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Reclaimed (Skulls Renegade MC Book 6)

Page 12

by Elizabeth Knox

  “I’m a bit concerned Michelle, not only is your blood sugar low but you’re also dehydrated. Luckily, the fluids have helped quite a bit. I’ll arrange for an orderly to bring you a meal in a few minutes but I must stress the importance of keeping up with eating and drinking in your current condition. Now, you were unconscious when you came in a little while ago and I’m afraid your medical history isn’t quite up to date. Are you taking any current medications, and more importantly are you taking any vitamins right now?”

  “No, I’m not taking anything at all,” I comment, scanning his face and watching the way he furrows his brows in disapproval.

  “Okay, we need to change that as soon as possible. I ran a variety of blood tests on you, including a pregnancy test. Normally, we might not get a result back for up to forty eight hours however the lab wasn’t behind tonight and they got to yours very quickly. Your HCG levels confirm that you are in fact pregnant, which is why I need to stress the importance of…” The doctor trails on and on about what I need to be doing and why I need to be doing it, but the only thing that keeps repeating in my mind is the fact that I’m pregnant…

  I can’t help myself, I start to bawl, tears pouring from the corners of my eyes and over my cheeks. This can’t be happening. I have never wanted this in my entire life and it can’t be happening…not now…not with him.

  I will not have a child conceived from rape.


  I yank out my phone and text Kyle.


  I hope that he realizes I need him by my side, because I am going to lose my damn mind in less than thirty seconds. There’s no way I can hold myself together for any longer than that.

  Chapter 32

  We all have things that come back to haunt us, some of us just see them more clearly.



  “What the hell are you two doin’ here anyway? Isn’t there turkey and fixin’s to be shoving down your throats?” Enzo says, eyeing the both of us. His expression quickly turns from amusement to a more serious look. “Unless…who’s here? Who got hurt? Those fuckin’ cartel scumbags come and shoot us up again? What the hell happened!?” Enzo grabs onto the handles of his bed and grips with all his might, trying to get out.

  Elena walks over to his side and puts a hand over his. “Relax, Enzo. The cartel isn’t why we’re here, I’m hopeful that is another battle for another day. Michelle got lightheaded and passed out in the kitchen so she’s getting checked out. The doctor shooed us away to talk to her so we took the opportunity to see how our favorite pain in the ass is doing,” she comments, smirking down at him.

  “Ah, I’m no such thing. You’d better be careful Elena, if that little one is a boy you know he’s gonna be fixin’ for some trouble and then you’ll be thinkin’ shoo Enzo wasn’t so bad after all.” Enzo chuckles, smirking as wide as can be.

  “Well, we’d better hope it’s a girl then. Shouldn’t we?”

  “Oh hell no, girls are even worse,” I tell them, “All those mood swings, and then all the pink. Think about whenever she’d start to date….we’d kill any bastard to get within a few feet of her.”

  “Are you somehow thinking that she’d let you? Let me tell you both something and you’d best listen. If this little one is a girl, you’d better remember who her mother is and that my fire filled spirit runs through her veins. No way will she just move out of the way and let you all treat her like some damsel in distress. Regardless, if this is a boy or a girl, we already know they are the future leader of this club. The only thing I expect is for you to protect them like your own child but I already know that you will.”

  I nod along with Elena’s words and Enzo makes an agreed grunt. My phone buzzes in my hand and I see it’s from Michelle, so I swipe my screen open and look to see what she’s said.

  From: Michelle


  I don’t bother saying a word as I run from Enzo’s room down the hallway, whip down the stairwell and head straight back to the first floor where Michelle is. When I finally get down to where she sits on her bed, her eyes are puffy and glazed over. Her face is a soft shade of pink, which would normally tell me she’s embarrassed but I know better. Those gorgeous eyes of hers never look like that unless she’s upset.

  Why the fuck is she upset?

  “What’s the matter?” I ask, holding a breath as I wait for her answer.

  “He told me that my levels are off and that…” Michelle rambles on and on about her blood test saying shit that she knows I don’t understand.

  All I want to know is what’s wrong and I feel like she’s giving me the run around, but I know better…whatever she tells me…she’s terrified. She would’ve just said it if it was something easy, but it’s not, and it’s scaring her out of her damn mind.

  I take a seat on the edge of her bed, right next to her and grab her hand, pulling her to me. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  She looks up at me, her lip beginning to tremble right as she cries out. “Baby!”

  Jesus, she’s not making any damn sense. I hold her close to my chest and let her sob, her tears wet my shirt as I slowly brush my hand along her hair, trying to soothe her in any way.

  “He s-said I’m p-pregnant…” She murmurs softly through her hiccup filled cries.

  My heart sinks to my stomach and for the first time in ages I’m rendered speechless. I don’t know what to think, or how I’m supposed to react.

  “I can’t have t-this baby. I w-won’t. He…he r-raped me and now t-this…I f-feel like a t-terrible person for wanting an a-abortion after he…after the last time he made me…I just c-can’t do t-this Kyle. I can’t have his child.”

  I pull Michelle’s body away from me and give her a stern look, there’s no denying how pissed I am. I can’t help it. I’m furious, but she sure as hell must have been worse off than I thought that night if she really doesn’t remember. “Why the fuck do you think Max is this baby’s father?”

  She looks at me confused, eyes searching mine. “Cause…that’s the last time that…”

  I cut her off, and dammit I don’t mean to, but I do. “No, it’s not. You were riding me like a horny little cowgirl at Dixies a while back and damn Michelle, how about we get one of those ultrasounds or whatever that will help us figure out how far along you are before we start on this idea that Max is the sperm donor. That child could very well be mine, and Princess, regardless that kid is mine. Do you understand me?”

  “I….” Michelle mumbles, looking confused as all hell. I probably just freaked her the fuck out regardless.

  “Well Miss. Mathers, we’re going to conduct an internal ultrasound on you right now just to see how you’re doing. Would you like your uh…”

  “Boyfriend,” I inform the doctor who just decided to reappear at the worst time.

  “Would you like your boyfriend to stay?” He asks, and Michelle eagerly nods, squeezing the life out of my hand.

  Right before my eyes, the doctor brings in this machine on wheels with an attachment that looks like a boring dildo.

  I furrow my brows, trying to figure out what the hell the man plans on doing with it…but he said internal. Is this how ultrasounds are supposed to go? I’ve never really been around to watch one happen.

  He instructs Michelle to sit up and open her legs, and the next thing I know he’s put some jelly on the contraption and goes underneath the covers. I look at the screen, watching as things appear. It’s black and white and looks fuzzy, there’s a couple black blobs.

  “Are you able to tell us about how far along she is?” I ask, knowing that she won’t have the courage to ask, too afraid of what the answer may be.

  “Most certainly.” The doctor analyzes the ultrasound and asks Michelle about her last period, which she responds with an answer and then he asks us what the estimated conception date is. I respond back quickly with the date we were at Dixies and he nods, “That looks to be right, especially with the way they’re doing.”

bsp; “They’re?” Michelle bursts out, staring at the good Doctor like he’s grown seven heads.

  “Yup” He makes a couple marks on his monitor and then turns it both in our direction so we can see it much better. Pointing to the screen he speaks “See these three marks, that’s Baby A, B and C. They look good for now, but Miss. Mathers I expect you to be eating well and staying hydrated. You’d better be off to get those pre-natal vitamins I told you about too. We’ve got to keep these babies healthy as can be.”

  “A…B…C…that’s three,” I mutter out, looking at both the doctor and Michelle.

  She doesn’t look calm, far from it…but she isn’t nearly as terrified as she was before. That’s a joke right? She has to be terrified…that…that’s three of them.

  “Yes, you would be correct. You two should get to stocking up on everything times three. You’re about to be parents to triplets.”

  At the doctor’s words, everything gets hot. I start to waver and already know Michelle isn’t the only one who’s passing out today.

  Fuck, the guys are going to give me shit for this.

  Chapter 33

  You carry so much love in your heart, give some to yourself.

  R. Z.


  Kyle passing out shocked me beyond belief. He was talking all macho man I’ve got this shit and then the second the doctor told him there are three, he lost every bit of confidence he had. It’s funny though, I was freaked out up until he told us how far along I am…and the idea of triplets is so much less scary then the alternative of Max fathering a child through rape. Kyle may be freaking out, and don’t get me wrong I am too. I’m just hiding it a hell of a lot better.

  Kyle, Elena and I go back to the clubhouse, leaving Enzo at the hospital to rest up for a few days. He needs go through some rehab and there’s no way he’s going to get the type of care he needs at the clubhouse. The fool would take the painkillers with a beer. I have no doubt about that. Of course, he’d also be the one to bend over the nurse and really mess up that leg of his.

  Back at the hospital, Kyle started to tell Elena, but I quickly grabbed his hand because I don’t want anyone to know yet. Not for a few more weeks at least. I know of too many women who have spilled the beans early and then ended up having a miscarriage. I don’t want to be one of those women, and I don’t know how I’d be able to live through telling everyone and losing the babies if it did happen…to have to live with the pity. I couldn’t.

  We got back to the club in time for a late dinner and I stuffed my face pretty good, Kyle even shared some of his pumpkin pie. The man loves him some pumpkin pie. Normally he’d cut someone’s hand off before he’d share it, but I’m guessing I have some special privileges now. He told me we’ll go to the pharmacy tomorrow morning, and he even called up the guys who have been building our house and told them to hurry the fuck up. The few month timeline we had for it has now turned into the end of January. I shook my head and smiled at Kyle, there was no way I was gonna argue with him. I haven’t been staying in my room at all, instead basically moving into his room and it’ll be so much nicer when we have our house ready. Kyle had started it because he wanted to show me our future, what we never expected was that our future is actually our present. Holy shit, that house is gonna be filled up so quick with three little ones running around.

  Reed comes from the kitchen, sliding his phone into the back pocket of his jeans. “You look a lil’ shocked, wanna share?” Kyle asks of his brother.

  Reed brightly smiles, “Actually I do. Trick just called” Trick was an old Nomad biker who took the fall for Reed a few years back. If it wasn’t for Trick, we’d be without a Prez cause Reed would have been in jail. “They’re letting him out early, good behavior or some shit. He’ll be out next month.”

  “That’s great news!” I say, I always liked Trick. He’s one of those men who look at the bigger picture. I think that’s why he did what he did, because he knew the club would fall. I may not have realized it until this moment, but it would have very well fallen if it wasn’t for Trick. If Reed had gotten locked up then Max would have ruled in the interim…I don’t have to say anything about how bad that would’ve ended up.

  “Who’s Trick?” Elena asks,

  “A feisty old bat who we all owe a lot to.” Slasher comments, coming out from the kitchen. Behind him comes Dmitri, Jenna and Ksenia. I look around to see if the King and Queen are here, but I don’t spot them. I didn’t spot their men in black or giant SUV either. There’s a huge truck out front, and it must be what Slash or Dmitri rode in on.

  The group of us sit around and chat like old times, without the tension and thoughts of betrayal. Things will never be normal, but they will be good. I’ve learned that the Petrov’s still have their Russian battle going on, and there’s no telling when that’s going to settle down. Is it wrong that I hope Mariana and Ion will lend us some help in the cartel shit? I don’t see it happening considering there was an attempt on Mariana’s life not too long ago and now there is the Russian shit mixed in with it.

  It seems to me that they have two battles going on, but word on the street is that they’re still trying to pin down who ordered it. No matter if you’re in an MC, or the luxurious lifestyle of the mob – there is never a dull moment. When things are quiet that’s when you should really worry, because we don’t get that luxury. Silence is an indication that a storm is coming. Like a tornado, it is dead silence right before it whips through and destroys your entire life.

  “I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is no,” Kyle whispers into my ear, his arm is wrapped around me, holding me close to his side.

  “How would you know what I’m thinking?” I ask,

  “You have that look like you’re planning, and I can tell you that we can’t go to them, or their Queen of a sister for help. We didn’t exactly get off on the right foot, and they have enough on their plate right now. The threat against them is real, their uncle is trying to kill off anyone who can be tied to the Bratva bloodline, including Mariana, Dmitri, Ksenia and Katya. Those four are the only others who have a right to the Bratva, and if they felt the need to want to lead…they would have a shot. Russians are no joke, baby. We’ve got these fuckin’ Mexican motherfuckers to deal with anyway and that’s keeping us busy enough. Good news is that we’re on good terms now, but one wrong move with Mariana and Ion and they’ll be coming for blood, that I’m sure of.”

  “Kyle, we have a war coming. Don’t we?” I place my hand over my stomach, even though I’m not showing yet. I think it’s an instinctive act, to want to protect the small lives that are growing inside of me.

  “No. The war is already here, waiting in the shadows. Moves have been made, and it doesn’t matter whether we’re ready or not. Rafael is ready to strike, and that means we need to be too.”

  “I’m scared.”

  Kyle turns his face and looks down at me, grabbing ahold of my jaw with his fingers he presses his lips firmly to mine, kissing me in a way that I’ve never imagined. Soul shattering, undeniable love forcing through my body from his lips, almost as if I’m a succubus. This kiss shows me that he’s afraid too, and we both have every right to be. We’ve been through war before, but we’ve never gone up against the Cartel. At the end of the day, there will be bloodshed, and lives will be lost. I only hope that Kyle isn’t the one who makes the sacrifice, because I need him now more than ever.

  Chapter 34

  She smiled, and all I could think was ‘oh shit’



  I stretch out in bed, my legs moving the oversized comforter further down my body. It’s hot as fuck in here, but when Michelle wants the hot as balls blanket, she gets it. It’s been three weeks since Thanksgiving and things have been oddly quiet. Too quiet, and quiet is never good. It’s a sure sign that trouble is brewing and I don’t like it. Rafael’s minions made threats, and the fact he hasn’t acted on them doesn’t sit well with me.

  I slide my a
rm under Michelle’s body, bringing her until she’s right up against me. With my other hand I place it right over her tummy, where a small bump has slowly started to form over the past couple weeks. If there was any doubt about her being pregnant, there isn’t one anymore. My babies are in there growin’ strong day by day. I rub her tummy gently, I’m not really sure if they can feel it, but if they do I hope that the three musketeers know just how loved and cherished they are.

  Michelle grumbles in her sleep, rolling closer until she’s half on the bed, half on my chest. Her legs are open and she’s in that little night chemise as she likes to call it. Basically, it looks like one of those teddy things that the ladies buy online for sexy time. I skim my hand down a little bit lower until my hand is lined up right against her lips. She squirms a tad as I graze her softly, teasing her. Big beady eyes stare up into mine and she wriggles her hips against my hand, signaling me to go on. She hides her face in my neck, sucking my skin between her teeth and leaving playful bites.

  I take my thumb over her swollen nub, bringing my fingers down a tad lower and fondle her a bit more, feeling her wetness grow as I taunt and tease her. It’s been so long for us, and I know we’ve both grown tired of waiting.

  “Kyle,” she mewls, tugging on my ear lobe gently. She’s such a soft little kitten, my perfect little princess. Michelle rakes her nails along my chest, pulling herself upward until she’s sitting on top of me, her pussy teasing my hard cock that aches to be inside her.

  She grabs ahold of my boxers, freeing my cock and leans down to spit on it, takes her hand and coats it evenly. “I don’t wanna wait anymore,” she admits.

  I’ve never been happier to hear her say those words. “Me either Princess, take what you want.”

  She lines my cock up with her entrance, sliding down onto me in one quick move. I think she’s going to take it slow, but much to my surprise she doesn’t. She’s a horny little girl today, that’s for damn sure, and I will reap the benefits. Michelle dips her head back as she rides my cock, full tits bouncing in our dimly lit room. Her pussy clenches my cock, begging for me to fill it with my seed, and I will. She just has to be patient. She’s made me wait, so I’m going to make her wait too. She’s not the only tease in this bed, that’s for sure.


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