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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 18

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Not quick enough.”

  “Well, what do you suggest then? We have the Council Meeting tomorrow. Do you wish for it to be tonight?”

  Elizabeth glanced out the window at the bustling castle grounds. The market square was teaming with carts and trade. She smiled as she caught sight of a small boy shooting a little girl with a rock out of his slingshot. Youthful innocence, she thought. No worries of the world around them. Just a world of fun and freedom.

  “Elizabeth?” Alayna’s voice interrupted her train of thought and brought her back to their discussion. “I just feel that my marriage can wait when there are bigger issues to deal with at the moment.”

  “True.” Alayna stated. “But I think what this Realm needs is a bit of good news. Everything has been so dark and foreboding lately, it will be nice to celebrate something. I think the people will be excited of the union.”

  “I hope the Eastern Kingdom people are equally as excited.” Elizabeth worried.

  “How could they not be? There is no greater honor than to marry a Princess of the North.” Brushing a hand over the pleats in her skirt, Alayna resituated her bustle in her chair.

  “When do we make the announcement?” Elizabeth stated.

  “At high noon, in the market square. You and Prince Clifton will stand on either side of Father as he presents the engagement to the people. Which reminds me, Mary should be dressing you in your dress robes.” Alayna clucked over to the doorway and called for Mary. Elizabeth tensed at the loud call, and Mary rushed into the room.

  “Yes, milady?”

  “Mary, we need to dress Elizabeth in her dress robes for the noon announcement of her betrothal. Please see that she is punctual.”

  “Yes, milady.”

  Alayna stood and smiled at her sister. “I am excited for you, Elizabeth. Prince Clifton is a most suitable partner for you.” Elizabeth smiled softly, her usual spark not quite reaching her eyes as she worried over future events that lurked on the horizon.

  Alayna slipped out the door of Elizabeth’s chambers and made her way towards the Council room for her meeting with her Father. Glancing up from her parchments she spotted Prince Ryle making his way to the room as well. He stopped and flashed a charming smile. “Princess Alayna, good to see you.”

  “And you, Prince Ryle. You wish to council with the king?” She asked, pointing at the doors they both wished to enter.

  “Actually, I was wishing to council with the Queen.”

  Alayna straightened, and her eyes sparkled with pleasure at his consideration.

  “Shall we?” She motioned for him to open the door.

  Stepping into the dark room, King Granton sat in the chair Alayna normally occupied. She froze for a brief second before raising her chin and walking purposefully around the room to the head of the table. She stopped briefly by the window and pulled back the heavy velvet drapes in one large swoosh, flooding the room in bright sunlight. Several of the men squinted against the bright assault before adjusting to the change. Alayna sat and crossed her hands upon the tabletop.

  “Morning, Father.”

  “Good morning dear. I trust things are in order for the announcement?”

  “Yes. I have Mary dressing Elizabeth now. Prince Ryle, is your brother ready?”

  “He will be, your Grace. I believe Cliff is as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs at the moment.”

  King Granton burst into a bellow of laughter causing Ryle and Alayna to do the same.

  “The poor boy.” Granton stated. “I remember those feelings. Nerves, excitement, and complete and total loss of my head. Love does funny things to us.”

  “Indeed.” Ryle agreed with a smile.

  “Are you up for making the announcement, Father?” Alayna asked, a slight discomfort filling the air.

  “Yes. I would like to make the announcement very much.”

  Alayna nodded. “Very well then. I have requested Elizabeth and Clifton to be at the front entrance at a few minutes before high noon. We will make the announcement on the front parapet overlooking the market square.”

  “Sounds lovely, dear.” Granton complimented. “I trust plans for the wedding have commenced.”

  “Yes, well, what little I can get Elizabeth to agree upon. Her mind is elsewhere at the moment.” Granton’s smile slightly faltered, knowing his health, among other things, weighed heavily upon his youngest daughter. Ryle studied him carefully and he realized the young prince read through his thoughts easily, much like his father, Granton thought. “I am sure she is just slightly overwhelmed with all the happenings.” Granton assured Alayna.

  Nodding, Alayna turned to Prince Ryle. “That is all of my news, but Prince Ryle had wished to speak to me as well. What is it you wish to discuss, Prince?”

  Ryle straightened in his chair and he looked from one royal face to the other. “I wish to speak on a more somber matter, unfortunately. My king…” He looked to Granton with humility. “Mosiah and I have been in great discussions as of late over the upcoming battles against the Lands and possibly the South. I— he— we were discussing the possibility of a change in ranks soon, amongst the Realm’s Royal Guard.”

  “A change?” King Granton studied the man carefully. Alayna leaned forward intently as she listened to the prince.

  “Yes, my Lord. It is my wish to serve as Captain of the Royal Guard, your Grace.”

  Alayna’s eyes widened, and she leaned back in her chair just as her father did with the shock of Prince Ryle’s announcement.

  “Have you voiced this desire to anyone else?” Granton asked.

  “No, my King. I fear my request may ripple into an argument amongst my father and myself. I have not discussed my wishes with him as of yet. I wanted to gauge the possibility of the change before making my wishes known to him.”

  “This is a serious matter indeed, Prince Ryle. You realize that by taking the position of Captain of the Guard of the Realm that you relinquish your rights to the throne of the East?” Granton pointed out.

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  “You do not have a desire to be king?” Alayna questioned.

  Ryle’s gaze found hers and he shook his head. “If that is to be my role, I will accept it and serve wholeheartedly. However, my true desire has and always will be to serve the crown of the Realm.” His eyes narrowed as if he were trying to send a silent signal to Alayna. Granton caught the undertones of the prince’s heart towards his daughter and cleared his throat.

  “You wish to serve the Realm’s crown of authority by giving away your rights to your father’s throne, by laying your life at the hands of the Realm?” Granton stressed the importance of the prince’s request. Prince Ryle nodded.

  “It is a decision I have been quite patiently pursuing. My feelings have only been confirmed since coming to the Northern Kingdom, my Lord. I have always wanted to obtain a military status of Captain, but my role as successor to the throne has always prevented such a move. With the threat of the Land of Unfading Beauty and quite possibly Prince Eric of the South, I feel my role as a military man far surpasses that of my role as future king.”

  “You would give up your kingdom for—” Alayna trailed off as she realized Prince Ryle would replace Mosiah and would be her personal guard and most trusted aid to her throne. The thought had her heart betraying her. She fixed a calm expression upon her beautiful features though her pulse raced beneath her wrists.

  “I would not be giving it up, my Lady. My brother, Prince Clifton, would easily slip into the role as future king. With Princess Elizabeth as his queen, I know the East will remain in good hands and I can serve here. Mosiah has spoken of his stepping down once the throne is bestowed upon Princess Alayna, my Lord. He has served you faithfully for many years, I wish to do the same for the future queen.” Ryle shifted in his seat, his long legs stretching out briefly to ease the tension in his knees. He turned towards the king. “Is this a possible move, my Lord? Or should I consider the matter closed?”

Granton rubbed a hand over his beard as he studied Ryle. He would be a gifted and protective Captain for his daughter, but he hated the thought of the young man relinquishing his rights of kingship, even if they would pass to his brother. And Eamon. Eamon had trained the boy from infancy to take his role as king. How would his good friend take the news?

  “I think it is a matter worth further discussion.” Granton stated.

  Alayna’s brown gaze grew hard. “Father!” She gasped. “You cannot be serious?” She turned towards Ryle and held a hand up to prevent any interruption. “Forgive me, Prince Ryle. Though I am grateful for your servant’s heart, I do not see the forfeiture of your kingship a wise decision. We will need strong allies in the East. And though your brother, Prince Clifton, is more than suitable for the position, I do not wish for us to make such a change in haste.”

  “I understand, my Lady.” Ryle stated calmly.

  “We will consider his request, Alayna.” Granton stated firmly, causing Alayna’s gaze to snap towards him. “I will speak with Mosiah of his wishes and his thoughts, Prince Ryle. We are both pleased and honored you wish to serve the Realm so faithfully.”

  Ryle bowed his head humbly and then his sharp blue gaze found Alayna. She sat dumbfounded, her mouth slightly ajar as if she were shocked out of her senses. She nodded as if she did not trust her words.

  Ryle stood. “I thank you for the audience, your Graces.” He bowed regally and turned to exit. When he reached the door, he turned to find Alayna still studying him. He bowed once more and left.

  “A most interesting request.” Granton softly eyed his daughter.

  “An absurd request.” She replied. “King Eamon would be devastated, Father.”

  “I am not sure about that. I think the fact the kingdom would continue to pass to a son would be a comfort for Eamon. Has he expected it to pass to Ryle? Yes. But I do not find the passage to Clifton a bad alternative.”

  “But… it just seems unheard of, Father. Has this ever happened?”

  “No. But the man wishes to serve you Alayna. I have watched him the last few weeks and he is protective of you and your sister. He would be a fine Captain.”

  “But…” Alayna trailed off, no more arguments found her lips as she studied the doorway. “I just am not sure what to say.”

  “Be grateful you have a faithful servant, my dear. His loyalty and service will be of great importance soon. It eases my mind that whether he takes his reign as king or whether he becomes our Captain, he will serve the Realm faithfully.”

  “Yes, he is most admirable.” Alayna agreed. She shifted the parchments of Elizabeth’s wedding plans aside and stood. “Well, it is almost time for the announcement, Father. I will see you at the front entrance shortly. I need to grab my formal robes.”

  “Yes, dear.” Granton watched her gracefully leave. He would speak to Eamon about Ryle’s request. As a father, and a king, he approved of the prince for the position. He knew Mosiah had discussed stepping down when Alayna was crowned. It was only a matter of time for guards to step forward to nominate themselves for the position of Captain. But to have a Prince claim the position, a prince he knew had the best training and skills, yes, Ryle would be a perfect choice. And Granton thought, Ryle cared for Alayna. He sensed the boy’s attraction to his daughter, but the formality of his position and her future one as queen prevented him from pursuing her. As king of the East he would not be able to marry Alayna. As Captain of the Guard, there could be a possibility. He shook his head and chuckled. Brushing a hand over his smile his eyes clouded as he thought of having to leave his daughters behind. Death was a part of life, he thought. There was no fear in the inevitable, but he prayed he had a chance to see his daughters cared for before he departed this world. As this thought surfaced, he stood to make his way to the front entrance. If he knew one thing about his daughter, it was that Alayna despised a hitch in her schedule. He best be on time.


  “Your ambitions are far too great, son. Our numbers have greatly decreased due to your advanced lessons. We do not have the numbers to take on the North.” King Titus watched the blood rush to his eldest son’s face as he stripped off his cape and tossed it onto one of the straight-backed chairs.

  “You underestimate our strength, Father.” Prince Eric countered. “The North is weak. King Granton is ill and his failing health has weakened his influence. His Royal Guard is weak. The Captain of the Royal Guard is past his prime and believes their armies invincible. They are wrong. And so are you. We can take the North, the throne of the Realm. Father, this is what we have wanted!” Eric stepped forward, his hands outstretched in front of him as he pleaded for his father’s blessing.

  “It is not I who wishes to overcome the throne of the Realm, son. I wish to be a vessel for Lancer to do that, so that when the Unfading Lands take over the Realm, he will remember our service and perhaps let us remain as we are.” King Titus watched as his son paced back and forth, his boots clicking on the marble floor and echoing through the great hall.

  Samuel leaned his head around one of the marble pillars and listened. He watched as his brother’s anger bloomed inside of him and his father studied him. Dark eyes found Samuel and he ducked behind the pillar. When he peaked around again, his father continued to stare at him. A small smile tilted the corners of his lips at the sight of his youngest son.

  “I think you are outdated in your thinking, Father.” Eric continued. “Lancer only understands power. If we show him our force, our strength, by overtaking the other kingdoms, then he will allow us to share his power within the Lands.”

  “And what of the other kingdoms? The East and West? How do you suppose we overcome them?” Titus asked patiently.

  Samuel strained to hear his brother’s words. He had to know his brother’s plans in order to report back to Prince Clifton.

  “We storm their villages. Both kingdoms’ rulers are currently residing in the North. They are distracted. I have had Samuel studying their actions.”

  “The Eastern and Western Kingdoms are stronger than you think, son.”

  “No. They are preoccupied at the moment. King Granton has moved his Royal Guards to the boundary line. The West has supplied some additional forces to aid the East against our small attacks, but they have no idea the forces we possess. If we pushed a quarter of our forces into the East, the North will send their troops to aide in the fight. That leaves the North wide open, Father.” Eric ran a hand through his dark hair and sighed. “It will work, Father.”

  Samuel watched as his father shook his head. “No, I do not grant permission for these advances. I order that we stand down. No more attacks on the other kingdoms, Eric. Time will come when Lancer will make his move, and when he does we will aide him.”

  Eric stared at his father in disgust. “You are weak, Father, and a fool!” He barked.

  King Titus stood quickly to his feet, his large frame, once intimidating to his son, now seemed old and wasted. “You dare insult your king?!” His face flushed, and his breaths deepened as he stepped towards Eric. “I have ordered your submission to my request! If you so much as breathe in the direction of one of the other kingdoms I will restrict you to the castle grounds!” Titus waved his hand in the air flourishing his last threat. Samuel’s eyes widened at the sight of his father’s anger and the defiant attitude of his brother. Did his brother not see the importance of the Realm staying united and strong? The only chance for defeat against Lancer would be to remain united. Talk of uniting with the Lands or talk of demolishing the other kingdoms were both future failures. His father and brother were both wrong. His eyes darted across the room to the door that led to the prison chambers. The Northern Guard was still down there. Samuel had snuck in the room yesterday to talk with him and give him hope. The man was kind and appreciative. Everyone he had met from the other kingdoms was kind, he thought. He heard a loud crash and saw his father leaning heavily on the tabletop as the pewter dishes crashed to the floor. Samuel narrowed his eyes
and watched closely. King Titus pulled his hand away from his side and glanced at it in horror. Blood stained his hand and dripped down his wrist as he gazed at his eldest son in terror. Prince Eric stood over his father’s hunched figure gripping a bloodied dagger in his hand. He lunged forward again, stabbing King Titus in the stomach. Samuel rushed into the room towards his father. Prince Eric turned in surprise and pierced a stern gaze upon Samuel. Samuel gripped his father’s shoulders and tried to pull him up off the table for escape.

  “Choose wisely, Samuel.” Eric stated in a dark tone. He watched callously as his father’s breath became ragged and Samuel struggled to carry the weight of his father.

  “Help! Help! Somebody help!” Samuel screamed, his eyes watering as his father’s footsteps became sluggish. He spotted two attendants rushing down the hall as he eased his father into the great chair at the front of the room. He knelt beside him, his hand providing pressure to his wound. Titus grabbed Samuel’s hand and squeezed. “Run.” He whispered on a breath as the dagger flew across the room and landed in his heart. Eric stood tall and unsheathed his sword as the servants rushed towards his father’s side. He sliced his blade through the air sending them both to the ground. Samuel jumped to his feet as his brother’s gaze fell upon him. “You have made your choice, brother? You wish to follow in the steps of our cowardly father? Or do you wish to join me?”

  “I will never be like you.” Samuel stood firm, fists clenched as he watched his brother’s ambition blind him with a darkness that Samuel feared would take his life. His father drew a loud and shuddered breath. Eric’s eyes glowered at the older man and he swung his blade in a swoosh over his head to drive it into his father. Samuel held up his arm to block the blow. “No!” He felt the slice and yelled as his brother brought his other fist down and hammered it into the side of Samuel’s skull. Blackness took him.


  Princess Melody lightly squeezed Elizabeth’s hand in support as Elizabeth anxiously glanced out the front windows at the crowd of people beginning to group together in the market square. The emerald flags hung in banners lightly blowing in the wind. The royal guards lined up and down the front steps, the signal of an announcement from the king, had people whispering in anticipation and excitement. Elizabeth smiled graciously at Melody as she paced back and forth. So, lost in her thoughts, she did not hear the arrival of Prince Clifton and his family.


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