talked. Daniel was the only one that truly knew why they all set aside their various social differences and felt comfortable sharing pleasantries with each other, and it wasn’t because he was their Dom. It was because he knew, either from their list, or from their actions that they all shared one common desire. And that was to be accepted for who they were.

  “What are you guys doing over the Thanksgiving break?” Peter asked.

  Tina informed them that she was going to be spending part of it out of town visiting her grandparents. Peter and Melissa were just going to be hanging out with their families and Daniel told them that he’d be flying out next Sunday. Tina asked when he’d be returning and he told her the following Sunday. He would have loved to take the full 10 days but his boss couldn’t spare him from work and so he’d agreed to work the Saturday before and return in time to work Monday.

  Daniel gathered up their trash onto his tray and carried it to the garbage. Peter knew that he could have commanded one of them to do it and they would have. But Daniel never went into Dom mode when he wasn’t instructing them.

  “Let’s head back. It’s time for your quiz.”

  Everyone grimaced. This was only Peter and Melissa’s second Saturday with him and they knew the routine. Wednesdays he would teach them and Saturdays he would prepare them for the quiz he’d give. The ultimate purpose of the quizzes was to prepare them for the upcoming mid-term. He didn’t make it easy for them. But he provided all of the information they needed to answer his questions and therefore if they missed even one of his quiz question there would be punishment. Last Saturday no one had missed a question, though Peter had come close by not providing a complete answer but Emoboy had decided that it didn’t fit into the category of wrong and therefore Peter had skated away from a punishment.

  When they returned to the small dorm room, Daniel hung his privacy sign from his doorknob then had Melissa sit behind his desk while Tina sat behind the never-seen roommate’s desk. Peter sat in a fold out chair with a clipboard. Emoboy asked him if he was okay with his seat and once Peter assured him that he was, Emoboy retrieved 3 sheets of paper from his desk. He passed them out face down while they watched him expectantly.

  “You have fifteen minutes. Begin. ”

  Fifteen?! Peter thought in alarm. But when he turned the paper over he saw that it was just one formula followed by three questions. He felt a bit more comfortable then. But then when Daniel called time and he hadn’t answered the third question his face paled in panic.

  Peter looked around and saw the look mirrored on Melissa’s face. Tina’s eyes darted to the wardrobe and she began to breathe heavier. Emoboy collected their quizzes and only looked at them for a moment. He explained to Tina what she’d done incorrectly. She had answered each question but hadn’t completed the formula.

  “Tina, belt, paddle or hand?”

  “I…have my period today…”

  “Did you want to use the safe word?”

  She looked at him hard. “No.”

  “Belt, paddle or hand?”

  She blushed. He wouldn’t dare…would he? “Hand.” She said defiantly. “May I go to the bathroom first?”

  “Of course.” He waved at them all. “Go, each of you to the bathroom and then no more interruptions!”

  The three of them hurried out of the room and Melissa stared at Tina in disbelief, her mouth dropped open. “Dude…you’re not going to let him spank you while you’re…you know.” Melissa cut her eyes discreetly at Peter who watched with equal curiosity.

  Tina seemed to have warring emotions before a chilly look passed over her eyes. “If he can do that to me, then I’ll let him.”

  No one said anything as they parted ways to use the facilities. When they returned to the room Daniel was already sitting in the chair pulled to the middle of the floor.

  Peter made a point of turning his chair to face the opposite direction, at least he could offer her that much in the way of modesty.

  “Jeans off, but I’ll allow you to keep your panties on…this time. Next time I won’t be so nice. Do you understand?”

  Tina nodded, feeling as if she was thrown off center when one moment ago he was talking about HALO and visiting his girlfriend back in Ohio, and now he was making her strip down during her cycle so that he could administer her punishment.

  But there was something that was beginning to occur to her that made pulling off her pants easier. There was no amount of shame, modesty, pride, tears, anger or fear that would change his course. Something clicked into place, the gears of the mechanism that had lay dormant within her finally flared to life. It made so much sense now. There was no more trying to decide. There was no longer a need to determine the correct reaction. There was only his directions and her ability to follow it without fault.


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