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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 10

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Good.” He squeezed her hand and then looked to Elizabeth. “And you Lizzy… what of you? What is it you wish during this transition?”

  Elizabeth took a deep breath. “I wish to be a part of the Council as well, Father, especially in regard to the guard.”

  His brow rose. “The guard? And what interest do you have in the guard, my dear?”

  Elizabeth squirmed. “I feel I could be quite an asset to military strategy.”

  He chuckled. “Lizzy, war is no place for a lady. Military strategy is best left to the Captain and the generals.”

  “With Alayna as Queen, war will become a place for a lady. She will be making decisions on behalf of the kingdom. If she can make military decisions, then certainly I can supply some insight.” Elizabeth stated forcefully, her passion and frustration surprising the king and her sister.

  King Granton leaned back in his chair. “Perhaps we will give it a try then.”

  A relieved smile washed over her face as she raced around the table and hugged her father. “Thank you, Father.”

  Patting her back he looked to Alayna. “I am glad you came and spoke with me. The Council and I will convene in two days’ time in the Council Room. I wish to start incorporating your inputs. Please be punctual.”

  “Yes, Father. Of course.”

  Elizabeth smiled and nodded.

  “Very well. The matter is settled.” King Granton stood from his chair and hugged each of his daughters closely. “Things within the Realm will be hard soon, I hope you girls know how much I love you and wish for things to be different.”

  “We do, Father.” Elizabeth assured him. “We do.”

  He released them and waved them on. “Now go, leave me to my work.”

  The sisters curtsied and then left their father’s chamber.


  Elizabeth wrote vigorously as she tried to recount the previous days’ activities for her brother. She tied her letter to Thatcher and nudged him across the boundary line. Edward scooped him up and tilted his head at his sister’s obvious excitement. He grinned as he opened the letter.

  Edward, you would not believe what happened yesterday! I enjoyed the most amazing day with Mary. Mary has never learned to dance, can you believe that? All the balls we have hosted at the castle, and she has never learned to dance. Naturally, I had to teach her. So there we were, in the garden, and I kept count, just as you taught me. I taught her a basic waltz. We were interrupted by Alayna, Prince Ryle, and Prince Clifton. Instead, of Alayna being upset, she allowed me to continue. However, I was interrupted by Prince Clifton. He requested to dance with Mary, like a true gentleman, bowing before us. I willingly obliged because I could see how excited Mary was at the prospect. I then began to hum the tune Mother used to sing to us, and not only did Prince Clifton dance with Mary, but Prince Ryle danced with Alayna. It was magical. Truly magical, Edward. Prince Isaac showed up and danced with me… Oh how I wish Prince Clifton had interrupted our dance to step in. His dance with Mary was much more important however, and I am glad he did not relinquish her as his partner.

  Also, discussions are under way for Alayna’s coronation. Yes, Father is open to the prospect. Alayna and I will join in on our first Council meeting tomorrow evening. I cannot wait. My opportunity, Edward! My opportunity to display my military skills. Yes, my lessons will remain secret, and yes, they must not know I know how to fight just yet, but to have input?! I am excited for the opportunity.

  How are things on your end, brother? I see you now wear the colors of the Unfading Lands. Should I be worried?

  Elizabeth watched her brother read and bounced in place with anticipation of his response. He finally looked up and grinned. She clasped her hands over her heart and twirled in a circle laughing. Edward began waltzing in place and they danced together. Separated by a thin veil, but they danced together. Elizabeth’s heart was full of joy as she watched her brother continue reading. His head then snapped up quickly. He glanced around and waved her away from the boundary line. Elizabeth ducked behind one of the trees near the river and watched as a guard in Southern Kingdom colors emerged from behind a Willow. Edward and the man exchanged words and Edward patted the man on his shoulder and sent him on his way. He waited a few beats and then waved her forward. She smiled as he fished in his pocket and retrieved a letter tied with a piece of rope that he had prewritten for their meeting. He slipped it on Thatcher and then waved to his sister. She blew him a kiss that he pretended to catch and held his fist next to his heart. He eased Thatcher across the boundary, mounted his horse and then was gone.

  Elizabeth slipped the letter from Thatcher’s neck and sat on the boulder near her arena. She glanced at the markings in the clay and noticed one of her markings had moved back to the side of the Lands. Strength was growing, she thought in dismay. She untied Edward’s letter and read eagerly.

  My Dearest Lizzy,

  So much has happened over here, I fear I cannot put it all into words. I’m sure you will have noticed my new tunic. I now wear the colors of The Unfading Lands because I am now officially Lancer’s Captain of the Guard. Please, do not be troubled by this news. We both knew it as a possibility. This can work in our favor, sister. I am not quite sure how just yet, but I am working on it. I have built a small band of Uniters amongst the ranks as well, but our meetings are in secret. My position is crucial for any future success of the Realm.

  I must maintain my position close to Lancer in order for the Realm to stand a chance, Lizzy. Lancer has every intention of swallowing up the Realm. He has me preparing an army for him, because he believes Father will send troops across the boundary out of desperation. Most of Lancer’s guards are now coming from the Southern Kingdom. I fear the Realm will have attacks coming from both the Lands and the South now. Please, be prepared and provide Mosiah with some insight. I know you can persuade him to listen. I have grown close to Lancer, or at least he takes me into his company quite often. Yet there is a portion of his life that remains private. There is a room inside his castle that no one enters but himself. I feel this must be where he seeks refuge to meditate on his strategies. I also believe there is something inside that room, something… powerful. I have yet to venture to it. However, I aim to discover its secrets.

  Cecilia has been working vigorously at gaining followers. She walks the boundary line every day to encounter new crossers before they have had time to acclimate to Lancer’s rule. We will defeat him Lizzy. We will.

  What are Father and the other kings doing to protect the Realm? I must admit I feel disheartened by what I have seen here. The Southern Kingdom’s rebellion against Father has caused me extreme worry. Are you continuing your lessons in my absence? I do hope so, sister. Though I wish for you to never have to raise a sword, I would feel much better knowing you could if the need arises.

  I will do my best to meet with you, but I fear my new schedule is tightly woven. I also find it hard to be alone these days. Fellow guards, Cecilia, or even Lancer tend to consume my time. I promise to continue with letters, Elizabeth, but my physical presence may be quite scarce in the next few weeks. Take care, Lizzy, and be watchful.

  Elizabeth folded the letter and tucked it into her saddle bag. She unsheathed her sword and turned towards her hanging targets. Edward wanted her to be ready, she would be ready. She heard a rustle within the trees and turned swiftly. Narrowing her gaze she surveyed the thicket for movement, but saw nothing. Watchful eyes were upon her, she could feel them. She tucked her sword away and climbed into her saddle. Clicking the reins, she sent Lenora into a fast gallop back to the castle. Something was stirring, she thought. A slow rain began to drip as she topped the horizon, the wind and rain pelting against her face as she drove Lenora faster. Her trousers drenched, she heaved a sigh of relief once inside the stables. She dismounted and snatched her skirt from her saddle bag and tied it around her waist. She then set about removing her saddle and brushing down Lenora’s wet coat.

  The rain sounded on the rooftops and E
lizabeth found her gaze drawn to the horizon and the tree line that shadowed the river and the boundary line. Who was out there? Lost in thought, she did not hear footsteps emerging from a stall two doors down.

  “Princess Elizabeth.”

  Elizabeth snatched her sword and whirled, pinning a wide eyed Prince Isaac with his back against the stall. He held his hands up in surrender as her blade pointed directly at his Adam’s apple. He swallowed deeply. She heaved a breath of relief and dropped her stance. “Prince Isaac, you scared me.”

  “I am sorry, Princess. If it is any consolation, you scared me too.” He tilted his head towards the sword still gripped in her fist.

  “Yes, well… it is best to always be on guard.”

  “Aye. I find it interesting you prefer to carry a sword instead of being accompanied by a guard.” Prince Isaac stated.

  “I like to be alone with my thoughts, and a guard would simply be in the way.” Elizabeth explained as she tucked her sword away.

  “You are an interesting woman, Princess.” Isaac grinned as he studied her wet hair and dry skirt. Curious, he thought.

  “I take that as a compliment, Prince Isaac.”

  He shrugged as if he did not quite care how she accepted the comment.

  “So, what brings you to the stables?”

  He rubbed a hand over a small smirk that had briefly travelled over his face. “I… I wished to check on my horse. He’s the scared sort when it comes to storms.”

  Elizabeth placed a hand over her heart in pity. “Poor thing. How sweet of you to check on him.”

  Isaac’s eyes gleamed with pleasure at her reaction. “Yes, well he is important to me.”

  Smiling, Elizabeth linked her arm through his. “Shall we make our way back to the castle? I fear the rains will only become worse and we do not want to be stranded out here in the stables.” She grimaced playfully as Isaac chuckled. “Indeed, milady. Lead the way.”

  He allowed Elizabeth to escort him through the stables. Turning before exiting, he shot a sharp eye to his stall where he housed his horse and saw the young maid run out. Smirking, he turned back to face the rain. Yes, the Princess had interrupted him and the maid, but the Princess did not hear or know of her interruption. He listened half-heartedly as Elizabeth carried on a conversation as they walked through the portico that led to the back of the castle. Perhaps the stables were a brazen choice for a rendezvous location, however the Eastern princes had discovered him in the stairwell. Perhaps he needed to venture to other areas of the castle and discover secret places. His chest warmed at the thought and also at the thought that Elizabeth actually thought he was extending a generous gesture to his horse. He did not care whether his horse slept in the rain much less in a stable listening to the rain. But if it pleased the Princess to think him sensitive to his creature’s needs, then so be it. After all, he had his kingdom to think of, and the Western Kingdom would be the aligning kingdom to the throne if he had a say in it.


  Elizabeth and Alayna stepped towards the looming doors of the Council Room and both took a deep breath. This was it, thought Elizabeth. Her chance to prove she could contribute to military strategy. A chance for Alayna to prove she was ready to be queen. Alayna gripped the brass handle and heaved the door open. As they stepped inside, all heads turned towards them.

  “Ah, and here they are now.” King Granton announced, waving his daughters into the room.

  Elizabeth’s gaze flashed from one man to the next. Mosiah, the Captain of the Guard, King Eamon, King Anthony, Prince Isaac, Prince Ryle and Prince Clifton. All glanced at the two princesses as if they had sprouted extra heads. She rolled back her shoulders and tilted her chin and proudly walked to the available seat between Prince Clifton and King Eamon. Alayna slipped into a chair next to Mosiah and Prince Anthony.

  “I have asked the two princesses to join us today because there are matters we need to discuss that involve them.”

  Prince Isaac straightened thinking that perhaps his courtship may be reinstated.

  “I have asked Princess Alayna to join in on the discussions because, as future queen, her opinions and decisions will be guiding the Realm in the near future. It is her authority to make the final decision on all matters brought to the Council.” King Granton glanced around the room at the surprised faces of the men, but none vocalized their thoughts.

  “I asked Princess Elizabeth to come today, because my daughter wishes to be amongst the Council for strategic military planning with the guard.”

  Prince Isaac scoffed loudly, causing all to glance his direction.

  “Isaac…” His father warned softly.

  “Forgive me, my King.” Isaac smirked at King Granton. “But a woman? Aiding the guard?”

  “Yes.” King Granton and Elizabeth stated at the same time. Elizabeth shot her father a fierce gaze and then turned her attention towards Prince Isaac. “Is it so hard to believe, Prince Isaac, that a woman may have a level head for such matters?”

  “A level head?” Prince Isaac repeated. “Forgive me, my Princess, but it takes more than a level head to enforce the guard.”

  “I do not wish to enforce anything.” Elizabeth challenged bravely. “I wish to supply insight. I am quite confident in my abilities. I know more about military strategy than you know.”

  “I find that hard to believe.” Prince Isaac baited, leaning across the table and winking at her.

  Elizabeth’s cheeks flushed with fury as she leaned forward as well. “I held you at the tip of my sword, did I not?” Her eyes narrowed as everyone else’s in the room widened at that announcement.

  Clifton wondered why the Princess had pulled a sword on Prince Isaac. By the look in the other prince’s eyes, the current announcement had infuriated him. Elizabeth leaned back in her seat with a triumphant smugness set in her jaw and a nod towards her father’s direction for him to continue. King Granton cleared his throat. “Alright, if there is no other debate, shall we continue?” His crystal eyes scanned the room, and no one objected. “Very well. Mosiah, please tell us the latest from the guards.”

  Mosiah sat straight in his chair and spread out the maps on the table. “My Lords… and ladies,” he added, “I spread before you the current lands of the Realm. This line here marking the boundary of the Unfading Lands.” He waved a finger over a thin red line. “Since Prince Clifton’s encounter with Prince Samuel of the Southern Kingdom and the announcement of the South’s potential threat, we have moved the guards from the Northern boundary lines down to the South. We also began placing guards along the Eastern and Western borders as well. Since the arrival of our guards, the Southern Kingdom has retreated within their city gates. We have extended friendship to the king, but no word has been returned, and neither has our guard. We suspect he has been imprisoned.”

  “Imprisoned?” Elizabeth questioned with shock.

  All the men glanced at her. “And what are we doing to get him back?” She asked.

  “Nothing as of right now, milady.” Mosiah continued and turned back to the king.

  “And why not?” Elizabeth asked, causing Isaac to roll his eyes and for Mosiah to turn towards her again in surprise for her questioning.

  “We feel the matter to be an unstable one, Princess. We do not want to risk advancing on the kingdom for one guard. It may spur a series of conflicts resulting in the loss of more guards.” Mosiah patiently awaited her response.

  “So we leave him at the mercy of our enemies?” Elizabeth’s brow furrowed. “This is unacceptable. Father, please say you have a solution.”

  King Granton held up his hand. “Elizabeth, please let Mosiah continue and then we will discuss the details.”

  Elizabeth nodded and sat back in her chair. She felt a light squeeze of her left hand underneath the table. She slightly jumped in her seat until she realized it was Prince Clifton giving her a reassuring squeeze. She turned towards him and smiled graciously. He removed his hand and she immediately missed his strength.

  “It is hard for us to determine the amount of guards the Southern Kingdom has behind closed gates.” Mosiah continued. “If we could somehow get a man inside, or perhaps appeal to Prince Samuel for more information, we may have a better idea of the threat we are facing.”

  “Why not send Princess Elizabeth?” Isaac invited the notion sarcastically. “She is eagerly anticipating action.”

  Clifton stiffened in his seat and began to rise before Elizabeth laid a hand on his arm. “The Princess will not be taken to the Southern Kingdom.” Clifton growled.

  “Think of it.” Isaac stated. “It’s what Prince Eric wants, right? He wants Elizabeth.”

  “What?” Elizabeth asked in confusion. “When did this come about?” She turned anxiously to her father, who continued watching Isaac.

  “Let’s just say we offer her up as an… option.” Isaac raised his hands in an innocent gesture. “If Prince Eric wants her as badly as Prince Samuel says he does, he’ll take the bait. Then we will have someone on the inside to feed us the information we need.”

  “At what cost?” Alayna interrupted. “At the risk of my sister marrying a prince set upon ruining her kingdom? This solution is preposterous. Please continue Mosiah.” Alayna caught the grateful gaze of Elizabeth before turning back towards the Captain.

  “Yes, as I was saying, we must find a way to gain more insight into the Southern Kingdom and their relations with the Unfading Lands.” Mosiah explained.

  “I can do it.” Clifton stated.

  Elizabeth turned to him in surprise and lightly placed a hand on his arm. He gently placed his hand atop hers and continued, “We know Prince Samuel has been sent to spy on the Northern Kingdom, and from what he told me, it was not the first time. He will be back. I know where he will go. I will wait for him and then propose the idea of him feeding me knowledge.”

  “How do you know where he will be?” Elizabeth asked, her blue eyes shining.

  “The same place he always goes.” Clifton replied vaguely and turned towards her father. “Look, I know I can persuade Samuel. Give me a few days. If I do not encounter him or he fails to agree, we can try a different route.”


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