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Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series

Page 15

by Maryann Jordan

  His eyes flashed anger, but he quickly held it in check. “Let’s get you dressed, baby. As much as I’d love keeping you naked all day, I’d lose my resolve to be a gentleman while you’re injured.” He held up her bra and assisted her in fastening it. He gave her a fresh t-shirt of his to put on, seeing that it hung to her knees. Damn, love seeing her in my shirt.

  “Is Ross awake yet?” she asked. “He’s usually an early riser.”

  “Yeah, he’s up and having breakfast with Vinny. I told him that we needed to let you rest and then you’d be out to see him.”

  She wanted to smile, but her lip hurt too much and all she produced was a wince. Gabe reached behind her to grab some pain meds and handed them to her with a glass of water. Satisfied after watching her drink, he placed his hands on her shoulders and said, “Baby. I gotta let you know that there’s going to be a meeting here in just a little bit. Everyone’s coming over to talk to you, ’cause last night at the hospital you were already out of it from the shock and medicine. Matt and Shane will be here and so will Tony and the gang.”

  Nodding her understanding, she looked up sensing that there was more that he was not saying. Placing her hand on his firm jaw, she asked, “There’s more, isn’t there?”

  Sighing, he agreed. “Yeah. It seems that it wasn’t random.” At her sudden intake of breath, he continued, “But you’re going to be safe. I’ll make sure of that.”

  Confusion crossed her face as she tried to make sense of his words. Not random? They were after me? But…that makes no sense.

  Before she could process more of what he was saying, she heard Ross coming into the bedroom.

  “Jennybenny, you awake?”

  Skirting quickly around Gabe she opened her arms, welcoming her brother’s embrace. His usual enthusiasm was gone, replaced by a very soft hug. Looking down at his reticence, she knew that Gabe had warned him to be careful.

  “Hey, sweetie. Did you sleep okay?”

  “Yeah! The bed was huge but Vinny and Gabe gave me a light that I could keep on all night so it wasn’t scary! And the bathroom! They had a light on in there too ’cause it’s so big.”

  His voice continued to rattle on, but she had stopped listening. He gave Ross a light for his room and one for the bathroom as well. With Ross still in her arms, she leaned her head way back to look into Gabe’s face. “Thank you,” she mouthed.

  He just smiled and herded both of them to the kitchen, knowing that the group would be coming soon. Out in the kitchen, Vinny handed her a cup of coffee which she took gratefully. “I ran by your place this morning to get some things from Cora.” He held out her robe, which she grabbed. Even with a bra on and Gabe’s t-shirt hanging to her knees, she felt exposed. She tied the soft robe on, belting it at the waist.

  As comfortable and beautiful as she looked, Gabe couldn’t help but notice the worn material and could not wait for the day when he would buy her new things. But not now. She’d never accept them right now. Pride was as important to her as it was to him, but he longed for the day to claim her completely and then shower her with all the things that she had never had.

  A knock on the door signaled a change in the comfortable atmosphere. Vinny opened the door and in walked a wall of masculinity…and one small woman, carrying her laptop case. Lily rushed over to hug Jennifer, as the other men’s faces registered shock and anger at the evidence of her assault.

  Jennifer knew that she was going to be questioned and needed to move Ross from the group. Signaling her intent to Gabe, she walked Ross back to the guest room and turned on the large, flat-screen TV hanging on the wall. With assurances that the grownups had to talk, she left him wide-eyed, watching TV.

  The group had settled in the spacious living room, the furniture suitable for the large-framed men. Gabe walked over and escorted her to a place on the sofa next to him and threw his arm protectively over her shoulders.

  Matt and Shane began their questions, taking notes as she carefully described the night’s event from the time she received the call to the time Carlos ran out to chase the men away. Her recollections were detailed and the two detectives were pleased with her thoroughness.

  When she finished, she looked at the group and said, “Gabe told me that it may not have been random, but we didn’t have a chance for me to find out what you know.” Licking her swollen lips, she added, “What can you tell me?”

  Shane leaned forward, placing his arms on his knees as he held her eyes. “We interviewed Carlos last night and found out that he never made a call to you. That wasn’t him on the phone. The call did come from one of the kitchen phones, but there’s no way of telling who made the call. The kitchen is filled with employees, many who use the phones a lot. You were set up, honey.”

  Her eyesbrows pulled together as she tried to take in this new information. “But…but why? I don’t have anything of value to rob.”

  “We don’t think it was a robbery,” Matt added.

  Her eyes shot around the room at the other men sitting there intently listening before she twisted around to look at Gabe. His eyes held warmth for her, but his jaw was tight and ticked with anger. “I don’t…understand.”

  “We don’t either, baby,” he answered. “But that’s why we’re here.”

  “Jennifer, what all are you working on?” Tony asked, pulling her attention over to him. She could tell he filled the role of boss with the same intensity as he must have in the military.

  “I…um…well, I’m hired by the city as a social worker with the Department of Social Services. I…” giving a little laugh, she continued, “I’m nobody. My focus is with elder housing.” Seeing the somewhat blank looks from the assembly, she said, “As a nation we’re having a serious shortage of affordable housing for older people—the ones who can still take care of themselves and live independently, but the cost of living is beyond their ability. I’ve worked to receive grant money and keep the center going. It’s only one, but I hope to see more like it develop. You know, a lower-cost apartment building that’s just for the elderly.

  “Because I devote a lot of my time to this particular center, I get to live there practically rent free and well…” she smiled, “I love it.” Her face sobered as the thoughts of last night came flooding back. Looking directly at Tony, she added, “So don’t you see? I’m nobody. Not rich, not famous. I don’t have anything of value. There is nothing about my life that is special.”

  Tony’s eyes softened as he listened to the woman in front of him with his friend’s arm around her shoulders and said, “I wouldn’t say that, sweetheart. I think we’d all agree that you’re nothing but special.”

  His face hardened again and he said, “But something is happening and we’re all here to find out what that is.”

  The group began to brainstorm over the possibilities. A feminine voice broke through the noise. “She does have one thing of value,” Lily said. The others in the room looked over, giving their full attention to her.

  “You all asked if I could look into some of the possible extortion cases being used in some real estate dealings in the city. I honestly haven’t come up with anything concrete, but let’s face it. Jennifer’s got her hands on some prime real estate.”

  “My old building? I know my boss said that someone wanted to possibly buy it, but we’ve got a five-year lease from my grant. And by the time it is up, we should have more centers available.”

  “So someone is looking into buying the building from its owner? If they want it bad enough, then maybe trying to scare you away would fit into the extortion that they are used to using.”

  Shane looked over at Lily giving her a wink as he said to his partner, “Matt, you married a brilliant woman.” Matt just smiled at his wife, saying, “Don’t I know it.”

  Vinny queried, “So who’s behind these dealings?”

  Lily frowned saying, “I haven’t figured that out yet. Whoever is doing it is burying themselves really well. It appears that there are layers and layers of real
estate and sub-companies all hiding behind each other.”

  “Good work, Lily,” Tony said. Turning back to Shane he asked, “So we keep working this end?”

  The two detectives nodded and the discussions once again surrounded Jennifer as she sat quietly in Gabe’s embrace. She felt his arm tighten and she turned her face back toward his.

  “You’re gonna be fine, babe. You and Ross are staying here with me.”

  She nodded absentmindedly then said, “But only for a while. I’ve got responsibilities and a job to do.”

  “Let’s take it one day at a time, okay baby?” he whispered, pulling her close.

  She left the room to check on Ross, finding him still entranced in the movie on the huge TV. I’ve got to be careful here. I can’t have Ross getting used to things that I can’t give him. She kissed the top of his head and went back out into the room just in time to say goodbye to everyone.

  The next several days passed in a blur as she slept a lot and entertained phone calls from Chip who wanted to know when she was getting back to work, Sybil who warned her that Chip was hinting at getting rid of the center, Cora who assured her the center was fine, and then a visit from Sherrie.

  By the time Sherrie saw her, the swelling had gone down and the bruising was more yellowish than purple. Sitting at Gabe’s table, she poured coffee for them before they began to talk about the assault. Sherrie reached across the table giving her hand a squeeze and said, “Jennifer, no one deserved this less than you. I can’t believe it happened. You know, I was at the Senator’s office the other day delivering more files when he asked how you were. I think he was as shocked as anyone to hear about it.”

  Jennifer laughed, saying, “Well, his wife certainly took care of things,” as she pointed to a huge bouquet of flowers from them.

  “Oh, they’re gorgeous. When I told him I was visiting, he wanted me to let you know that his backing of your grant is still his top priority.” Giggling, she said, “I couldn’t help but notice that he said it right in front of Monty.”

  “Oh, I’ll bet that went over well,” Jennifer laughed. “If anyone would be glad to see me fail, it would be that man.”

  “Have you been back to work yet?” Sherrie asked.

  “Not to the office, but I have been back to the center. Lordy, I was mauled by the residents with promises of cookies to make me feel better, advice on how to make the bruising go away, and several of the men volunteered to join with Gabe to ‘kick some butt’ as they said.”

  Gabe walked in later, seeing Jennifer and Sherrie laughing and talking. Good, she’s needed this.

  After Sherrie left, Jennifer walked up to him as he was changing in the bedroom. Running her hands over the corded muscles of his back, she smoothed them up to his shoulders and then down his arms.

  Looking into his face she saw want in his eyes. Want. Need. Love? Sucking in a deep breath, she simply said, “Make love to me, Gabe. I need you.”

  His heart stumbled at her words. With one hand on her back pulling her toward his chest, the other moved to cup her face. Her delicate features called to him, proudly claiming her as his while the urge to protect surged through his blood. Leaning down to kiss her, he started with a touch of lips. A barely there kiss, but one filled with all the love he could pour into it.

  She raised up on her toes to take the kiss deeper and he needed no more encouragement. With the hand around her waist, he lifted her easily and carried her to the bed. Stripping her gently, he found himself quickly trying to shed his boxers when the sight of her naked body called to him.

  She took him by the hands and pulled him toward her as she backed up to the bed. With a gasp, she felt him lift her as they fell on the bed together. The slowness of earlier dissipated as their hands began a battle of who could discover each other the most.

  He moved his large hands over her full breasts plucking the nipples, eliciting a moan from deep within her. She explored his muscular chest and abs, until sliding down lower to grasp his cock in her hands. Her fingers moved up and down feeling the firmness beneath the silky skin. A drop of pre-cum appeared and she gently spread it around with the light touch.

  He inhaled sharply, desperate for her to continue while wanting to make sure she was taken care of. Rolling toward her, he kissed her gently, careful of her injuries. Trailing kisses down her throat, he sucked at the pulse pounding at her neck. Making his way to her breasts, he pulled one deeply into his mouth, alternating between nipping and soothing.

  After giving each breast attention, he continued his trail of kisses down her stomach and over her pelvis toward the prize. Moving his head between her legs, he latched onto her clit sending her hips up off of the bed. Smiling, he held her in place with one large hand, before plunging his tongue into her depth, tasting the sweetness that was purely her.

  Jennifer’s head fell back to the mattress as her hands grasped his hair. She’d been watching him lick her, feeling his tongue against her sensitive skin, hearing the rumble of pleasure from deep within his chest, but it was too much. I’ve held back for so long. Felt as though I had to be strong for everyone. But this…I want to give myself over completely to this.

  The warmth that started in her pussy radiated outwards until she felt every nerve tingle and then tighten. “Please,” she begged, wanting more but not knowing exactly what she wanted.

  He smiled up at her, licking her juices off of his lips before plunging his fingers deep inside while sucking deeply on her clit once more. That was all it took for her to come flying apart, the inner spasms pulling at his fingers until she lay still on the bed unsure if she could move.

  As he crawled up her body, her eyes latched onto his watching them light up as he kissed her breasts once again before kissing her lips gently. She tasted herself on him and suddenly wanted him inside more than she could imagine.

  Sensing the desperation in her and feeling it himself, he settled his cock at her entrance and plunged inside. Torn between wanting to take it slow and pounding out his fear that had not dissipated since her attack, he tried to hold himself in check.

  She sensed the reticence in him and wanted none of it. She grabbed him by his massive shoulders and pulled him forward. “I need you. All of you,” she pleaded.

  Realizing that her need was as strong as his was all it took. He began to move harder and faster, building up the friction that sent shock waves through her and had his balls tightening. I’ve never felt more alive than I do at this moment with this woman. He’d had sex, but this was more. All consuming. All powerful. Driving into her, he could feel himself coming home. Before he could let her know that he was coming, she cried out his name and he felt her pussy grab his dick as he poured himself into her.

  She felt the warmth spilling deep inside and she clung to him tightly, afraid of letting go. I’m living. Finally living, she thought with a smile on her face.

  They lay tangled together, hearts beating erratically until finally as their breathing slowed, their hearts began beating in unison. She turned her head to face his and his breath washed over her.

  “I love you, Jennifer Lambert,” he whispered, staring into her crystalline blue eyes. Her blonde curls lay against his pillows and he knew that was where she belonged forever.

  A sweet smile crossed her face as she held his eyes. “I love you too, Gabriel Malloy.”

  That evening after getting Ross put to bed, she climbed once again under the covers with Gabe snuggling close. Making love once more, he pulled her back to his front and held her as she fell asleep. This. This I could do forever.


  Several weeks later, walking into the kitchen of the center, she called out to Cora, “I’m running up to my apartment. I need to water the plants and get a few things.” Once there, she looked around, stunned at the smallness of the rooms. Smiling to herself, she had to admit that she loved this tiny apartment and the memories it held. Grabbing some of her and Ross’ things, she headed back downstairs.

  Standing in the
kitchen, she stood next to the counter lost in thought.

  “What’s on your mind, honey?” Cora asked.

  “I’m kind of…well…lost.”

  “How so? You’ve got a good man who’s good to you and your brother. You’ve moved out of this tiny place filled with us oldsters and into somewhere nice. What’s there to be lost about?”

  “That’s just it. We only moved there temporarily while I was recuperating, but that was two weeks ago. I’m fine now and it feels weird to still be there. Like I need to come back here.”

  “Whatever for?” Henry asked, coming into the kitchen. “I can’t see Gabe wanting you to move back here.”

  “I know, but this…” she said waving her arms around, “and you are a big part of my job. And my life. And Ross’.”

  “Lordy girl. You’re not moving to the moon. You’re still over here almost every day,” exclaimed Bertha, following Henry into the kitchen.

  Cora turned to the women standing in the doorway. “You old busy-bodies. Can’t you let someone have a private conversation?”

  “No,” piped up Lucille. “At our age, there’s nothing private anymore. Life’s too short to not get our two cents in!” Looking at Jennifer, she said, “Darling girl. You lived here because it was cheap and easy. Nothing wrong with that. But you’ve got Ross to think about and you’ve got a chance to build a future with a good man. So move your stuff out of here and get back to him!”

  Laughing, she kissed them all before jogging back out, feeling lighter than she had in a long time.


  The next couple of weeks passed without incident as Gabe, Jennifer, and Ross settled into a routine. Rising early, they all had breakfast together before she dropped Ross off at school and went to work. Some days she went into the office, some days she headed to meetings at the State Capitol or City Hall to continue to push for the elder housing causes, and usually ended her afternoons at the center where she continued to take care of any issues that Henry and Cora could not handle.


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