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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 72

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Cecilia watched as he turned and walked away. The Realm planned to attack from the Northern Kingdom? She pondered the thought and quickly gathered the basket of food. She needed to find Lancer. She needed to inform him of the Realm’s plans, and she needed to find Edward.

  Samuel watched from behind a tree as Cecilia hurried away in the direction of the castle. His plan was in place. He knew she would run straight to Lancer for protection and to inform him of the Realm’s plan to strike from the North. However, what Cecilia did not know was that Samuel had planted a false strategy in her mind. The Realm’s intention was not to strike from the North at all. He smiled to himself. His purpose in the Land of Unfading Beauty had just been partially been fulfilled. Now all he needed to do was to make sure his Uniters were ready to fight one last time.

  When he stepped back into the Uniters’ camp he quickly ducked behind a tree once more as Edward stalked around the camp barking orders to the guards to gather their belongings. Listening closely, Samuel snagged a guard that attempted to flee the clearing. He covered the man’s mouth as he pulled him behind the trees. “What is happening?” Samuel whispered.

  “Prince Edward is forcing us to break camp and move back into the villages. He said there is no longer a need for our services. He plans to escort us back, with the help of Lancer’s guards. We are surrounded.” The man’s panicked voice caused Samuel’s heart to race.

  “Keep calm.” Samuel ordered him softly. “There must be a way to escape.”

  “They have us blocked on the other side. It will not be long until they come this way as well.”

  Samuel watched as horrified Uniters scrambled around the camp and gathered their belongings. Some sprinted into the trees disregarding their personal items. But others remained, panic stricken. Meanwhile, Edward rounded them up like sheep, herding them towards his guards. What had made the prince fully turn against them? He wondered.

  “Hear me now,” Samuel said to the guard next to him. “Run towards the river and navigate your way towards the Western Boundary line. And should you see anyone else, tell them the same. I will find you there.”

  The man nodded and darted away like a scared squirrel. Samuel climbed into the nearest tree and settled upon the branches as he watched events unfold before him. No one was killed, but he wondered if Edward were leading these people to their slaughter. Thankfully, Samuel had moved the weapons to another location a few days prior, so Edward would not be able to find their arsenal, another fact, he was sure would bother Edward. However, he watched as the prince overturned anything in sight hunting for weapons. Samuel noticed the hardened face held a shadow of panic as well. As if Edward needed to find their weapons. As though he needed to bring down the Uniters’ camp himself.

  The only thought in Samuel’s mind was to save the fellow Uniters. What he did not know was how he was going to accomplish such a task without a full army supporting him. He needed to talk to Clifton immediately, but he did not know how he could notify the Eastern prince. As the camp cleared, Samuel slowly climbed down from his lofty position and travelled towards the Western Boundary praying he still had an army.


  Days went by and a dreary mood had settled over the castle. Elizabeth wound her way through the halls and out to the gardens. Needing color, needing fresh air, and needing peace, she found her way towards Mary’s stone. She lightly kissed the tips of her first two fingers and placed it upon the top before she sat at the bench across from the marker of her dearest friend.

  “It is that time, Mary.” Her words drifting through the wind. “We plan to attack the Unfading Lands in two days’ time.”

  She reached for a pale yellow rose on the bush beside her. Plucking the small blossom, she inhaled its familiar scent, a small comfort settling upon her heart as she rubbed a hand over her swollen stomach. Not much of a change yet, she knew, but her corset laces were slowly being loosened each passing day.

  “You are seeking solace, and yet I find myself needing to speak with you.”

  She turned as Clifton walked towards her and sat.

  “That is okay. You are the only one allowed to interrupt me.” He smiled as she handed him the rose bud. “What is it you wish to tell me?”

  Sighing, Clifton draped his arm over her shoulders as they sat. “Melody ventured to your clearing today to converse with Samuel.”

  “Yes, she has been doing that quite religiously.” Elizabeth stated. “I think it quite cute.”

  Clifton’s lips twitched into a partial smile before he continued. “Yes, well not today. She came back in a frenzy. Samuel had tossed a letter across the boundary, but he was nowhere in sight.”

  “So, he may not have been able to get away from the Uniters at the time. What is her concern?”

  “His letter.” Clifton continued. “He claimed Edward stormed the Uniters’ camp and disbanded everyone sending them back to the villages.”

  Elizabeth gasped, her hand covering her lips. “No.”

  Clifton nodded. “I am afraid so. Samuel says he has a small group along the Western boundary lines, but that most of their number was escorted out of the camp by Lancer’s guards. He wishes to execute a rescue mission, but Isaac and I feel we should wait until the actual battle. We do not wish to let on that we are coming any time soon. An escape mission so close to our plan to take down Lancer is too risky. We do not want him to be prepared for us.”

  “So, what are you proposing?”

  “That we continue with our plans to attack the Lands on schedule and absorb the loyal Uniters as we condense towards the castle. They may join up along the way.”

  “What if Edward has them executed?”

  “I do not think he will.”

  “Well he obviously has lost his mind if he betrayed them to Lancer already.” Elizabeth’s voice was pained. “He is lost, isn’t he?

  “No.” Clifton replied, turning her chin towards him so he could gaze into her eyes. “He is confused. Edward is still in there somewhere. You must not give up on him. The darkness shades his judgment. That is all.”

  “Yet we have no idea how to rid him of it.”

  “Not yet. Other than wounding him like Alayna did Lancer, we have no idea. But we will think of something, Elizabeth. We will.”

  “Have you spoken to Alayna of these plans?”

  “I have. Isaac as well. We are all in agreement. You are the last vote.”

  She searched Mary’s grave with her gaze as if her friend held the answer. Tilting her head to read over the stone, she turned to her husband. “I agree with the rest of you. But I do believe a letter needs to be sent to Samuel. He needs to be informed.”

  “Yes, Isaac was headed there now.”

  “So you did not need my opinion after all?” Elizabeth asked, her voice intrigued that Clifton acted without first speaking to her.

  “I knew you would agree.” He tapped her nose and then stood. “I will leave you with Mary now. I must begin preparations. My armor needs fastenings replaced.”

  Elizabeth stood. “I should follow you inside. I am sure I am needed elsewhere.”

  He brushed his hand over her hair as she lightly kissed her fingers and bid farewell to Mary once more.

  Clifton slid his arm around her waist as they walked back towards the castle.

  “I would like to name the baby Mary, if it is a girl.” Elizabeth stated.

  Clifton looked down at her. “Are you so sure it is a girl?”

  Elizabeth smiled. “No. I am just mentioning my requests.”

  Laughing, Clifton hugged her towards him as they continued walking. “I see. Well it is duly noted, and I will say that I find Mary to be a fine name.” He kissed the top of her head as the guards opened the doors for them to enter into the castle.


  Lancer stood before his fireplace, the licking of the flames over the blackened stones pulling him into a meditative stupor. He felt his strength returning day by day. And for some reason today he had felt a surge in hi
s heart. He felt like his old self again. He was not sure what action initiated the process. Perhaps his stumbling upon the Eastern Prince, or quite possibly his trust in Edward. Edward had exceeded his expectations and Lancer could tell his friend now allowed the darkness to flow through him freely. Why then did he release the Eastern prince instead of killing him like he ordered? Lancer did not feel the normal anger that would flood him over such a direct act of disobedience. Instead, he would remain watchful of Edward. Yes, he was powerful and beneficial, but should a weakness for his former people weaken him to the point of acting against him, Lancer knew he would not hesitate in removing Edward from the Lands. He would kill him. And unlike Edward, Lancer did not pardon. He would kill him if need be and Edward would not escape his wrath. A knock sounded on his chamber door and he turned to find a guard standing in the doorway.

  “You disturb me for a purpose?” He asked.

  “There is someone here to speak with you, my Lord. She says it is urgent.”

  Lancer’s brows rose in curiosity as he made his way to the door. “I’ll meet her in the great hall.”

  The guard nodded and exited quickly. Lancer straightened his tunic and rolled his shoulders back. Inquisitive to who might wish to speak to him, he hurried down the hallway.

  Cecilia stood with her back to him, but he recognized her immediately. His loyal Cecilia.

  “You are brave coming to the castle, my dear.” Lancer watched as she jumped in her skin before turning towards him. Her appearance dirty and unkempt.

  “Are you ill?” He motioned towards her form.

  She shook her head. “No, my Lord. I am fine. Well, not completely fine. I have grave news for you, my Lord.”

  “Is that so?”

  She nodded. “News of the Realm, my Lord. They plan to attack again and soon.”

  “And how do you know of this?”

  “I was kidnapped by King Samuel of the Southern Kingdom.”

  “King Samuel? You are able to cross the boundary freely?”

  “No, my Lord. He is here… in the Lands. He has been living amongst a secret camp of Uniters against your kingship. Those loyal to the Realm of Queen Alayna wish to overthrow you. They live in secret so as to act as the guards for the Realm’s causes within the Lands.”

  “You know this how? We killed all of these Uniters after the last battle for treason.”

  “No, my Lord. Some of them escaped your punishment.”

  “I see.” Lancer’s voice hardened.

  “And what do you know of the Realm’s upcoming attack? Edward has not mentioned anything to me about a possible attack.”

  “He does not know about it either. They do not trust him. King Samuel believes him to be lost to the darkness that you both possess, and they withheld this information from him so he would not report their actions to you.”

  “And why did King Samuel expound upon these plans to you?”

  “I do not think he meant to, my Lord. He is young and naïve. When he released me, he said he was not going to kill me because it was not in his nature. However, he said my punishment would come when the Realm invaded from the North in two days’ time. That is how I know. The Realm will be attacking the Lands from the North.” Cecilia nervously nudged her hair behind her ear, the smudges of dirt upon her face distinct against her pale skin.

  Lancer smiled slowly and welcomed her with an outstretched arm. “Cecilia, welcome to my home.” He motioned for two guards to step forward. “Make sure she receives the finest care.” He nodded towards them as they escorted Cecilia to another wing of the castle. Her loyalty astounded him.

  Edward’s boots echoed through the great hall as he entered the castle. He slid to a stop when he saw Lancer bidding Cecilia farewell. Lancer turned, and his smile widened. “Ah, Edward. We need to talk, my friend.”

  Edward’s stomach dropped as Lancer walked towards him. “Now, my Lord?”

  “Yes and it is imperative we talk in the Reflection chamber. Come.” He waited for Edward to walk alongside him.

  “What is Cecilia doing here?” Edward asked, trying to keep a calm tone in his voice.

  “She brought great news. I have rewarded her with a stay in the castle. Though you are more than welcome to allow her to stay in your chambers. I did not think of that before. You two are still in a relationship, I presume?”

  Edward did not know how to respond so he nodded. “Of sorts.”

  Laughing, Lancer patted his back as he bypassed him to enter the room first.

  Closing the door behind them, Edward watched as Lancer walked to the center of the room with arms wide. “I feel incredible, Edward.” His smile stretched across his face as he faced Edward. “I do not know why or how, but I feel stronger than ever.”

  Edward walked forward. “I have an idea why.”

  Lancer’s right brow arched. “Oh?”

  “Today I stumbled across a camp of Realm followers. I destroyed it.”

  Lancer threw his head back and laughed heartily. “That is the best news I’ve heard all day, Edward. Wonderful! You are brilliant. It is no wonder your family no longer trusts you.”

  “My Lord?”

  “Cecilia.” Lancer mentioned, pointing towards the door as he continued smiling and pulled a chair to the center of the room. “She came to deliver news of a surprise attack in a couple of days and I asked how you did not know this. She said they no longer trusted you enough to inform you.”

  “How would she know?”

  “It appears we have a king hiding in our midst.” Lancer acknowledged with a passing wave of his hand. “King Samuel of the South.”

  Edward thought back to the familiar face in the Uniters’ camp and he nodded. “I see.”

  “Seems he held Cecilia captive for quite some time. The poor dear looked absolutely dreadful.”

  Her rescue, Edward realized, was by King Samuel. That is why Ryle did not wish to tell him. Something was amiss, Edward thought. A gnawing in his gut told him Cecilia’s appearance was not by mere chance, but how did he explain this to Lancer without turning Lancer against him?

  “Do you trust her words?” Edward asked.

  “Of course I do. She informed us of the last attack and it was truthful. I do not doubt her now, that is for certain.”

  “What course of action do you wish to take, my Lord?”

  “We will fight, of course. One thing about your sister’s realm, Edward, is that they seem to forget who I am.” He winked as he sat in the chair and sliced his palm. He tossed the knife to Edward for him to do the same. Satisfied, he allowed his hand to drip to the floor. “They forget that it is my blood that created the boundary and it is my blood that holds it. Should they present another attack, again they will be beaten. Those who cannot cross back will die. Same as last time. They will fail. I am surprised she continues to assault us.”

  “For Alayna to feel another attack necessary, they must be stronger than last time, my Lord. She is not unwise. She would not make such a sacrifice of her people if she did not feel she could win.”

  “That is where she is wrong, Edward. Your sister is rash. Look what she did to me in the clearing that day. She thought she could stab me and kill me.” He laughed. “The look of horror on her face when you channeled the darkness back into me was priceless. She has no idea who she is dealing with. And it is our chance to show her. They will attack from the North in two days. I suggest you rally up the guard and be ready.” Lancer closed his eyes and his breathing decreased to long, soothing breaths as he summoned the darkness that awaited their invitation. Edward mirrored Lancer’s actions and before he could level his breaths, he felt the familiar climbing of the blackness crawling up his legs. Only this time, he welcomed it.


  Two days. Alayna shook her head. When the days flew by quickly, she now faced herself in the mirror. Sitting at her vanity, she adjusted the crown upon her head. It was time for her to make her appearance to the armies of the realm and the Valleylands. Katarina would be p
resent as well but would not be given the opportunity to speak. Alayna slid another pin into her blonde curls to secure the crown to her head. Words of encouragement, words of support, and words of enthusiasm. Today was the day that all their lives would change. She stood, and Jessa stepped forward to drape her emerald cape over her shoulders. The heavy fabric pulled behind her, and she waited for Jessa to lay the train of the cape across the floor. “You are ready, my Lady.” Jessa bowed. “You look beautiful.”

  Alayna turned towards the door. “It’s not about beauty today, Jessa, but thank you.” She gathered the front of her skirts and made her way out of the room and down the grand staircase. King Eamon awaited her at the bottom and offered his escort to the front of the castle. “How do you feel, my dear?”

  “A little nervous. I’ve never spoken to so large a crowd, especially a crowd I am asking to risk their lives.”

  “Leaders face such tasks not for others to envy, that is for certain. Such times and duties are a burden that we must bear. However, most times the risks are necessary in order to reach a positive outcome. These men know their risks, Alayna. They serve despite the risks, so do not feel you are personally responsible for all of their fates.”

  “Easier said than done, I’m afraid.” Alayna stated as the doors opened and she stepped out onto the main landing of the castle. Troops spread as far as she could see, within the castle gates and beyond. She stood in awe at the sheer size of her army and turned a surprised glance towards Elizabeth. Her sister’s brows rose in amusement and she smiled. Melody held Elizabeth’s hand while Katarina stood towards the side with her chin held high as if the cheering throughout the crowd was for her.

  Alayna placed her hand on her heart as she looked around. Knowing not everyone would hear her speech did not bother her, but she prayed those that did found her words encouraging.

  “I am overwhelmed at the moment.” She began looking at the faces of all the Captains that stood before her, Clifton, Isaac, and King Eamon within their ranks, as she studied the other leaders among them. “I feel unprepared as I stand before you. Unprepared to offer the words I know are expected of me. I had my words thoughtfully planned out until I stepped out onto these steps and saw you. All of you.” She waved her hand over the crowd. “I am in complete awe at the sheer number of you willing to serve our Realm and your kingdoms. I am in complete awe at your sacrifices away from your families, from your homes, and from your comforts. We will be facing the worst war our realm has ever seen, and yet, here you stand. Willing and ready. I am honored to be your Queen. Truly honored. Our fight against The Land of Unfading Beauty ends now. The boundary line will fall, and it will be credited to your bravery. I took a vow to serve this realm with my entire being, and I pledge to you now that my vow has not wavered. This war will ensure our realm’s safety in the future. It will bring home loved ones. It will destroy an evil force like no other, and it will bring back our lands. To your safety, to your strength, and to your hearts.” She raised her right hand as a trumpet sounded next to her. The leaders turned to face their troops and orders were shouted across the ranks. Feet began to stir as armies broke off into sections. Clifton, Isaac, and King Eamon walked up the steps. Isaac hugged Melody closely and whispered something in her ear as his sister cried. Elizabeth hugged King Eamon warmly and then lost herself in her husband’s arms as Clifton struggled leaving his wife behind. Alayna accepted hugs from Eamon and Isaac, waiting for Clifton to release Elizabeth. His hand graced her small protruding stomach as he kissed her one more time and walked towards Alayna.


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