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To Say Goodbye

Page 24

by Lindsay Detwiler

  She wiped the tears from her eyes, brushing her hand over the stone once more. Her heart surged. She’d needed to come here, needed to talk to him. A piece of her would always be here in this earth.

  Walking back to the car, turning from the grave, she realized it was okay. It was all okay. Because the man waiting in the car for her would be there through everything. He would walk beside her, hold her hand. They would enjoy a life neither had imagined but one neither could live without, if they had a choice in it. They would raise Logan and Eliza. They would hopefully grow old together.

  Life would test them. It might even try to wrench them apart. But she was strong. She knew the risk of love, the risk of loss, was worth it.

  She wouldn’t live the rest of her life tiptoeing around, protecting her heart. She would fall completely in, feel everything, and do the best she could to find happiness again.

  As the sun’s rays glinted off the tin cans hanging off the back of the car, she smiled, pausing with her hand on the car handle. She pulled down the hem on her short, white dress before getting back in.

  “You ready, Mr. Gauge?”

  “Only if you are, Mrs. Gauge.”

  And she was. She truly was....


  A few short years ago, publishing a novel seemed like an unreachable dream. I had so many stories in me, so many characters, but I felt like they would never be shared. I have been so blessed, though, to get to travel this amazing writing journey. I am so grateful to everyone who has helped me on this path. I am still in awe that people are reading about characters I created, talking about stories I wrote. The surreal experience of seeing your book in someone’s hands will never, ever get old.

  I want to thank Hot Tree Publishing for believing in me and for helping give me a voice to share my stories. Thank you to Becky, Justine, Olivia, Peggy, and everyone else who works tirelessly to help shape and share my works. I am so blessed to be a part of a team of such dedicated women. I am also blessed to work with a publisher with so many talented authors. Thank you to everyone in the Hot Tree Publishing family for your support, your encouragement, and your friendship.

  Thank you to my parents, Ken and Lori Keagy. You shaped my entire life path by teaching me what mattered most in life. You taught me to make education a priority. You taught me to be humble, compassionate, and motivated. You taught me that if you want something, you have to work for it. All of the life lessons you taught me have helped me achieve my wildest dreams. I am so blessed to call you my parents.

  Thank you to my husband Chad, my best friend. When we met at the art table in seventh grade, I had no way of predicting the path our lives would take together. I had no way of knowing that over a decade later, we’d be married with five cats, a huge dog, and be living out our dreams. There is no one I’d rather live out my dreams with. You make me laugh every single day. You are always there to push me when I feel like giving up. You believe in me, you support me, and you challenge me to be better.

  I also want to thank all of the teachers who have shaped my path. Thank you Diane Vella, Sue Gunsallus, Tom Kunkle, and all of the professors at Mount Aloysius College. All of you taught me skills and confidence to pursue my writing. I would not be here today without all of the lessons you taught me.

  Thank you to my friends, family, and coworkers for all of your support. A special thank you goes out to Grandma Bonnie, Christie James, Hannah Hauser, Jamie Lynch, Kelly Rubritz, Sandra Corey, Kay Shuma, Alicia Shmouder, Lynette Luke, Jennifer Carney, Kristin Mathias, Kristin Books, Maureen Letcher, Mary Baker, and everyone else who has tirelessly supported me. All of you have been such an encouragement, whether it’s coming to book signings, reading my books, buying my books, sharing my social media posts, or just offering kind words. I couldn’t walk this road without all of you.

  Above all, thank you to my readers. When I started this journey, I thought I would be lucky to have one reader. I have been so blessed to have so many fans and readers who believe in my writing and support my stories. My favorite part of this journey has been the opportunity it has provided to meet new people and share in the love of books with others. Thank you to readers everywhere. I love and appreciate all of you.

  And of course, thank you to my mastiff Henry for cuddling with me tirelessly during the editing process and for waiting patiently to take your walks while I worked on this book.


  Hot Tree Publishing opened its doors in 2015 with an aspiration to bring quality fiction to the world of readers. With the initial focus on romance and a wide spread of romance sub-genres, they envision opening up to alternative genres in the near future.

  Firmly seated in the industry as a leading editing provider to independent authors and small publishing houses, Hot Tree Publishing is the sister company to Hot Tree Editing, founded in 2012. Having established in-house editing and promotions, plus having a well-respected market presence, Hot Tree Publishing endeavors to be a leader in bringing quality stories to the world of readers.

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  Connecting independent readers to independent writers.

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  Also by Lindsay Detwiler

  Then Comes Love

  Then Comes Love

  Where Love Went


  Unintentional: North American Edition

  To Say Goodbye (Coming Soon)




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