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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 54

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Oh, I am so sorry for Isaac and Melody. How sad.” Katarina lightly placed her hand over her heart. “I did not mean to pry into such delicate matters. I just noticed she was not here with King Anthony when I arrived, and yet I recalled never hearing about her either.”

  “I have never asked the king nor his children about the queen.” Elizabeth continued. “I imagine if they wished for me to know, they would tell me.”

  “You are right. I will not ask then. I wished to make sure I would not offend, but since the matter is so delicate I will refrain from questioning Isaac.”

  Elizabeth folded the parchment and handed it Mary. “Please give to Katarina’s messenger, Mary. Make sure he knows the meaning of haste.”

  Mary nodded.

  “Thank you for helping me write to my father. I am sure the letter will appease him greatly and will spare the life of that poor servant.”

  “I hope so.” Elizabeth stood, and Katarina followed suit.

  “In all of my questions and all of your help with my problems, I have yet to ask how you are doing, Elizabeth. With the departure of Clifton and all.”

  Elizabeth chuckled. “Oh, I am doing fine I guess. I know he is where he needs to be and that is what matters. I could no more lock him in our room and throw away the key than I could tell the sun to stop shining. The man has set his mind on protecting our Realm and he will.”

  “All of the princes seem that way. All are honorable in their different ways. And kind.”

  “That they are.” Elizabeth smiled. “Prince Samuel is braver than he gives himself credit for and he will be an extraordinary king for the South. Prince Ryle, now Captain,” Elizabeth corrected, “loves this Realm so much he forfeited his right to kingship so as to serve the Realm’s throne. Clifton has smoothly transitioned into the role as future king of the East and I think he will be perfect, but then again I am quite biased.” She winked at Katarina on her last comment and the princess softly chuckled. “And Prince Isaac will be a noble king for the West, once he fully believes he can be.”

  “I think him quite noble. Why would he not?” Katarina asked curiously.

  Elizabeth laughed. “Because he is too stubborn. He is a good man who punishes himself for his past. I slowly see him letting it go and moving on, but he has obstacles hindering his progress every now and then. But he will come around. Clifton and I believe in his goodness, because we have seen it and experienced it.”

  “How so?”

  “He saved our lives.”

  The princess’ eyes widened. “He did?”

  “Yes.” Elizabeth continued. She stopped from their walk back to the castle and lifted the corner of her skirts, her wooden leg peeking out. Katarina gasped. “Oh my! Princess, I did not know! Are you alright?!”

  Snickering, Elizabeth dropped her skirts. “I am. Thanks to Isaac. And Clifton lives because of Isaac as well. You see, in last year’s battle against the South, I would have died but Isaac saw to it that I would not by chopping off my leg. It was badly wounded and was in the process of killing me when he did so. And Clifton,” Elizabeth shook her head at the memory. “He was stabbed through the chest. Isaac could only save one of us, so he dragged Clifton across the boundary line into the Unfading Lands so that he might heal there, and he quickly brought me back to the castle.”

  “My goodness,” Katarina muttered.

  “Yes, it was quite exciting. In a tragic sense.”

  “And yet you all live and are dear friends.”

  “Yes. The experience has brought us all closer to one another. That is why our Realm is strong.”

  “I can only imagine how wonderful it must feel to have such friends and such a kingdom.” Katarina sighed as they entered into the castle. Elizabeth lightly squeezed her new friend’s elbow. “Perhaps one day you will.” She smirked as they rounded the corner into the conservatory to see Melody cross stitching patterns into thin linen towels.


  “All lined up?” Ryle asked Clifton, pulling his reins next to his brother’s horse. They had marched several hours already for the morning to arrive along the Eastern boundary line. They needed to attack from behind, and though he could tell the riders were somewhat tired, their hearts were full of passion and fight. They had rested a couple of hours and now it was time. Clifton nodded. “I believe so. All men are accounted for.” Ryle nodded in approval as his eyes scanned the army of Uniters. He raised his sword into the air and rode back and forth along the front lines. “Gentlemen! It is early! It is dark! And we have readied ourselves all night! But now is the time!” He watched as riders straightened in their saddles and tucked their shields next to their sides. “Our time has come to defeat these Lands! Let no man stand against us! The Realm of Queen Alayna will be victorious!”

  All the men cheered as they raised their swords in unison. Ryle lowered his sword and pointed ahead. “Let’s go!” He slapped his reins and began to ride hard towards the Western boundary line. Today their fate would be decided. Today their Realm would start a new chapter, and today people would be freed from Lancer’s control.

  Hooves pounded on the dewy earth as they covered much land and crossed the Rollings River. They had to reach the Western boundary by dawn in order to attack at their strongest. Edward assured him that was the time his daily training sessions took place with Lancer’s guard. The only way to attack all of Lancer’s guards at once, and completely in secret. They would not be in formation but scattered. Not all would have weapons, and that would only work in the Realm’s favor.

  As they neared the small divide in the trees that Edward had described, Ryle slowed his horse to a walk and the men followed suit. He then halted everyone. “I will ride ahead and verify the layout.” He muttered to Clifton. “Keep them in the trees.” Clifton nodded in understanding as Ryle silently slipped to his feet and made his way through the thick forest towards what would soon be the designated site of the Realm’s future. Clifton took a deep breath. The air was still, too still, and a sense of unease traipsed up his spine. He was just nervous, he tried to convince himself, but he knew something was off. Could be nothing, but something definitely felt off. He surveyed the trees surrounding their army trying not to draw attention to himself. He did not want to cause unwarranted worry. He saw nothing moving. The wind seemed to stand still, the leaves of the trees frozen in place as if they were too scared to move. He listened carefully and heard nothing minus the horses shifting on their hooves.

  “When do we ride, my Lord?” The guard to his right whispered. Clifton raised his hand to silence the man. “When Captain Ryle returns.” The guard obediently fell back into place and into quiet as he patiently waited for Ryle to step back through the trees.

  The calm before the storm, Clifton believed. The eerie feeling of unease continued to swim through his veins and into his chest. He tampered his breathing and took slow deep breaths. He would wait for Ryle a bit longer then he would go looking for him. There was no reason for him to not be back by now. His horse whinnied and stomped its hooves at what Clifton sensed as a direct reflection of his own apprehension. He lightly patted the horse’s neck. He heard a twig snap and his head turned to the side to find Ryle trying to make his way through the thick brush.

  “Well?” His voice was quiet as his brother climbed back upon his horse.

  “They were just starting to arrive. I say we wait until the first peek of the sun through the trees, then we attack.” Ryle smiled as if he were completely unaware of the thick weighted atmosphere surrounding them. “It is our time, brother.” His whisper edged with excitement. “They are completely unaware.”

  Clifton nodded and swallowed the lump in his throat. His brother was confident, why was he not? He forced a smile as he pulled his sword and held it at the ready. Minutes felt like hours as he watched his brother adjust the straps of his armor and ready himself for battle as well. Ryle turned to the guard next to him. “Remember, we must aim for their heads. The only way to kill here is to decapitate.
Otherwise they will heal and continue to attack us. Aim for the heads. Spread the word quietly.” He heard the man turn to the guard next to him and whisper the command, the confirmation of their training to refresh their nervous minds.

  “You ready?” Ryle asked.

  “I will follow you.” Clifton replied.


  “The guard looks good, Edward.” Lancer praised, riding alongside Edward as the guards took to their stations for their morning training.

  “They are strong, my Lord. A formidable army, ready to face Abner if necessary.” Edward watched as several of the guards climbed into their saddles. He wrinkled his brow in confusion. “What are they doing?” He whispered more to himself than to Lancer.

  “Oh, I hope you don’t mind. I took the liberty of throwing a new station into your training routine.” Lancer beamed. “I wished to incorporate a full rehearsal this morning.”

  “Rehearsal?” Edward asked. “I don’t understand.”

  “Well, Edward, our attention has been on Abner, meanwhile your very own sister has been plotting against us. Your army is not training today, Edward. We are taking them on a trek through the forest.” Lancer smirked at Edward’s shock.

  “Is that wise, my Lord? I thought you were concerned about Abner? I have heard nothing about an attack from my Realm?”

  “I have a feeling, Edward. Trust me.” Lancer flashed his charming smile and Edward felt panic rise in his chest as Lancer began lining up the guards on horseback. All were wearing full armor. How had he not noticed that before? Edward cringed. Somehow, Lancer found out about the Realm’s attack and Ryle would be walking into a trap. He felt the pang in his chest of anger and fear. What had he done?! There was no way to warn them. He prayed the Realm and the Uniters were strong enough, though he inwardly knew they were not. He watched as Lancer turned towards him. “Shall we ride, Edward?”

  Edward clicked his reins and pulled up beside Lancer. “To the West!” Lancer called out. He then watched as pure shock covered Edward’s face. “Calm yourself, Edward. Your family really had it coming to them, did they not? They honestly thought they could defeat me, the darkness, my Lands.” He scoffed. “They deserve to be humbled. Are you with me?”

  Edward’s face hardened, and his eyes flashed with anger. “I’m with you.” He stated confidently, though he prayed his heart would be strong enough to fight against the darkness instead. He had to appear to be on Lancer’s side, but defeat had already swamped him and now he felt the slight rise in his veins of a different nature. A venomous nature that only wanted blood. Uniters’ blood. He gritted his teeth and a small growl escaped his lips as he blinked his eyes closed for a moment to fight off the thought and feeling. He needed to focus. Lancer was the enemy. Lancer was the enemy, he repeated to himself. But as he saw the flash of a blade in the trees, thoughts of helping the Realm fled from his mind.


  “Do you hear that?” Clifton quietly asked as he strained to listen to the early morning air. “Hooves.” He turned to Ryle with a grim expression. “They are coming for us. We should leave now, Ryle.”

  “No. We will fight. His guards are training this morning. It is just the sound of their training routines.”

  “With horses?” Clifton’s whisper was harsh with disbelief. “We have been discovered. We must flee and attempt our assault at a different time.”

  “No.” Ryle’s voice rose as he stared at his younger brother. “We will fight. We have planned for this.”

  “And we have been betrayed.” Clifton’s voice began to carry as well as he let his worry get the best of him. “I know we do not want to accept that fact, but someone has betrayed us, and we are sitting ducks. We must flee.”

  “We will not flee.” Ryle’s lips formed a firm line as he raised his sword and heard the Uniters do the same. He clicked his reins and took off out of the trees at a full gallop. Clifton had no choice but to follow, and as soon as they appeared through the trees, a full army of Lancer’s guards awaited them at the ready. Clifton watched as arrows whizzed by his head and several men fell. He spotted Edward riding alongside Lancer and cringed at the thought of killing Elizabeth’s brother, but his betrayal clawed its way into Clifton’s heart and he wished him to suffer. Ryle led the pack and Clifton spotted his brother cutting down two Unfading guards in one swipe. His brother’s heart was in this fight, his pride was in this fight, and Clifton took a deep breath and swung his sword, the familiar drag of human flesh and bone making his stomach sink.

  Ryle cringed as he felt the spurt of a man’s blood splash across his face and he turned his horse in enough time to see an Unfading rider swinging his blade. He blocked the blow with his shield and felt the impact as he tilted in his saddle. His horse remained steady, but the guard quickly regained his composure and swiped the straps of Ryle’s saddle sending Ryle to the ground. He found his feet in a hurry and blocked three blows by the time he was able to correct his stance and attack with his own sword. He felt a gash in his right shoulder and did not bother looking down as he knew it would slowly heal. He dodged another sword and felt the strength of the blow against his shield and he stumbled over what used to be a Uniter guard. The parry he faced surprised him as the man’s strength bore down on him and he felt his muscles quivering in exertion with every swing of his sword. Blood, dirt, sweat, and iron flooded his nostrils as he spun away from the next blow and landed his blade on the backside of the man’s neck. A precise slice that took the man down in a single stroke. His chest heaved as he surveyed the surrounding battle ground. He spotted Edward fighting against one of Lancer’s guards, Lancer completely unaware of his Captain’s actions. Good. Edward was still on their side. The small comforting thought fled quickly as he felt an arrow land in the middle of his left thigh. He yanked it out and growled at the pain as he charged the next Unfading guard he spotted.

  Clifton had made his way closer to Edward. The Northern prince fought against both Uniters and Unfading guards as if he could not make up his own mind or decipher his enemy. Clifton charged him from behind and tackled him to the ground. Edward scrabbling underneath him to fight off the attack. He rolled to his back and froze as his eyes focused upon Clifton’s face. “Traitor!” Clifton yelled as he backhanded Edward across the face and felt a small sense of satisfaction as a spray of blood squirted from his lip. Edward pushed against Clifton’s chest and gripped the wrists that housed the strong grip around his throat. “It-wasn’t-me.” Edward’s voice rasped as he struggled to free himself from the vise like grip. Clifton released him and grabbed his sword, holding Edward at the tip of it. Edward did not aim to rise. “You have to believe me.”

  Clifton shook his head and brought his blade above his head. “I will forever be plagued by your death.” His words were forced through a grim set of lips as regret flooded the Eastern Prince’s usually kind gaze. Edward’s eyes widened and flashed over Clifton’s shoulder, causing Clifton to turn swiftly slicing his sword through the air and the form of an Unfading guard fell behind him. He turned back to Edward, but the Northern Prince was up on his feet fighting against two more of Lancer’s guards.

  Clifton would let him live for now. He did not wish to kill Edward if what he said was true. Panting, he began parries between two guards and managed to kill both men. His strength was fading, and their numbers were growing slim. He sprinted towards a group of Uniters and fought alongside them. “Get to the clearing the first chance you get.” He barked the order and several of the men nodded when they had a chance. Clifton sought out Ryle and caught his brother’s gaze briefly, signaling to him for retreat. Ryle shook his head and blocked a blow. Clifton covered the ground in swift steps as he brought his sword through the man from behind and Ryle finished him off. “We must retreat, brother!” He shouted over the clash of blades and screams. Ryle continued fighting, his eyes crazed with passion as he assaulted one guard after another. Clifton yanked his arm back once he finished off his latest foe. “Retreat!” He yelled. “Retreat!” He s
creamed it again so those around him would hear and repeat the order. Ryle shoved away from Clifton’s grip and had no choice but to follow his guards back into the woods and the race towards their hideout, with a prayer Lancer’s men did not follow.


  Edward watched as the last of the Uniters scurried away and into the forest and he raised his fist into the air to signal victory and all of Lancer’s men cheered in response as Lancer appeared from his hidden alcove and smiled alongside Edward. “Well done, Edward. Well done!” Edward inwardly sighed in relief that Lancer had not seen several of his attacks on Unfading guards, and he played his part as loyal Captain well as Lancer rode through the battlefield with victorious waves of his sword. He reached Edward’s side once again and halted. “You realize, Edward, that you will need to pursue their remaining army and kill them?”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  “Because the two princes are the only men who can cross the boundary line. The rest are trapped here. I want them all dead.” The smile on Lancer’s face turned into a snarl. “No one comes into these Lands with the expectation of defeating me without facing the consequences. Show Eamon’s sons what true defeat feels like. Make them watch the death of their followers.”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  “Then I want all of these bodies gathered up and burned. There is no sense for our people to have to look at such unsightly carnage.” Lancer straightened in his saddle. “This victory was good for us, Edward. I imagine the strength of our Lands will reestablish and we will gain ground. For now, I believe I will celebrate in my reflection chamber. When you have a moment, meet me there.”

  Edward nodded and watched as Lancer rode away with a personal detail and left Edward with the mess. His gaze washed over the bodies before him, some friends, some enemies. He silently sent up a prayer as he tried to think of a way to hide the remaining Uniters. He also prayed Clifton believed him when he denied sharing their plan. He knew it wasn’t him. He had consciously made an effort to steer clear of such conversations with Lancer unless absolutely necessary for that very fear of revealing too much information. Someone else had to have told him, or perhaps the darkness betrayed Edward. Perhaps the fact he had yet to fully succumb to its power somehow revealed itself to Lancer. No. Then Lancer would know of Edward possessing the darkness, and he seemed to still not notice. Edward cleared his mind and took a deep, regretful breath as he watched Lancer’s army pulling bodies into a large pile. Death was hard. Death of large numbers devastating. Death of friends… he dropped his head as an overwhelming sadness filtered through his heart. He had killed two of his fellow Uniters. Two men going to their death believing the worst of him. He tried to stifle down his self-loathing, but what was to become of him if he turned on his friends? He remembered the struggle. He remembered the way the darkness empowered his very blade and turned his eyes blind to those he fought. He had no feeling. No control. Until Clifton shook him from his trance. The Realm had been defeated, and with it, so had Edward.


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