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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 20

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Elizabeth took a deep breath. She faced Clifton and he nodded for her to go ahead. “Father,” she began nervously, her hands slightly shaking as she placed the box on top of the table. “And fellow kings and princes… I…” she froze and took a deep breath, her heart pounding and vision slightly blurring as she feared the outcome of what she was about to speak. “I fear I have some encouraging news as well as some grave news.”

  King Granton leaned forward in his seat and studied the turmoil in his daughter’s gaze. “Go ahead, Elizabeth.”

  She turned glassy eyes upon her father. “Father, I must first beg you of your forgiveness.” Granton’s left brow rose in surprise as well as everyone else’s in the room. “I do not wish for you to be upset with me Father, but I fear you will be. And I wish to say that I understand if you choose to be, but request that you please hear everything I have to say until the very end.”

  Granton waved her onward as he leaned back into his chair. Her gaze bounced from person to person until it rested on the calm gaze of King Eamon. He smiled encouragingly.

  She slid her box towards her father. “Prince Clifton has graciously agreed to let me share the news of which he stumbled upon several days ago. He did not share everything pertaining to Prince Samuel of the Southern Kingdom.”

  “What else is there?” Granton interrupted with a fierce gaze towards Clifton.

  Elizabeth held up her hand. “Please Father, please listen to me first.” She waited until she saw her father take a calming breath. “Prince Clifton shared with you that Prince Samuel was sent to spy on me for his older brother, but what he did not mention was where Samuel spied on me.” She took a deep breath and let it out shakily. “He saw me at the boundary line.”

  Her father’s gaze hardened, and his cheeks flamed red and he opened his mouth to speak.

  “No!” Elizabeth stood quickly, her chair rocking back on its legs as she forcefully shoved the box towards her father and pointed to it. “No Father. Wait. Before you lash out, you must listen to me.” She held up a calming hand.

  Granton reached for the box. “I have never attempted to cross the boundary, Father. I told you I had no desire, and that sentiment remains to be true. But I did not stop visiting the boundary line. I have a secret place I escape to daily, if possible.”

  Granton shook his head in disappointment as shock continued to flutter across the faces around the room.

  “I understand you are angry, now I am asking you to push that anger aside and listen to me, Father.” She gripped the back of her chair as she stood. “I go to the boundary line, because I communicate with a man on the other side.”

  “Elizabeth!” Alayna gasped at the scandalous announcement.

  “Shhuushhh.” Elizabeth breathed out in frustration her fists clenched at her side. “Please Alayna, let me speak.” She glanced at Clifton and he nodded for her to continue. He felt Alayna’s sympathetic gaze towards him, no doubt thinking her sister was about to admit to a love on the other side of the boundary.

  “I converse with Edward.” As soon as the words left her mouth, her sister and father both turned in shock. “Edward?!” They asked in unison.

  “Yes. Edward and I have been conversing through letters since a week after he crossed the boundary line.”

  Everyone shifted in his or her seats. Ryle leaned forward as he studied the princess closely, eager to learn more.

  “Edward… is alive?” King Granton asked on a shaky breath. A soft smile tilted the corners of Elizabeth’s lips. “Yes Father, very much so.”

  “W-why did you keep this from me? Why are you telling us this now?” Granton demanded.

  Elizabeth eased back into her chair and gently cupped her father’s hand. “The reason I wished to be a part of the Council is to share what news Edward provides me in regard to Lancer.”

  Hushed whispers filtered through the room at the mention of Lancer’s name.

  “Lancer?” Granton asked. “What do you know of Lancer, Lizzy? Please tell me you have not encountered the man.”

  “No, Father, I have not.” She saw her father breathe a sigh of relief.

  “But Edward has.” She saw his back tighten once again and his steel blue eyes met hers.

  “Edward is the Captain of Lancer’s Royal Guard.” She stated.

  Betrayal flashed across her father’s face.

  “Traitor.” Mosiah stated as he shifted in his seat.

  “No.” Elizabeth stated forcefully and glowered at the Captain. “He is not. I assure you Father, Edward is no traitor. When he spoke of crossing in order to be with Cecilia, he did not lie. When he spoke of crossing to aid the Realm, he did not lie. For the last five years, Edward has worked his way up in the ranks to become close to Lancer in order to feed us insight into the Lands. He has provided me with insight, Father. These letters,” She flipped the lid off the box and Granton stared down at the multitude of parchment that fluttered to the table. “These letters are his responses to me, Father. I have asked questions, and he provides me with every detail he knows. He actively seeks to find answers. He risks his life daily to find answers for the Realm.”

  “This is overwhelming news,” Princess Alayna stated. “How could you keep this secret, Lizzy?”

  Elizabeth shrugged in defeat. “I did not wish for my meetings with Edward to be stopped. I feared that I would be forbidden to see him again. And it has not been until recently that our letters have been centered upon combat and strategy.”

  “I wish to know more of what your brother says of Lancer.” King Anthony stated curiously.

  “That is what I fear will be grave, King Anthony. You see, Prince Samuel told Prince Clifton of my whereabouts and Prince Clifton confronted me. He discovered my hiding place and my interactions with Edward. He has also conversed with Edward recently.”

  Eamon’s eyes flashed to his son in surprise.

  “He has convinced me to step forward with my news so that we may share the latest information that Edward has provided. You see, the Southern Kingdom, Prince Eric I should say, has been sending his wounded soldiers across the boundary line so that they might use the Lands’ power to heal. He wishes to provide Lancer with these same guards so that he may cross and join forces with him. Lancer discovered this and confronted the prince about his actions.”


  Prince Ryle asked.

  Elizabeth took a deep breath. “He crossed to our side of the boundary line.”

  “What?!” Everyone began asking questions and talking over one another. Panic seared through the room and Elizabeth quickly swiped a tear from her eye as it slipped down her cheek. She caught Prince Ryle’s studious eye as she dropped her gaze to her hands. Prince Ryle banged his hand on the table and everyone quieted. “I want to hear the rest.” He stated. “Please continue Princess Elizabeth.”

  Elizabeth inhaled deeply. “Edward explains that Lancer can cross the boundary line willingly, but only he can. Up to that point, Lancer had requested Edward to train all the Southern guards that had ventured over to be a part of the Land’s Guard. When he noticed Prince Eric sending him the injured ones, the weaker fighters, he ordered Edward to kill them all.”

  Granton studied Elizabeth closely. Her voice had gained strength as she continued. “Instead of killing them, Edward offered them an alternative. If they joined with him in opposing Lancer, he would grant them their life. If they did not, they would be killed. Edward has been building an army to rise up against Lancer, Father. They call themselves the Uniters. For they wish to unite back with the Realm. They want to see the boundary line vanish and Lancer overpowered. Your son wishes to fight for you, Father.”

  Granton rubbed a hand over his brow and released his hold on one of the letters.

  “And you knew of this?” He pointed Clifton with a firm gaze.

  “Yes, my Lord. I have recently been introduced to your son and I vouch for the truth to Ms. Elizabeth’s and his statements.” Clifton replied respectfully.

Cliff.” Eamon shook his head in dismay at what he was hearing.

  “I do not see this as grave news, Father.” Clifton stated abruptly. “This is actually the encouraging news. We have an armed guard awaiting our instruction on the other side of the boundary. An army willing to sacrifice their lives to serve this Realm. We have a prince leading an effort of rebellion against our number one enemy. This is encouraging. However, I fear there is also worsening news.”

  “By all means, please continue with that.” Prince Isaac stated dryly, waving his hand.

  “I received a letter from Edward today.” Elizabeth explained. “It seems Lancer has complete trust in him. For Lancer took Edward into his personal room of reflection and Edward learned the source of Lancer’s power.”

  The kings all gaped at one another.

  “And?” Granton pushed.

  “Well, Edward isn’t sure what it is. His description is quite detailed, yet other than a darkness, he does not know what it is. All he mentions is that Lancer explained it all started by giving his blood and that he is the vessel of this… force. It is all in that letter, Father.” She pointed to the one King Granton held. The king opened it and he caught a sob in his throat at the sight of his son’s handwriting. He felt Alayna’s comforting hand upon his arm as he briefly read through the letter.

  “Again, I am sorry I have kept secrets from you, all of you. But I am sharing them now and for good reason. We have an opportunity, gentlemen. Edward is an asset. His army is an asset. Yes, Lancer has a power none of us understand, but at least we have someone who is actively seeking to figure the matter out for us. Edward is also trying to find out how Lancer is able to cross. If he can, then we have our answer. We will be able to bring troops back and forth within the Lands and defeat him.”

  Elizabeth eased into her seat and exhaled loudly. She watched as Prince Ryle continued to study her. He then cleared his throat. “This is all grave news indeed, Princess.” He shifted in his chair and glanced to King Granton. “My Lord, if I may?”

  Granton waved for him to continue.

  Ryle inhaled a deep breath and glanced to Elizabeth. “What did your brother mean by “it all began with blood???”

  “I am not sure. He is not even sure. He said Lancer slit both of their hands before entering the room, because the darkness has to flow through them. They must sacrifice of themselves. Edward did not embrace the power, therefore the darkness did not enter into him, but it did Lancer. Edward witnessed this.”

  “So, it did not work for Edward?”

  “No. But Lancer believes that either Edward does not fully believe in the power or that they would need to mix their blood somehow.”

  “So, it all stems from Lancer’s blood?” Ryle asked again. Elizabeth could see the wheels turning in the prince’s head. She knew if all the men in the room put their heads together they could possibly figure out how Lancer can cross and what the blood sacrifice meant.

  “There is something in that statement that holds the answer.” Ryle stated confidently. “I will think on it. Princess Elizabeth, do I have permission to read your letters?”

  Knowing her and Edward spoke of intimate subjects, she flushed, but nodded. There was no time for embarrassment, she thought.

  “We will all read them.” King Anthony stated. “We must all know what the prince has witnessed these last few years. Anything could hold the answer.”

  Granton slipped the lid on top of the box. “No one reads these letters until after I read them.” Her father’s face brooked no argument as his sad gaze fluttered back to her. “Is there anything else you wish to share, Elizabeth?”

  She shook her head.

  “Ah, forgive me, my Lords,” Prince Isaac interrupted. His father tapping him on the arm to straighten his slouching demeanor. Isaac waved his father’s hand away. “I do not wish to add kindling to this…” He waved his hand around, “fire of news that Princess Elizabeth has shared, but, does Prince Edward share any clues on how to defeat an invincible army? I mean, the Lands offer healing. How do we kill men who can just heal within minutes of being stabbed?”

  “He offers a good point.” Ryle stated on a mumble.

  Elizabeth straightened in her seat. “Edward speaks of Lancer killing the guards as they cross by… chopping off their heads.” She dropped her gaze to her hands before continuing. “A fatal blow that no man can dare survive.”

  “So, short of beheadings, there is no way of killing the Lands’ army?” Isaac asked with doubt in his voice.

  Elizabeth nodded solemnly.

  The air thickened in the room at the gravity of the situation. Not only did they need to find a way to cross the boundary willingly back and forth, not only did they need to understand Lancer’s power, they also had to find a way to strike deadly blows with every swing of the sword if they wished to achieve success. The hope in the room dwindled.

  King Granton cleared his throat. “Prince Clifton, you wished to add something else?”

  “Actually, yes. I did not receive word back from Samuel, my Lord. The boy was to find out the numbers of his brother’s army for me, but he did not arrive at our meeting place today. I fear something has happened to him.”

  “That poor boy.” Alayna stated quietly.

  “I fear, gentlemen,” King Granton began, “that our meeting has now commenced in earnest. Mosiah, I need to hear the status of our guard.”


  Princess Melody walked down the grand stairwell and into the main hall. She brushed her hand over the smooth marble banister as she went and relished in the quietness of the castle. She wondered what was discussed behind the Council Room doors, but knew her place. She did not expect an invitation into the room, nor did she desire one. She spotted Mary, Princess Elizabeth’s attendant and smiled at her. “Hello, Mary.”

  “Hello, Princess Melody.” Mary curtsied in response.

  “Has anyone exited the Council yet?”

  “No, milady. I am afraid not.”

  “I see.” Melody reached the base of the stairs and smiled. A loud shuffle and scuffle sounded on the other side of the castle doors and had her turning just as the doors burst open and the smell of sweat and blood assaulted her nostrils. She gasped as a young man lunged at her, stumbling over his feet and gripping her elbows as he righted himself. He panted as he struggled to find words. Blood dripped from his temple and into his left eye as his gaze pleaded with her.

  “P-Prince Clifton.” He stated. Melody glanced to Mary in panic. Mary stepped forward and noticed the boy’s face. “Prince Samuel?”

  He nodded and recognized her instantly. “Urgent. Please!”

  Mary waved him forward. “Come! Princess Melody, come!” Melody lifted her skirts as they all made haste up the stairwell to the second landing and towards the Council Room.

  Tomas and two guards stood outside the door and all took a defensive stance when catching sight of a Southern Kingdom uniform. Samuel slid to a halt his hands held up in surrender. Mary ordered the guards to drop their weapons, but Tomas ordered them to stand.

  “He must speak with Prince Clifton, immediately.” Mary explained, and felt herself being escorted away by another guard. She struggled to pull away. Her pleas vanishing around the corner. Two guards began to walk towards Samuel, spears drawn. Melody watched in a blur. She lifted the edges of her skirts and stomped her foot and sliced her arms through the air with a wave of finality and screamed. “Enough!” Everyone froze and stared at her in shock. “This is Prince Samuel and he is here to speak to the Council. NOW!” She pointed to the doors and Tomas hesitated. “I said now!” She yelled again. He reluctantly obeyed.


  The doors to the Council Room flew open and everyone turned as Prince Samuel stumbled forward, followed by a flushed Princess Melody.

  “Melody, what is the meaning of this?” Anthony asked reaching for his sword.

  Samuel found Clifton and rushed forward only to be halted by a sword at his throat by Mosiah.
r />   “Mosiah, please.” Clifton stood and held up his hand. “This is Samuel.”

  Mosiah slowly lowered his sword as Samuel held up his hands in innocence.

  “Speak boy!” Anthony barked.

  Samuel, still breathless, looked to Clifton. “I- I am sorry, my Lord. I…”

  A growl escaped King Anthony as he stepped towards the young prince and grabbed the collar of his tunic and slammed him against the wall.

  “My King!” Clifton yelled. “No, please. He is a friend to us.”

  “Then he best prove it.” Anthony replied, his gaze hard.

  King Granton stood all eyes gravitating towards him. “Let him speak, Anthony.”

  King Anthony released his grip on Samuel, the young prince smoothing a nervous hand down the front of his black tunic. Elizabeth handed him a goblet of water which he gulped earnestly. He took a deep breath and looked to Clifton again. “I am sorry to not have met you today my Lord, but my brother discovered my sleuthing. I fear news of your engagement to Princess Elizabeth reached my brother today. He is enraged my Lord. I…” Samuel nervously glanced at King Granton and back to Clifton. A tear fell down the boy’s cheek as he nervously swiped it away. It was then others noticed the deep gash on his arm.

  “What is it, Samuel?” Clifton asked kindly, gently placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder.

  “My brother marches towards the Eastern Kingdom, my Lord. He and his army.”

  Murmurs filtered through the room and King Eamon’s eyes widened in shock. Prince Ryle stood and began barking orders to several guards.

  “When Samuel? When did he leave?”

  “Not but a few hours ago, my Lord. I came as quick as I could, but I was… detained. I am sorry, my Lord. My brother has lost his head. He—” The boy’s lips trembled. “He killed our father, my Lord.”

  Granton stepped forward and placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder as well. “Ryle, Mosiah, round up the guard.”


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