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Sweet as Sin

Page 19

by Felix Baron

  ‘May you what?’

  ‘This!’ She thrust two fingers into the butter and put them between her thighs. Her position wouldn’t let Rolf watch but it was obvious she was masturbating with furious intensity. He pushed harder, striving for further depth. She doubled over. Her projecting elbow sawed the air. He wondered exactly what she was trying to do, and then he knew. Where his finger was, deep inside her, he felt fresh pressure, pushing up. She was feeling where his finger was going, from inside her pussy!

  ‘You’re a depraved little bitch,’ he told her.

  ‘Yes, I am. Finger-fuck my bum-hole, hard, please, Rolf. I think I’m going to be able to . . . Oh yes! Oh, Rolf, you are the most amazing man and what you are doing to me, it’s so . . .’

  She convulsed and fell to her knees, dragging herself out of his arm and off his finger. Rolf pulled her face into his lap, cuddled her shoulders and rocked her. ‘There, there.’

  ‘Rolf,’ she said in a very tiny voice, ‘I’m going to be the best bitch-whore-slut-slave you ever fucked or dreamt of fucking, I promise.’

  ‘You already are the best,’ he said.

  Penny looked up at him with gleaming eyes. ‘But we’ve only just begun, right Rolf?’


  ‘Finish your breakfast, then, and we’ll play some more games, where you make me do very bad things, even if I scream, OK?’ She rose and fetched him coffee before sitting opposite him. ‘What do you want to force me do next?’

  ‘What would you like – to be “forced” to do?’

  ‘There are so many things that I’ve imagined you doing to me, Rolf.’

  ‘For an innocent little virgin, you seem to know a great deal about sex – the kinky kind of sex.’

  She grinned. ‘I told you I’ve been sneaking my Mom’s toys, to play with? Well, I also found her secret stash of naughty books.’

  ‘Your mother reads porn?’

  ‘“Erotica”, she’d call it. Didn’t you know? Look in the case in her walk-in closet, on the top shelf, behind all those hat boxes. She’s got all sorts of good stuff. You’ll be surprised. That’s where I’ve educated myself from.’

  ‘She didn’t tell me.’

  ‘She wouldn’t, would she. You should have guessed, though. If she liked to cook, you’d expect her to read cookbooks, right? She likes sex, so she reads sex books.’

  ‘Why does she keep it a secret from me?’

  ‘In case you didn’t understand, I guess. Like, if she had a cookbook and it had a recipe for stewed octopus, you might think she liked them and might serve them to her, even though she hates them. In her sex books, there’ll be things she’d like to try and things she wouldn’t. She wouldn’t want you to get them confused. Me neither. There are things in those books that even I wouldn’t dare try.’

  ‘What sort of books are they then, apart from being about sex?’

  ‘Oh, lots of different types. One of my favourites is called The Story of O. Reading it makes me horny but I wouldn’t really want have my poor bum branded with a red-hot iron.’


  ‘I think about it though, sometimes. Would you like to brand my bottom with your initials, Rolf?’

  ‘Of course not. What’s your second favourite book?’

  ‘It’s illustrated, like a comic book. It’s by a man named John Willie. It’s about a slender blonde, looks a bit like me, except she’s got bigger tits than I have. Her name’s Gwendolyn and she wears tight corsets and belts and hobble skirts and incredibly high heels. She’s always getting captured by bad people and tied up in uncomfortable positions, bent and stretched and twisted – all sorts of positions. There’s not a lot of actual sex, no real fucking, in the book. It’s mainly about bondage.’

  ‘Which is something you like.’

  ‘I think I would. I’ve never had the chance to try it. There’s been no one I could trust to tie me up, till now. Are you going to tie me up, Rolf? I’d be so helpless!’

  ‘And you’d love that.’

  ‘I wouldn’t be able to resist, no matter what terrible things you did to me, Rolf.’

  ‘You’re really serious about this “being forced” thing, aren’t you.’

  ‘Oh yes! It’s what I dream of. And you, you’re so big, and powerful . . .’

  Rolf finally got his mind around the concept of Penny’s desire to be dominated and degraded. He’d always considered himself a kind and gentle man but now he realised that only a sadist is equipped to be kind to a devout masochist. He had that in him, it seemed. Under his civilised veneer, dark cruelty lurked, waiting to be invited out, or to escape.

  Penny had issued a clear invitation. The sophisticated beast in him responded.

  ‘I’m going to use you,’ he said. ‘You are going to amuse me.’

  Understanding blossomed on her face. ‘Yes, Rolf. Of course. No matter how much I protest?’

  ‘No matter how much,’ he confirmed.

  She looked at the floor. ‘Thank you, Rolf.’

  He rose. Rolf was taller than Penny by almost a foot but this time, when he stood up, he towered over her as if he was a giant and she a child. She shivered. Her eyes were big and liquid, looking up at him. He took her by her ponytail and strode off, giving her no choice but to trot beside him. Up the stairs he marched, with her stumbling but unable to fall because his grip in her hair kept her upright. By the time he got her to his bedroom there were tears in her eyes. Rolf cupped Penny’s pussy. That too was weeping.

  By the one hand in her hair and the other between her legs, he tossed her onto the bed, onto her back. His hands took her ankles and yanked them into the air, dragging her bottom to the bed’s edge. Rolf’s grip transferred to just above and behind her knees. He forced her thighs apart and up into her armpits, curling her bottom up and presenting him her seeping pussy.

  Penny whimpered, ‘No! No!’ but he knew to ignore any plea for mercy that didn’t include ‘Red Light.’

  He knelt, still holding her in place. His mouth came down on her sex, not reverently, as it had before, but greedily. His cheeks moved from side to side, opening her. His lips and tongue slurped and sucked and lapped, gobbling up her juices. Her flavour had changed. Before, she’d tasted quite tart, with a tang of something like lemon. Today, her juices were more like those of a very ripe cantaloupe, sweet without cloying. Perhaps it had to do with her hormones. She’d been a virgin when first he’d tasted her. Now, he, his stiff hard cock, had made a woman of her. That might have changed the nature of her essences.

  The thought made him feel immensely powerful, almost magical.

  The shaft of Penny’s clit, being so much longer and thicker than her mother’s, was easy to grip between his lips to force its sheath back. His tongue’s tip circled the nub’s naked head.

  Penny writhed and moaned, ‘No,’ again and again, encouraging him to tongue-lash her into a convulsive climax.

  He rose triumphantly from his conquest. His robe fell. He commanded her, ‘Take my pants off.’

  She sat up on the edge of his bed and tugged at the cord of his pyjama pants with quivering fingers. They fell, to be kicked aside. Naked and powerful, he told her, ‘Open your mouth.’

  She begged, ‘Please don’t make me take your cock in my mouth.’

  He took a fresh grip of her hair with one hand. His other forced her jaws to open. Rolf’s hips pushed forward. His cock’s head passed between Penny’s gaping lips and slid over her tongue.

  For a moment, he hesitated. Trixie had been adept at taking his cock deep into her mouth, even into her throat. It had likely taken her years to learn how to do that without choking. This had to be the first time Penny’d had a cock in her mouth. Could she, unpractised, do what her mother did?

  Well, she claimed that she wanted to be used and abused. It was time for her to learn what that really meant. Rolf dragged Penny’s head towards him and impaled her mouth on the rigid shaft of his throbbing cock.

  She looked up at him with a strange ex
pression in her eyes, part distress, part glee.

  Rolf asked her, ‘Red Light?’

  Her head shook a little, as much as she could manage in his iron grip.

  Rolf drew back, dragging the head of his cock across the flat of her tongue and out from between her lips. Penny struggled to get her mouth back to it. His hips swayed, smacking her cheeks with his shaft. She tried to twist, to get her lips to his cock’s head, and whined like a puppy when she failed.

  Rolf relented. He drove slowly into her mouth, giving her tongue the chance to work around his cock’s head but not stopping until it butted against the back of her throat. Her breath was loud, rasping though her nose, but she wasn’t choking so he pushed harder and felt her throat open for him. Keeping careful control, Rolf rocked, half an inch in, half an inch back. In his head, his own voice was bellowing, ‘You’re fucking Penny’s throat, Rolf, and she loves it!’

  Penny’s mouth was filling with saliva. It was drooling out around Rolf’s shaft and running down to saturate his balls.

  Once more he asked, ‘Red Light?’, and once again she shook her head. Rolf felt he should do something more, something even more obscene, to the sweet young girl who had declared herself his willing slave. He certainly needed more sensation than a half-inch thrust could deliver if he was going to climax. He pulled his cock all the way out and twisted Penny’s ponytail to turn her face up.

  ‘Tongue out, flat,’ he commanded.

  His right fist pumped his shaft furiously. As he felt his cream boil up, he aimed the eye of his cock at Penny’s tongue. His orgasm flooded from him, splashing her tongue and into her gaping mouth and splattering her cheeks and throat. Rolf let his second and third jets flop on her shoulders and between her breasts.

  Drained, he staggered back. Penny smiled. Her forefinger scooped his drooling jism from her golden skin and took it to her mouth.

  She said, ‘Delicious, Rolf. Thank you.’


  Penny was dressed in a demure white cotton shirt with a striped tie, a flirty little grey flannel skirt, ankle socks and penny loafers. Her ponytail had been converted into a pair of ribbon-tied bunches.

  Rolf looked her up and down. He raised an eyebrow. ‘Are you going for the “schoolgirl” look?’

  She gazed up at him from under her long lashes. ‘It’s the “naughty schoolgirl” look I’m trying for. I’m not wearing any panties under this skirt. Don’t naughty little girls who go out with no undies on get punished, on their bare bottoms?’

  ‘You’re going out like that?’

  ‘We need milk and bread, and some other stuff,’ she explained. ‘I have to go to the store.’

  ‘I’d better drive you, to keep you safe from those big bad schoolboys. I’d hate to see you get your bunches dipped into inkwells.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  He made a mental note. She kept on hinting about corporal punishment but since that spanking he’d given her, the one that had triggered their perverse affair, he hadn’t laid a hand on her, at least, not in that way. Rolf had mixed feelings on the subject. He was so much bigger and stronger than she was, he’d have to be very careful not to harm her. And then there was the problem of how much he might like it. He’d fallen into the role of a dominating master easily enough. What if he was also, deep down, a sadist? Could he live with himself if he discovered that he took real pleasure in hurting women?

  But if corporal punishment was what they wanted, then . . .? He decided not to pursue that line of reasoning. It led to places he wasn’t ready to explore.

  No sooner had he turned onto the blacktop than Penny pulled her skirt up and produced her compact’s mirror, which she held at an angle between her thighs.

  ‘What on earth are you doing?’ Rolf asked.

  ‘Just checking. I was wondering, maybe, now I’m not a virgin any more, if it showed.’

  ‘And does it?’

  ‘Could be. I think I look riper, juicier, down there.’

  ‘You do?’

  ‘See for yourself.’

  ‘Later. I have to keep my eyes on the road.’

  ‘But you can drive with one hand, so you can feel if there’s a difference.’ She took hold of his right wrist and guided his fingers to her sex.

  He palpitated her pussy’s lips. ‘You’re wet, but then you’re always wet.’

  ‘Not always. Just when I’m with you.’

  Rolf retrieved his hand.

  ‘Please don’t stop what you were doing,’ she asked. ‘I was enjoying it.’

  ‘Mm, me too.’ He put his hand back and slid a finger between her lips.

  Penny slumped and spread her feet. ‘It’s about half an hour to the store, isn’t it? There’s no traffic. Want me to . . .?’ Her fingers walked across the front of his slacks.

  ‘Not while I’m driving, Penny.’ Remembering the dominant/submissive roles they were playing, he added a firm, ‘When I want you to give me a hand-job, I’ll tell you.’

  ‘I was thinking more of a blow-job.’

  ‘That too.’

  ‘So if I grope you without being told to, do I get punished?’

  There she went again, hinting for what she obviously craved. In a stern voice, he told her, ‘You’ll get punished when and how I decide. You might find it more painful than you expect.’

  ‘Yes please!’

  It was difficult to put on an act of being annoyed when his fingers were dabbling in the dew of her pussy, so Rolf said no more.

  She came out of the supermarket with a half-full cart. When she got into the car, Rolf asked her, ‘Just bread and milk?’

  ‘Lots of frozen bread, some cold cuts and some bags of milk that we can freeze. I don’t want to waste any more of our precious days together by going out shopping, Rolf.’

  ‘So you’ve got everything?’

  ‘Almost. Tack shop, please?

  En route to the tack shop, they had to pass Sag Harbor Cinema. ‘Look, Rolf!’ Penny squealed. ‘It’s a double bill, Rififi and Clochemerle. Can we, Rolf? Can we please?’

  ‘In French, right? I’m not much for movies with subtitles.’

  ‘Then you’ll love Rififi. For the first half hour, there’s no dialogue and no music. It’s a classic, Rolf.’ She gave him an imploring look and suddenly he saw her as the little girl she’d dressed up as. ‘I never got to make out in the back row of a cinema, back when I was a teeny, Rolf. Please?’

  The theatre was empty except for one other couple, an androgynous pair, both wearing berets, sitting near the front. Rolf set his giant tub of extra-butter popcorn and his super-sized cola on the seat next to his, in the back row, as Penny had requested. To his surprise, the opening sequence of Rififi was riveting. He almost forgot that Penny had other things in mind than watching the screen.

  An hour into the movie, Penny nudged him. She whispered, ‘We are going to make out, aren’t we?’

  ‘If anyone was to see a man my age kissing a girl who looks as young as you do right now, they’d call a cop.’

  ‘That’s half the fun. Please?’

  Rolf glanced around to make sure they weren’t being observed before putting his arm around her shoulders. She turned to him with her mouth wet and voracious. After a long and breathless kiss, she asked, ‘Touch me, please? Between my legs? And pass me the popcorn?’

  In his youth, Rolf had made out with girls in theatres, but it had never been like this. Back then, if he’d managed to grope a breast through a sweater, he’d counted himself lucky. He handed the popcorn over and slid his hand up Penny’s leg. She spread her thighs to accommodate him. ‘Would you take your cock out for me, please, Rolf?’


  ‘Then I’ll do it.’

  Constrained by being in a public place, even though no one could see them, Rolf allowed Penny to unzip him and pull his shaft out through his fly. He had to admit, the risk did make it more thrilling. Penny dipped her hand into the tub of buttery popcorn.

  ‘Nice and slippery,’
she told him, and ran her greasy fingers up his shaft. ‘So slick, stiff and slick. I love hot buttered cock. Remember when I buttered your finger and you pushed it up my bum? That felt so good, Lover.’

  ‘Careful! You’ll make me . . .’

  ‘I know. I intend to. Back then, other girls used to brag about the boys they’d jerked off at the movies. I got so jealous! Now it’s my turn, but with a man, not just a boy.’ She began to masturbate him in earnest.

  ‘But if I climax . . . The – mess?’

  ‘I’ve thought of that.’ With her free hand, she set the popcorn down on the floor between his feet. ‘We’ve still got lots to do today,’ she told him, ‘so I won’t make this last too long.’ Her hand pumped fast and hard. Rolf bit his lip. His legs stiffened. On the screen, shots were fired, by who and at whom, he didn’t know or care. His scrotum tightened and he climaxed, mainly splattering into the tub.

  The closing titles rolled down the screen.

  ‘That was nice,’ Penny said. ‘Can we go now?’

  ‘It’s a double feature.’

  ‘I’ve got a different sort of double feature in mind, starring you and me, Lover. It’ll be better, and naughtier, than Clochemerle, I promise.’

  Back in the car, Penny hugged Rolf’s arm. ‘Thank you! You made my fantasy come true. I’ll never forget that. You’re going to make all my sexy fantasies come true, aren’t you?’

  ‘If I can, and if they aren’t too . . .’

  ‘Crazy? Don’t worry, Lover. I know my limits. I don’t want us to do anything that isn’t safe, relatively speaking.’

  Rolf cleared his throat. ‘Relatively speaking?’

  ‘Just teasing.’ She pecked his cheek. ‘Tack shop? I want to buy a treat for you, Lover, for being so good to me. You’ll have to come in and help me pick it out.’

  ‘For me, from the tack shop?’

  ‘You’ll see.’

  Penny had obviously been browsing. She knew exactly where the items she wanted were. The leather punches were in plastic packages, hooked onto a board near the front. She took one and marched straight to the back of the store, sucking in deep loud open-mouthed breaths. ‘I just love the smell of leather, don’t you?’


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