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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 17

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Yes, my Lord. I thank you for your faith in me.”

  Smiling, Lancer nodded. “Of course. Now go, see to that hand.” He waved Edward out of his chambers and shut the door.

  Edward rushed to the stables and mounted Triton. He had much to write to Elizabeth. He still had not made sense of what he had just encountered, but his eyes had never seen anything so bewitching or evil. The Realm was up against more than just a man now. Darkness, all-consuming darkness wished to infiltrate the Realm, and Edward prayed he could stop it.

  Edward slipped the letter from Thatcher’s neck as Elizabeth swung her sword against her targets. Mary sat on a rock and watched as Elizabeth ducked and rotated to attack another one. He eased onto a stump and read:


  I am sorry for the slight delay in my writing to you. It has been quite eventful around here as of late. I trust you are doing well and that Cecilia is as well. I wish to write to you inquiries of happy matters, but we both know the time has passed for such things. I need news of Lancer, brother. The Council meets tomorrow evening, and Prince Clifton and I will be sharing our communication with you and the grave news of Lancer you just shared. Father will be finding out about our meetings the last five years. I suspect he will be quite angry with me at first… but we both know he will forgive in time. However, I wish to supply the Council with much needed assurance from your end. How many troops do you now have fighting alongside you? Have you found out how Lancer can cross? What are his plans? Does he plan an attack?

  As you can see, I have many questions. Pray, please answer them if you can.

  I must also tell you of other news. Alayna has approached me about a courtship with Prince Clifton. I will be accepting his proposal should it arise. I will find out in a day or two. I will let you know of the decision. I feel this will be a wonderful union for the Realm as well as for me. I do care for him, Edward. He is an honest and kind man. His heart is pure, and he serves the Realm with all he has. I must say he takes after his father, a man I have also come to greatly admire.

  We have strength in bonds on this side of the line, I hope you do as well. Tread carefully on the other side, brother. I feel a heaviness to the air. Something is brewing beneath the senses and we shall all find out soon enough what it is.

  Edward lifted his gaze to find his sister standing exhausted from her efforts and taking a sip of water from the leather pouch Mary supplied. He grabbed his parchment and began to reply to her letter. He filled her in on his experience in Lancer’s reflection chamber and his theory of the darkness being the reason Lancer was able to cross the boundary line. Edward ran a hand through his dark hair as he sat pondering how best to convey his fears. As prepared as his army may be, it could not withstand what he just witnessed. Lancer seemed invincible now. Edward penned his letter and placed it upon Thatcher and sent the rabbit across the line. Elizabeth swooped over and untied it, tucking it into her trouser pocket. Edward blew her a kiss and disappeared within the trees.

  Elizabeth looked to Mary. “He looked worried, Mary.”

  “I supposed he did.” Mary agreed.

  “Do you think he is okay?”

  Mary smiled at the princess. “Of course, he is, milady. He wrote you a long note did he not? I am sure he just has much on his mind like you do.”

  Sighing in resignation, Elizabeth agreed. “I suppose you’re right. We best make it back to the castle Mary. I need to prepare for the Council meeting tomorrow.”

  “Yes, milady.”

  Elizabeth and Mary rode through the trees, their horses appearing just on the edge of the horizon. Prince Isaac squinted to make out the two figures and a small smirk tilted his lips when he noticed the princess. He trotted forward at a lazy pace until he neared the female riders. “Out for a ride today, Princess Elizabeth?”

  Elizabeth forced a smile. “Yes, my Lord. It was a glorious day for it.”

  “Did your father not warn you of riding alone when your safety is at risk?”

  She glowered, making his smile widen. One thing the princess did have that he respected was her gumption.

  “Forgive me, Prince Isaac, but when did you last become my guardian?”

  “Oh, it comes from the goodness of my heart, milady. I do not wish to see you harmed.”

  She scoffed in disbelief as her horse fell into step beside his.

  “Does Prince Clifton know your whereabouts?”

  Elizabeth turned to him sharply. “Why would he need to know?”

  Isaac shrugged as he threaded his reins through his fingers. “He seems quite interested in all things related to you.” Isaac stated bluntly. He caught the slight blush to the princess’s cheeks and chuckled. “Ah. I see that pleases you.”

  “I did not say anything.”

  “You didn’t have to.” Isaac stated with a warm tone to his voice. “As much as I would like to admit my dislike for the prince, I must say he is an honorable man, and a lucky man, should he win your heart.”

  Surprise lit Elizabeth’s blue eyes. “I am surprised to hear you say such words, Prince Isaac.”

  He laughed. “Honestly, so am I.” He admitted with a small blush to his neck. He cleared his throat. “Moving on.” He continued. “I know your father wishes to keep a watchful eye on you, Princess. We all feel the pressure of the South and the Lands.”

  “I appreciate your concern.” She took a deep breath and surveyed the castle before them. Her father’s castle. The place she was born and the place she had lived her entire life. Once married, it would no longer be her home. A sadness filled her heart to think of leaving her father while his health continued to fail.

  “It’s a lovely view, is it not?” Isaac asked as he studied the castle as well. “Reminds me of the Eastern Kingdom a bit with the portico and arches.” He pointed as if to show her what he spotted.

  “You’ve been to the Eastern Kingdom?” Elizabeth asked curiously.

  “Yes, when I was a boy. I remember it vividly though. The queen was beautiful. I remember her smile most of all. She had bright green eyes and hair the color of a raven. She doted upon me greatly during my visit.”

  “King Eamon spoke highly of her at breakfast the other day. Seems he cherished his wife dearly.” Elizabeth added. She studied the prince closely as a softness held in his gaze at his recollection. She had never seen this side of Prince Isaac, and though she felt camaraderie within the moment, an underlying sense of distrust still tainted her thoughts.

  “Yes, he did. I remember the day we were to leave, the queen was saddened by our departure, and King Eamon simply plucked a yellow rose and handed it to her.” He chuckled at the memory. “At the time I thought that must be the way to a girl’s heart, a flower.” He turned and winked at Elizabeth making her laugh in return. “I’m sure there was a hidden meaning in the exchange that my young eyes did not know, but I took what I saw and used the method several times to impress the women of the court in my youth.”

  “I see. And did you have any luck using King Eamon’s method?”

  “Not at all.” He replied, and they both laughed. “I quickly found out it takes much more than a flower.”

  “Indeed.” Elizabeth agreed amicably.

  They reached the stables and she dismounted, quickly tying her skirt around her waist to cover her trousers. Isaac’s brow rose, but he did not inquire after her attire. Instead, he waved his hand outward towards the path traipsing to the castle. Elizabeth fell into step beside him and for the first time, enjoyed his company.


  “There you are Granton, nice and easy my friend.” King Eamon eased the king onto the edge of his bed and gently grabbed his ankles and helped Granton swing his feet onto the bed. Anthony and Mosiah stood to the side with somber faces as Eamon situated the pillows and propped Granton up. Granton coughed vigorously, the quakes sending his frail frame into a fit of shakes. Tomas rushed into the room followed by two maids as he quickly took over caring for the king. Granton’s coughs ceased and he looked f
rom one face to another. “Don’t look at me like that.” He grumbled as he leaned his head back in exhaustion.

  “You aren’t doing well, Granton.” King Eamon stated kindly. “We hate to see you like this.”

  Granton sighed as he looked to his closest friends and allies. “I do not like being like this, either. However, the truth is, my time is limited. I do not wish my daughters to see me like this. Please make sure they stay away from my chambers today, Tomas.” His faithful servant nodded as he forced a sip of cider down his throat.

  “Granton,” King Anthony began, unsure of what to say, shifted on his feet. “Have you spoken to Alayna about the status of your… condition?”

  “No.” Granton coughed into his fist a couple of times, Eamon stepping forward and lightly fluffing his pillows behind him as he did. “Alayna is aware I wish to pass off some of my duties to her, but she does not know the gravity of my health.”

  “Should this be kept secret?” Anthony continued with concern.

  “I do not wish to overwhelm her with responsibility. If Alayna knew the true condition of my health, she would throw every ounce of her being into becoming queen. I want her to enjoy what little time she has left in her role as Princess. Ruling is a great responsibility, a heavy one. I do not wish that upon her shoulders as of yet. I do not want to hand over the Realm when our lands are being threatened.”

  “You may have no choice.” Mosiah stated. “I apologize, my Lord, for speaking so plainly, but Princess Alayna must be aware that she will be making decisions on her own soon.”

  “And what of Elizabeth?” King Eamon asked. “Does she know your condition?”

  Granton shook his head. “No, but she suspects. Elizabeth is an observant one. She senses I am not being truthful when she asks me of my health. I know she realizes I am slowly fading.”

  “Is there nothing that can be done?” Eamon asked. “Perhaps if we sent for my healer in the East. He is well known for his miracles from his former realm.”

  Granton held up his hand. “No, Eamon. Thank you, but no. There is nothing that can be done.”

  A light knock sounded on the door and all the men turned as Elizabeth poked her head into the room. Her brow immediately furrowed and she rushed inside to her father’s bedside. “Father! Are you alright? What has happened?”

  Granton forced a smile and eased into a sitting position. “Lizzy dear, nothing to be worried about, my love. I was napping for a bit and my fellow kings needed me.”

  Elizabeth’s gaze narrowed as she studied her father and then looked at the sober faces of the other kings. When she caught King Eamon’s gaze, she knew her father was lying. The kind king of the East cast her a sympathetic gaze before glancing back to her father.

  “I will pretend to believe you.” She stated firmly and sat by his side. “Is there anything I can get for you?”

  “No, my dear. Tomas has me well looked after. Are you wandering about by yourself? I assumed Prince Clifton would be by your side this afternoon.”

  Elizabeth’s cheeks flushed before she could muster her annoyance. “Father, I am perfectly capable of finding my way around my own castle.”

  He chuckled but began a fit of coughing once again. Tomas gently shifted Elizabeth away from the bedside as he tended to her father. She felt a strong arm drape over her shoulders and turned to find King Eamon’s worried gaze. “Why don’t you come with me, dear?” He caught Granton’s grateful nod before he turned and escorted Elizabeth out of the room.

  “He is not doing well.” Elizabeth stated as soon as they exited.

  “No, my dear, I am afraid he is not.” Elizabeth turned in surprise at the king’s honesty. “I fear, Princess Elizabeth, that your father will not be with us much longer. I do not mean to sound morbid, it’s just—” King Eamon looked away and out the window as his mind wandered elsewhere. “I’ve seen this illness before.” He finished softly. His eyes took on a sadness and Elizabeth realized the Eastern King had lost his queen to what ailed her father. She lightly hugged him around the waist and brought his sad smile back towards her. He lightly kissed the top of her head. “But enough sadness for today. Your father is a strong man and will fight for as long as he is able. You mustn’t worry too much, Princess.”

  “How can I not worry, my Lord? My sister and I spoke with my father but a few days ago about his condition and he attempted to convince us he was fine. I knew he was not, but Alayna still imagines him guiding her when she is queen. Should he not step down now? Should Alayna not be crowned now? That way she has some comfort with the position before events in the Realm grow harder?”

  “You are a wise woman, Princess.” Eamon complimented. “I must admit I agree with you. I feel it wise for your father to step down, but Granton is…”

  “Stubborn.” They both stated at the same time. Smiling softly, Eamon squeezed her hand. “I will talk to him, dear. In the meantime, perhaps you can track down my sons for me?”

  Elizabeth nodded but her expression remained worried.

  King Eamon studied the young woman for a moment. Sensing her hesitancy, he shifted his stance and crossed his arms. “Was there anything else, Princess?”

  Elizabeth’s sad blue eyes looked up at him. “Now would not be the time for me to address it, my Lord.”

  “But I see something is weighing heavily on your mind.” He pointed out gently.

  Sighing, Elizabeth stepped towards the railing of the balcony that overlooked the main hall. She spotted Alayna ordering an attendant around and smiled softly. Her sister was always bossy, she thought. She spotted Prince Clifton and Prince Ryle seated in the conservatory studying charts and maps of the Realm no doubt. King Eamon clasped the railing next to her and waited patiently for her to speak.

  “Alayna approached me about a courtship with your son, my Lord.”

  “Yes, I knew she would.” He studied her delicate features and the softening in her gaze as she stared in the direction of his son. “Was the matter settled?”

  “I am not sure. At the time she and I spoke, Prince Clifton had yet to be asked as well. I wished not to agree until I knew the true conditions of his heart.”

  “Ah, I see. Would it ease your mind to know he has already spoken with your father on the matter?”

  Elizabeth turned in surprise, her dark brows rising. “He has?”

  “Yes, my dear. He spoke with Granton and me this afternoon.”

  “And?” Elizabeth’s breath caught on the word as hope lit her gaze, and a flutter in her chest tightened in anticipation of the king’s response.

  “Well, he wishes to court you, should you accept.” Eamon explained.

  “I see.” Elizabeth tried to sound calm, though her insides erupted into joy.

  “Does that suit you, Elizabeth?”

  Elizabeth turned and faced the king and placed her hand on her hip. She tilted her head and studied him, her gaze narrowing and chin slightly jutting out in stubbornness. Granton’s daughter, indeed, King Eamon thought.

  “I have conditions, my Lord.”

  His brows slightly rose. He waved his hand for her to continue.

  “First, I do not wish to leave my father until his condition either improves or… well, you know. Second, I wish not to leave until I am sure Alayna is well looked after. I do not wish to leave her alone here, my Lord. She must not be expected to face her new destiny alone. And third, I wish to continue to be a part of the Council of the Realm, though my title will be changing from Princess of the North to that of the East.”

  A slow smile graced the king’s face. “I find those conditions quite agreeable, Princess.”

  “Then I accept. The courtship proposal, that is.”

  “Splendid.” King Eamon opened his arms for a hug that Elizabeth sweetly accepted. She could not ask for a better marriage. “I shall inform your father and my son, Princess. Both will be extremely pleased. In fact, I believe Cliff may seek you out once he hears the wonderful news.”

  Elizabeth smiled as she g
azed back down towards the two Eastern princes. “He is a good man, my Lord. I count myself very fortunate to be his betrothed.”

  King Eamon beamed. “It is we who are blessed to have you join our family, Elizabeth. Truly.” He bowed and then left her to her thoughts. She leaned her chin in her hands as she rested her elbow on the banister. Princess Elizabeth of the Eastern Kingdom. It would take some getting used to, but she found she liked the sound of it. As if sensing her gaze, Clifton glanced up and spotted her. She saw the flash of his teeth as he smiled up at her. He gave a small wave as if unsure if she were still aggravated with him. She waved in return and then slid from the banister and headed towards her chambers. She needed to prepare her notes for the Council meeting tomorrow night, and she needed to prepare her heart for the courtship acceptance that would be announced tomorrow afternoon to the kingdom as well. She took a shaky breath of uncertainty as she walked past her father’s chambers. Tears stung the back of her eyes as she thought of how frail he looked earlier. Shaking away the thought, she turned down the side hallway towards her personal quarters and sought out the comfort of her bed when she entered.


  “We will need music,” Alayna stated excitedly. “And dancing. Ah! The grand banquet hall will be perfect!” Her sister wrote down a note on her parchment. “And yes, of course, we will have the tailors begin work on your dress. It shall be the beautiful blue of the Eastern Kingdom. You will look stunning. And then—”

  “Can we please slow down a minute?” Elizabeth waved her hands to stop her sister’s planning. “Allow me to catch my breath, sister. I just accepted the request. Don’t you think it is a bit quick to be planning my wedding ball?”

  “Not at all. You said it yourself. You will be married by month’s end. There is much to be done before then.” Alayna pointed out.

  “Yes, you are right.” Elizabeth challenged. “Things like battling the Unfading Lands and securing the boundaries of the South.”

  Alayna huffed in frustration. “Elizabeth, we are handling those things.”


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