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Sleepless Fate

Page 25

by Janae Keyes

  “What are you telling me?” he asked right away. I could hear the anger in his voice, I knew his anger was directed towards Keaton.

  “Forget I said anything,” I quickly said, not wanting to go any further and upset him.

  “No, Brielle, tell me,” he demanded.

  “Keaton would sometimes make me feel little and incompetent. I never realized it as much until after and being with you. You never make me feel that way,” I explained.

  “Of course I would never. You are the most competent and intelligent woman. I could never treat you as less. You know that right?” I nodded in response and gave him a gentle smile. I knew Patrick was so different. “I love you, you are everything and so much more and I will always treat you with the respect you deserve.”

  “I love you too, and thank you.”

  He grinned and pulled my body under his. I looked up at him. My heart was pounding with the love I had for this man. We were fighting through the storm, our boat might be a little beaten up, but we would come out on the other side, I had to believe that.

  Chapter Nineteen


  THE DAYS HAD become chilly and wet as December hit. Snuggled into Patrick’s arms, I snacked on popcorn while we watched a movie in his home theater. This had become my favorite way to spend the evenings on the weekend. Though tonight we got the joy of having Veronika joining us. Every few minutes she seemed to have some stupid question about the movie and Patrick would have to explain it to her. I tried my hardest not to let her get to me. I wasn’t going to allow her to ruin my happiness anymore. Patrick was also doing a great job at separating our relationship from the Veronika situation, though that could be difficult on nights like tonight when we wanted to cuddle up for a movie together at his house.

  “Patrick…” piped in Veronika. I rolled my eyes. This was at least the tenth time she’d interrupted.

  “Yes, Veronika,” sighed Patrick. It was obvious he was trying to keep his cool with her, but at the same time it was obvious he was decently annoyed tonight.

  “I do not like this movie,” she huffed. I glanced behind us to see her sitting with her arms folded over her chest. Her large belly stuck out prominently now. There were only two months left until her due date and we would be able to answer the question of the baby being Patrick’s, or not.

  “Then you can go to bed,” shot Patrick. I wanted to snicker to myself as I saw her expression get more pissy than it already was. “Or watch a movie in your room.”

  “But I do not want,” she whined like a spoiled toddler.

  I let out a huff. She’d already ruined the movie for me with her trivial questions and comments. I wiggled from Patrick’s arms and without a word or a look back, I left the room.

  I found myself in Patrick’s room with my laptop across my lap. I had a few things to do anyway and I figured I could use a few moments of quiet to get them done.

  Opening my email, I found a quick note from April who was the chair of the committee for the company Christmas party. This year with April as the chairperson it was expected to be epic and exciting. We were having the party on a yacht that would cruise the San Francisco Bay while we drank and danced the night away. Christmas was my favorite time of the year and this party along with celebrating with my family were the icing on the cake.

  Finishing up my reply to April, I looked up to see Patrick walking into the room looking not just exhausted, but very annoyed. Veronika seemed to up her game every day. She was desperate to win and she wasn’t going to let anything or anyone, meaning me, in her way. I would say that I admired her tenacity and if she was to come to me for a job interview I would hire her on the spot with those characteristics, but then again she was a gold digging witch.

  “Every day, it is something new,” huffed Patrick as he sat on the bed next to me.

  I gave him a frown and a shrug. I was doing my best not to let Veronika get under my skin and so far since Patrick and I had gotten back together, I was doing a great job at it. I didn’t react when she called Patrick in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner with my family and told him she was in preterm labor and made him rush back to the house for nothing. I didn’t say anything when she walked in on us having sex and insisted that Patrick take her to the store for some random herb that is supposed to help with her heartburn. I’d held my tongue now for quite a while and I for one was proud of myself.

  “Well, tomorrow you get to relax. The company Christmas Party is fantastic every year and with April in charge, it is going to be even better,” I affirmed as I snuggled into his arms.

  “I’m looking forward to it. I need a few drinks and a good time,” he murmured into my hair. I was excited for our night out. We would be on a boat, so even if Veronika called with nonsense, Patrick was stuck.

  I PULLED MY coat around myself as I stood with some of my fellow co-workers at the San Francisco Ferry Building, as we waited to board the boat. I looked around hoping to see Patrick, who hadn’t arrived yet. I let out a sigh as the rope was removed and we could start making our way onto the boat.

  Inside everything was beautiful. There were years where the party could get cliché and scrapbook like, but April had done a fantastic job at keeping it Christmasy, but classy. I observed the tree that she decorated with simple gold ornaments and white lights. It felt like a grown up Christmas and with the bar pumping out drinks, it was sure to be.

  “Hey!” Called the voice of my best friend and assistant. I saw April coming my way wearing a gorgeous gold gown and carrying a glass of wine in her hand. Nate wasn’t far behind her in a tux, looking exhausted, but I knew April had kept him awake for days being her assistant with any last minute details.

  “Hey, you guys! April you did a fantastic job,” I proclaimed as I once more took in the interior of the boat.

  “Thanks, where is our COO?” She asked, obviously surprised he wasn’t with me.

  “He should be here soon. I talked to him an hour ago and he was leaving his place,” I explained, but I’m sure Veronika had something to do with him not being on time. I let out a sigh as I looked around the room another time, hoping to see Patrick.

  “We leave the dock in about ten minutes,” April announced to me. I was getting worried that Patrick might not make it. “I love this dress,” April noted.

  Tonight I wanted to be not just festive, but fun, plus I knew there was going to be dancing. I wore a short, red, fit and flare dress with red heels. The most festive part of my outfit was the necklace I wore. It was actually a gift from Keaton. He’d given to me our first Christmas in college. The pendant of the silver necklace was a diamond snowflake. From that Christmas, I’d worn it every year and this year would be no exception, it was my favorite.

  “April, we need your help over here!” Called out a voice from across the room.

  “Duty calls,” groaned April who I knew was ready to have a few drinks and let loose. She scurried away, pulling Nate along with her.

  The DJ started turning the music up and a few of my co-workers with drinks in their hands were already hitting the dance floor. I took a seat and laughed as I watched them all let loose. Every few moments I’d glance around the room just hoping to see Patrick. I felt the boat take a jolt and instantly I was disappointed, we were leaving port. I let out a sigh, Patrick and I were not going to get our night. I was already furious with Veronika because I already knew if he was late, she had something to do with it.

  I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped to see who wanted to bother me right this second. Giving me a sly grin, it was Patrick. My face lit up as I saw him there. I stood right away and threw my arms around him. He put his face into my hair.

  “Worried I would miss the boat?” He questioned as he pulled away from me.

  “Yes!” I exclaimed.

  “I just made it and I saw you sitting here looking sad,” he gave me a frown as he spoke.

  “I was worried Veronika had held you up,” I admitted.

  “She did, sort of. R
emember, her mom and sister were flying in today. I had to pick them up from the airport and get them settled at the house. Of course they wanted to talk and hang out, but I had to get ready for the party,” he explained. I sighed, I’d forgotten that Veronika’s family was flying out. Both her mom and sister were coming to spend Christmas with her and then her mom was staying until the baby was born. Patrick and I would have had to spend any alone time at my house from this point as I was not interested in mingling with Veronika’s family.

  “Enough about them. I want to enjoy the night,” I proclaimed. Patrick gave me a grin before pressing his mouth to mine, I slid my arms around his neck and leaned into his kiss. It felt good and tonight I didn’t want to think about everything going on with Veronika and the baby. This night was for us.

  As Patrick pulled away, I noticed eyes on us. I was quick to remember that when it came to the office, we had been pretty discreet, but now we’d just blown our cover. I shrugged it away. I was happy and for once to me, it was all that mattered.

  “Oh my gosh, are you guys just always in his office making out when I’m sitting right outside?” came a voice I knew to be Patrick’s receptionist Layla. Patrick let out a laugh.

  “No, we do actually get work done,” Patrick responded.

  “Among other things,” I murmured under my breath. I spotted Patrick giving me a smirk. He’d obviously heard me. The hand he had on the small of my back slipped down to my backside and I leaned into his chest.

  “Tonight, we dance,” proclaimed Patrick. I grinned and allowed him to take me by the hand out to the dance floor.

  CRUISING THE BAY was relaxing and fun. Patrick and I danced until we couldn’t anymore, we drank, and chatted with friends. As the night grew old the party quieted down. While sitting on Patrick’s lap, the DJ started to play some soft romantic Christmas song that I vaguely remembered from the *NSYNC Christmas album, from when I was a teenager. Patrick stood and pulled me with him onto the nearly empty dance floor. He slipped his hands on my hips while I put my arms around his neck. He held me close as we swayed to the music. I could feel eyes on us, as they had been all night. Most people who made comments through the night were supportive of our relationship, but I’d gotten some sneers, mostly from girls I knew were filled with jealousy.

  “I love you, Brielle Elliot,” Patrick whispered. I gave him a soft grin.

  “I love you, Patrick Bailey,” I whispered back in return.

  “I really don’t know how I would get through any of the crazy without you. From business school I knew there was a special quality about you and when I could have you, it was obvious. You are smart, kind, resourceful, driven, loving, and remarkably beautiful. It is amazing how all of that could be wrapped up in a single person,” Patrick spoke with such poetry. I felt emotions welling up inside of me. Patrick stopped dancing. He slid his hand into his pants pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. “I was going to wait until Christmas morning when we were with your family, but I can’t wait. I want this now. I want to know that I can have you forever and that you will always be mine.” He dropped down onto one knee. “Brielle Farzia Elliot, will you be my one and only forever? Will you marry me?” My hands instantly went over my mouth.

  “Oh my God, he’s proposing, look!” Someone in the crowd of co-workers pointed out. I looked to see people standing from their seats around the room and coming around us on the dance floor.

  “Patrick,” I breathed out.

  “Can I get an answer Brielle?” Patrick begged. I grinned down at him.

  “Oh yeah… an answer… Yes, of course,” I giggled nervously. I was elated and shocked at the same time. The crowd around us began to cheer as Patrick slid the ring onto the ring finger of my left hand. There were so many emotions that I was trying to get straight. Patrick stood up and gave me a smile. It then hit me at once time. I’d said yes to marrying Patrick, the man who has loved me through my complications and that I’ve learned to love through his. “Oh my God! YES!” I threw my arms around Patrick and he laughed.

  “It seems someone is back in reality,” he chuckled. I nodded as tears flowed from my eyes. I spotted April and Nate approaching us.

  “Congrats man and welcome to the family,” Nate said to Patrick, who seemed to beam with delight.

  “Let me see the ring!” Screeched a very drunk and very excited April. I looked down at my hand. I hadn’t even paid attention to the ring. It was gorgeous. The platinum band was covered in diamonds, while in the middle there was a large round diamond that had to be at least three and a half carats that was surrounded by smaller ones. I let out a gasp as I observed the huge rock on my finger. At once, I burst into tears of pure joy. I hadn’t expected this moment at all and it had taken me completely by surprise. I was overjoyed and filled with so much love.

  I rushed over to where my small black clutch was to retrieve some tissues. I noticed my phone had some missed calls and I pulled it out. Unlocking my phone, I realized the missed calls were all from Keaton’s mom, Diane. I found it strange that she would be calling me and made the decision to call her back.

  Finding a quiet corner, I dialed Diane. I felt hands on my hips and looked to see Patrick behind me giving me a huge smile.

  “Calling your mom?” He questioned.

  “Actually, I’m calling Keaton’s mom,” I admitted.

  “Keaton’s mom?” He looked confused.

  “Yeah, she called me. I just want to call her back quickly,” I explained as an excited and frantic voice answered on the other end.

  “Oh, Bri. I’ve been trying to call you. We are on the way to the hospital. They called me, Keaton is awake,” she was practically screaming as she spoke.

  “What?” I questioned, I was confused. This had to be some kind of sick joke. Was I even talking to Diane? My heart was pounding and my entire body began to shake.

  “Keaton is awake. They said he is even talking. It is a miracle. We are going to the hospital now,” she explained. At that moment I froze in time.

  My phone slipped from my hands and hit the ground. I didn’t know what to think. I couldn’t decipher up from down. I was lost in a vortex of disbelief and trapped on a boat. I grabbed my chest. I found myself feeling like I was drowning in the air. I bent over and grabbed my knees. My eyes were closed and my breathing rapid.

  “Bri... Brielle, what’s wrong Babe?” Patrick asked. I shook my head, I couldn’t respond. My words were jumbled and lost. I was confused. This was the call I’d been waiting for and it was coming at the worst time. Everything about the timing was all wrong. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself. “Please, Brielle…”

  I stood up and kept my eyes closed. I could hear April’s voice in the background. It sounded like she was talking to Diane. She must have picked up my phone after I dropped it. I leaned my body against a wall as I felt a weakness take over my legs. I slid down the wall and sat on the floor. I just sat there trying to breathe like a normal human being.

  I was shocked by a cold towel that was now on my face. I opened my eyes and saw Patrick’s face right in front of mine. He was concerned. Slowly, he continued to dab the cold towel on my face.

  “Keaton…” I breathed out. Patrick nodded. He now knew.

  “The captain is going to rush back to the dock,” Patrick explained. I nodded and closed my eyes again.

  I didn’t know how to handle this at all. I’d waited for years, I waited for the call that Keaton had woken up, finally I got that call. Though now I’d moved on. I was with Patrick, I’d just accepted a ring from Patrick and said yes to being his wife. I didn’t think this was in the plan of fate. This wasn’t the way the story was supposed to go. I only craved my happily ever after and no more complications, but now our story was once again plagued by them.

  Chapter Twenty


  I COULD ONLY remember one other time that my heart pounded this hard. It just so happened that I had been walking into the same hospital then too. Had it really only been two
and a half years ago? The boat got me to shore and luckily April’s husband Nate hadn’t been drinking and rushed me down to Stanford Medical Center. I felt like I couldn’t function, but my feet took me where I needed to go. My feet, my body, my brain knew the route through this hospital.

  The doors of the elevator opened on Keaton’s floor. I took a deep breath. I was going to be face to face with the man I’d loved since I was 16. I’d seen him frequently in the past two years, but today he would be awake and apparently talking. My body was shaking, I was nervous.

  Deviating from my route, I found myself in the women’s restroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked just fine, my make-up was a little smudged, but I took a piece of paper towel and worked to clean it up a bit. I glanced down at my left hand that sparkled brightly with the ring I’d just received from Patrick. Patrick, the man that had stolen my heart and was my everything, but now Keaton.

  Taking a breath, I slipped the large diamond ring from my finger and secured it into a zippered pocket of my purse. I knew there would be a point to discuss Patrick with Keaton, but this wasn’t the time. Standing frozen in the restroom, I still couldn’t believe that any of this was real. Keaton had been everything for me for so long and with his accident, I’d lost a piece of my soul. I was able to gain that piece back with Patrick, who knew how to love me in every way.

  I knew I needed to go, I needed to see Keaton. I was sure he was expecting me. With one last glance at myself, I ran my fingers over the snowflake pendant at my neck. Maybe wearing this pendant was some sort of sign, it brought Keaton back.

  Leaving the restroom behind, I made my way towards Keaton’s room. I gave the door a knock and it flew open to the happiest looking Diane. The last time I saw her with a smile that big, was when Keaton and I told his parents we were engaged.


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