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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 9

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “There is no way I am going to let that man marry Princess Elizabeth. Especially after he was caught red-handed with a maid in the stairwell.”

  “Calm down, brother,” Prince Ryle placed a calming hand on Clifton’s shoulder. “Something tells me Princess Elizabeth will refuse to be caught anyhow. And we both know Prince Isaac will not win over the Princess. Let us pray he loses complete favor in King Granton’s eyes in the next few days to protect the Princess from another courtship offer from him. You, however, must tread lightly.”

  Clifton exhaled slowly and loudly, his obvious anger at Prince Isaac’s words haunting his thoughts. “I agree, and I will… try. It seems I will not only be protecting Elizabeth from the Renaldi’s, but I will also be protecting her from Prince Isaac if the need should arise.”

  “Careful, Cliff. We already have one kingdom attacking our borders. Tread carefully that we do not have another.” Ryle warned softly as he left his brother.

  Clifton watched as Elizabeth skipped a rock across the pond. She and Mary cheered when a successful four hops ensued. He smiled and found himself walking down to the pond’s edge as well. “Impressive, Your Highness.”

  Elizabeth jumped and then recovered with a welcoming smile. “Why thank you, Prince Clifton. It is a skill I have worked on mastering for quite some time.”

  “Ah, lessons perhaps?” He teased as she giggled and shook her head. “No, and no more guesses.” She bantered playfully as she handed him a smooth gray stone. “Dare you challenge me?”

  Her right brow arched in contest and had him lightly tracing his finger over it, catching them both by surprise. He lowered his hand quickly and took a step back. Gripping the rock in his hand he held it up to survey it. “How do I know you handed me a proper rock?”

  Fisting her hands on her hips, Elizabeth laughed. “Feel free to choose one of your liking, Prince, but I assure you that that particular rock only aids in your success.”

  “Is that so?” He gripped the rock in his fingers and then flicked his wrist. The rock skipped three solid times across the smooth water and then sunk leaving small ripples.

  “Three. Not bad.” Elizabeth complimented with a smirk as she took her stance on the edge of the pond.

  “Mary?” Clifton asked, Elizabeth’s attendant jumping to attention.

  “Yes, my Lord?”

  “What is Princess Elizabeth’s record for rock skipping?”

  Elizabeth turned to her attendant and nodded with a smile.

  “Six, my Lord.”

  “Six?” He asked and then looked to Elizabeth with wonder. “I dare say that is quite a record.”

  “Yes. It is.” Elizabeth stated confidently. “Do not feel intimidated,” she grinned with a fire in her blue eyes that had his feet stepping towards her. She stepped back in a happy retreat and flicked her wrist. They watched as her rock skipped four times. “Four!” She jumped and clapped her hands cheerfully. “I win!”

  Clifton threw his head back and laughed. “If I had known I only had one turn I would have stepped up my game, milady.”

  “You should always treat your first time as your only time, Prince Clifton.” Elizabeth stated as she bundled up the bottom of her skirts in her left arm and lightly stepped into the shallow water. He then noticed her bare feet.

  “Wisdom, Princess Elizabeth, which I will cherish always.” He replied watching as she stepped slowly through the water. “May I ask where you are headed?” He chuckled as she teetered for balance on the slippery rocks.

  “I wish to acquire a rock from the small pile over there.” She pointed to a small rise in the water where several rocks rested along with cattails and clovers.

  “I see. None of the other rocks will do?” He waved his hand to the vastly populated pebbled terrain surrounding his feet.

  “Nope. Sometimes the best ones are the farthest to reach.” Elizabeth stated as she reached her destination and fingered several different stones.

  “You have no idea.” Clifton mumbled under his breath. He heard a small snicker from Mary and flashed her a small smile.

  Elizabeth held up a rock in success. “Aha! Found it.”

  “The perfect rock?” Clifton asked in disbelief.

  “Yes. For your demise.”

  “My demise?” He laughed. “Perhaps I should traipse around the entire kingdom to find my perfect rock to use in our friendly competition.”

  She waved him off. “Suit yourself, Prince Clifton, but I assure you it will be to no avail.”

  “Confident, isn’t she Mary?” He teased, glancing at Elizabeth’s sweet attendant. Mary giggled and nodded. “Always, my Lord.”

  Elizabeth landed on the bank beside him and dropped the hem of her skirts. She handed him the rock for his perusal. Clifton smoothed his thumb over the white stone. “I must say, it is quite good. Perhaps if I just—” He acted as if he were going to flick the rock into the water and Elizabeth leapt at his hand. She attempted to grab the rock and laughed. Playfully swatting his arm, she smiled up at him. She felt his hand at the small of her back as he stepped closer to her. She lowered her gaze and stared at the brass buttons that clasped his sky blue tunic across his broad chest. She lifted her gaze slowly, having to glance up at him as he stood more than eight inches above her. She found his meadow green gaze and grinned at the spark she saw hidden in their depths.

  A throat cleared and Elizabeth took a quick step away from him as Princess Melody waved shyly from the edge of the garden. “Princess Elizabeth, your sister said I could find you out here. If I am interrupting, I can just—”

  “Oh, no interruption, Princess Melody, I would be delighted for your company. Prince Clifton was just…” She trailed off as she glanced at the handsome prince again. He did not smile, but his face held a kindness nonetheless. Disappointment shined in his gaze, but he bowed. “I was just leaving. Perhaps I will let you beat me at rock skipping another day, Princess.” He handed her the smooth white pebble and gently folded her fingers over the top of it. “I enjoyed our time together, milady.” He bowed again and then turned to Mary as well, bowing. “Good day, Mary. Always a pleasure.”

  Mary curtsied, and all the women watched as he glided across the garden and into the castle.


  Edward stood at attention as Lancer waved his hand in dismissal. “Get him out of my sight.” His voice dripped with disdain as one of Lancer’s guards yanked the Southern Kingdom guard to his feet and forced him to walk in front with a sword grazing his lower back. Edward watched as guard after guard from the Southern Kingdom was brought into the great hall and before Lancer. Lancer listened with patience to the pleas, the begging, or the offers each of the men proposed. When pleased, he would look to Edward for a nod of approval. If he disapproved, he would simply wave his hand and they would be taken away. Edward wasn’t quite sure where they were being taken, but he assumed it was not a good alternative. Edward listened to the man in front of them. “I assure you, my Lord, that the Southern Kingdom is a strong ally for you.”

  Lancer smirked at Edward. “What makes you think I need allies?” He asked with a deep chuckle. “Edward?” He turned towards Edward, “Is this how the Realm sees me?” He asked in mock concern. “That I am just a weak man with no possible strength?”

  Edward did not respond, knowing the question was rhetorical. The man’s gaze glanced over at Edward and his eyes widened. “Y-you’re Prince Edward.” He pointed to him. “You crossed?!”

  Edward continued standing at attention next to Lancer. Lancer smiled at his obedience and then pointed to the guard standing next to the man. “This one has promise. Take him.” The guard helped the man to his feet and took him the opposite direction of the last man.

  “I trust, Edward, that you will be able to guide that man and the others I have selected.”

  Edward turned towards him, his newly pressed golden tunic’s collar stiff and rubbing against his neck. “I’m sorry, my Lord?”

  “I am building you an army.” Lanc
er whispered quietly and with a small smirk. “I would like you to train them for me. I figure of all the men in the Realm and the Lands, you would be my best choice for the position of Captain in my ranks. Do I assume incorrectly?”

  Edward swallowed slowly. He felt his palms sweat. How could he train an army that was meant to destroy his father’s kingdom? “I am honored, my Lord, but I must admit I’m quite perplexed as to the reasoning behind an army. We cannot cross the boundary, and minus the willing, the Realm does not plan to cross over here. I do not see how a war between forces would be possible.”

  Lancer chuckled, the sound low and menacing. “Oh, dear Edward, there are ways. They have yet to discover, but there are ways.”

  Edward’s heart beat rapidly in his chest. “What ways are there?”

  Lancer tilted his head and studied Edward. “Can you not tell me that your father contemplated at one time or another to invade the Lands?”

  “He’s thought about it many times, my Lord, but the consequence of crossing the boundary withheld him from pursuit.”

  “I have a feeling, a strong feeling, my dear prince, that once our strength envelopes most of the Northern Kingdom, we will face a military advance of some sort.”

  “But how? They cannot cross back if they come here. I do not see them risking that.”

  “Nevertheless, it is what I see, therefore I request your skill in training my men. Is this task acceptable to you?”

  “Of course. I did not mean to seem ungrateful, sir. I am just adjusting to the idea of an attack.”

  “Do not worry, Edward. I am glad you speak freely. It is important for you and me to discuss such matters openly. It is one of the reasons I selected you.”

  Smiling, Lancer waved to the guard at the door. A flood of sunlight entered the room as another man, dressed in black dress representing the Southern Kingdom, stepped through the door begging for his life.


  “Did you see the way Prince Clifton danced with Mary?” Elizabeth turned to her sister with a wide smile. “I believe he may be the sweetest man I’ve ever met.”

  Alayna laughed at her sister as Elizabeth readjusted the pin in her hair, attempting to tame the thick black mass. She pinned back the silky curl and glanced up at her sister. “And you, dancing with Prince Ryle. I must say the two of you make a handsome couple.”

  “Don’t get any ideas, Lizzy.” Alayna warned.

  “What?” Elizabeth challenged innocently. “Your betrothal with the Southern Kingdom fell through, thank God.” she mumbled softly before continuing. “You are a free woman now. Free to love whom you please.”

  “Who said anything about loving?” Alayna baited. “I have a kingdom to run and with the new developments with the Southern Kingdom, it is best my full attention be focused upon that instead of a handsome prince.”

  “Yes, well, excuse me if I choose to focus upon both.” Elizabeth stated. “I find the condition of the Realm depresses my spirits. Talk of war and battle make my heart ache. I wish we could just advance upon the Lands and get it over with.” She swiped her hand through the air in finality.

  “If only it were that easy.” Alayna said wishfully as she flipped through several stacks of parchment.

  “Your face will freeze that way if you continue to frown.” Elizabeth warned softly as she sat across from her sister and looked over the parchments. She lightly tapped her finger on her sister’s furrowed brow. “Tell me what you would like to see, Alayna.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, how do you think Father should handle the threat of the Southern Kingdom and the Lands?”

  Alayna sighed heavily and leaned back in her chair. “It’s a delicate situation, Lizzy.”

  “I know, but that does not mean you have not thought about it.”

  “Father’s strength fades every day.” Alayna stated softly, her eyes reflective as she studied the hem of her sleeve. She lightly tugged the silk fabric until it covered her wrist. Glancing at Elizabeth, she smiled softly. “I know it sounds awful, but I wish Father would just step down as King and grant me the position now. The stress and worry of the Realm weighs heavily upon him and I fear his health cannot take much more. Why not step down now and enjoy the last few months or year of his life without having to confront those stressful issues? I could relieve that burden from him.”

  Elizabeth listened to her sister’s passionate speech and her heart leapt in her chest. If Alayna were so willing to take upon the stress of potential war then perhaps she would understand Elizabeth’s desire to aid in the fight. She sat up eagerly, straightening in her chair. “Have you discussed this move with Father?”

  “Not yet. I do not wish to upset him.”

  “It will never happen unless you ask, Alayna. And I think you are more than ready to take the role as Queen.”

  “Thank you for the confidence, sister, but I still am not sure our father feels the same way.”

  “Why do we not discuss the matter with him?”

  Alayna glanced up, her caramel eyes full of nerves. “You would address him with me?”

  “Of course I would.” Elizabeth agreed. She smiled confidently and extended her hand to her sister. “Come. Let’s do it now.”

  “Now?” Alayna asked nervously.

  “Yes, now.” Elizabeth tugged her sister out the door and towards her father’s chambers. “If we do not discuss it now, it will never happen.”

  Elizabeth knocked on the heavy doors. Hearing their father’s voice carry though the wood, she opened the door. “Hello, Father.”

  King Granton glanced up from his table. Seeing both his daughters made him smile. His glance carried to Alayna’s worried face and had his left brow rising. “To what do I owe this visit?”

  Elizabeth nudged Alayna into one of the chairs and then took the one next to her. “Father, Alayna and I have an important matter to discuss with you.”

  “Is that so?” He smirked at his youngest daughter as she confidently spoke.

  “Yes. We fear the matter may be a delicate one, but we wish to speak with you all the same.”

  “Does this pertain to the current military strategies?” He glanced to Alayna. She shook her head.

  “Partially.” Elizabeth interrupted and corrected.

  “I see.” King Granton rubbed his chin and set his papers to the side. Clasping his hands in front of him, he waited. “Proceed.”

  Elizabeth looked to Alayna. Alayna sat quietly, her nerves betraying her and her silence deafening. Elizabeth cleared her throat, but her sister continued staring at their father’s hands.

  “Father,” Elizabeth began. “How have you been feeling lately?”


  “Yes, your health? How is your health?”

  “Oh, my dear Lizzy, you do not need to worry about me. I am fine.”

  “Are you sure?”

  The King’s face relaxed and he smiled. “Of course, dear.”

  “Well then I fear our conversation is for naught.” Elizabeth stated, slapping her hands on her thighs and then standing.

  The King leaned back in his chair in surprise at her abrupt dismissal. “Now wait a minute. What is this about?”

  Elizabeth turned back around and eased back in her chair. The King looked to Alayna and she nervously cast her eyes elsewhere. Elizabeth looked up at the ceiling and prayed her sister would muster the courage to speak to their Father.

  “Elizabeth?” Her father asked.

  Sighing, she folded her hands in her lap. “Okay, I’m just going to come right out with it then.”

  “That would be best.” King Granton stated on a chuckle.

  “Father, we were wondering if you had given any thought to a timeline for Alayna’s coronation.”

  Her father’s eyes briefly widened in surprise. Clearly not the topic he had been expecting. “Coronation?”

  “Yes, as Queen.” Elizabeth stated. “We fear the stress of the current conditions in the Realm and with the Un
fading Lands may be harming your health.”

  His gaze softened upon his daughters. “Ah. I see. You two are worried about me, is that it?”

  Alayna finally glanced up and nodded with her sister.

  “I assure you I am doing fine. Yes, these times are difficult and stressful, but my health remains intact.”

  “Father, be honest with us, please.” Elizabeth challenged. “We know you have struggled the last few weeks. I hate to admit it as much as you do.” Elizabeth heard her sister’s quick intake of breath at her words.

  King Granton listened patiently, his eyes steady.

  “It’s not that I wish you to not be king anymore, Father. I know the Realm loves you almost as much as we do. But perhaps you could step back and let Alayna take over the Realm, that way you can rest. You’ve spent over 40 years as king. I think you deserve some rest, especially with your health the way it is.” Elizabeth finished, her courage slightly fading as her father sat in silence.

  “Is this what you wish as well, Alayna?” He asked.

  Alayna nodded. “I only wish for what you want, Father, but I want you to know I am willing if need be.”

  “I see.” King Granton steepled his fingers in front of his lips and lightly tapped them against his chin. “Perhaps it is a fair matter to discuss.”

  Both sisters looked to one another in shock. “It is?” They both asked.

  He chuckled. “Yes, my princesses, it is. I have been thinking quite hard on the subject matter. In fact, I have discussed it quite openly with Mosiah.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “Really?”

  “Yes, Lizzy.”

  “Father, I want you to know that I will accept the position as Queen only when you are ready.” Alayna stated.

  He reached across the table and both girls offered a hand for him to hold. “You two are my life.” He smiled, his eyes becoming glassy. “I wish to remain in the Council of the throne once I step down. I will be a guide, Alayna.”

  “Of course. I would not make a decision without first discussing the matter with you.”


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