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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 8

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Ryle nodded.

  “It would seem, boys,” King Eamon stood from his seat on the sofa and lightly patted Clifton on the back. “It would seem we have new topics to discuss with Granton and Anthony. Perhaps you two can find Prince Isaac and meet me at the Council Room?”

  Clifton and Ryle nodded and watched as their father left.

  “I do not have a good feeling, Ryle. My gut tells me we are in for a devastating blow soon.”

  “Aye, mine has been telling me the same thing. I am sorry to offer up Princess Elizabeth the way I did. I was voicing options without thinking of your feelings.”

  Clifton smirked. “Yes, well I cannot blame you. Perhaps we can make it through everything without having to offer up either one of our Princesses, brother.”

  Ryle chuckled. “Our Princesses? My, you are confident aren’t you, little brother?”

  Clifton shrugged. “Whether or not anything becomes of Elizabeth and me, I fear she will always be my Princess regardless.”

  Ryle’s face sobered and he nodded. His clear blue eyes, much like their father’s, weighed his next words cautiously. “I know exactly what you mean, Cliff.”

  “In the meantime, perhaps we can annoy a certain prince from the West?”

  Laughing, Ryle slapped Clifton on the back as he draped his arm over his shoulders. “I like the way you think, Cliff.”

  The brothers rounded the corner of the stairwell and stopped in their tracks as they witnessed Prince Isaac assaulting the lips of a maiden. The woman giggled as the prince’s hands roamed over the front of her corset and he kissed her willing lips.

  “We hate to interrupt.” Ryle’s rich baritone echoed down the stairwell and had the prince and the maid jumping apart.

  “My Lords.” Prince Isaac cleared his throat and straightened the front of his tunic. His dark hair tousled and his skin flushed. “I was just… discussing my requests for new linens with—” He turned towards the young woman and she nervously nibbled her bottom lip. “This maiden.” He rubbed a hand over his stubbled jaw and glanced at the brothers’ disapproving glares.

  “Yes, well we are to find you, Prince Isaac, for a meeting with our fathers and King Granton, immediately.” Ryle explained. “Please feel free to join us when you are finished… discussing.” The brothers passed by him and the maid without a second glance and headed towards the King’s Council Room.

  “Can you believe the buggar?” Clifton murmured. “One minute he’s requesting a courtship with the Princess and then he is caught red-handed with a maid?!

  “Calm yourself, Cliff. That matter will need to be handled later. We have more important matters to discuss at the present.” Ryle patted his brother on the back as they entered the room where the kings awaited.

  “Ah, boys, glad you joined us. Prince Isaac?”

  Clifton began to report the status of the slimy prince, but Ryle stepped in front of him. “On his way, King Granton.” Prince Ryle smiled politely and bowed briefly as he took a seat next to his father. Clifton eased into a chair by King Granton and offered the man a polite smile, though his heart was heavily burdened over the topic of Lancer and of his Elizabeth. His Elizabeth? He asked himself. He rubbed his chin and pondered the thought and settled himself on the matter. Yes, his Elizabeth.

  The doors opened and Prince Isaac stepped inside the room, avoiding the sharp gaze of Clifton and slyly slipping into a seat next to his father.

  “Now, we are called here because Eamon would like to discuss a few things with us.” King Granton waved for Eamon to begin.

  “Yes, thank you Granton. I actually want to bring your attention to what happened to Cliff earlier on his ride. He stumbled upon a Renaldi near the river.”

  “What?!” Granton and Anthony asked at the same time, both rising from their seats and looking at Clifton. Isaac’s brow rose in surprise as well as he watched the heavy scrutiny thrust upon the Eastern prince.

  “Yes, it is true.” Clifton stated evenly. “Prince Samuel, to be exact.”

  “Samuel?” Granton asked. “But he is young, barely fifteen.”

  “Yes. He was quite young.”

  “Tell us everything.” King Granton stated, easing back into his seat.

  Clifton relayed his encounter and conversation and watched as each king sat quietly listening. Three men, different in stature, but all possessing a quiet air of leadership. Clifton finished and glanced towards King Granton. “I fear, my King, that we will feel our first threat soon enough.”

  “This is devastating news indeed.” Granton looked to Anthony and Eamon. “What are your thoughts, Anthony?”

  King Anthony exhaled loudly on a sigh. “I must admit, the news is troubling. How are we to compete with an invincible army, Granton? If the Lands and the Southern Kingdom unite, we will not be able to withstand their forces.”

  “I agree.” Eamon stated. “Our only way of prevention is to possibly move the Royal Guard to the Southern Boundary. Perhaps if we prevent them from crossing, then we could postpone the—”

  “The what? The inevitable?” King Anthony finished. “What is the point in postponing what we all know will happen? I say we cut them off at the knees. We found out about their treachery, we force the Southern Kingdom to submit to the Realm or we assault their kingdom.”

  “An assault? But we are not ready for that sort of engagement, are we?” Eamon looked to King Granton.

  The King’s gaze travelled to each of the princes’ quiet demeanors. “And what do you say, Prince Isaac?”

  Isaac straightened in his chair. “I have to say I agree with my father, my King. We cut the threat off early.”

  “And you, Prince Ryle?” Granton asked.

  Ryle took a deep breath. “I hate to say it, but the plan makes sense, my Lord. Perhaps it will at least show the Southern Kingdom we still have our strength and that their unification with the Realm is the only safe choice for them.”

  Clifton shook his head in disagreement and King Granton glanced to him. “And you, Prince Clifton. What are your thoughts? I see you disagree.”

  “Yes, with respect, I do disagree. Yes, that option makes sense on a tactical scale. But are you all forgetting that the Southern Kingdom is already a part of the Realm? They are still a part of our Realm. If we start attacking our own people, I do not see that as strengthening us, it would weaken us. Perhaps that is Lancer’s plan, to turn us against one another. It seems to already be working.”

  “But if we do not do anything and the Renaldi’s join with Lancer, then where will we be?” Prince Isaac challenged. “I say we kill them and find a new leader for the Southern Kingdom. It is the only way.”

  “Are you mad?” Clifton took a deep breath to calm his temper. “You can’t just kill people. There has to be another way.”

  “Perhaps if we give them Princess Elizabeth.” Prince Isaac recommended.

  Ryle watched as King Granton and Clifton’s faces both turned red with frustration.

  “I do not think that will solve the issues at hand.” Granton stated. “It sounds as if the Renaldi’s plan to join forces with Lancer regardless of their ties with the Realm.”

  “What do we know of Lancer?” Clifton interrupted. King Eamon put his hand on his son’s arm but Clifton shrugged it off. “No, Father. I wish to speak.” Clifton stood and paced around the room. “Forgive me, King Granton, but what makes us think that Lancer will even tolerate the Renaldi’s once they have crossed? What do we know of him? Not enough. We know nothing of Lancer’s character except that he is powerful and holds a dark hand of power over the Unfading Lands. Something tells me he will not want to share his power with anyone else.”

  “He brings up a good point.” King Eamon acknowledged. “We have yet to hear of Lancer accepting any help or sharing his authority with anyone else, why would he now?”

  “We still have to do something.” King Anthony chimed in. “We can’t let them keep destroying and attacking the Realm.”

  “That is true too,” Ki
ng Eamon continued. “We have had two villages burned by the Southern Kingdom over the last year. Our guard is stretched thin. We need a solution that buys us more time until we can figure out a way to diminish the Lands.”

  A knock sounded on the door and Elizabeth poked her head inside. She grimaced. “Oh, my apologies, my Lords. I was not aware my father had company.”

  Clifton straightened in his seat and smiled. Granton exchanged a smirk with Eamon over the boy’s reaction and then smiled towards his daughter. “Did you need something, my dear?”

  “Oh, it is of no consequence, Father. I will just discuss the matter with you later.”

  He nodded for her dismissal and she turned to leave. When she reached the door, Clifton stood. “Princess!” Elizabeth froze and turned back around nervous that the prince would address her in front of their fathers. Clifton walked slowly towards her and lightly reached a hand towards her face. It slid behind her neck and his fingers lightly feathered against her skin. Her heart raced, and her gaze found his as he pulled his hand in front of her. Housed between his fingers was a large brown spider. Elizabeth gasped and jumped back as the gentlemen chuckled. She placed a hand over her heart. “Thank you, Prince Clifton. I… um, yes… a spider… in my hair.” Her face grew pale as she swallowed her nerves.

  Clifton tossed the now dead spider into a wastebasket and wiped his fingers on a handkerchief Ryle handed him. He then bowed and sent her a small wink before turning back towards his seat.

  “Thank you, Prince Clifton.” Granton chuckled as his daughter nodded briskly and quickly exited.

  “A hero in our midst.” Ryle jested as the other men laughed. Isaac rolled his eyes and grinned. “A bit of a spider scares the Princess, whom I thought feared nothing.”

  “Yes, Lizzy has always hated the creatures. Your rescue is much appreciated Clifton.”

  Clifton nodded.

  “Now, where were we?” Granton asked. “Ah, back to the topic of our current circumstances. What if we extended extra guard along the Southern Boundary line to the Unfading Lands and make our presence known? We push the Western Kingdom guards over to aid the Eastern Kingdom, maintaining a tight perimeter around the Western lines as well. I feel a strong military presence might ward off any thoughts of future attacks and will give us ample time to come up with a solution for any potential threats from the Lands.”

  All the men nodded.

  “I still think we should just wipe them clean.” Isaac stated.

  “For now, we wait, Prince Isaac. I feel much like Prince Clifton on the matter of killing our own people. We should prevent it at all costs. If it comes to that later down the road, we will decide then. I appreciate you gentlemen bringing this to my attention. Prince Clifton, if you encounter Prince Samuel again, I wish for you to extend the invitation for his protection here.” Clifton nodded as the King stood. “Now, if you will excuse me, I must meet with Mosiah over the matters we have discussed.”


  Elizabeth waltzed in a circle with Mary in the garden. “See, you just count, Mary. One, two, three. One, two, three. And turn, two, three.” She lightly turned Mary beneath her arm and back to the main frame, Elizabeth leading her attendant.

  “Elizabeth, what are you doing?” Alayna’s voice carried over in amusement.

  Mary pulled quickly away from Elizabeth’s grasp, her cheeks stained red. Elizabeth turned to her sister and smiled. “I was taking Mary on a waltz through the roses.”

  Alayna, Prince Ryle, and Prince Clifton stood watching with smiles on their faces.

  “Mary does not know how to dance, and so I offered to teach her.” Elizabeth then grabbed Mary again and forced the attendant to comply. “Don’t be shy, Mary. Let’s show them what you have learned.” She then began counting softly as she led Mary around the cobblestone.

  Clifton watched as Elizabeth beamed in pride and the shy Mary watched Elizabeth intently, her gaze drifting from Elizabeth’s proud gaze and back to her feet for counting. Without thinking, Clifton stepped forward and tapped Mary on the shoulder. The women stopped dancing. Clifton bowed, as was custom, to Mary and then Elizabeth. “I wonder, Princess, if I may cut in for one minute.”

  Mary began to back away, but Clifton caught her hand. Elizabeth curtsied and smiled. “Why of course, Prince Clifton.” She stepped to the side as Clifton began leading Mary around the cobblestone path in the garden. Elizabeth began humming a tune for them to dance with as she watched Clifton in admiration.

  Alayna and Ryle watched in surprise at the three, and then Prince Ryle stuck out his hand. “May I have this dance, Princess?” Alayna’s face flushed but she nodded as Prince Ryle swung her into his arms and began waltzing.

  Elizabeth’s humming wavered in excitement and she began tapping a stick to the rhythm. “You all look beautiful!” She continued to hum and walk around smelling the rose blossoms. She picked two, and snuck behind Alayna, sticking the bloom behind her sister’s ear. She kissed her sister’s cheek as she danced with the handsome Prince Ryle. She then walked to Mary and did the same. Clifton watched as Elizabeth waltzed to her steady hum as well around the garden with an invisible partner.

  Prince Isaac emerged in the garden and followed the hum of a melodic voice. He froze as he watched the small dance circle. He smiled and walked over to Elizabeth as she tapped her stick. He bowed and offered her his hand. She grinned and politely accepted, allowing him to lead her around the garden with the others. She continued to hum and slowed her pace as the song came to an end. She stepped back from Prince Isaac and curtsied. “Thank you, Prince Isaac, for joining us.”

  “How could I not? Your song floated clear across the garden, and seeing how you did not have a partner, I could not call myself a gentleman if I did not step in to guide you.” He winked at her. Elizabeth flushed at the flirtatious gesture and turned towards Mary. “Mary, why don’t we go down to the pond?”

  “Of course, milady.”

  Mary began to walk away, but Clifton grabbed her hand. “Lady Mary, I thank you for the wonderful dance.” He bowed and lightly kissed her hand. Mary blushed and quickly curtsied before darting towards Elizabeth. Elizabeth smiled tenderly at the exchange. Clifton caught the Princess’s eye and bowed to her as well. Instead of her formal curtsy in return, she waved and draped her arm over Mary’s shoulder as they walked towards the pond.

  “Your sister has such a fondness for her attendant.” Clifton turned towards Alayna as he spoke.

  “Yes, it is most abnormal.” Isaac added, causing all to drop their smiles and glower at him.

  “Elizabeth appreciates Mary. Mary has been with her most of her life, I dare say she considers her a friend more than an attendant. I also believe it is not abnormal to have a friend in close company.” Alayna responded forcefully. “It was a very sweet act you did, Prince Clifton, dancing with Mary. I am sure it meant much to her, and equally as much to my sister.”

  Clifton bowed as Alayna stormed passed Prince Isaac to walk back inside the castle. She then turned abruptly. “Oh yes. Prince Ryle, thank you for the dance.” She curtsied in her lilac colored dress and quickly turned to her retreat again.

  “Princess Alayna, huh brother?” Clifton smirked at his older brother catching a brief glimmer of a spark in his eye.

  “Indeed, I provided her a partner.” Prince Ryle’s posture never wavered. He nodded his head in the direction of Prince Isaac who stared across the garden at Elizabeth as she stood by the pond with Mary.

  Clifton nodded as well and walked up next to him, crossing his arms as he stood. “A pretty sight, is she not?”

  Prince Isaac acknowledged Clifton’s presence with a low grunt. “Indeed. Please note, Prince Clifton, that my first offer of courtship with the princess was denied, but that I will continue my pursuit. I must ask you not to interfere.”

  “I will respectfully not agree.”

  Prince Isaac, expecting the friendly prince to comply, turned in surprise, unfolding his arms and narrowing his gaze.

  Clifton continued, “As I am aware, the courtship proposal was declined by King Granton and the floor is open. It has also been brought to my attention that our dear Princess Elizabeth has no intention of marrying anyone.”

  Prince Isaac scoffed. “That is absurd! She is a woman well beyond the marrying age, she should marry as quickly as possible. It is not acceptable for a woman to be single past the age of seventeen.”

  “Both Princesses are well past that age, and they do not seem to mind not being married.” Prince Ryle stepped forward as well.

  Isaac looked at the two brothers. “Yes, well, if our Realm is to strengthen, Elizabeth must become my bride before the Renaldi’s snatch her. You two can hash out the details on which of you would like the future queen. My fate has been decided. I will wed the Princess.”

  “Your fate has been decided?” Clifton asked tightly. “And how do you feel of your fate?”

  “I am neither disappointed nor pleased. I do not like a woman who freely roams and dictates life how she pleases. I figure once Elizabeth is my bride, those attributes can easily be contained. She is an attractive sort, so there is pleasure in that. We shall see if there is anything more pleasurable once I have bedded her as my wife.”

  Prince Clifton clinched his fists and sharply turned. His brother catching his arm before he threatened Prince Isaac.

  “Do not speak of the Princess in such a disrespectful manner in front of me.”

  Prince Isaac smirked and lightly slapped Clifton on the back. “Yes, well, I see the way you look at her, Prince Clifton. It must be frustrating knowing another man will receive her. Good day, gentlemen.” Prince Isaac whistled a happy tune as he exited the gardens, no doubt knowing he had set Clifton’s blood to boiling.


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