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Reclaimed (Skulls Renegade MC Book 6)

Page 13

by Elizabeth Knox

  I rise up, putting my mouth right on her tits, going back and forth between the two, sucking and biting on those perfect nipples of hers. I’d love to slap her ass, but I’m too scared that it’ll hurt the musketeers, so I won’t do it.

  “Jesus Fucking Christ!” She screams, as her warm fluids coat my cock.

  That’s it, I’m done with her having control. I’ve given her enough for the time being. I place my arms firmly behind her and flip her on her back so that I’m on top of her, pumping myself into her with force. I grunt and I growl, slamming my lips down on hers. “I own you,” I hiss out, “You’re mine and nobody else’s.”

  “Yes!” She moans, digging her nails deep into my back.

  I feel my cock ready to burst, swelling until I’m almost at my breaking point, but I want more. I fucking need as much as I can get from her. “You know the type of woman I fill with my seed?” I growl, looking into her orgasmic ridden eyes.

  “Your Ol’Lady,” she replies.

  “Good girl.” I reward her with a kiss, rocking my cock back and forth in her with a force that I didn’t know I have. I grab onto her bottom lip with my teeth as I growl, my cum spurting inside her body. She whimpers and moans like the good girl she is, wrapping her arms around me, begging me to come closer. I lean in closer to her, staying inside her tight pussy.

  “I love you,” she says it lowly.

  I don’t think I’ve heard her right, but when I look back into her eyes I see that I didn’t mishear her. “I love you, Princess. You have no fuckin’ idea just how much.”

  “I think I do.” She leans her head up and presses a soft kiss to my lips. I slide out of her and lay down beside her, my hand returning to her stomach. We haven’t told the club yet, and I think in a few days we will. There’s no way we’ll be able to hide this growing tummy of hers. The cat will be out of the bag in no time.

  “I have names,” I tell her.

  Her reply is a loud belly laugh. “Already?”

  “Yeah, they’re all girl names though. I can’t find any boy names I like, so you gotta deal with the boy names. Wanna hear the girl ones?”

  Michelle turns over on her side and nods her head, smiling at me.

  “Emery, Remi and Skye. I don’t want any of those normal names like Kyle or Michelle. Our girls are unique so their names gotta be too.”

  Michelle slaps me on the arm and giggles at what I’ve just said. “They’re beautiful names, and you caught me completely off guard. I don’t have any boy names at all, so we’re fucked.”

  “Nah, we’re not. These three nuggets are girls and I know it,” I inform her confidently.

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “This isn’t the time to be a smart ass.”

  “There is never a time to not be the smart ass. Don’t you know that?”

  “Well, I guess I do now smarty pants. We’re not gonna find out what they are for weeks.”

  “How many weeks?” I ask, needing to prove to Michelle that I’m right as soon as possible.

  “I dunno, the Doc will tell us.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to know this shit?”

  “I could say the same for you too, asshole,” she grumbles, standing up and getting out of bed. “I have to get in the shower and ready for my shift at Bubba’s.”

  I nod, and exit the room, walking out into the kitchen to grab a beer before I head out back. It’s cold as fuck, normally it’s cold, but not freeze your balls off cold. Now I get why Michelle insists on the million blankets on our bed. I’ll do anything for her though, even if it means sweating at all hours of the night.

  I see Reed open the back door and look in my direction, he doesn’t even bother to walk outside as he speaks to me, “Hey, Darius is in my office. I wanna show you something.”

  I nod and follow him, walking to his office and greet Darius. “What’s this that you wanna show me?” I ask Reed.

  He points to his computer.

  “Max…” I seethe, glaring at the laptop and then look over to Darius and Reed, needing to know more information.

  “Take a look at where he is. Any of that look familiar?”

  I look closely at the frame of the image, and then Reed presses a button. It’s not a picture, Reed has Max on video and I in fact do know that place. It’s the store right across from the hotel I was staying at in Vegas. I then took a look at the date on the video… “That’s the day the girl was killed, the morning before I was arrested.”

  “I think we’ve put the pieces together on who framed you, brother. He was right under our noses the entire time, hiding in plain sight,” Reed says.

  “When we find him, I want him. Not for what he did to me, Reed…but what he did to my ol’lady.”

  Reed’s eyes expand and he smiles at me in response.

  I hadn’t formally told anyone Michelle is my woman, I guess now is the time to change that.

  “What happened?” Darius asks,

  “He beat her to a bloody pulp and raped her,” I comment, anger seething through every word. “Actually, let me correct that. He attacked my pregnant woman and raped her.”

  “Whoa. What did you just say?” Reed asks, his expression turning stern and worrisome.

  “The babies are okay, as are her, but we all know it could’ve been worse so when that motherfucker is found he’s mine. Got me?”

  Reed nods. “Did you say babies?”

  “Yeah, brother. Michelle and I are havin’ triplets and I can’t be more excited. Everything is comin’ together now.”

  Reed laughs before he brings me into a brotherly hug, “Congrats man, this is great! Our kids will be playing together and all that shit. Fuck! This is amazing.”

  “I know, but we gotta deal with this cartel shit before our little ones come into this world. I will do anything for them – anything.” I tell Reed.

  He nods, knowing very well what I’m saying. “I understand. Zeus is sending up some of the Nomad’s who hang around with the Sons of Gods, and Trick will be here in a couple days. The Cartel has seriously underestimated us brother, they should know better then to fuck with the Skulls, or our family.”

  “Maria isn’t going back with him,” I say,

  “She’s never going to.”

  Chapter 35

  Stop waiting for things to happen. Go out and make them.



  Three days have passed since we discovered Max is the traitorous snake we thought he was. It infuriates me, not only did he hurt Michelle…but he betrayed his own brother. No, this isn’t about him betraying me, cause that isn’t the only thing he did. He betrayed our club. No club will tolerate it, not one at all. Reed wants us to wait around and deal with the more pressing issues at hand. Also known as, the Cartel but I can’t. I’m tired of waiting, and Max needs to pay for what he’s done. It’s bad enough that we have to squash this shit with the Cartel soon, but to have him out roaming the earth breathing the same air as me, as Michelle…no. He’s going to pay for everything that he’s done to us.

  I cross my arms over the wooden rail on the front of the clubhouse and overlook the parking lot, it’s not full as it could be, losing a few men over the years and not having many prospects join. We need to change that, because if we don’t I see the Skulls dying out. Our kids may be the future of the club but in the meantime, we need to do something about the present. I can’t help but wonder if our affiliation with the feds has gotten out and maybe that has something to do with it, or maybe we haven’t been as productive in recruiting as we could be. I think it’s a mixture of both to be honest, something that I need to bring up to Reed.

  Speaking of the Devil, he rides up on his bike and parks in his usual spot, the closest place he could be to the clubhouse doors. When shit goes down, he likes to be the first one on his bike, riding towards the problem.

  He dismounts his bike and comes right up next to me, leaning on the rail himself. “Why do I have a fee
ling like I’m about to get bitched at?”

  “Cause you’ve always had good instincts,” I tell him, surveying the lot before my eyes.

  “I know we have a lot going on right now with the Cartel, but we can’t forget about Max and I feel like that’s a problem cause you are.” There’s no sugar coating how I feel. Reed’s too focused on the Cartel that he is forgetting about Max. I need to prove a point that I won’t be forgetting about him, quite the contrary actually.

  “Is that a joke? I’m focusing on the Cartel shit because that is our biggest threat right now. If we don’t dissolve this threat, this big ass fucking threat, then we all go down and I’m not just talking about you and me, Kyle. Our brothers, our women, our fuckin’ babies. Maybe you have this idea that I’ve forgotten about what it is that Max has done to us, but I haven’t. I’m just concentrating on the army of men headed our way and not one man.”

  “To us?” I repeat, unable to refrain from contorting my face to an anger filled expression. “Max didn’t do anything to you. He hurt Michelle, he fucking framed me for murder and was gonna let me rot in jail! You don’t get to stand here and act like this affects you. It doesn’t. How about you just let me go after him? We know people, and he’ll be easy to find. I’ll be gone for a week, off him and be back before you know it.”

  “Didn’t you learn anything the first time you left? No. I’m not letting you go, I need you here and more importantly, Michelle needs you. What good did leaving Dais’ do? Or don’t you remember?”

  “Fuck you!” I spit it out. Whenever we get into an argument, he loves to bring up the past just to torture me a bit. I’ve paid the price for my actions, and just when I thought that I would never be able to have a shot at happiness – I found it with Michelle, right under my nose the entire fucking time.

  “If you leave, we will lose everything. Don’t you understand that?” Reed asks me, his brows are furrowed.

  I see the concern written across his face.

  “If we keep going down in numbers we are going to lose this fight, and dammit Kyle…we can’t afford to lose this fight. We aren’t just men any more, we all have families who need us, we’re having kids…the only single one here is Enzo at this point and even he’s made it clear that he’s after Ksenia.”

  “Pain and Chaos,” I say their names as a joke, just needing to see Reed lighten the mood a little bit and roll his eyes at me.

  “Are with Maria, or share her….or however that thing works between them. I’m not really sure.” He admits, and I don’t know how they do it. I’d never be able to share a woman with Reed. I’d get to jealous, or I’d want to carve his face off.

  I hear the rumble of a motor coming in quickly down the road, it grows louder and louder as it approaches, accelerating in our direction. “Those the Nomads that are friends with Zeus?” I ask Reed. I knew they were going to be here over the next couple days, but not today.

  “Nah, have a feeling I know who it is,” he replies, and just as he does, we see the bike hit our gravel lot, pulling straight up and parking next to Reed.

  It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this filthy bastard, a sight for sore eyes you could say. We all owe Trick a lot, and we will until the end of time cause there’s no way to repay him for the sacrifices that he’s made for the club. He’s aged a few years, but fifty has never looked good. Hard lines draw over his face, and he’s got a massive beard now…one he didn’t sport a few years back. It suits him though. The inside always changes a man, I just hope he hasn’t changed too much. Especially when we need him for his particular talents.

  “It feels nice to be home.” He chuckles, before bringing us both into a brotherly hug.

  I don’t think he realizes how nice it feels to have him home. It doesn’t hurt that we need the numbers, and since Trick is back, there’s no doubt that an abundance of Nomad’s are going to be heading our way, and I’m not talking about the ones Zeus spoke to about coming to help.

  Chapter 36

  Whatever makes you feel the sun from the inside out, chase that.

  Gemma Troy


  “The jokester has return my fair bitches!” Enzo laughs manically as he rolls in the clubhouse on his crutches. “Y’all missed me loads, didn’t ya?”

  He glances around to look at the brothers and focuses in on Chaos. “Oh, I know you did Chaos, how did you even survive me bein’ gone and all? I hope you didn’t cry!”

  Chaos responds by giving Enzo the bird, making us all bust out into laughter.

  “Shit, welcome home Enzo,” Reed comments, looking around the room he gives me the idea that we’re waiting on someone and when the doors to the club open again, I can’t say that I’m not shocked to see who walks through them. “Welcome back, brothers.” Dmitri and Slasher walk right on through.

  Slasher gives us all a full on grin, and fuck me for saying this but I wish Bellamy was here so she could greet him with the hug that I know he deserves. Things got a little fucked up between us all for a bit, but at the end of the day, we’re a family, we might be a fucked up family but we’re still a family.

  “Glad you both got here, it’s perfect timing. C’mon, gather up everyone, it’s time for church.”

  All of us shuffle into the room and shut the doors while Reed takes his usual seat at the head of the table. We fill in our assigned seats and look to him to find out why we’re here and what’s to be discussed. I have a general idea, but until it comes from his mouth, I won’t really know for a fact.

  “None of you are dumb, I think it’s obvious that the Cartel is making their presence known and the fact they’re ready for a fight. We need to be ready too, which is why I’ve enlisted some help from a few Nomad’s that Zeus is good friends with. They have their own shit going on in Birmingham but it’s quiet for the moment, which is good for us cause we need these fuckers a helluva lot more then Zeus does.”

  “It’s about time we blasted these fuckers to shitsville,” Seamus comments.

  A round of hoots and hollers comes in directly after.

  “He’s made too many threats against Maria,” Chaos snarls and I’m tellin’ you Reed, he’s not gonna get my girl.”

  I don’t miss the fact that Chaos has just told us all that she belongs to him, and what else I don’t miss is the way that Pain’s face twists at his words and not in the good way.

  “Check your tone with me, brother. He’s never gonna get her, no matter what shit he tries to pull. I think I’ve made that abundantly clear to everyone. Haven’t I?”

  I nod, Reed has told me a million times that he’s not letting Rafael get close, and I know he won’t. We’ve been protecting this girl since she first came here and we’ll continue to do that. Maria is part of our family.

  “Okay, so what’s the plan? We gonna tell Maria what’s up?” Enzo asks,

  “Hell no,” Reed replies instantly. “That’ll only make things worse. We know she won’t listen to us at all and will do something stupid.”

  “I take it we can’t count on help from your….certain family situation,” Reed mutters in Dmitri’s direction.

  “Nothing is definite, but I will see what I can do. We have a lot going on…but we have obligations here as well. Tell us where you need us to help and I will do my best.”

  Great, so we can’t depend on Dmitri’s fancy sister or her goons.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” Dmitri hisses in my direction.

  I didn’t even know that I was giving him a shitty look, but guess I am. No matter what, I can’t get the thought of Max out of the back of my head and just how badly I want to hurt him for everything he’s done. Motherfucker needs to pay and soon.

  “I’ll look at you however the fuck I want to. If you could cough up some of your man power then we could deal with both of our problems.” I snarl back at him.

  “Both?” he questions.


  “No one is forgetting what happened to Michelle, I am sure Reed has a plan
on how to deal with him. Right?” Dmitri looks to Reed, who doesn’t say a word.

  I already know he doesn’t have a plan. He talks a big game about being prepared for the Cartel, but seems to forget the importance of making an example of Max. If we don’t get him soon, others will think that what he did is excusable and it’s not. They need to know that the last thing they should ever do is fuck with a Skulls, because we’ll break theirs.

  “No one is offering to help find Max now either,” I tell Dmitri.

  He nods. He knows they aren’t. “Reed makes the decisions here, if he wants our help finding Max then he needs to tell us to do it.”

  Of course he does, cause he’s the Prez. I look to my brother, silently urging him to give them the order.

  “You know I can’t do that, not now. We need everyone here.”

  “Fuck this!” I rise from my chair and bust through the door, walking straight into the main clubhouse area, and search for the one person who needs to hear the truth. I may not have the best approach, but it’ll damn sure be effective.

  “This is all your fault!”

  Chapter 37

  Everything is a choice.



  I don’t know what came over him, or why he’d charge out of Church and scream at Mar like he just did. It doesn’t make any sense. What could be her fault?

  “This is all your fault!” Kyle repeats, glaring at Maria. “If Reed would just hand you over then the Cartel would leave us the fuck alone and we could focus on getting that scumbag Max!”


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