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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 19

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Clifton noted the worried expression on Elizabeth’s face and doubt swarmed in his mind. Was she second-guessing her decision? Mary lightly tapped Elizabeth’s shoulder and the princess turned, freezing as she spotted him. He met her nervous gaze and offered a nervous smile of his own. He watched as the worry melted away from her face and she stepped towards him. Before she reached him, Prince Isaac slipped between them. “Ah ah ah. You two will get to see one another after the announcement.” He winked at the annoyed Prince Clifton and offered his arm to Elizabeth. “Your sister has requested that I escort you out, Princess… to show unity amongst the kingdoms.”

  Elizabeth reluctantly slipped her hand through Isaac’s elbow and began walking away. She cast one last look over her shoulder at Clifton before the doors opened. The sunlight swept into the castle as the crowd began to cheer at the sight of Princess Elizabeth on the arm of Prince Isaac. “The crowd loves me.” Isaac stated and laughed at his own attempt at humor as Elizabeth lightly rolled her eyes. He escorted her to her position and bowed before sliding to position several steps down. Princess Melody and King Anthony followed, staggering themselves on the steps facing the parapet where Elizabeth waited patiently. Prince Ryle and King Eamon emerged next and the people cheered happily. They took their places on the steps as Prince Clifton emerged in the doorway. Elizabeth’s breath caught at the sight of him. He stood tall and trim and absolutely perfect, she thought. The sun glistened off his golden hair and the crisp blue tunic stood radiant against the dark walls behind him. He turned without glancing her direction and took his place on the opposite side of the parapet from her. Alayna and King Granton stepped through the doors arm in arm as they made their way to the center of the parapet and stopped. King Granton smiled and waved as Alayna did the same. He then signaled the trumpeter to sound. The crowd quieted.

  “Dearest people of the North and of the Realm!” His voice boomed over the crowd and he surveyed the eyes glancing up at him. “It is with great pleasure and honor that I announce the engagement of my daughter!” Several cheers erupted, silenced by the lift of his hand and his small chuckle. “Princess Elizabeth of the Northern Kingdom and of the Realm has accepted the hand of Prince Clifton of the Eastern Kingdom!” Applause erupted and Elizabeth noted several small children waving at her as she stood. She winked at them and smiled.

  Alayna stepped to the side and motioned for Elizabeth to approach her father. She slowly stepped towards him and stood by his side. Granton turned to Clifton and waved him forward. Clifton held his breath as he flanked the king. King Granton stepped back and grasped each of their hands and placed Elizabeth’s small hand in Clifton’s. He then held them up in front of him. “Blessings on this union!”

  Cheers and applause echoed through the market as flower petals were thrown in the air surrounding them and music began to play. Elizabeth could not help but smile at the joy that radiated within the gates. She turned and found Clifton beaming as well. She met his bright green gaze and giggled at the commotion. He stepped towards her and stopped abruptly as his gaze fell upon a dark uniform lurking behind a market tent— a Southern Kingdom uniform, but not Samuel. He met Elizabeth’s concerned gaze, and tried to mask his worry. He smiled again and lifted her hand to his lips. More cheers erupted. They both waved to the people as the royal families began to ascend back up the stairs and into the castle. She and Prince Clifton were to stand outside alone for several minutes waving and showcasing their announcement. As they stepped closer to one another, Elizabeth smiled but mumbled through her teeth. “Something worries you, my Prince.”

  Clifton acted as if she had stated something funny and chuckled lightheartedly as he mumbled in return. “I spotted a Southern Kingdom tunic amongst the crowd.”

  “Where?” She turned and waved as Clifton slightly pointed and waved in the direction of the market tent. Her gaze followed, and she saw nothing. “Samuel?”

  “No. Not sure who it was. Keep smiling.” He told her as her brow furrowed. She erased the lines immediately and smiled openly.

  “My cheeks are beginning to hurt.” She stated and held a hand to her face.

  Clifton laughed, genuinely, as he lightly placed his hand at the small of her back. They both bowed to the people and began making their exit. Once inside the castle and the doors closed, Elizabeth and Clifton both exhaled loudly and then laughed.

  “We did it.” She stated in relief.

  “We did it.” He repeated softly as he lightly brushed his thumb over her knuckles.

  He jolted at the thunderous slap on his back as Ryle stepped forward and draped his arm over his shoulders. “Are you sure you want this rogue of a man, Princess?” Ryle teased his younger brother as he playfully strong-armed Clifton.

  Elizabeth grinned at the brotherly affection and nodded. “I suppose I do, although I’m not sure about his family.” She jested in return. Ryle froze in surprise and then threw back his head and laughed. “Aye, a great fit you are indeed, Princess.”

  Alayna watched longingly at the small celebration. Prince Isaac slid beside her and sighed. “We are both happy, yet disappointed, are we not?”

  Alayna turned to him in annoyance. “I do not know what you mean, Prince Isaac.”

  “Sure you do.” He replied flippantly and lightly placed his hand on her shoulder. “You wish to be the center of a celebratory ceremony as much as I do.”

  Alayna gasped softly at his nerve.

  “Don’t get frustrated, future queen. I am just stating the facts.”

  “Well considering I have a Realm to run, I find my celebration will only come once the Unfading Lands have been defeated. I believe I can wait until then.”

  “And what of your heart, Princess? Do you not wish to marry?”

  “No. Not at the moment.” Alayna replied truthfully. Though she longed for the relationships and interactions her sister was experiencing, she also knew her time would come when it was meant to. It was her time to be queen. She caught Elizabeth’s happy stare and smiled. She watched as Prince Ryle pulled Elizabeth under his other arm and squeezed her in a hug before kissing her cheek playfully.

  King Eamon stepped forward with his arms wide and enveloped all three of the smiling faces in a large hug. He laughed heartily as his gaze met Granton’s. “She will be in good care, Granton.”

  Elizabeth’s father beamed and nodded. “I have no doubts, Eamon.”

  King Anthony stepped next to his son and Alayna. “It is a joyous occasion to celebrate. The Realm needs a lift in spirits right now.” He caught Alayna’s worried gaze and nodded. She smiled at the king and noticed Isaac shift uncomfortably on his feet. “Isaac, have you given your regards to the Prince and Princess?” Anthony asked pointedly.

  “I have to the princess, Father. I have yet the opportunity to speak to Prince Clifton, but I will.”

  “Good.” Anthony nodded in approval as he walked towards King Granton.

  Princess Melody walked over to Elizabeth and offered a warm hug. “So happy for you, Princess Elizabeth.”

  “Thank you, Melody.” Elizabeth genuinely smiled and rubbed the young princess’ shoulder. “I am so pleased you were able to join in the festivities.”

  Melody nodded and curtsied. Prince Clifton stepped forward and lightly placed a hand at the small of Elizabeth’s back, the gesture sending a thrill of excitement up her spine. “Princess.” He bowed towards Melody.

  “Prince Clifton, I wish to offer my congratulations.”

  “Why, thank you. I must say I am quite pleased by Princess Elizabeth’s pursuit.”

  Elizabeth’s mouth dropped open in shock and she turned with a fire in her eyes. He laughed as she playfully swatted him when she realized he teased. “Excuse him Princess Melody, my prince does not realize he is not a humorous man.” Clifton grinned and winked at her as he suppressed another laugh.

  Melody smiled shyly and walked over towards her brother and Princess Alayna.

  “Well my friends, I believe a celebration is in order.�
�� King Granton announced. “How about we enjoy some dinner and drinks in the dining hall?” He led the way. Elizabeth lightly tugged on Clifton’s hand before he walked away. He turned, and his smile slowly faded at the seriousness on her face. “Something wrong, my love?”

  Her cheeks warmed at the endearment, but she whispered softly. “You and I need to speak to one another before the Council Meeting tonight, prince. I received a letter from Edward earlier that is most disturbing. I thought perhaps we could plan our words together for tonight.”

  “A letter? What did it say?”

  Elizabeth’s gaze glossed over as tears stung the back of her eyes. “I fear it is terrible news, my Lord. Lancer has an unspeakable power. I cannot tell you right now, and I am sorry to lay this upon you at this time of celebration, but I wanted you to know my wishes of sharing it with you before we meet for the Council.”

  Clifton lightly trailed his fingers softly down her silky cheek. “I appreciate you letting me know.”

  Her blue eyes searched his for reassurance. “It will be okay, Elizabeth. We will figure this out, alright? There has to be a way for us to defeat Lancer. We just have to find it. Don’t fret on it, love.” His voice was quiet as servants wandered to and fro delivering food. Elizabeth nodded and accepted the arm he offered and allowed Clifton to lead her into the dining hall.

  She sat in her usual seat, nearest her father, and Clifton occupied the seat on her right. She smiled and laughed at the boisterous conversations around the table, but inside her head she worried over the context of Edward’s letter. Her brain tried to wrap around the mental picture of what Edward described. Swirling black smoke, bloodshed, and darkness. She feared for her brother’s safety. She felt Clifton squeeze her hand under the table and smiled up at him softly. She saw the same worry echoed in his eyes as well.

  King Granton studied the two lovebirds closely. Something lurked behind their gazes as they stared at one another. He prayed he had not forced Elizabeth into a union she was not happy about. Studying her closely, he noticed their entwined hands in her lap and his fears subsided. Something else worried the two, but certainly not their feelings for one another. “Elizabeth,” he quietly leaned towards her. She turned and smiled at her father, reaching for his hand and squeezing it. “Is everything alright, dear?”

  “Yes, Father. Clifton and I just have much to discuss before the Council Meeting this evening. We are hoping we have time later.”

  “Ah, I see. Well whenever you feel the need to excuse yourselves, it is perfectly alright.”

  “Thank you, Father.” She smiled lovingly at him as she turned back to Clifton.

  “Should we wait a while longer?” Clifton asked as he placed his napkin on his empty plate.

  “I am ready now, if you are.” Elizabeth stated.

  Clifton rose, the conversation at the table silencing as Elizabeth stood with him.

  “On behalf of my future bride and myself, we wish to thank all of you for the love and support.” Clifton stepped away from the table and Elizabeth followed. “If you will excuse us, I wish to escort my lovely princess to the gardens for a walk.” They both bowed and curtsied as everyone smiled at their retreating backs.

  Elizabeth snagged Mary by the arm as they stepped out into the gardens. She whispered in Mary’s ear and Mary immediately made haste back into the castle.

  Clifton turned and faced her and clapped his hands. He walked towards her and lifted her around the waist and spun her around before setting her back on her feet. Elizabeth laughed at his excitement. He beamed at her as he plucked a rose and handed it to her. She smiled at the sweet gesture and thought of the story Isaac had told her of King Eamon bringing his queen a rose. Perhaps Clifton learned a few tips from his father as well. “I am quite happy, my Princess.”

  “I am glad.” Elizabeth stated as she walked with him to a small bench by the pond. “I am quite happy too.”

  “Are you?” He asked with a wriggle to his eyebrows. She nudged him with her shoulder. “You are quite obnoxious when you wish to be.”

  Clifton laughed in surprise at her comment. “And you are quite fiery when you wish to be.”

  She grinned and nodded, the wind brushing her black hair away from her face.

  “Now,” Clifton began. “Let’s discuss our game plan for this evening. Tell me of this letter. Do you have it with you?”

  As he asked, Mary emerged carrying the small wooden box Elizabeth kept that housed all her letters from Edward. She handed it to Elizabeth and she placed it in her lap. “This was my mother’s.” Elizabeth explained softly as her hand gently brushed over the intricately carved crown on the lid. She flipped it open and the mounds of letters began to spill forth. She placed a hand on top to hold them inside. She plucked the letter nearest the top and handed it to him. He opened it carefully and read Edward’s words. She saw as he reached the part of Lancer’s possession. His eyes darkened, his brow furrowed, and his mouth set into a grim line. He eased the letter down and stared out over the water. She didn’t push for his thoughts because she knew he was trying to comprehend what he had read. He looked at the letter again and he took a deep breath. “This certainly changes matters, doesn’t it?”

  “I find it almost hard to believe. If Edward were not as confused by it as I, well, I may not believe it. However, I trust what he says.” Elizabeth stated.

  “I trust him too.” Clifton replied. He ran a nervous hand over his face. “How can we defeat this?” He asked rhetorically. “How can we beat such… evil?”

  “I have no idea.” Elizabeth answered. “All I know is that now, more than ever, we must figure out a way to help Edward on the inside. What we do out here is of no consequence. What matters is what can be done inside the Lands.”

  “You are suggesting we send guards over the line?” Clifton asked curiously.

  “Not yet. I just think that Edward needs support. Should he find a way for people to cross back and forth, I think we may have our opportunity to supply him with the army he needs to overrun Lancer.”

  “Smart in theory, but that plan all depends on if he finds out how Lancer crosses back and forth. We cannot send troops over the line if they are not able to return.”

  “I agree.” She sighed heavily and took the letter from his hands and placed it back in her box. “No word from Samuel on the South?”

  He shook his head. “I rode out this morning, but he was not at the clearing. Something doesn’t sit right with me. I feel the air is off.”

  “I feel the same.” Elizabeth admitted. Clifton turned to her and lightly kissed her forehead. “I am pleased you will be my wife, Elizabeth. I know we have yet to discuss details of the matter, but I want to make my wishes known.”

  “Of course, my Lord.” He cringed at her formality but continued.

  “I do not wish to leave your father’s kingdom until we have settled matters with the South and quite possibly the Lands. I know we may have to venture back and forth to the East, but for the time being, I wish for our residency to remain here in the North. I know it is not quite the normal structure of things, but I hate to leave on the eve of something like… this.” He motioned towards her box of letters. Elizabeth felt the smile split across her face as she lunged at him and enveloped him in a tight hug. Clifton patted her arm and chuckled at her enthusiasm. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She pulled away and smiled. “I do not wish to leave either, well not soon anyways. With my father in his condition, with this new knowledge of the Lands, everything just seems to be brewing to a massive eruption, and I do not feel it wise to leave on such a note.”

  “Then we agree.” Clifton nodded as if the conversation were settled. “I am glad. I was struggling with a defense if you had wished differently.”

  Elizabeth chuckled. “I would have accepted your decision regardless of your choice, Prince Clifton.”

  He tilted his head at her statement and nodded with pleasure. “Thank you.”

  She stood. “Shall we find our wa
y to the Council Room? I feel the meeting will be underway shortly.”

  “Yes, I believe we should. I want you to know that whatever you say in the meeting, I will support you.”

  Elizabeth’s blue eyes flashed with admiration. “And I you.”

  She could tell his thoughts were wandering then, as his gaze hardened and his jaw set. They were both about to unleash a world of chaos upon the Realm, and she feared they might just deflate the joy of the day.


  The room was brighter, Clifton noted, as he stepped through the heavily guarded doors of the Council Room. The normally closed curtains were pulled back and the scenery of the Northern Highlands appeared in the vast window. Rolling hills and small villages speckled the skyline. He waited until Elizabeth sat before taking his own seat next to her. She guarded her wooden box carefully in her lap. King Granton and Princess Alayna occupied seats side by side at the head of the table. King Granton waved his hand as Tomas exited and shut the doors quietly behind him. Mosiah sat at attention to the right of the king and waited for him to speak.

  “I wish to first open the floor to myself.” King Granton spoke calmly his eyes roaming from face to face around the room. “As you may notice, Princess Alayna sits beside me at the head of the table this evening.” He motioned to his daughter. She sat tall, shoulders back and confident in position. Pride swelled in Elizabeth’s heart at the sight of her sister. “I wish to announce that a coronation date has been set for Princess Alayna to step forward as Queen of the Realm by week’s end.”

  Everyone’s eyes widened in surprise, including Alayna’s. She turned towards her father and he lightly patted her hand. “It is time I step down as active King and the next generation take command. Does anyone have objections?” No one made a sound. “Then it is settled. Arrangements will be underway starting tomorrow. Now, I know Princess Elizabeth and Prince Clifton wished to share something this evening.”


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