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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 39

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Samuel bowed and nervously walked to the edge of her bed. “I am pleased to see you, your Grace.” She waved away his formality. “A hug, Samuel.” He walked forward and delicately hugged her. She eased back into the pillows and her smile was tired. “I am so full of joy at the moment. To see all of you.”

  “You must get some rest now.” Arnos stated. “Everyone out, you can see her soon.”

  Clifton turned towards Arnos and Arnos rolled his eyes. “You can stay, but she needs her rest. I will send food up.” Clifton nodded and watched as everyone exited and quietly closed the door.

  He sat in the chair beside her bed and Elizabeth turned to face him. “Why do I have a feeling you have been occupying that chair a great deal lately?”

  Clifton’s lips cracked into a sad smile. “You had me worried.”

  “Worried? Over this?” She nodded in the direction of her leg. “Come now, my Prince, we have been through tougher things than this.”

  “No, Princess, we have not. I thought I was going to lose you.” He kissed her hand and held it to his rough cheek. “I never want to feel that way again.”

  Elizabeth sighed and leaned her head back into her pillows. “We are married now.” She stated to the ceiling.

  “Aye, we are.”

  “I did not make a very good first impression with the East, now did I?” She smirked, and he shook his head. “Don’t even think of that. There is plenty of time for that, my love.”

  “I had high hopes of it being quite different. I am sorry to have caused such chaos and worry.”

  “This is not your fault. We pushed you too hard. You should have rested for weeks and yet we had you walking around and abusing your body and preventing your leg from healing.” Clifton eased onto the side of the bed and sat next to her. “It is I who should apologize, Elizabeth. I should have seen to your care better.”

  “Then we are both to blame. I am not one to be idle and did not give myself the needed time. But now, I am here, and I am awake, and I am your wife.” She smiled as she pulled him towards her and kissed him sweetly on the lips. “And I would like you to bring me food.”

  He laughed as her eyes sparkled and he grinned. “I will check on that for you, my wife.” He kissed her again and walked to the door as Arnos walked in carrying a bowl of broth. Clifton intercepted it and brought it back to her. He eased the tray over her legs. “Would you like me to help you?”

  “I wish I could be stubborn and say I wish to do it myself, but I fear I feel rather weak.” Elizabeth admitted.

  “Yes, you will feel that way for a few days, I think. Your body needs nourishment. Perhaps we can get you strong enough so that by the time Prince Isaac arrives you will have your wits about you to deal with that man.” Elizabeth giggled as she accepted a spoonful of broth. “That is delicious.”

  “Only because you have not eaten in a week.” Clifton stated, making her smile.

  “I may not have eaten in a week, but I have had very vivid dreams in my slumber.”

  “Have you now?” He asked curiously. “And what did you dream of?” He spooned her more broth and she sighed as the warm liquid settled comfortably in her stomach.

  “I dreamt of you and me. For some reason we were in a field of flowers.” She closed her eyes as if to draw the dream to life again in her mind. “Silly notion, I guess. A girl’s dream of her love.”

  “I like your dream.” Pleased she had thought of him, Clifton spooned her the last of the broth and set the tray aside. “You should probably rest now, my love.”

  She nodded as he turned to leave. “Are you not staying with me?”

  He stopped and looked at her. “I was going to clean up a bit.” He brushed a hand over his roughened face and she smiled. “Perhaps you could leave it a while longer and stay with me?”

  He nodded and walked towards the chair beside her bed. “Is this to be our room?” Her gaze travelled around the fine furnishings and the stately bed. He nodded. “It is. Though you may change whatever you wish when you are up to it.”

  “I wouldn’t change a thing.” She stated confidently, her blue eyes landing on him once more. “Except…” She continued.

  “What is that, my love?”

  “Except I would have you lie next to me and hold me.” She smiled at him and the flash of relief that crossed his face as he kissed her firmly on the lips warmed her heart. “I think I can do that, my love.” He eased onto the bed and Elizabeth turned to curl into his embrace. Mere minutes later, they both fell asleep.


  Later that evening the dining hall was alive with happiness at Princess Elizabeth’s awakening. King Eamon raised his glass and toasted to health. Ryle glanced at the empty chair of his brother. “Should I retrieve Cliff?”

  “No. Last Arnos checked, your brother was asleep next to his wife. He needs his rest as well.” Eamon reported.

  “Ah, and here we are.” Eamon grinned as he waved a hand for the servants to enter, and everyone cast confused expressions towards the elaborate cake set upon the table.

  “A cake, Father?” Ryle asked. “Yes, it is a joyous occasion, but to celebrate without Elizabeth and Cliff?”

  “This cake is not for Elizabeth or Clifton. It is for Samuel.”

  Samuel straightened in his chair and turned in shock towards the kind king.

  “It is his birthday.”

  Ryle and Melody both smiled at the shy prince as he bowed his head in thanks.

  “I did not realize anyone knew.” Samuel stated.

  “Of course I knew.” King Eamon boasted. “Now let us celebrate, not only our princess waking up, but also our kind friend’s birthday. To King Samuel.” Eamon raised his goblet along with the rest of them and soaked in the image of happiness that surrounded his table. A shuffled gate rounded the corner as Clifton emerged. “Celebrating without me?” He rubbed a tired hand over his face and slid into his chair.

  “I thought you would still be asleep and did not wish to disturb you.” Eamon replied.

  “Aye, well Arnos was bustling about and sleep was hard to come by. Elizabeth is resting though, and that is what matters.”

  “Yes,” Eamon answered. “We are celebrating Samuel’s birthday, son.”

  Clifton turned and offered a kind smile. “Well now, that is something worth celebrating.” He lightly patted Samuel on the back as he accepted his plate of dinner and began eating heartily.

  “I wish I had known it was to be your birthday, Samuel. I would have brought you a gift from the West.” Melody slipped a piece of cake in her mouth and smiled at the sweetness of the baked treat.

  “Your presence was gift enough, my Lady.” Samuel replied, his eyes holding hers for a long pause until Melody lightly flushed and looked away. The other men exchanged amused expressions as they watched the exchange.

  Arnos ventured into the dining hall and cleared his throat. Clifton bolted to his feet. “Is she alright, Arnos?”

  “Yes, my Lord. Please be seated. I just wished to inform you she was awake.”

  Clifton stood again and Arnos waved him back to his chair. “No, my Lord. She asked me to tell you to stay and enjoy dinner with your family. For she wishes to have a warm bath drawn and a plate of food brought to her. Mary is assisting her with the bath and will retrieve her dinner soon. I just wished to report that she is doing well. I will check on her once more before calling it a night.”

  “Thank you, Arnos, for your attentive service.” King Eamon waved him towards a chair. “Join us.”

  Arnos’ mouth opened in surprise, but he quickly closed it and eased into a chair. His mouth watered at the sight of the warm cake on the pedestal in the middle.

  “It is the future King Samuel’s birthday.” Clifton explained, following Arnos’ gaze.

  “Aye, happy wishes to you.” Arnos nodded towards Samuel.

  “Thank you, sir.” Samuel replied.

  Clifton reached to hand Arnos a plate of bread when a loud thunder of voices boomed from the main ha
ll. Eamon’s brow furrowed as he waved his guards and attendants to go see what the commotion was about.


  Isaac guided his horse through the thick forests of King Abner’s Valleylands at a pace unmatched by Abner’s guards. He had lost them at the last bend and intended to leave them all together. He prayed they did not stop the pursuit of his carriage further back. Rupert rode beside him, easily keeping stride and both hunkered down against the strong winds that carried the promise of rain to come. He heard the pounding of hooves behind him and the two guards of the Valleylands emerged from the tree line. Isaac slapped his reins harder and gritted his teeth as his hands ached from his tight grip. Branches snagged against his cape and tunic and several scraped along his face as he and Rupert trudged through the forest. He felt the ground shift from forest to rock and the unstable terrain took his horse by surprise. The stumble cost them both and Isaac found himself thrown from the saddle and rolling down a sharp, rock encrusted hill. Rupert halted and dismounted, sliding and sprinting his way to the valley to retrieve him. Abner’s guards followed quickly behind. Isaac groaned as he slowly rose to his feet. He withdrew his sword and forced Rupert behind him. “Stay here.”

  Abner’s guards held up their swords as well.

  “Gentlemen, I do not wish to create enemies here. I must leave. I promised King Abner I would return. What is the meaning of this?” Isaac called out to them.

  “Our orders are to bring you back to the king.” One of the guards called.

  “I am afraid we are at an impasse then. I must leave for my own Realm. It is dire.” Isaac stepped forward and felt the blade of one of the guards hit his own and soon a battle engaged. He thwarted off the hits and lunges with expertise, and his fury grew with each passing stroke. He ran and slammed his shoulders into the man’s middle and sent them both to the ground. He heard his own guards battling the second man. He held his sword at the guard’s throat. “I do not wish to kill you.” Isaac spat. “But I will, if you keep me against my will.”

  The guard’s eyes were wide with fear, his obvious assignment not turning out how he planned. His grip on his sword loosened and it dropped next to his side. Isaac smirked in approval as he pulled the man to his feet and shoved him away. The swords behind him stopped and he turned to find Abner’s other guard slowly retreating towards his partner. Isaac stepped closer to them, his eyes narrowed in rage. “Please tell your king I will not be detained like some prisoner. I am the Prince of the West, and my allegiance is to my own realm. Should he hinder my journey any further, I will kill any guards he sends after me.”

  The guards shuffled back a few steps and Isaac turned towards Rupert.

  “You trust they will not follow the caravan?” Rupert asked nervously.

  Isaac turned to the two guards. Shaking their heads in fear, Isaac walked over to the first guard. “I apologize, but my attendant is right to question. How can I be sure King Abner will not attack my caravan? I must send him a message and unfortunately, you are my message.” Isaac brought his blade down quickly, slicing through the man’s flesh, his hand falling to the ground as his screams disrupted the quiet forest. Isaac took a deep breath as he eyed the other guard. “Take him to your king,” he barked, as he bypassed them and climbed back into his saddle. “Come Rupert, we have much ground to cover.”

  Isaac heaved a small sigh of relief when he finally passed into the Realm of Alayna. His eyes set upon the Eastern Kingdom, he had a ways to go. He would make it by nightfall at the earliest. Abner’s small delay had cost him precious minutes, and he would never forgive the selfish king if Elizabeth passed away before he arrived to see her.


  Ryle rose to his feet as the calamity of chaos began filtering closer towards the dining hall, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword until a familiar voice rang through the air. “Get your hands off of me!” He watched as Prince Isaac stepped through the doorway with a scowl at the Eastern guard who followed his every step. Clifton turned and his face split into a smile as he stood. “I was wondering when you would arrive.” He walked towards Isaac and placed a greeting hand on his shoulder, his smooth gaze washing over the Western prince’s obvious injuries. “I have had quite a journey.”

  “It looks like it.” Clifton replied. “I’m glad you have come.”

  “How is she?” Isaac quickly removed his pelt and cape and handed them to Rupert.

  “She is awake and slowly gaining her strength back.”

  Isaac’s shoulders dropped with relief and he smiled. “That is great news. May I see her?”

  Clifton nodded. “Come with me.”

  Without greeting the others in the room, Prince Isaac hurried after Clifton towards Elizabeth’s chambers.

  Mary stood outside the door and she smiled warmly at the sight of Prince Clifton. Her smile slightly faltered at the sight of Prince Isaac.

  “Miss Mary,” Clifton greeted. “Is my wife ready to receive company?”

  “Arnos is with her now, my Lord. I am sure he would not mind.”

  Clifton opened the door and Elizabeth smiled up at him. “How was the feast?” She asked, her eyes searching his hands for a plate of her own. “Did you not bring me some dinner?”

  “Is food all you think about now?” Clifton teased. She grinned and nodded. “I feel as if I could eat a horse.”

  Arnos shook his head sternly.

  “Okay, perhaps not a horse, but at least a warm roll with my broth.”

  Arnos nodded in approval and Elizabeth lightly patted his hand.

  “Say I brought you something much better than a horse?” Clifton offered with a small smirk and a wink.

  “Oh?” Elizabeth asked, as she situated comfortably against the pillows.

  “Yes.” Clifton turned towards the door and Isaac entered. Elizabeth’s smile widened as Isaac stood like a statue and studied her. Clifton saw it then, what Ryle had tried to tell him. The love on the prince’s face was undeniable. He turned his attention to his wife and though excited, he saw only warmth and friendship in her gaze. Of that he was grateful.

  “I would say he is much better than a horse.” Elizabeth beamed up at Clifton and squeezed his hand. “Are you just going to stand there Isaac, or might I have a welcoming embrace?”

  Isaac placed a hand over his heart as he rushed forward and enveloped Elizabeth tightly in his arms. He lightly inhaled the scent of rose and closed his eyes in gratitude that she was alive. He released her and eased into the chair offered by Prince Clifton. “I will leave you two to catch up. My wife wishes for some delicious dinner.” He winked at Elizabeth. “I will bring you a plate as well, Isaac.”

  “Thank you.” He nodded at Clifton, an undercurrent of mutual understanding passing between the two men.

  “You look quite rough, Prince Isaac. What happened?” Elizabeth’s concerned gaze washed over him and he lightly clasped her hand. “I ran into a bit of a squabble.”

  “A squabble? You? Why, I would never have thought such a thing.” She teased.

  His lips twitched with a small smile as his warm observation surveyed her frail frame. “You look… delicate.” His voice was low and pained by what he saw and Arnos shot a curious glance towards their interaction.

  “I have lost a bit of weight recently… then again I guess that is what is to be expected. Arnos is making quick work of making me feel like my normal self though.” She flashed the old healer a sweet smile. “And Clifton has been fluttering over me quite attentively.”

  “I imagine so.” Isaac stated. “It pains me to see you like this. I am sorry I did not arrive sooner.”

  “Why would sooner have been better? I was asleep.” Elizabeth pointed out. “If you ask me, your arrival was perfectly timed. Now tell me, why are you so scraped up and bruised?”

  Isaac sighed as he leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms. “I took a trip to the Realm of King Abner.”

  Elizabeth leaned forward in interest. “Really? What’s it like? Is he as friendly as my
father said?”

  “Quite the contrary, actually.” Isaac stated. “He seemed friendly at first, but he did not wish for me to leave and had obstacles placed in my path to prevent me from crossing back into our Realm. I have learned much from the trip. His eldest daughter, Katarina, was quite open with me about the realm’s history.”

  “Katarina. That’s a pretty name.” Elizabeth commented.

  Isaac nodded. “I fear for her life as well as her sisters’. Their father is a vicious man it would seem.”

  “You care for her?” Elizabeth asked with a hopeful smile.

  Isaac shrugged. “I only spoke with her a few times. I had only arrived there the day before yesterday. Not much time to establish relationships of value.”

  “Yet you worry for her.” Elizabeth pointed out.

  “Now listen here Princess, I did not come all this way to talk of me. I came to see you.” Isaac playfully tried to change the subject but Elizabeth defiantly crossed her arms making him laugh.

  “Fine. You have seen me. I am slowly gaining my strength back and before you know it I will be walking around this castle and able to parry blades with you like before.”

  “Is that so? That confident, huh?” Isaac smiled smugly as Clifton entered. “Your wife is threatening to beat me at the sword soon, Prince Clifton.”

  Clifton’s face sobered. “Elizabeth, it will take time for you to heal, my love. Much time. I do not wish you to even attempt such a thing until we know you are fully healed.”

  She swatted Isaac’s arm for making Clifton worry and then squeezed her husband’s hand. “I know, Clifton. Isaac is just baiting me. Come, sit with us. Isaac was just telling me of his trip to King Abner’s Realm and his beautiful daughter, Katarina.”

  Clifton’s brows rose in interest.

  Isaac shook his head and caught the pleased smile of Elizabeth of placing him on the hot seat in regard to a woman. “Yes, King Abner may be a threat, I’m afraid. I do not think he is pleased with my departure. And I am certain he will not approve of the message I sent back with his guards.”

  “Why is that?” Clifton asked.

  “Let’s just say, he should be wary of toying with the Western Kingdom for quite some time. I have much to report. Though I feel the future queen needs to hear what I have to say. I do not wish to divulge anything without her present.”


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