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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 71

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Clifton stared into Elizabeth’s eyes and saw her disappointment, but she agreed by nodding. “Very well.” She turned to Alayna. “What news from Samuel?”

  Clifton pulled out the latest letter from Samuel and handed it to Alayna. Having briefed her earlier, Alayna did not take the time to read the note, but instead began retelling Samuel’s proposals. “He feels his forces there in the Lands are as ready as we are.”

  “And our soldiers are ready to fight once again?” Alayna asked. Both Clifton and Isaac nodded in agreement.

  “Very well. Samuel feels that we should take a different approach this time. He wishes to attack from all sides.”

  “Surround them.” Isaac pointed out. “It’s a good plan.”

  “One we have not done before.” Clifton added. “It would take all armies. Though we have the Uniters on the inside, Lancer’s army will not be able to withstand a full attack from all kingdoms plus the Valleylands. We would take over his loyal troops just by sheer number. Our biggest dilemma is how we reach Lancer himself. That boundary does not come down unless he does. And then there is the question of the darkness. Where does it go? And what of Edward? He possesses it to.”

  “They both must fall.” Alayna pointed out, sadness in her words.

  “Alayna, do you realize what you are saying?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Yes, Lizzy, I do. Both Lancer and Edward need to be separated from the darkness. If we should find a way that does not involve death, we will try. But we must consider the possibility we may lose our brother in this fight.”

  Elizabeth’s head dropped, and she felt Clifton’s reassuring touch to her fingers in her lap. She gripped his hand tightly in response.

  “Can we be ready in a week?”

  “I must travel to the West and send word to the East. We may need more time than that.” King Eamon suggested.

  “Two weeks time then.” Alayna declared. Everyone silently nodded in agreement; the weight of their decision flooded the room, and no one said a word.


  Ryle felt the last of the rope threads snap and he leaned his head back in relief. The sun filtered through the tree branches and kissed his face as a fresh breeze ruffled the leaves. Sending up a prayer of thanks, he climbed to his feet and stepped out of the alcove. He did not recognize his whereabouts and decided to begin walking North. He figured Edward would more than likely take him as far from his desired location as possible. He stayed along the tree line; should he encounter any guards along the way, he wished to have the advantage of a hiding space.

  He started jogging as fast as he could with the shackles clamped around his ankles, the heavy chain tiring him within minutes. He slowed his pace to a brisk walk and found it easier though frustratingly slow. He darted into the trees at the sound of hooves along the road and noticed several of Lancer’s guards passing by. He had to be near the castle, he realized. He ducked back out to gauge his surroundings and spotted the veil not far from his location. Liberation in sight, he hurried as fast as he could move to reach the boundary.

  The fog grew closer and Ryle felt his chest tighten with exertion as he wound his way over rocks and downed trees. The shackles around his ankles hooked on a stone as he tried to race over the pebbled terrain and he stumbled over his feet until he face-planted on the ground. Grunting and rolling over to his back with a groan, he looked up and saw the sun shift behind the fluffy clouds in the brightest sky he had seen for months. Panting, he tried to erase from his mind the pain he felt in every inch of his body. Willing himself to keep moving, he shifted to his knees. “Get up, Ryle.” He ordered himself. “Get up.” He struggled pulling his weight to his feet, but he rose. Raising his head up towards the boundary line, he began moving again. One foot in front of the other until he cleared the tree line and the boundary line lingered before him.

  Tunnel vision had always been a habit of his. When he focused upon a goal, he blocked everything out until he reached his desired outcome. His father had always called it pride. Ryle possessed too much pride in certain circumstances. His pride prevented him from seeking others’ counsel when sometimes it was necessary. However, he felt his pride is what helped him from giving in to Lancer and Edward as well. Could it be that his stubborn pride was to be the one attribute that saved his life? He refused to stop and continued pushing forward. He was almost there. The veil beckoned him like a waterfall after days of thirst. As he jogged towards safety, he stumbled yet again and quickly gathered himself together and growled as he climbed to his knees and took a deep breath. His cheek marred by a bloody scratch from the ground. Taking one more deep breath he placed his right foot beneath him and began to rise.

  He froze. The cold blade pressed into the side of his neck and he dared not breathe.

  “What have we here?”

  The voice sent chills up his spine and he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise as Lancer circled around him with a smug smile; Lancer’s blade, pressed against the Adam’s apple, never left Ryle’s neck.

  “And here I thought you were dead.” Lancer continued. He shook his head. “It would seem Edward did not quite have it in him to dispense of you. That’s a shame.”

  “Do what you will.” Ryle barked, his shoulders straightening as he knelt before the evil ruler.

  Lancer laughed. “I had hoped Edward killed you, but his compassion is a black mark against him. I think I will take care of you myself. Though death will have to wait. I have other plans for you.”

  Lancer brought the hilt of his sword down hard against Ryle’s temple, and the Prince of the East crumbled to the ground.


  The Western armies arrived within days, followed by the Eastern Kingdom. Isaac and Clifton gathered all the forces together to explain their assault. The Southern Kingdom arrived next, led by Mosiah, King Granton’s former Captain of the Guard. Clifton had never seen such a desire in the eyes of the South to save their king. Samuel was already loved by his kingdom, and for that, Clifton was thankful. They all had something to lose. Their freedom. Their kingdoms. Their lives. Everything was at risk and teetered on the edge of collapse, but he would not allow another failure. He felt positive they would restore the Realm and tear down Lancer’s boundary. It was only a matter of time. And he felt the time was now. He looked up as Isaac galloped towards him. Pulling his reins, the Western prince grimaced. “Katarina’s troops are here. They are headed this way. She rides with them in her caravan.”

  Clifton nodded in understanding. “I will see to it. Give these troops their orders.” He slapped his reins and rode towards the front of the castle as Katarina emerged from her carriage. She smiled, a hint of malice in her expression. “Prince Clifton.” She bowed.

  He dismounted. “We were not expecting you to travel with your army, Katarina.”

  “You sound disappointed.”

  “Not disappointed.” Clifton clarified. “Surprised. You will find a stiff welcome here, I’m afraid.”

  “I figured as much.” She accepted the hand her attendant offered her as she climbed the steps to the castle. “I still maintain my agreement, but you can trust my word. My army will fight with you. We all must see the boundary line fall, I am not so blind to that fact. And if partnering with the Realm of Queen Alayna is how to accomplish the task, I will do it. But I still hold the King of the West until the end. Prince Isaac brought that upon himself.”

  “Very well.” Clifton forced himself to remain polite as he walked into the castle with her and Elizabeth was making her way down the stairs. His wife froze, her blue eyes narrowing as she surveyed the Valleylands’ newest queen.

  “You are far from home, Katarina.” She stated, as she finished her descent.

  “Ah, Princess Elizabeth, good to see you again.”

  Elizabeth did not respond. Instead, she looked up at her husband. “I must get back.” Clifton stated and brushed a kiss over her lips as he departed. Elizabeth watched him leave and turned to make her way to the conservatory, leaving Kat
arina standing in the doorway.

  “Am I to receive the cold shoulder from you as well, Elizabeth?” Katarina asked. “I thought we were friends.”

  “We were never friends.” Elizabeth turned to face her. “You are an acquaintance. You ruined all chance of being a friend when you captured one of our kings.”

  “I did not capture him, my father did.” Katarina pointed out.

  “Yet you keep him. Do not act so innocent, Katarina. It is unbecoming.”

  Katarina felt the verbal slap from across the room and smiled coyly. “I see. Well, we must learn to live amongst one another for the next few weeks. I hope you are able to handle my presence.”

  “Why would she need to?” Alayna walked into the room and nodded a greeting towards her sister and circled around Katarina as she took her seat on the edge of a chaise.

  “Well we will be in the same castle, I hope we may learn to tolerate one another.” Katarina smiled sweetly, her once quiet voice endearing, now reeked of poison, and Alayna found her off putting.

  “You will not be staying inside the castle.” Alayna clarified.

  Katarina’s false confidence wavered, as she stood dumbfounded. “What do you mean?”

  “Your invitation to the North did not include a stay at our castle. Your army and your caravan will have access to camping within the Northern borders, but that does not give you an open invitation to grace the halls of the castle. Why, it doesn’t even include access through the castle gates.” Alayna waved for Tomas to step forward. “Please direct Queen Katarina back to her caravan and send the entry guards to guide her to their camp location.”

  Tomas bowed and waited as a shocked Katarina stammered a response. Not knowing what to say, Katarina turned in a huff and stalked out of the room.

  Elizabeth’s grin spread across her face as she slowly clapped her hands. “Bravo, sister.”

  Alayna smirked and smoothed a hand over her skirts. “You think I’m going to let that conniving queen lurk about our home and play on Isaac and Melody’s feelings? Not in my castle.”

  Elizabeth chuckled as Melody entered with a panicked look on her face. “Was that Katarina? Is she staying here? Has Isaac seen her?”

  Alayna held up her hand. “Slow down, Melody. Take a breath. No, Katarina is not staying here. She will be camped in the Northern kingdom with her troops, however, so we must attempt to be polite should we come across her. But she will not be within the castle.”

  Melody physically relaxed before them. “Thank you for that. Why, I do not know if I could even look at her at the moment without spewing words of distaste.”

  “You?” Elizabeth asked in amusement. “My goodness, it is bad if Melody cannot be nice.” She and Alayna chuckled as Melody flushed and sat across from the two sisters. “Yes, well it is not me I worry about. Isaac would probably kill her, or at least entertain the thought.”

  “Prince Isaac has bigger issues on his plate at the moment. He and Clifton are gathering the armies and the next few days will be spent forming their strategies and rotations. Let’s not worry him with the details of the Valleylands’ queen. In fact, Elizabeth, I would like you to keep your eye on Katarina, if you don’t mind?” Alayna asked.

  Elizabeth, hungry for responsibility, accepted gladly. “It would be more than a pleasure, sister.”

  “Good. I do not want her out of sight. And should we need to delay her return to the Valleylands in order to rescue Anthony, I may need you to… distract her.” Alayna continued.

  “Again, it would be my pleasure.” Elizabeth’s lips curled into a smile that withheld her anger at Katarina but told Alayna her sister would do whatever was necessary to prevent the Valleylands’ queen from harming her friends or her kingdom.

  Chapter 12

  Samuel waved to Isaac across the line as he bent over to retrieve the letter the Western Prince tossed across the line. Samuel read the battle plans for the upcoming days. With a smile, Samuel nodded in agreement through the veil.

  Isaac turned to leave but then spotted Edward riding up to the clearing on the other side. He watched as Samuel ducked into the trees unnoticed, and Edward pulled his reins to a stop. He noticed Isaac and he smiled as he dismounted. He offered a wave as Isaac stepped forward. Edward mimicked the writing motion with his hand and Isaac shook his head. He did not have any writing supplies with him. He had brought the letter from Samuel and that was it. Edward’s brow furrowed in confusion. He hoped the Northern prince did not wonder too much about why Isaac would venture to the boundary line without writing supplies. Why else would he be here? Isaac looked around at the targets Elizabeth had once used as a training ground. That would be his excuse. Time away from the castle and a place to practice. Edward tossed a rock across the line, a small piece of parchment attached. Isaac bent to retrieve it.

  Prince Isaac,

  I must say I am surprised to see you. I have been patrolling the boundary for weeks waiting for word from the Realm, but no one has shown up until now. Any word on what my sister plans to do in the near future? I honestly thought the Realm would have acted by now.

  “I’m sure you did.” Isaac mumbled.

  Please fill me in on upcoming plans. I cannot be of service to the Realm if I do not know the strategies going forward.

  Isaac looked up at the expectant Edward, the Northern prince pacing back and forth awaiting a response from Isaac. Watching him, Isaac debated his response. Edward stopped walking and Isaac motioned over his shoulder and then flicked his wrist as if he were writing. He had nothing to write a response with, thankfully. Therefore, he signaled to Edward that he would have to leave and come back. Edward stepped close to the boundary and studied Isaac openly. His eyes narrowed, and Isaac stepped forward to study him in return. Edward’s eyes were clouded and his mouth taut. Deciding Isaac told the truth, Edward nodded and turned to leave the clearing.

  When Edward had ridden off, Samuel emerged once more and gave Isaac two thumbs up before scampering off into the trees once more. Shaking his head and rubbing a hand over his face, Isaac sighed. Their plans to not inform Edward were harder than he anticipated. The fact Edward would be awaiting a response from him worried him more, and he knew he had to talk with Clifton to see what information they decided to pass along. Meanwhile, Samuel had his own plans to execute within the Lands. A plan that he wished to allow a week’s time to implement. A week. One week and the veil before him would be gone. Isaac flushed his hand into the fog and felt the tingling sensation course through him. He would cross in a week’s time, and he prayed he would not be trapped on the other side. Victory was essential. He had assured Elizabeth that success was bound to happen. Now he just needed assurance for himself.


  Edward pulled his reins to a stop and jumped from his saddle to the ground and walked through the trees to where Ryle would be waiting. He ducked under a low-lying limb and his eyes adjusted to the shady alcove. He stopped. His breath leaving his lungs in one loud strangled cry of outrage. Ryle was gone. He searched through the alcove and came across the shredded rope and the rock in which Ryle used to escape. He flung the rock with all his might, the stone pelting against a tree and leaving a chip in the bark. Edward tried to calm himself, but his heart pounded. His ears drummed with every beat, and he felt his blood rush through his veins. He felt hot, his face flushed as he struggled to maintain his control. How dare he escape?! Edward sank to his knees as he wrestled with the anger rising up within him, the pounding in his chest causing his emotions to flare and his resolve to melt.

  In a moment, Edward felt the last of his control slip away and an eerie calm washed over him. His breaths stabilized. His heart slowed to a normal rhythm. And when he stood to his feet, his legs felt stronger than ever. When he turned to survey the alcove one more time, a smirk tilted his lips. He hoped Lancer did not find out about Ryle’s survival or his escape. However, Edward now felt a sense of peace in his purpose. What did it matter if Ryle escaped back into the Realm? What did it matter t
hat Edward had not received word from the Realm? All that mattered now was power. And power was what he was after. Power is what he wanted, and power he would get.

  With a new purpose, Edward set forth towards the castle. It was time Lancer recognized Edward’s strength. It was time for Lancer and Edward to combine their powers together in the Reflection chamber. A slow, creeping, inner voice whispered to Edward, beckoning him to the chamber. Yes. He and Lancer would be strong in their fight against the Realm. Edward had lost his role in the Realm to his sister. His purpose relinquished to Alayna. But here, here in The Land of Unfading Beauty, Edward realized he had more than he could ever dream of. He had supremacy. Combining he and Lancer’s power was the only way to ensure Prince Ryle and the rest of the Realm did not succeed in tearing down the boundary. Suddenly, the only thing that mattered was the boundary line. Suddenly, all Edward desired was for his family to suffer the consequences of war. And suddenly, Edward was lost.


  Samuel motioned towards the basket in front of Cecilia. “Are you not going to take it?”

  Cecilia eyed him with suspicion. “Why are you releasing me?”

  Shrugging, Samuel turned to leave.

  “Wait!” Cecilia called to him. The young king, though lacking in age, possessed a domineering stance. He was tall, Cecilia realized. And regal. She had not noticed those traits until now as he patiently waited for her to speak.

  “I don’t understand.” She said.

  “I do not wish to hold you captive anymore. That is all you need to know. I am not like the other men in my realm. Malice is not in my nature. So, I release you. Besides,” he continued. “In a week’s time the Unfading Lands will be defeated. The Realm will sneak upon him from the North and he will have no way of escaping the battle that is coming for him. So, I do not care of your fate, Cecilia. Because in a week’s time, theses Lands will be a memory.”


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