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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 55

by Katharine E Hamilton


  Elizabeth sat on the parapet, her legs draped over the side and her skirt blowing in the light breeze.

  “You must come eat, Ms. Elizabeth.” Mary anxiously suggested. “You are no good to Prince Clifton if you are weak with hunger.”

  Elizabeth tossed a tender smile towards her attendant. “I am sorry Mary, but I have no appetite. I will not eat until Clifton returns.”

  “Yes, my Lady.” Mary bowed and remained in the shadows as Elizabeth continued to survey the surrounding horizon waiting for the first glimpse of her husband’s blonde hair. She saw nothing. The boundary line remained, which meant they were still fighting against Lancer. Sighing she leaned back and worried her hands in her lap. She tried to imagine the difference Lancer’s defeat would make in the Realm. The people that would immerse back into the kingdoms they left long ago. Would their age catch up with them? Would they live in the kingdoms they once left? So many questions, and little answers, until the veil actually fell. Elizabeth straightened quickly and slightly teetered on the edge, her hands gripping the parapet as she stabilized and strained to see what appeared on the Western horizon. Slowly, her blue eyes widened with panic. “Mary!” She called.

  Mary stepped forward. “Yes, my Lady?”

  Elizabeth swung her feet over the landing and gripped Mary’s shoulders. “Find Hector immediately. Tell him to ride to the Southern Kingdom for King Samuel. We need the Southern Army at once. Abner is here. Go!” She shoved her attendant towards the castle doors and Mary sprinted ahead of her. When Elizabeth entered, she yelled as loud as she could. “Isaac!” She hurried towards the stairwell, her limp more pronounced as she hastily tried to walk and jog at the same time. “Isaac!” Her voice pitched with panic as she gripped the banister. Katarina appeared at the bottom of the stairs with Melody. “Elizabeth? What is it?” Melody asked in concern at the Eastern Princess’s distress.

  “I need Isaac! Where is he?!”

  “I believe he is in the conservatory.” Melody pointed over her shoulder and Elizabeth immediately swished by her. The two other princesses gathering their skirts to follow.

  “Isaac!” Elizabeth screamed.

  Isaac appeared in a sprint and slid on the floor as he saw her appear the opposite direction he was running. “Elizabeth, what is it?” He allowed her to grab his arm as she tried to catch her breath. Her eyes full of terror. “Abner. He’s on the Western Horizon. Army.” She panted.

  Isaac stepped back and darted towards the window and peeked out at the edge of the highlands. Sure enough, a vast number of troops were lined up at the ready, and they were not his father’s.

  “I’ve sent word to Samuel.” Elizabeth stated, “but for now we are on our own.”

  Katarina began to shake, and Melody clasped onto the princess’ hands as she eased her into a chair. “He will come straight to the castle.” Katarina muttered. She then looked up at Melody with imploring eyes. “He will come here!” Her voice rose in panic and Isaac grabbed Elizabeth’s hand and pulled her to the side. “I will gather the guard. I want you to barricade yourself and all the female attendants in the highest room of the castle. Understand?”

  She nodded.

  “Good. And Elizabeth,” he paused his eyes surveying her sweet face, “don’t forget your sword.”

  Her eyes narrowed in determination as she turned to the other two princess’ and gave them the same order to gather maids and attendants in the bell tower. She then made her way to her chamber, Mary intercepting her on the way. “Hector has gone, my Lady. I also sent James to the Eastern Kingdom. I did not send a messenger to the West for fear of capture.”

  “Good thinking, Mary, thank you. We must gather everyone we can. I need my sword from my chambers. Fetch it for me and meet me at the tower door.” Mary nodded and darted up the stairwell.

  Elizabeth spotted all the men attendants and servants arming themselves and creating barricades to all the doors as Isaac sprinted towards the armory to rally the guard. She thanked her sister for forfeiting her wishes and keeping him here. Her sister! Elizabeth hurried out to the gardens where her sister had mentioned she wished for peace and quiet. She spotted her, unaware, as she sat with her back to her. “Alayna!” Elizabeth tripped on the stone pathway and fell to her knees, her palms scraping against the small stones. She grunted and stood quickly, Alayna horrified by her sister’s grace. “Elizabeth, what on Earth?”

  “You must come inside. Now.” Elizabeth began pulling her towards the castle and Alayna resisted. “I will not. I told you I needed my peace out here for a few hours.”

  “You don’t have a few hours!” Elizabeth yelled in frustration. “Abner is marching on us this very instant!”

  Alayna’s face paled. “What?”

  “He is coming from the West. Isaac is fetching the guard. The castle is being bolted down, and word has been sent to Samuel and Eamon. Now come! I will explain more once we are inside.”

  Alayna followed, gathering her skirts as Elizabeth led her up the many staircases towards the bell tower. “Get inside.” Elizabeth lightly shoved her sister’s back into the room with the servants and maids, all looking terrified. “Lizzy, what are y—” The door closed in her face and she heard Elizabeth yell through the wood. “Bolt the door!” And Alayna heard the sound of the heavy wooden barricade latch.

  Elizabeth sank against the doors to catch her breath. Her leg throbbed, but she knew it was not the time to think of herself. Her father’s castle would soon be under attack and she would die defending it from such a man as Abner.


  “We must go, brother.” Clifton sat on the large boulder in Elizabeth’s clearing and watched as Ryle lay in exhaustion upon his back in the grass. The sun was at full attention in the sky. Noon, Clifton realized, their journey into the Lands, the battle, and the death had all taken less than six hours. Ryle’s breathing began to even and he eased up onto his elbows. “I do not wish to go back just yet.”

  “We must. We must inform the others and come up with a better plan.” Clifton stood and began sheathing his sword onto his horse. “We lost, Ryle. Accept it.” His voice was gruff, and his forwardness would more than likely make his brother angry, but it was the truth.

  “And what of the other Uniters?” Ryle asked.

  “They will continue to hide.”

  “If we were betrayed by someone, and it was not Edward, then their location is already at risk. They will be killed.” Ryle’s face twisted into a pained grimace as he fought for control of his emotions and the anger that ravaged his insides.

  “It was a risk they were willing to take.” Clifton stated. “We pray they remain safe, but in the meantime, we must head back to the castle and regroup.”

  “No. I will not go as of yet. We need to think of another plan before we face everyone. We need to show there is another way to defeat Lancer.” Ryle stood and began to pace around the clearing and Clifton swallowed his frustration. He tilted his head as he listened closer to the sound of what appeared to be hooves. “Do you hear that?”

  “Hear what?” Ryle asked and paused a moment. He shook his head. “You are probably just imagining things. The sounds of battle remain long after the fight.”

  Clifton shook his head and slipped into the trees leading out of Elizabeth’s clearing and he froze as he gazed upon the Southern army heading at full speed towards the North. A horse pulled up beside him and he looked up into the familiar face of Samuel. “What is the meaning of this?” Clifton yelled over the pounding upon the earth.

  “Abner marches from the West. Word was sent for reinforcements.”

  Clifton’s gaze hardened, and he nodded. “I will gather Ryle and we will meet you there!”

  Samuel nodded and kicked in his heels, his horse racing to gain back the ground he had lost from the front of the pack. Clifton hurried through the trees and found his brother sitting on the boulder with his head in his hands staring at the ground.

  “Your sulking will have to wait.�
� Clifton barked, climbing up into his saddle. “Abner marches on the North.”

  Ryle’s head snapped up. “What?”

  “You heard me. We have to move.” Clifton turned without waiting and heard his brother mounting his horse as well. When Clifton emerged from the trees, Samuel’s army had already covered considerable ground and would be arriving at the castle in mere minutes. Ryle appeared next to him as they rode hard and fast towards Alayna and Elizabeth.


  Isaac raised his shield as arrows pelted against him and the royal guard. Several men collapsed, but most were protected by shields or coverings. The first level had to hold, or the castle would be lost. The royal guard was strong in skill but lacking in numbers since the battles from last year. Without reinforcements, Isaac knew they could not hold Abner’s army off for long. He spotted black tunics making their way across the highlands and thanked the heavens for Samuel’s haste. He prayed he arrived soon enough to help protect the inner courts.

  “Hold your ground!” Isaac yelled. “Hold your ground!” He watched as the first of Abner’s guards reached the outer castle walls. “Archers! Take your aim!” He raised his hand. “Fire!” He heard the rush of arrows swim through the air and meet most of their targets. “Ready!” He yelled again. “Fire!” Round two, and several more guards went down. Abner’s numbers continued to multiply, and Isaac could not imagine the reason for an army so big except for conquering. The gates to the inner courts pounded open and a flood of guards seeped into the market square. A clash of green and red tunics with shields echoed around the castle. “Maintain your ground!” He shouted and ran down the side parapet to reach the next landing. He found his footing quickly and raised his sword to protect a royal guard from behind and then rotated in time to block another blow to his right shoulder.

  “We are surrounded, my Lord!” A guard called to him as they clashed blades with two red tunics. “The castle is surrounded.”

  “The South is coming and so is the East. We must hold them off long enough until our help arrives.” Isaac turned and realized he was speaking to no one as the man’s glazed eyes stared up at him and his chest poured with blood. Shaking his head at such a loss, he jumped over several bodies to come to a stop at the edge of the railing. The South was already fighting for them on the first level, but the inner courts were breached. Protection of the main castle doors was paramount, and Isaac slipped into the castle to make his way there. His footsteps echoed throughout the western wing of the castle as he headed towards the front entrance. Elizabeth was rushing down the stairs. “What are you doing?!” Isaac yelled at her. She froze and waved her hand in the air frantically. “I cannot find Katarina or Melody. They were to round up the maids and meet me at the bell tower. The maids arrived but they have not.”

  Isaac ran a hand over his worn face and grabbed her elbow pulling her out of the way of oncoming royal guards taking formation behind the castle doors. “Listen to me, Elizabeth.” His eyes bore into hers and he could tell he had her full attention. “The castle is going to be breached. You must get to safety. Do you hear me?”

  She nodded. “But what of Melody and Kat—”

  “They will find you. You need to protect the Queen, your sister.”

  “Isaac, I—”

  “Go. Melody and Katarina will either make it to the bell tower or they are on their own now. There is no time. Go!” He barked as pounding began against the large wooden doors and he darted towards the action. Elizabeth surveyed the scene around her and outside the windows she could see the battle underway. Mustering what little courage she had left, she began making her way up the stairs just as the doors burst open.


  “Elizabeth!” Alayna pounded on the locked doors of the bell tower. “Open this door this minute! You cannot lock me in here! Elizabeth!” She gave up with a frustrated blow of her bangs and walked over to the small opening of the tower and peeked out. Shock tore into her at what surrounded her father’s castle and she quickly pulled herself away from the sight. She heard a rustle outside the door and it opened briefly to allow several more attendants to pass through. She quickly stalked over. “Elizabeth!” She squeezed through the crowd and slipped into the hall just as Elizabeth reached the top of the steps. “Get back inside!” She screamed at Alayna waving her hand frantically as several arrows landed behind her sister. Alayna gasped as she felt a hand pull her towards the doors. Melody with wide eyes pulled the Queen into the tower behind her. Elizabeth sighed in relief at seeing the Western Princess, but Katarina could still not be found. Elizabeth turned and held a shield at the ready as she heard footsteps making their way up the stairwell. Two guards from Abner’s Realm smirked at the sight of her and she spotted Katarina hiding in an alcove behind them with wide eyes and Mary coming up the stairwell behind them. Mary slid to a stop but caught the men’s attention and one of them turned, spotting Katarina huddled in the corner. Mary darted forward, her hands grabbing the hilt of the man’s sword as he rose to strike Katarina. Scrambling to keep her hold, he backhanded Mary across the face, sending her to the floor. Elizabeth parried with the other guard, her arms aching from lack of use and she scolded herself for not practicing more. She felt a slice along her left thigh and felt the man’s strength behind his next blow as he thought he would slice her leg. His blade temporarily snagged against her wooden peg and she noted the man’s surprise as she advanced without flinching. He yanked, and his blade came free just as Elizabeth stabbed him through the heart. Katarina screamed as the other guard made his way towards her and Mary hurried, pulling herself across the floor to her feet to dive at the man’s legs. The man kicked and turned just as Elizabeth brought her blade around. He moved just in time, his sword finding its way into Mary’s stomach and Elizabeth’s just grazing his shoulder. Her eyes drifted to her faithful friend and servant, Mary’s sweet gaze slowly dimming as her blood began puddling over the floor. Elizabeth felt the sting of tears as she kicked out and nailed the man in the middle of the chest with her peg, the force taking him by surprise as she drove her blade deep into his own stomach. She jerked and twisted as he leaned forward, his grip loosening and his blade clattered to the floor. She held his dark gaze as his life slowly drained from him, and she made sure he understood the pain which she inflicted was out of vengeance. When he finally collapsed, and Elizabeth removed her sword, Katarina slid to her knees beside Mary and cupped her face, the front of the princess’ dress covering with blood. “Leave her. She is lost.” Elizabeth yanked Katarina to her feet and pulled up the barricade to the bell tower and shoved Katarina inside. She caught the brief terrified gaze of Alayna as she closed the door and the sound of the bolt slid into place.

  Footsteps carried up the stairway and Elizabeth braced herself for further attack, but her eyes widened at the sight of Samuel and Mosiah. Samuel spotted Mary on the cold floor and his face filled with regret.

  “You came.” Elizabeth’s words barely a whisper as she enveloped the young king in a tight embrace.

  “I came as soon as your messenger reached me.” Samuel nodded to the two guards. “There will be more. I suggest you join the others in the tower.”

  “I can fight.” Elizabeth assured him.

  “I know you can, Princess, but now is not the time. You have done your part.” Samuel turned as several guards emerged and he and Mosiah began engaging. She remained where she stood, her sword dripping in blood and her gaze drifting to dear Mary. She would never find a more loyal friend, she thought, and she wished she could take a moment to weep for the loss of such a lovely person but knew that moment would need to be postponed. She reached under her skirt and grabbed her dagger and threw it with exact precision at the guard that had just reached the top step. Samuel turned briefly and nodded his thanks as Elizabeth stepped forward to join in the fight with him and Mosiah.


  “We must push the remaining forces back towards the boundary line. Once across we can let Lancer handle them.” Ryle grunted as h
e shoved off of one man and into another, his blade appearing through the man’s back.

  “That would take too long.” Clifton dodged a strike to his chest and pulled the man’s face down to meet his knee, the satisfying crunch of the man’s nose sending him to the ground.

  “It is the only way. Father cannot possibly reach us until nightfall if we are lucky. We cannot hold much longer if we do not divert Abner’s army.”

  “Then go!” Clifton yelled. “Grab some guards and go! We will stay and cover the castle.”

  Ryle nodded and began sprinting down the stairwell towards the Eastern wing of the castle where he found the second wave of royal guards preparing for their emergence into the battle. “Arm yourselves, gentlemen! Our plan is changing! We force them towards the boundary line of the Unfading Lands!”


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