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Immortally Theirs [Legends & Myths] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 8

by Scarlet Day

  Christian threw his hands up in the air. “Everything could go wrong! What if it doesn’t work for some reason?”

  “How could it not work?” Claire waved her hands at Stefan and Christian. “It worked for the two of you.”

  “But this isn’t science, Claire. This is something we don’t understand and can’t explain. If we did something drastic and it didn’t work…” Christian shuddered. “How do you think either of us would feel, knowing we took your life and couldn’t bring you back?”

  Okay, so that was actually a valid question and one Claire hadn’t considered. She watched as Stefan continued to pace across the bedroom, stopping every few turns to cast a despairing look at Claire before resuming his circular march around room. She turned her gaze back to Christian. His hands clung tightly to hers and he wore a look of torment on his face.

  Claire sighed and shook her head. No, she couldn’t ask either of these men to end her life, even though they would likely be able to revive her with the water they possessed. If something did go wrong, they would have to live with the consequences for eternity. She just couldn’t do that to them.

  “So what do we do?” The thought of waiting for Mark to track her down and then dying a gruesome death at his hands certainly didn’t appeal to her.

  “We protect you, for as long as possible.” Stefan stopped pacing and walked back over to the couch. He sat down next to her and took one of her hands in his, leaving her other hand still firmly grasped in Christian’s hands. Stefan turned her hand over in his and then lowered his head and placed a kiss into her palm.

  Heat radiated from the touch of his lips, up Claire’s arm and through her body, making all her thoughts seem fuzzy. “And what…what then?”

  “We cross that bridge when we have to.” Christian’s intense stare drove the heat already coursing through her to a new level and her pussy clenched in response. “But I won’t let Mark get to you. And I’ll be damned if I’ll let Atticus have your soul.”

  The shudder working its way through Claire’s body made it hard to think. But she really didn’t want to think, anyway. Not about Mark. Not about Atticus. She had no doubt that both Christian and Stefan would do everything in their power to keep her alive. She also had no doubt that they would fail, eventually. Mark was too good at what he did. But she would have that battle with them later. Right now, she wanted something else. One way or another, she knew her time as a mortal was coming to an end. How she would die was yet to be determined. And regardless of whether she could be resurrected, if she was going to lose her mortality, she wanted to do something daring first. She wanted to know what it felt like to have these two men’s cocks buried inside her. She just hoped she didn’t send Christian and Stefan running out of the room.

  She reached for her glass on the coffee table and swallowed the rest of her drink, hoping liquid courage would make what she was about to attempt a little easier. She set the glass back down, gripped Stefan’s hand next to her, and then leaned forward, coming to within inches of Christian’s face.

  “Christian…I need…” Heat flooded her face. She didn’t know if she could get the words out.

  Christian closed the distance between them to within an inch. “What do you need, Claire? Name it and it’s yours.”

  Claire swallowed hard and her breathing quickened as she got lost in Christian’s heated stare. “You. Both of you. Please.”

  Silence engulfed the room. Claire’s heart felt as though it was going to stop beating as she watched Christian’s gaze turn from her and settle on his brother.

  Christian raised one eyebrow. “Stefan?”

  Stefan chuckled softly, his breath tickling Claire’s ear. “Brother, we’ve both spent too much time alone. I think we should just accept the fact that we’ve fallen for the same woman.”

  Claire’s breath hitched in her throat at Stefan’s words and a shudder worked its way through her. Stefan groaned in her ear and Christian closed the rest of the distance between them, his lips descending on hers with a hunger she had never experienced. He devoured her mouth, his tongue plunging into her with uncontrolled passion. Hands roved over her back and into her hair. Christian’s, Stefan’s, she didn’t know which. She didn’t care, either.

  She was so caught up in the kiss that she barely registered being picked up from the couch. Christian kept his lips firmly locked on hers, not breaking the contact they both seemed to crave. It wasn’t until she felt herself being lowered onto the bed that Christian finally pulled back and looked down at her.

  “Are you sure, baby?” Barely contained desire raged behind Christian’s eyes.

  Claire fought for breath. She glanced at Stefan, who had followed them to the bed. Uncertainty seized her. “I just…I’ve never…you know, with two. And it’s been so long…”

  Stefan’s forehead creased and he leaned down over her, smoothing her hair back off her face with his hand. “How long, honey? How long has it been since you’ve been made love to?”

  Without warning, tears sprang to Claire’s eyes, the truth of Stefan’s question bearing down on her heart. “Never. Mark was the only man I ever had sex with, but it wasn’t making love. It was all about him, never about me. And it’s been three years since he…” A sob tore from her throat and tears spilled down her cheeks. The realization that she’d never known what it felt like to be loved by a man overwhelmed her.

  “Shh, baby.” Christian wiped her tears with his fingertips and placed gentle kisses across her face. “We’ll take care of you. And I can promise you this.” Christian’s heated gaze bore into her. “This will not be just sex. We want to make love to you, Claire. Will you let us do that?”

  Claire’s gaze travelled from one man to the other. She had known these men for such a short time, but she already knew there were no two people she could trust more than them. Sincerity shone in both sets of eyes, their desire to make her happy and keep her safe evident in their faces. She realized it really wasn’t just sex she wanted. She craved a connection with another human being, or in this case, two human beings. She needed it, more than she needed air. And she needed that connection to be with Christian and Stefan.

  “Yes, please.” They were the only words she needed to say.

  Christian lowered his lips back to hers. She greedily took his tongue into her mouth, moaning at the thought of being taken by these two men. But Christian pulled back and grinned down at her with a lusciously wicked turn of his lips. She protested at the loss of his mouth on hers, not understanding why he had stopped. Had he changed his mind?

  Stefan chuckled and moved next to her, pressing his body against her side. Nuzzling her neck while Christian looked down at her with blazing heat, Stefan whispered into her ear. “We’re going to teach you how to be loved, honey. We’re going to show you that being controlled by a man does not have to be a bad thing. Can you surrender to us, love? Can you do whatever we tell you to do without questioning us, trusting us never to hurt you?”

  After all Claire had been through with Mark, being manipulated and beaten, the last thing she should want to do was give up command of her body to two men. But, oh, how she wanted to give them that! She wanted to know what it would feel like to hand over all control without any fear.

  She couldn’t bring herself to speak while Stefan’s mouth tickled her ear and Christian’s gaze turned her muscles into molten rubber. But she knew they didn’t need for her to speak, they just needed for her to relent. She simply nodded and willingly placed herself in their hands.

  Christian raised up and moved his hands to her shorts. He worked to undo the button and zipper and then slowly slid the shorts down her legs, leaving her thin silk panties in place. Stefan unbuttoned her shirt, working each button with painstaking slowness. Each brush of his fingers against her skin sent tingles of energy straight to her clit. He pushed the shirt aside and then reached behind her and expertly unfastened the clasp of her bra. He pulled the intrusive garment from her and tossed the bra and shirt to the
floor. The cool air sent delightful little shivers across Claire’s skin.

  “Beautiful.” Stefan’s voice was low and raw. “You’re so beautiful, Claire.”

  He lowered his head to her abdomen and feathered her skin with light kisses. Sizzling bolts of energy shot through her. Christian’s lips blazed a trail down to her navel and then his tongue dove inside. She cried out as the shallow intrusion sparked a path to her pussy. Stefan traced patterns around one nipple with his finger. His barely-there touch made her squirm and left her yearning for more. She arched her back to try to get more of the sweet and tortuous contact.

  A heavy hand pressed down on her abdomen and she opened her eyes to see Christian looking at her with raised eyebrows and shaking his head. “Uh-uh. No moving until we tell you to move, baby.” His lips turned up in the wicked grin that seemed to make Claire’s insides melt. “Understood?”

  She nodded and relaxed back into the bed, forcing her body to be still. It wasn’t going to be easy to subdue her eager body, but she was determined to learn all these men could teach her. Stefan resumed his maddening journey around one nipple and Christian lowered his head over her pussy. He blew on her core and the sensation through her thin panties almost made her arch her back again, but she gritted her teeth and forced her disobedient body to be still.

  “Good girl.” She could hear the satisfaction in Christian’s voice, but she dared not look at him, for fear his grin would be her undoing.

  Stefan leaned over and flicked the tip of her nipple with his tongue. She sucked in a breath, but refused to move, focusing her gaze on the thick curtains that formed a canopy over the bed. Stefan rewarded her effort to remain still by taking her straining nipple into his mouth and gently sucking on it. She groaned as the pull of his mouth echoed in her aching clit. His tongue and teeth played havoc on her resolve to behave herself as she’d promised.

  Christian pressed light kisses onto each of her inner thighs, starting at one knee and working up to her pussy. Then he moved to the other knee and repeated the process. She squeezed her eyes shut, almost unable to keep her body under control any longer. Christian’s fingers traced along the lines of her panties and teased the edges of her folds through the material. The combined touch of the two men was achingly gentle, yet maddeningly intense. Just when Claire thought she might lose her mind, Christian pulled her by the legs to the edge of the bed. He let her legs dangle over the side and then he knelt next to the bed and slid her panties down her legs.

  “Gods, you’re beautiful, baby.” She opened her eyes to see Christian gazing with awe at her exposed flesh. “So wet and pink.”

  She shivered under his unwavering gaze, the anticipation building inside her. Christian lowered his head and blew on her pussy again, but this time without any material blocking his heated breath. Her whole body broke out in tiny bumps and her core muscles clenched. Christian lifted her legs to rest on his shoulders and then leaned into her. His tongue raked her already wet folds from her entrance to her clit. It was too much. Claire lost the tenuous hold of control she’d had and she lifted her hips into Christian, but strong hands gripped her and held her back down on the bed. Unable to move, she gripped the comforter and twisted it in her fists, letting the sensations roll through her.

  Stefan resumed sucking on her nipple, while his other hand massaged and teased her other breast. Christian’s tongue flicked and raked over her clit, driving her to near insanity. Mark had never gone down on her. He had never shown her the potential for pleasure her body possessed. The only orgasms she had ever experienced had been self-induced and they had never been very satisfying, always leaving her with an empty feeling in her body and heart. But as the dual ministrations of Christian and Stefan drove her mind and body into a frenzy, she knew this time would be different.

  Christian’s tongue was amazing enough, but then Claire felt pressure at her entrance and realized Christian was slowly pressing his finger into her. It had been so long since anything had entered her that her muscles instinctively tightened around him. He pressed on, working his finger in and out of her pussy as her juices eased the intrusion. Another finger joined the first and she felt the urge to push against him, to join the rhythm he set, but one hand still held her still. She gripped the comforter tighter and let him control the pace, forcing herself to simply feel what he gave her.

  Just as Claire thought she couldn’t take any more, Christian sucked her clit between his lips and grazed the sensitive nub with his teeth. Claire’s world exploded. All she ever knew, all she ever thought she knew about sex, was blown into pieces by the spasms that ripped through her body. Wave after wave of pleasure pulled her under as Christian worked her clit with his tongue and drove his fingers into her, while Stefan sucked her nipple and nipped on it with his teeth. She surrendered completely to the ecstasy and to these men. She would do whatever they asked of her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Stefan stared down at Claire as she came apart beneath them. She had willingly opened herself to them, in spite of all she had been through. He knew how hard it must have been for her to give up control of herself to them. But he would do everything in his power to make sure he earned that trust.

  He met his brother’s gaze and saw that same determination in his eyes. Stefan marveled at the idea that a woman could bind the two of them together for a common cause after so many years of isolation and animosity. He had spent almost his entire immortal existence avoiding commitments and harboring bitterness in his soul. He knew Christian had endured his own isolation, never willing to let anyone share his emotions or his bed for too long. And yet, this one woman had singlehandedly laid waste to all the barriers the brothers had built around themselves.

  How was it that their grandmother had found the one woman who could tear down the brother’s resistance and unite them again? Stefan laughed ruefully to himself. How had their grandmother known to lead them to the waters that had given them eternal youth in the first place? Nia had obviously learned a thing or two during her time in the otherworld.

  As Claire recovered from her climax, Stefan shared a devilish grin with his brother. They didn’t intend to give Claire much time to recover. Watching Claire shatter in orgasm had almost been enough to make Stefan come, just from the sheer intensity of her pleasure. He couldn’t wait to be buried inside her sweet pussy.

  Christian nodded to him and Stefan pulled Claire to the middle of the bed. She opened her eyes as they moved her and her glazed expression told them just how overcome she had been.

  Christian crawled over her and held her gaze as he inserted his wet fingers into his mouth and then sucked them clean. “Mm…do you know how good you taste, baby? Like peaches and cream.”

  Stefan shuddered. He looked forward to tasting Claire’s sweet cream for himself. But he knew that could wait until later. First, they had other ideas for satisfying their willing mate.

  That thought would have dropped Stefan to his knees if he hadn’t already been lying down. But he knew with every part of his heart and soul that it was true. Nia hadn’t just brought them a woman to pull the two brothers together, she had brought them a mate, someone they could share their long lives with. Claire had accepted them for who and what they were, without any hesitation.

  Stefan’s heart swelled with the sureness, the rightness, of that knowledge. He and Christian had never shared the pleasures of a woman before. But as he gazed down at Claire, he knew he could never let her go. And neither would Christian. Overcome with the new realization, Stefan lowered his lips to hers and ran his tongue along the seam, moaning as she parted her lips for him. He delved inside and tasted the sweetness of her, sliding his tongue along hers and reveling in the contact.

  With effort he broke the kiss, knowing they had so much more to teach her, so much more to offer her. When this night was over, she would truly know the heights her body was capable of travelling to. She would understand the joys of being merged with two men who cherished her. And she would feel the cont
rol and power she could wield over them in return.

  Christian turned to the nightstand and opened the drawer. He pulled out a tube and tossed it onto the bed near Stefan. Stefan grinned. They would need lots of the tube’s contents before they were through tonight.

  Christian returned and leaned down over Claire again. “Baby, have you ever had a man take your ass before?”

  Claire’s eyes widened and she shook her head. Christian smoothed her hair back and then ran his fingers along her lips. “It’s okay, baby. Don’t be afraid. It’s just going to be very important that you do exactly what we tell you to do, understand?”

  Stefan leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her temple. “We’re not going to do anything you won’t love, honey. Just trust us.”

  Claire’s breath hitched in her throat, but she nodded, her eyes still wide. Christian rolled over on his back and pulled Claire with him, so that she lay on top of him. Stefan moved between their legs and ran his hand down her back and over her smooth ass, raising tiny bumps along her skin. Her wet pussy glistened and he ran his fingers through it. She was so ready.

  He gripped her hips and raised her up on her knees so that she was poised above Christian. His brother gripped her waist and guided her down onto him, impaling her on his stiff cock. She cried out as he entered her. The sound was the sweetest thing Stefan had ever heard. They lowered her onto Christian, letting her set the speed of her descent, until she had taken all his length and sat trembling above him.

  Stefan opened the tube Christian had tossed him and squeezed it, letting the slippery contents run down Claire’s ass. He set the tube aside and smeared his fingers in the slick gel as it ran between her ass cheeks. He teased the pink ring of her tight, untried anus with one fingertip and she tensed up, as he knew she would.


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