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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 40

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “She is not here.” Elizabeth explained. “Alayna remains in the North for now. But I’m sure she would love your company should you feel the need to report your news to her in person.”

  “I just arrived, Princess. You already trying to toss me out?”

  Elizabeth laughed, the sound smooth and inviting and healthy. Clifton grinned at his wife.

  “Now, I know it would not be that easy to get rid of you, Prince Isaac.”

  He nodded.

  “Once I am allowed to move from this bed, I imagine we will make great haste in arriving in the North to see my sister’s coronation. Right?” She turned to Clifton as he nodded.

  “Only when Arnos says it is okay for you travel.” Clifton replied, nodding towards the healer who lingered at the edge of the bed.

  “I am sure Arnos will clear me soon.” Elizabeth commented. “I feel significantly better already. We should be able to reattach my falsey in the next day or so and be on our way.”

  Isaac and Clifton shared amused smirks at her strong will as Arnos stepped forward immediately to dissuade her conversation. “No, my Princess, you will not be able to do so. It will be weeks before I allow such a thing. You may be able to travel soon, but walking upon your—injury— will take much needed time.”

  “Then it is settled. I do not need to walk just yet.” Elizabeth nodded in affirmation of her plan as she tore a piece of bread from Isaac’s dinner plate. Her eyes caught the small dish of sweet cake set to the side. “Is that milk cake?”

  “Yes, it is.” Clifton nudged it towards her and she slipped a small bite into her mouth and sighed in pleasure.

  “It is in honor of Samuel’s birthday.”

  Her tanzanite eyes sparkled. “His birthday?! How exciting!”

  Arnos stepped forward and handed Elizabeth a small goblet of medicine. She snarled her nose at the smell and looked at him. “It is necessary, my Lady.”

  She swallowed the bitter drink and cringed as it made its way to her stomach. “She still needs her rest.” Arnos warned the two men.

  Elizabeth’s eyelids began to droop, and her breathing began to slow into steady deep breaths. “I wish for you to stay a bit longer.” Elizabeth mumbled, her words slurring as she fell asleep. Clifton removed the tray of food from her lap and pulled her blankets further around her for comfort. Isaac watched carefully. “She is frail.”

  “Yes, very. She does not realize it, but she is much weaker than she believes.” Clifton added.

  “You have tended her well. Melody spoke of bringing our healer here with her. Has he been of use?” Isaac looked to Arnos.

  “His knowledge in medicine has helped with the healing process.” Arnos reported, nodding towards the goblet.

  “Good.” Isaac stated. He stood and lightly brushed Elizabeth’s hair from her forehead and gently placed a kiss on her soft skin. Clifton walked with him to the door. “Thank you for coming, Isaac. I want to hear of your journey to Abner’s Realm, but fear I, myself, am too tired at the moment.”

  Isaac patted him on the back. “No worries, my friend. You have been through much the last few days. I am grateful Elizabeth has you to look after her. She is special to me.”

  “I know.” Clifton replied.

  Isaac shifted on his feet. “I want you to know, Clifton, that… I know I have been a harsh man in the past. And even somewhat—immoral. But I do care for Elizabeth. She has helped me a great deal. But I also want you to know, that I would never overstep the bonds of friendship.”

  Clifton shook his hand and smiled. “I know.”

  His simple answer set Isaac’s heart at ease.

  “Now go get some rest yourself, Isaac. You look as if you need it.”

  Isaac nodded and turned to walk towards the main dining hall once more to find his sister.


  Two weeks passed, and Alayna found herself anxiously awaiting the arrival of her sister and the rest of the Realm’s allies. She knew it was much to ask of her sister’s transport, but she had to see her. She turned to Jessa, her attendant. “I need you to make sure Princess Elizabeth’s chambers are properly suited for her and Prince Clifton. Drapes should be opened to overlook the gardens.”

  “Yes, milady.” Jessa bowed.

  “And make sure the third level chambers are properly dressed for the Western royals.” Alayna continued as she made her way down the winding stairwell to the main hall. She heard the rustling of the heavy drapes being drawn and light fluttered into the castle and brightened, not only her mood, but also the interior halls. “Fresh bouquets in the conservatory and dining hall.” She turned to two maids who awaited instruction. She pressed a hand to her forehead and turned towards the kitchens. Gretchen rushed by and Alayna lightly grabbed her arm. “Please make sure there are plenty of desserts for this evening. I want it to be a celebration.”

  “Yes, my Princess.”

  Alayna glanced up as the first sound of hooves filtered through the open castle windows. Hooves on cobblestones, she could not remember the last time she had longed for that sound. She excitedly rushed across the room as two guards opened the front castle doors. A smile split her face as she spotted King Anthony descending from his carriage. Without invitation or formality, she rushed forward and embraced the older man. Laughing, he pulled away from her and smiled proudly. “It is good to see you, my future Queen.”

  “You as well, King Anthony. I hope your journey was swift and comfortable.”

  “Indeed. Am I the first to arrive?”

  “Yes, I fear I do not know when everyone else will arrive.”

  “No worries dear. I am glad to be the first and to receive such a warm welcome.” King Anthony studied Alayna’s strained features closely not revealing his notice of the fact the princess showed signs of exhaustion.

  “Well, you must be tired from your ride. Please come inside and feel free to rest. We have set up your quarters in the same landing of the castle as before, if that suits you.” Alayna turned to escort him inside when they heard hooves traveling up the front entrance. Glancing in the direction of the sound, Alayna’s eyes lit with pleasure as Prince Ryle entered the market square and headed towards the castle entrance. When Ryle dismounted, Alayna ran and jumped into his arms, taking everyone by surprise, including him. He smiled as he enveloped her in return and swung her in a brief circle, her feet dangling above the ground. He gently set her on her feet and she pulled away with a wide smile of welcome and relief. “It is good to have you back.”

  He nodded. “Aye, it is good to be back.” His blue eyes remained on her face as her warm brown gaze studied him a moment, they then travelled to his horse and she tenderly pet its snout. “I am so happy for everyone returning.” Alayna waved for the two men to follow her inside, King Anthony casting a welcoming nod to the Eastern prince.

  “How much further behind are the carriages?” Alayna asked as she escorted them into the conservatory.

  “Should not be too long now. I imagine your sister and my brother will be the last to arrive. I fear Arnos, our healer, had many misgivings on her traveling. His worry somewhat delayed them.” Ryle explained.

  “As long as they are coming, I am perfectly fine.” Alayna beamed. “So tell me, did Samuel make it safely and enjoy his journey to the East? I hear Princess Melody and Prince Isaac also joined you there.”

  “Yes, my future Queen, they did. It was a nice surprise.” Ryle smiled reassuringly at Alayna as she toiled with her cuffs at her wrists. King Anthony sat talking to Mosiah, the former Captain of the Guard, completely unaware of the undercurrents of attraction floating about the room.

  “You seem well.” Ryle continued, looking Alayna over with a critical eye. “Tired, but well.”

  “Why thank you, Captain. A woman loves to hear she looks tired.” Alayna scoffed in surprise at his gumption and lightly blushed as she turned back towards the Western king.

  “I did not mean to offend you, my Queen. I—”

  “Future Queen.” Alayna cor

  Ryle cleared his throat. “Of course. Future Queen. I just meant you looked as if you have been working hard on something. I’m assuming within the walls of the Council Room.”

  Her brow rose slightly, and she tilted her head, a rogue blonde curl slipping from its pin and lightly draping over her shoulder. “I guess you will find out once we convene.”

  He crossed his arms over his broad chest and narrowed his gaze. “I guess so, unless you would like to tell me now.”

  “I would not.” Alayna quipped. “It is best to share with everyone at the same time. Less breaths that way.”

  “But I am the Captain of your guard. I should be the first to know of any information or advances within the Realm.” Ryle’s back stiffened as he awaited her reply. Instead of the acquiescence of a response, Alayna laughed and waved his comment away. “I assure you, Captain, that I will keep you informed, I just wish to focus upon other things at the moment.” Her smile remained, but her eyes held a silent demand for him to back down. He uncrossed his stance and sat regally in an open chair across from King Anthony and Mosiah. Mosiah’s rich eyes bounced between the two in amusement.

  Alayna reached over and squeezed his hand. “So tell me Captain Ryle, what did my sister think of the Eastern Kingdom?”

  He smiled warmly. “It is a beautiful place. I feel she has found it quite welcoming. It is so full of light, the very halls of the castle feel like ballrooms filled with happiness now that she has awakened.”

  “I have never experienced the Eastern Kingdom myself,” Alayna added. “Though I aim to soon. I have heard of its beauty since I was a child. It warms my heart to know my sister will have a beautiful place to live.”

  “The Northern Kingdom is quite beautiful too, future Queen. I noticed the lands have recovered quite well and the rebuilding has been quite successful.”

  “Yes,” Alayna replied. “We have been most vigilant in making sure the villagers have been able to create new homes and reestablish their lands. We are fortunate to have such a loving and helpful people. Everyone is helping one another, it seems.”

  “As they should.” King Anthony interrupted and nodded his two cents into the conversation. “A kingdom is only as strong as its weakest link.”

  Alayna’s back straightened. “Weakest link, my Lord?”

  “Yes. The villagers. If your people are weak, the kingdom is weak. It is always encouraging to see a quick recovery after a war. That means your people, your kingdom, is strong.”

  “I see.” Alayna replied, casting a curious glance towards Ryle to make note of King Anthony’s comment. “And how were things in the west, my Lord? Was your kingdom happy for your return?”

  “Quite.” Anthony shifted in his seat and cleared his throat. “Everything was as it should be. Though I sent Isaac to the Realm of King Abner upon our arrival.”

  “Yes, Melody had explained that to us in the east.” Ryle supplied, his tone indicating he wished to know the reasons behind the king’s decision.

  “I think it will do Isaac well. Abner has been a peaceful neighbor for years and it is no secret he has a plethora of daughters. I wished for Isaac to travel to his kingdom and seek a bride.”

  Alayna’s surprise could not be hidden as she listened to the king.

  “I have yet to hear word of his journey, but knowing Isaac he has delved straight into his task with a happy mind.”

  “Actually, my Lord,” Ryle began, “Your son’s trip to Abner’s Realm was cut short, so to speak.”

  Anthony’s face tightened. “Did something happen to my son?”

  “No, my Lord. Sorry to worry you.” Ryle relaxed and forced a polite smile. “It’s just that, well, when Isaac heard of Princess Elizabeth’s condition, he came immediately to the east.”

  “Princess Elizabeth?! Who would tell him of her affliction?”

  “Princess Melody, your Grace.”

  “Melody?!” King Anthony’s face turned to a deeper shade of pink as anger flooded from his every pore. “I specifically told her NOT to inform her brother. How could she deliberately disobey me? She will be punished. There is no excuse for her actions.”

  “My Lord, she knew Prince Isaac would want to know.” Ryle interjected. “Princess Elizabeth is mighty dear to him. He would have been devastated if something fatal had happened and he did not know.”

  King Anthony glanced from one face to another. “No. Melody knew my wishes. She was to go and see to the princess alone. Isaac was to be left to his vices in King Abner’s Realm. He was to find a wife. He was to find a distraction!” The king angrily rose to his feet and began to pace, muttering under his breath of the scolding Prince Isaac would receive upon his arrival.

  “A distraction?” Alayna asked, interrupting his gait and causing a lethal gaze to shoot her way.

  “Yes. He needed to go someplace Princess Elizabeth did not exist. He needed to forget about her.”

  “W-why would he need to forget about her?” Alayna asked quietly.

  “Isn’t it quite obvious, Princess, my son is in love with your sister.” King Anthony barked in disgust. “He needed to go away and rid himself of those feelings.”

  Alayna inhaled several deep breaths. Her stomach tightening at the announcement of Isaac’s feelings. “He told you of his feelings?”

  “Of course not!” Anthony bellowed. “But it is written all over him. Why else would his actions change?”

  “Perhaps your son’s mentality was altered by the battle against the South.” Alayna answered. “My father used to say that character was defined on the battlefield.”

  Anthony studied Alayna a moment and then glanced to Ryle, his patience clearly gone. “I do not wish to speak of this anymore.” He straightened his tunic and quickly walked out of the conservatory.

  “My goodness.” Alayna mumbled softly. “Can you believe such words? Poor Prince Isaac… being sent away so soon after arriving home.”

  “I do not believe King Anthony’s perceptions are too far from the truth, my Princess.” Ryle stated softly.

  Alayna turned to him in surprise. “What do you mean?”

  “I too, have sensed Isaac’s feelings towards your sister. I believe he cares for her more… more than he lets on.”

  “That is absurd.” Alayna stood and brushed a hand over the front of her dress. “Prince Isaac is one of the most flirtatious and philandering men I have ever met. Though I do believe his character has changed but a smidgen, I still believe he is the same incessant womanizer as before. He and Elizabeth do have a friendship, a strong one, and yes, she believes him to be a changed man, but he is NOT in love with her.”

  Alayna’s caramel gaze bounced between Mosiah and Ryle, both holding the same doubtful face.

  “Y-you think this too, Mosiah?”

  Mosiah slightly tugged at the collar of his emerald tunic and sighed reluctantly. “I do not know, your Grace. I do not know the prince as well as the rest of you, but I do sense he cares for her deeply.”

  Alayna looked to Ryle again. “And how does your brother, Prince Clifton, feel of Isaac?”

  “He senses something, but does not seem worried about it. Though I have warned him to be watchful.”

  “Warned him to be watchful?!” Alayna held a hand to her forehead as if the topic at hand was beginning to cause a dull ache. She then looked to the two men. “I do not want to hear another word of this… this-this-this topic of conversation. Elizabeth and Clifton are married. Clifton does not need doubts of his wife’s affections. And I assure you my sister loves Clifton. She is only a friend to Prince Isaac.”

  “We did not say the princess carried feelings, my Lady.” Mosiah interrupted. “Just that we thought Isaac did.”

  “I don’t care!” Alayna’s voice rose as she scolded him. “Neither of you are to say anything to anyone on the matter. It sleeps, never to rise again. Is that understood?”

  “Alayna,” Ryle rose and stepped towards her, “You must not turn a blind eye to this. Due to Pr
ince Isaac’s unpredictable character, we must at least keep an open eye towards his intentions and interactions with Elizabeth.” He lightly squeezed her hand and she jerked it away.

  “Not a word.” She reminded them forcefully, pulling her skirts in a swish of movement as she stormed away belting orders for more flower arrangements for the grand hall.


  “How are you feeling?”

  Elizabeth blew a breath of exasperation. “I am fine. I am the same fine I was two breaths ago when you asked me.” She glanced at Clifton and he smirked.

  “I am just worried we are pushing your recovery too soon.” He lightly clasped her hand and squeezed, pleased she accepted the gesture.

  “I assure you, Clifton, that I am feeling almost my old self. Though I do not have my falsie attached, I feel fine.” Elizabeth’s tone was final, and she caught the amused grin of Prince Isaac across from them. “Don’t look so smug, Isaac.”

  The Western prince laughed and brushed a palm over his forbidden smile. “I am not smug, Princess, I am amused.”

  “Amused? By what?”

  “By your hard head.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes widened at his statement and she felt Clifton stifle a chuckle at her astonished face. She crossed her arms and tilted up her chin. “I see. Well, it is because of my hard head that I was able to pull through like I did.”

  “That is true.” Isaac pointed out. “But must it be so hard for you to accept the fact your husband cares for your wellbeing?”

  Elizabeth shifted her gaze from Isaac to Clifton. “I know my husband cares for me, and I appreciate his concern, but I am also not a child. I do not need to be coddled.”

  “I am sorry if I have made you feel that way.” Clifton softly spoke, his words near her ear and sending chills up her arms. She turned to him and saw the uncertainty in his eyes. She briefly claimed his lips in a light kiss and turned back towards Isaac. The Western prince refocused his attention out the side window of the carriage as they journeyed on, his thoughts traveling over the lands to Abner’s Realm and Princess Katarina. He hoped her father did not learn of her providing him insight. He aimed to return to Abner’s Realm as soon as he finished in the North. Perhaps he should send a letter. No. He could not guarantee the safety of the messenger. He sighed as he glanced at his hands in his lap, slowly rotating his thumbs over one another. His father would be furious with him for leaving so abruptly. He would probably kill him if he knew the full extent of Isaac’s behavior and attack on Abner’s guard. Best to keep that to himself, he thought, as his gaze shifted over to Prince Clifton and Princess Elizabeth, the happy newlyweds. His chest tightened at the thought of never having such a relationship. Elizabeth had made him see that. Though he knew he could not have her as his bride, she had awoken a new desire in his heart. He actually wanted what she represented. A partner. A wife. A queen. He could see the love between the two, the care and the tenderness. Prince Clifton was a good man before, but his love for Elizabeth and the love from Elizabeth had only made the man stronger. Isaac wanted that. Was it possible for him to find such a relationship? Was he even worthy of such a thing after all he had done in his life? His attention then turned to Elizabeth’s words as she pointed out the side of the carriage.


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