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Sweet as Sin

Page 20

by Felix Baron

  ‘And you like the taste, you tell me,’ he whispered into her ear.

  ‘And the texture,’ she added.

  The bin she went to was marked $7.50–$15 so Rolf didn’t have to worry about her spending all her allowance on him. Penny selected a two-and-a-half-foot-long black leather riding crop and swished it through the air. ‘What do you think?’ she asked. ‘Whippy enough to deliver a good sting?’

  ‘The stables provides crops when we go riding,’ he said, suspecting that his observation wasn’t relevant. His stomach tightened as he waited for her to confirm his suspicions.

  ‘It’s not for a horse, silly,’ she said with a giggle. ‘You know why I want to buy you a crop, or maybe two.’

  Very softly, he said, ‘A beating from one of those would feel a lot different than a spanking, Penny.’

  She beamed. ‘I know! Try this one, Rolf. See how it feels in your hand.’

  He had no choice but to take a couple of cuts at the air. Penny turned and went on tip-toe to bend over and reach down into the bottom of the bin. Her position lifted her short skirt dangerously high up the backs of her thighs. Rolf was very aware that her bottom was bare under her skirt, and within inches of being exposed.

  From the depths, he heard her say, ‘You could give that crop a practical test, right now, if you liked, Rolf.’ Her hips wiggled at him.

  ‘I’ll wait, thanks.’

  ‘Not for too long, I hope.’ She heaved herself up with another crop, about six inches shorter and twice as thick, in her hand. ‘We’ll take these two, if you like them. Or would you like three, or four?’

  ‘Two will be plenty, thanks.’ He grinned and added, ‘When I’ve worn these two out, I can always buy some more.’

  Penny laughed out loud. ‘You’re priceless, Rolf.’

  Rolf wondered if the store clerk was surprised that a mature man would blush when a pretty schoolgirl, presumably his daughter, bought him a pair of riding crops.

  All the way home, Penny caressed and licked her purchases. ‘Which one do you like best?’ she asked.

  ‘It’s more a matter of which one you like best, isn’t it?’

  ‘I won’t know that until I’ve felt them, will I.’

  ‘You’re serious.’

  ‘Yes, very serious.’

  ‘You expect me to drive you home and then whip your bottom with one of those crops?’

  ‘Not necessarily. We don’t have to do it today if you aren’t ready for it yet. It’s up to you when you do it. I just wanted to have them handy for when the urge takes you.’ She giggled. ‘It’d spoil the mood if we had to stop in the middle of whatever we were doing and run out to buy the toys we needed, wouldn’t it?’

  ‘You’re a regular Girl Scout.’

  ‘I could dress up as one if it turned you on, Rolf.’

  He grunted. Whatever he said, she was likely to turn it into a double entendre. His cock had already recovered from what she’d done to him in the theatre. It didn’t need any more encouragement.

  Hell! He’d climaxed just an hour ago and his cock was stiff again already? What was Penny doing to him? Turning him into some sort of sex-maniac?


  Penny had said that she had something she wanted to do. Rolf had volunteered to build submarine sandwiches for their early evening meal. They’d missed lunch, except for a handful of popcorn each. Anyway, he needed a few moments alone, to sort his thoughts out. When she was with him he was so obsessed by her lithe young body and her eagerness to indulge in depravity that lust fogged his mind.

  He considered his situation. It didn’t take him long to come to a conclusion. Penny had seduced him into spanking her and fucking her and oral sex, both ways, and she still wanted more, more, more. It wasn’t all her fault. He’d lusted after her. That’d most likely shown. Now, he decided, there was no way back. She couldn’t regain her virginity, nor he his relative innocence. When there is no way to retreat, a man must go forward. If it all came out, somehow; if their perverted relationship were discovered, he’d already done more than enough to condemn himself in society’s eyes. He might as well go all the way, wherever that was. Penny obviously knew exactly what she wanted. He’d discover his own dark desires as he went along.

  Well, that was a relief! No more wrestling with his conscience! He was evil, by most people’s standards. So be it. He couldn’t escape his depravity so he might as well enjoy it while he could.

  As he mentally abandoned the last shreds of his inhibitions, one more thought occurred to him. In everything he and Penny had done, so far, she’d led the way. From the time she’d explored his cock while he slept to the incident at the theatre and to the purchase of those vicious crops, everything had been her idea, her initiative. He owed it to his masculinity to change that. From here on, he vowed, Rolf was going to be in charge. He was going to turn Penny into no more than what she professed she wanted to be; his abject sex-slave.

  When she came into the kitchen, she’d abandoned her schoolgirl outfit and with it, her look of youthful innocence. She was a brand new Penny, one that better reflected her true character. The ankle-strap sandals she was wearing might have been Trixie’s because their heels were spikes that were all of five inches tall. Her stockings were certainly Trixie-style, black and glossy, with lace tops, that reached halfway up her lovely thighs.

  Otherwise, she was naked except for one of Rolf’s belts, that she’d punched extra holes in. She’d been able to cinch her waist so tightly that her skin was folded and creased. It must have restricted her breathing, Rolf thought. Her hair had lost its schoolgirl bunches. Her platinum locks fell smoothly to below her shoulders, adding years of sophistication to her looks. Penny had made her face up like a Vegas showgirl’s, with heavy blue mascara and shadow, sequins at the corners of her eyes and with her lips painted glossy crimson. She’d looked younger than her years, that morning. Now she looked older. Both effects betrayed her depravity.

  Penny turned to show him that the extra length of his belt hung behind her, dangling from her waist down to the tops of her thighs.

  ‘Do I look like a bad girl?’ she asked, her voice husky.

  ‘Very bad.’

  ‘Good, ’cause I am. I want one of Mom’s martinis, please?’

  ‘You may have a white wine spritzer.’

  She pouted prettily, turning herself back into a naughty teen.

  Rolf smiled. It was time he acted on his resolution to take charge of their games. ‘Penny, you know where your Mom keeps her toys, right?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘Fetch me the lubricant, and that cream that makes a clit more sensitive, and a vibrator, your choice which one. Bring them to my den.’

  Her eyes widened. ‘Lubricant? Does that mean . . .?’

  ‘You’ll find out what it means, in due course. Go!’

  ‘Yes, Rolf. Rolf? You’re different now, much more masterful. I like it.’

  His eyes narrowed. ‘Penny, you have your instructions.’

  ‘Sorry! I’m gone!’ She turned on her heels, flexed her bum’s cheeks at him, and scurried away.

  Rolf set the sandwiches on a little table next to his big leather chair, poured Penny’s drink for her, and moved his footstool to beside his chair. Penny brought the things he’d ordered, plus the crops, and laid them out on the sideboard.

  ‘We’ll eat a little later,’ he decided out loud. ‘Come here, Penny.’

  She trotted to him, expectantly. He turned her round and unbuckled the belt from around her waist.

  ‘You don’t like it?’

  ‘I like it fine. Cross your forearms behind you.’ She obeyed. He ran the belt back around her waist, but now also over her arms, and pulled it strangling tight.

  ‘Oh!’ she said. ‘What are you doing, Rolf? You aren’t going to hurt me, are you?’

  ‘Yes, I am.’

  She licked her lips. ‘Please, no, Rolf? Please don’t hurt me? Are you going to use those wicked crops on my poor little botto

  ‘Not tonight.’ He unbuckled the belt he was wearing and pulled it from its loops.

  ‘No, not that!’ she squealed. ‘Anything but the belt.’

  Rolf put the self-covered buckle into his right palm and wrapped the belt around his fist twice, leaving eighteen inches of supple leather dangling.

  ‘Lover, that’ll hurt bad!’

  ‘Yes, it will. You remember “Red Light”?’

  ‘I remember.’

  ‘You’ll need to.’ He tossed a cushion to the floor, in front of the footstool. ‘Kneel on the stool.’ His left fist took a handful of her hair to help steady her as she knelt, awkward without the use of her arms. ‘Head down, face resting on the cushion.’ Again, his grip in her hair helped lower her. Rolf walked around his eager victim, inspecting her. With her kneeling up on the stool, with her head down to the floor, her body was inclined at a steep angle. Her slender flanks were uppermost, with her bottom silhouetted, its divide looking very much like the cleft in the top of a Valentine’s heart.

  She was helpless and vulnerable. An unfamiliar emotion flooded through Rolf, somehow enlarging him. He was Penny’s absolute master. Her joy and her pain were his to dispense or withhold, at his whim. It was incredibly exhilarating.

  ‘Don’t move,’ he told her, totally unnecessarily. He quickly stripped naked, using just his left hand. The belt had become a part of his right one. He had no need of clothes. He was clad in his own masculine power.

  Rolf circled Penny, inspecting his eager victim. His strap touched her bottom. ‘You know what I am going to do to you, don’t you.’

  ‘Please don’t. I couldn’t stand it, not the belt.’

  ‘Red Light?’

  She shook her head and bit her lip.

  ‘I’m only going to give you twenty, this time,’ he told her. It was important that he set a limit before he started. If he didn’t it might prove irresistibly tempting to just keep on, and on, and on.

  ‘Not twenty,’ she begged.

  ‘Twenty.’ His hand drew back. The first slap of leather on tender skin landed halfway up her thighs, delivered at less than half the force he was capable of.

  Penny gasped and winced.

  ‘One.’ The next landed at the juncture of her thighs with her bottom, harder but not full force. ‘Two.’

  ‘Please, Rolf, no! I’ll do anything you want but don’t do this.’

  ‘Red Light?’

  She gave an impatient shake of her head, telling him that her pleading was to be ignored. So be it. He wouldn’t ask her again. The belt rose and fell, each blow counted in a calm and even voice, though his excitement was rising. Penny sobbed and made gurgling noises and babbled incoherently but she didn’t invoke ‘Red Light’.

  By the time Rolf reached ‘twenty’ there were broad scarlet lines criss-crossing her thighs, with white diamonds of skin between them, but her bottom’s cheeks were completely deep crimson, mottled with purple.

  Rolf twirled his belt from around his fist and set it aside. Where his belt had punished Penny, his hands stroked. Rolf’s caresses weren’t for Penny’s pleasure. They were for his. His fingers savoured the ridges he’d raised on her flesh. His palms absorbed the fever-heat that glowed from her skin. The sounds she made were half whimpers, half purrs. Rolf cupped his hand between her thighs. She was slick there, as if she’d already climaxed. One of his fingertips trailed up through the valley between her bottom’s cheeks. It lingered at the pucker of her anus.

  Penny shivered. ‘You aren’t going to . . .?’

  ‘Yes, I am.’ He applied a slight pressure.

  ‘Please, no. I’ve never . . .’

  ‘You are, now.’

  He fetched the lubricant and squeezed a jet onto her tailbone. Rolf’s self-control was so strong that he was able to squat behind Penny without touching her and simply watch as the thick clear fluid slowly trickled down her bottom’s crease, pooled in the slight dimple of its tiny aperture, then spilled to flow over her perineum and on to coat her sex’s bulging lips.

  ‘You’re too big,’ Penny protested. ‘Your cock’ll never fit in me there.’

  ‘I’ll make it fit. I’ll force it.’



  Coming out of character, Penny dryly observed, ‘You’re a fast learner, Rolf.’

  ‘You know what Oscar Wilde said – “Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.”’

  ‘On my own head, or up my own bum, be it.’

  Rolf laughed.

  Penny switched back into her ‘maiden in distress’ role, overdoing it, with ‘Oh you monster, to treat a poor young girl so cruelly!’

  ‘Funny, is it? We’ll see how well you laugh in a few minutes.’ Rolf squeezed more lubricant over his cock and took his stance, close behind her, his legs slightly bent to lower himself into position. His left fist gripped the belt that ran around Penny’s waist. The thumb and two fingers of his right hand steered his cock.

  Perhaps it was impossible. Her anus was a pin-hole. By comparison, his cock looked like a glistening cudgel. He nudged her, just below her bum’s opening, then let his cock’s head rise to obscure it. Rolf applied pressure. All he felt was resistance. He pushed harder, and harder. Rigid as it was, his cock began to bend. Determined, Rolf wrapped his fist around his shaft to stiffen it and leant into Penny, bearing down. For a long moment, nothing happened. Rolf bunched his left biceps. He pulled on the belt.

  And the head of his cock disappeared into her. He could feel the tightness of her sphincter, squeezing his shaft just behind its head.

  Penny whimpered.

  ‘Funny?’ he asked.

  ‘God no! Rolf, you’re destroying me!’

  ‘Red Light?’

  Her head shook.

  ‘Very well.’ His right hand released his shaft. His left arm lifted Penny by the belt, raising her body to horizontal and then a little higher. ‘Head up,’ he said.

  His right arm reached over her. His fingers burrowed into her hair, massaging her scalp. He made a fist. The pain of having her hair pulled made Penny suck air. Her head was strained back, arching her throat. Both of Rolf’s grips were cruel and secure, in her hair and on her belt. Using those, he drew her back, slowly and inexorably impaling her rectum on his cock. He kept pulling until his pubic hair pressed hard against her tailbone. Her sheath compressed his cock as if to expel it but it was too powerful for her to fight against.

  God, but it felt good!

  Penny hissed. ‘It’s too big, Rolf. Please, Rolf? Can we stop now? Can I do something else for you? I can’t stand this, please?’

  He pushed her, and pulled her. She babbled, ‘No, no, no,’ and, ‘Oh my God!’

  Rolf kept his hips still and pumped her on his cock, using her bottom’s clinging sheath to masturbate with, reducing a lovely young girl to nothing more than an obscene sex-toy. Now he understood why she needed to be forced, or pretend to be. It was like the tango, a rite of male domination, initial female resistance and eventually, total surrender. How could a woman submit unless her man forced her?

  His rhythm accelerated. Rolf began to grunt. At last, his hips could keep still no longer. Still pushing and pulling Penny bodily, he thrust and thrust and thrust . . . . . . and released, sending his boiling cream to flood Penny’s insides.

  Two more short hard jerks emptied him. With tender care, he lowered Penny’s tear-streaked face back to the cushion, pulling her off his softening cock.

  ‘Rolf,’ she gasped. ‘That was incredible.’

  He unbuckled the belt that trapped her arms. ‘All you expected?’

  ‘And more.’

  ‘Did you climax?’

  Her ‘Yes’ held reservations.

  ‘You want more?’

  ‘I – I can usually come three or four times.’

  ‘That’s why I had you bring the clit lotion and the vibrator. Take care of yourself.’

  ‘Here? In front of you?’

  ‘You want to watch?’

  ‘Yes, but I’m starved. I want my sandwich. You can amuse me by diddling yourself while I eat.’

  ‘You really know how to humiliate a girl, Rolf.’

  ‘I’m learning.’

  He sat back in his chair, proudly naked, legs splayed, cock wet and limp on his thigh. Penny fetched the cream and a nine-inch gnarled imitation cock. She pulled the footstool to where he’d be able to see her sitting on it but when she touched her bottom to its leather, she winced and stood back up.

  ‘You really did a number on my bum, Rolf.’

  Not wanting to comment, he grunted something unintelligible around a mouthful of submarine sandwich.

  Gingerly, Penny knelt in front of the stool, facing him, knees spread far apart, and leaned way back to rest the small of her back on it. Looking obliquely down on her, Rolf had a perfect view of her pussy and her belly. Her breasts were puffy-peaked in silhouette. Her head and face had dropped back, invisible.

  Penny squeezed a small round globule of cream onto the tip of her right index finger. Two fingers of her left hand eased her clit’s sheath back. The pad of her index finger smoothed cream onto her clit’s exposed head with tiny circular movements. Her left hand reached for the vibrator. She turned its base one-handed, as if she’d used it often before. She likely had. Penny’d told him she’d been in the habit of secretly borrowing her mother’s toys.

  She held the buzzing vibrator partly pressed against her clit’s shaft and partly against her fingertip. Both finger and vibrator moved subtly, the finger rotating and the vibrator pressing rhythmically. Her body tensed. It was obvious that Penny’s entire being was focused on a part of herself that was no bigger than a split pea.

  Rolf brushed crumbs off his fingers and sat forward for a closer look. After a while, a muscle in Penny’s right thigh twitched. Her belly knotted, relaxed, and knotted again. She moaned, ‘Oh damn!’


  ‘I was almost there, and then I lost it.’

  ‘Need a hand?’

  ‘I’ll get there.’

  She took a deep breath and started over. Once more, she twitched and then tightened and held the tension, quivering with the strain.


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