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Immortally Theirs [Legends & Myths] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 7

by Scarlet Day

  While she waited for Stefan to return, she sat down in the cool grass and pulled her sketchpad out of the tote she carried. She flipped to a blank page and traced the outlines of the old headstones, paying extra attention to the details of their carvings. She was realizing she had an affinity for older things. The historic buildings and landmarks she had visited over the last few days had fascinated her. She liked everything about them, from the way time and the elements had altered them to the stories they had to tell.

  She threw a glance toward Stefan. She was also realizing how much she enjoyed being around the brothers. And it wasn’t just because she found them nearly irresistible. She knew she should be trying to maintain some distance between them due to her fear of any actions Mark might take against them. But her heart and body were not listening to her mind.

  Christian and Stefan had breakfast, lunch, and dinner with her every day. One of them was by her side during almost every waking hour. They sat in the corridor each night while she painted the mural around Christian’s bedroom doors. Christian told her stories about the old city and the people who had called it home over the years. Stefan described places all over the world that he had visited. She was comfortable with them. She had found herself laughing with them, telling them about her grandparents and the life she’d had before she had married Mark. She had even told them a few details about her marriage, since she had already let the secret out to Christian at the Fountain of Youth.

  Her cheeks burned as the memory of that dark grotto returned. She could still almost feel Christians lips pressed against hers, branding her with his possessiveness. At the same time, she recalled the slow-burning passion of the kiss she had shared with Stefan at the winery. And even though she knew she should try to ignore her feelings, she thirsted for more. Just thinking about the brothers sent heat coursing through her body and flooding into her pussy.

  Claire had felt herself transforming since her arrival in St. Augustine. She felt happier, freer, than she had felt in a very long time. Even with the knowledge that Mark would eventually track her down, she felt as though she were waking up from a long, painful nightmare.

  The feelings she was developing for Christian and Stefan were more powerful than anything she had ever felt. She knew a large part of her responses were physical. Her body craved what these men could give her, and if all she had was a short time left to live, they could certainly make her happy during the time she had left. Her heart nudged her and she admitted what she felt was more than physical, though. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t meant to be.

  “You can trust them, you know.” Claire jumped and turned at the sound of the woman’s voice behind her. She hadn’t heard anyone approach.

  The woman smiled down at Claire and then sat down in the grass next to her. The woman’s skin was the color of coffee laced with heavy cream. Her straight, raven black hair shimmered in the sunlight and flowed over her shoulders. Even though she appeared old enough to be Claire’s grandmother, her strong cheekbones and high forehead contributed to an exotic beauty. With a gasp, Claire realized she recognized her. This was the woman from Claire’s dream, the one that had planted the seed that had brought her to St. Augustine. Claire wondered if she had fallen asleep and was dreaming again.

  The woman smiled at Claire and then looked across the cemetery toward Stefan. “He and Christian are good boys. Always have been. You can trust them.” Her gaze turned sad as it rested on Stefan. “They’re all that’s left of us.”

  She continued to stare in Stefan’s direction and her voice dropped to a whisper, barely audible to Claire’s ears over the rustling leaves. “I couldn’t let our family die. I couldn’t bear it. So I did what I had to do. I came back with the knowledge I had learned in the otherworld and I made sure they lived. But they’ve paid a heavy price. They’ve been alone and apart for so long. Too long. It’s about time they realize they belong together and put the past behind them.” The woman turned her gaze to Claire and she felt as though the woman was looking straight through to her soul. “It’s time they realized they need someone else, too. Someone they can share a future with.”

  Claire stared at the woman. She opened her mouth but then closed it again, not knowing what to say.

  The woman chuckled. “I know it sounds like the ramblings of an old woman, but you’ll understand soon enough.” The woman turned to look at Stefan again and then turned back to Claire, tears pooling in her dark-brown eyes. “I’ve done all I can do to right the wrong I did to these boys so long ago. I brought Stefan back home and I brought you here. The rest will happen as it’s meant to happen.” Concern and urgency marred the woman’s features. “But remember this. The waters will not work unless you are a few minutes on either side of death. Only then will they grant you what you seek.” She turned her gaze to Stefan one last time. “Take care of them for me, Claire.”

  Claire gaped as a single tear slid down the woman’s cheek. She heard footsteps and turned to see Stefan returning, but then turned back to the woman. She was gone.

  Claire jumped up, looking around the cemetery. “Where did she go?”

  “Where did who go?” Stefan picked up the sketchpad Claire had dropped on the ground and placed it back into her tote.

  “The woman.” Claire searched the small cemetery, but she didn’t see any sign of the beautiful woman. How could she have disappeared so fast? Confusion and disorientation washed over Claire. Had she been dreaming, after all?

  Stefan took her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. “Claire? There’s no one else here. Honey, are you feeling okay?”

  Claire swept her gaze back over the grassy expanse. “I…I don’t know.”

  Concern filled Stefan’s eyes. “Let’s go back to the casa. I think you should rest for a while.”

  Claire didn’t think she had been hallucinating and she didn’t feel like resting, but she didn’t protest. Stefan put his arm around her waist and led her out of the cemetery as the beautiful woman’s strange words echoed through her mind.

  Chapter Twelve

  Stefan handed Claire a glass of wine and sat down at the table, watching her while she sketched on her drawing pad. He had insisted she rest for a while after they got back from the cemetery and had kept a close eye on her all afternoon. It hadn’t taken long for Claire to become restless, though, and she had soon returned to the corridor outside Christian’s bedroom to work on her mural. She hadn’t shared what the supposed mystery woman in the cemetery had said to her, but Claire had been visibly shaken by the odd encounter for most of the day.

  Christian had been justifiably concerned when Stefan had relayed the events of that morning to him. Neither of them were so naïve as to think Claire had been hallucinating. They knew that ghosts and some supernatural beings had the ability to appear and disappear at will. What had them both worried was why one would choose to appear to Claire and whether it was related to her impending fate, a fate Stefan was becoming increasingly intent on preventing.

  Stefan recognized that he had always been impulsive, often rushing into situations without weighing the consequences. And he realized he might be following that same reckless pattern where Claire was concerned. But he had decided long ago not to deny his true nature and he wasn’t going to start now. He had feelings for Claire, potentially very deep feelings. And he wasn’t willing to relinquish her just because it had been determined to be her time to die.

  It had also not escaped Stefan’s attention that his brother had been acting strange. Ever since Christian and Claire had returned from their excursion to the Fountain of Youth Archeological Park two days ago, his brother had been preoccupied. Something had happened between Christian and Claire. Stefan knew his brother well enough to know Christian was trying to make sure it didn’t happen again. Stefan could see the cracks in his brother’s defenses, though, and he knew it wouldn’t take much to break through.

  Stefan grinned to himself as he thought of his brother’s struggle. He didn’t necessarily enj
oy seeing his brother so conflicted, but he did think Christian needed to loosen up a bit. For better or worse, Stefan had channeled his rage and bitterness regarding their circumstances into revenge for many years, but it was out of his system now. Christian, on the other hand, had lived for far too long with all of his feelings bottled up inside him.

  Stefan held no ill feelings for the way his brother had lashed out at him earlier in the week. Hell, Stefan knew it was the least he deserved for abandoning Christian, their home, and all they had held dear for so long. Stefan had been surprised his brother had accepted him back so easily. And even though their reunion had not drawn Christian’s feelings out the way Stefan had anticipated, something had happened to break through the wall Christian had so carefully constructed around his emotions. Stefan was pretty sure he knew what, or who, was responsible. The idea that both he and Christian seemed to be falling for the same woman intrigued him. After spending so many years alone, Stefan was not averse to sharing a woman with his brother. He wondered if Christian would be willing to be so accommodating.

  Footsteps alerted Stefan that his brother had emerged into the courtyard. Christian walked to the table carrying a wine glass and a newly-opened bottle of wine. He set the bottle down on the table and then moved around behind Claire to observe her drawing. A moment passed as Christian focused on Claire’s sketchpad and then Stefan watched as the color slowly drained out of Christian’s face.

  “Claire, where have you seen this woman?” Christian’s voice held trepidation as he pointed a shaky finger at the sketchpad.

  Claire laid the sketchpad and her pencil down on the table and picked up her wineglass. She took a long sip before answering. “She’s the woman I saw at the cemetery this morning.”

  Stefan picked up the sketchpad and stared at the drawing. His mind went blank with shock for a moment. Claire had sketched the woman in perfect detail. He threw a glance at Claire and then turned a worried stare on Christian. His brother met his gaze with all of the alarm Stefan felt.

  “Do you know who she is?” Claire glanced back and forth between Stefan and Christian, clearly expecting an answer.

  “Yes.” Christian’s raspy voice gave indication of the emotions Stefan knew his brother barely constrained. “She’s our grandmother.”

  Claire looked down at the sketch. “Really? But then, where did she go earlier? Why didn’t she stay to talk to Stefan?”

  Stefan watched as a myriad of emotions played across his brother’s eyes. And then it happened. With Stefan watching, all of his brother’s well-constructed barriers crumbled.

  Christian dropped into the empty chair and set his glass down on the table. He faced Claire and took both of her hands in his. “Claire, her name is Nia. And she’s been dead for over three hundred years.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Claire stared at Christian, convinced she hadn’t heard him correctly. “You mean she’s like your great-great-great-grandmother or something, right?”

  Christian opened his mouth to answer, but the young honeymooning couple who were staying at the casa walked out into the courtyard. Christian stood and pulled Claire up with him. He glanced at Stefan and then met Claire’s confused gaze again. “Let’s take this somewhere else. This is a conversation better held in private.”

  He entwined his fingers with hers and led her into the casa foyer and then up the grand staircase, Stefan trailing close behind them. They turned down the wide corridor leading to Christian’s bedroom. Claire had spent quite a few hours in this corridor working on her mural, but she had not seen beyond the heavy double doors at the end of the hallway. Christian opened one of the doors and waited for her and Stefan to enter, then followed them and shut the door firmly behind them.

  Claire had not expected such an expansive space beyond these doors. Her gaze moved around the room, appreciating the rich colors and textures of the furnishings. Dark hardwood spanned the floors and dark wooden beams contrasted against the high white ceiling. The centerpiece of the room was a four-poster, king-size canopy bed draped with a deep burgundy velvet comforter. Rich burgundy and gold tapestry curtains hung from the four corners of the bed, as well as from the room’s windows. Glass doors led out onto a wide balcony overlooking the courtyard. The side of the room near the balcony was devoted to a sitting area, with a chocolate-colored leather couch and two matching armchairs. A large fireplace along one wall anchored the sitting area, but Claire doubted it was used often considering Florida’s warm temperatures. A stunning crystal chandelier hung over the sitting area and cast a soft golden glow over the entire space. It was the type of space Claire could imagine herself curling up in with a good book for hours on end.

  Christian led Claire to the couch and then he crossed the room to an ornately carved wooden cabinet. He opened the doors and Claire realized the cabinet actually held a bar. He poured three glasses of an amber liquid and then returned to the sitting area. He handed her and Stefan each a glass. Stefan sat on the couch next to her, but Christian perched on the sturdy wooden coffee table facing her.

  Christian swallowed most of the contents of his glass and then nodded to the glass in Claire’s hand. “Drink it, Claire. I think you’re going to need it.”

  Claire took a sip and choked as the strong liquid burned on its way down her throat. She still wasn’t used to drinking much at all, much less straight alcohol. As soon as she swallowed it, a warm, tingling sensation blossomed through her, starting in her tummy and working its way out to her fingertips. Christian took the glass from her and set it down on the table next to his. He took her hands in his and looked down at their entwined fingers, then brought one of Claire’s hands to his face and gently pressed her fingertips to his lips.

  Claire gasped at the contact and a shudder surged through her and settled in her pussy as a yearning ache. His lips seemed to burn the skin where they touched and, whether from the alcohol or his touch, the sensation spread through her like a slow-burning fire. With her fingertips branded by Christian’s lips and Stefan’s leg pressed against hers, she had almost forgotten what had brought them to Christian’s bedroom in the first place. Her gaze slid from Christian’s intense stare to the massive bed behind him. Being in this luxurious bedroom with these two enticing men put ideas into Claire’s head. They were ideas she could barely admit to herself, but there could be no denying they were there.

  “Claire, we need to know exactly what Nia said to you.” Christian’s voice dragged her focus back to him and to their actual purpose for being in his bedroom.

  Hesitantly at first, Claire described the odd encounter at the gravesides, fearing they might scoff at her for the confusing and far-fetched story. But they didn’t. The brothers took in every word as though they were the most important words they had ever heard. They exchanged quick glances with each other during the story and their foreheads creased as her tale unfolded.

  Finally, her description of the events complete, Christian stared back at her in apparent stunned silence, a look of horror on his face. Then he slowly turned to Stefan and his features grew dark and ominous. “A few minutes on either side of death.”

  “Dammit!” Stefan launched himself off the couch and stalked across the room. He slammed his fists against the massive bedroom doors and Claire jumped at the echoing impact. When he turned back to Claire, his features were a mask of pain and torment.

  Claire looked to each of them in confusion. “I don’t understand. What does it all mean? And why are you both so upset?”

  Christian took a deep breath and held her gaze. “Claire.” Christian sighed and shook his head, a look of defeat and sorrow in his eyes. “It means you have to die.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Claire stared at the two brothers, her gaze flitting back and forth between them as she absorbed all the things they had told her over the last few minutes about their past and their immortality.

  “So kill me.” Claire wasn’t sure what the big deal was. She had known she was going to die all al
ong. But after listening to the tale of the brother’s death and resurrection, she now had a way to survive her demise. Not that any of what she had learned made any sense, but at this point what did she have to lose?

  Stefan stopped pacing and turned to look at her. His appalled expression made Claire wonder if she had suddenly grown a third eye in the middle of her forehead. “You can’t possibly be serious.”

  Claire shrugged. “What’s the big deal? I’m going to die anyway, according to your friend Atticus.” She shuddered at the idea of a supernatural being, a fallen angel, stalking her soul. “Not that I needed to know about him to understand what the consequences were for running from Mark, but still. It just confirms what I already knew.”

  Claire was pretty proud of herself for how she was handling the bizarre things the brothers had told her. She hadn’t run screaming from the room when they’d told her they were both over three hundred years old. Or when they told her they had died in battle against British soldiers in 1702 and were resurrected with water their dead grandmother had led Christian to, water that still flowed in the fountain in the casa’s courtyard. She’d had to resist the urge to run downstairs and drink the water from the real fountain of youth, since they now realized she would have to be close to death for it to work. And okay, so maybe she’d been a little freaked out when they had told her the creepy, white-haired guy was a fallen angel and was after her soul. But she still hadn’t run screaming into the street. Granted, the additional two glasses of brandy Christian had given her might have made it a little easier to take the news.

  Christian rubbed his hands over his face and shook his head. “Claire, we’re not going to kill you. That would be unconscionable.”

  “But it makes sense.” Claire wasn’t used to expressing her opinions. Well, not without getting the shit beat out of her for it. But this was her life, or rather death, they were discussing and she’d be damned if she was going to keep her mouth shut while they decided what was best for her. “Look, if it’s done in a controlled setting with both of you there, what could go wrong?”


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