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Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series

Page 16

by Maryann Jordan

  Her evenings were spent with Gabe and Ross watching TV, going to get ice-cream, or hanging out with Vinny. And night time, after Ross had fallen asleep, she and Gabe worshiped each other’s bodies in the shadows of the city lights coming through his windows.

  One morning, sitting in her cubicle at work, she realized that she had left one of her reports in Chip’s office where they had been meeting earlier. Walking down the hall, she saw him and his secretary stepping into the elevator before she had a chance to call out. With a puff of exhalation that blew a few escaped curls out of her face, she glanced at his office noticing that his door was still open. Perfect, I’ll just grab the file and get out.

  Walking in, she rolled her eyes at his messy desk. Files and papers filled the desktop, the filing credenza behind his desk and the small table to the side. How does he stay organized? Walking over to where she thought the file would be, she began shuffling papers around. Finding the file on the side of his desk near his phone, she could not help but notice his phone-notepad next to it, with the words Elder Care Center scribbled at the top along with doodles made as though he were writing while on the phone. Curious, she leaned over the desk to see the pad more clearly. Buyout break lease threats He had just written words, not full sentences, so she had no idea what he was talking about or who he had been talking to.

  She read the words again, trying desperately to make sense of them. A cold feeling began to slide over her as the realization that this must be tied into her assault somehow. Or if not, it was damn suspicious.

  “Can I help you?” came a voice from behind, startling her.

  Whirling around, she saw Chip standing in his doorway with a sandwich in his hand. His questioning eyes looked at the file in her hand. “I’m sorry, but I left this in here earlier,” she said as she held the file out for him to see. “I need it for my data report.”

  Nodding, he moved into his office and around his desk, sitting in his squeaky chair, laying the sandwich down…next to the phone-notepad. She saw his eyes glance down to the pad and then back up to hers. Smiling her most charming smile, she turned to leave saying, “I’ll just get back to work now. Enjoy your lunch.”

  On shaky legs, she made her way back to her cubicle where she found Sybil. Leaning in closely, she told her friend what she had seen.

  “What do you think it means?” Sybil asked.

  “I have no idea, but it’s suspicious, don’t you think?”

  “Honey, what I think it means is that you’d better stick close to that Mr. Hunky of yours,” Sybil replied. “And for God’s sake, be careful.”

  The one thing both ladies forgot was that cubicles were not conducive to private conversations.


  Santo sat at his desk, thinking over the conversation he had with Michael earlier. The Ms. Lambert situation should have been handled so differently. Frederick’s men had completely bungled the job of scaring her in the alley when they panicked. Manhandling her was one thing, but to hit her and then run away…Jesus, fuck. And now her security boyfriend, the police, and the Alvarez Security Agency were not only protecting her, but investigating as well.

  The day after the attack, Frederick had reported the incident to Michael Gibbons and himself…

  Michael sat perfectly still in his chair, saying nothing as Frederick related the previous evening’s disaster. Santo, not speaking, watched Michael’s face. Not a muscle moved, other than the pulsing of a vein running down the right side of Michael’s forehead.

  “Was she injured?” he asked.

  “Not seriously,” Frederick had reported. “But she did go to the hospital. Our contact at the hospital said that she had sustained facial injuries.”

  The silence in the room was deafening.

  “Facial injuries. You send two large men to simply scare a woman and they resort to hitting her? In the face?”

  “It appears that she kicked one of them and he retaliated.”


  “I have seen a picture of Ms. Lambert. She is quite a tiny woman,” Michael stated.


  Michael’s eyes cut over to Santo. “And now?”

  “According to her tail, she’s now staying with her boyfriend, who works for Alvarez Security and has the protection of the Richland Police.”

  Michael’s voice, steady and even, continued, “And the police?”

  “Not ours,” Santo said. “It appears that she’s friends with several of the Vice Detectives who have now taken a particular interest in the case.”

  Santo could feel Frederick’s eyes on him, but he never let his eyes waver from the boss’.

  “And do either of you have any information to offer me that will make this fucked-up situation any less fucked-up?” Michael asked, his voice taking on a hard quality.

  Frederick spoke up again, saying, “We’re hoping it appears that she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. A robbery or drug deal gone bad. There’s nothing that ties us into her attack. And our contacts at the newspaper made sure it wasn’t in the news.”

  Michael nodded but kept silent. The silence stretched out for several minutes but felt much longer.

  Finally speaking, Michael simply said, “I’m not pleased.”

  Frederick broke out into a sweat while Santo continued to sit calmly, knowing that Michael was not going to make a rash decision. And Frederick was Michael’s family…

  “I want the two men taken out of action. If they can’t discern the difference between enforcing and a simple act of scaring…they’re not ready for my organization.”

  Frederick stood quickly, nodding to Michael and left the room.

  “Your suggestions Santo?”

  “Sir, her grant is coming under review with the new tighter budget from the state. Our person in The State Capitol is working behind the scenes to make the money go away. I would also suggest that we look at an angle of getting in her building, seeing what we can do from the inside. Or find out to use as leverage. And with our contact at DSS, we can sabotage her from her workplace as well.”

  Before Michael could respond, his private door opened and Theresa strolled in. Barely glancing at Santo, she made her way to Michael’s desk. Santo watched his boss carefully, to see if he was dismissed.

  Michael’s eyes cut sharply over to Theresa and he lifted his eyebrow in question.

  “I’ve been at home alone for the past two nights,” Theresa pouted.

  Michael said nothing.

  “I want to go out tonight, baby. Where can we go?” she continued to whine. Leaning over his desk, she presented her ass to Santo and he knew his boss was getting an eyeful of her cleavage.

  “I have been with my wife for the past several evenings and will be with her again tonight. You will return to your residence. The parameters of our arrangement have not changed, Theresa, and this will be the last time I explain it to you. You do not accompany me to events. Those are reserved for my wife.”

  Theresa bolted up and glared down at the man sitting behind the desk. “Well, the cow can’t keep your dick hard or you wouldn’t be coming to me for your fucks.”

  Santo’s eyes cut sharply to Michael, knowing that Theresa had just crossed the line. His boss might allow his mistress many favors, but there was a limit to what he would put up with.

  Michael stood slowly from his chair, eying Theresa coldly. “No. More,” he stated firmly. “You will return to your residence and I will come to you when I want. This is your last warning, Theresa. Unless you want to find yourself on the streets, leave. This. Office. Now.”

  She turned and stomped to the private door, slamming it behind her. Michael sat back down, the vein in his forehead bulging. The two men sat in silence for a few minutes.

  Finally, Michael turned to Santo and with a deep breath, said, “I’m counting on you Santo. Do not disappoint me.”

  Santo jarred from his musings when his phone rang again. Recognizing the number, he answered, “You got something for me?”

/>   “She’s getting nosy. Starting to look around.”

  “And you can’t stop her?” Santo bit out.

  “Not without it looking suspicious,” came the reply.

  “Then divert her attention. Get her back to the old folk’s home and get her attention on just taking care of them and not on crusading. Call in the health department. Have plumbers show up. Get goddamn creative.”

  “I’ll do what I can.”

  “Make it happen. The boss doesn’t take failure well.”

  Clicking off his phone, he leaned back in his seat rubbing his hand over his face, thinking of the best leverage to use to get this woman out of their way, without any blowback on their organization.


  Gabe walked into his apartment the next Friday evening, seeing Jennifer fixing dinner in his kitchen, dancing to music as Ross sat at the table working on a school project. As soon as Ross saw him, the young boy’s eyes lit up. The familiar piercing in his chest that Gabe was beginning to recognize as pure happiness hit him once again.

  “Gabe! Come see what I’m making.”

  Gabe walked over smiling at the joy on Ross’ face. That’s the way every little boy should look. Happy, healthy, loved.

  He looked into the kitchen as Jennifer’s delectable ass shook to the music. She whirled around when she heard him and smiled. That gorgeous face with her blonde curls piled on her head, showing off the little elfish ears that he adored.

  Nodding to Ross, he said, “Be right over, buddy,” as he walked to Jennifer and kissed her. Hard and fast.

  Giving her a wink, he turned back to Ross, who was looking at him with a wrinkled nose. Soon he was being given a lesson on the solar system, which Ross was attempting to build with Styrofoam balls and wire.

  “Honey, can you help Ross clear off a section so that we can eat?”

  They quickly made room for dinner and the three of them sat comfortably eating.

  “I’ve got a trip I’d like us to take tomorrow,” Gabe said casually, not showing the nervousness that he felt.

  While Ross was already cheering the idea of a trip without knowing where they were going, Jennifer waited to see what else Gabe was going to say.

  “I thought we’d drive out of the city tomorrow. Got a nice place I’d like to take you to and…”

  “And what?” Jennifer prodded.

  “Well, I’ve got a little restaurant I’d like to take you to.”

  “Yea!” Ross agreed.

  Jennifer looked at Gabe suspiciously, saying, “Okay. But are you sure that’s all there is to it?”

  Just then, Vinny interrupted when he came into the apartment, greeting everyone. Jennifer jumped up and got another plate.

  “No, you don’t need to feed me,” Vinny protested although he was looking at their meal with a hungry look in his eyes.

  “It’s no problem,” she laughed. “I’m used to serving about fifty people.”

  Vinny dove into his meal and then said, “Hey, have you told them that we’re going to mom and dad’s tomorrow since mom’s dying to meet them?”

  “Your parents?” Jennifer asked, glaring up at Gabe. “You didn’t say anything about us meeting your parents.”

  “You’ve got parents?” Ross asked.

  Gabe turned his eyes to his twin saying, “Way to go, ass…um…bro.”

  “And just when were you going to tell me it was your parents’ place?” Jennifer demanded.

  “Sorry, man,” Vinny mumbled. Wanting to help, he turned to Ross and said, “Yeah, we’ve got parents. They’ve got a great little restaurant pub right on the river. It’s real nice and you can see the boats from their place.”

  “I want to go. I want to go,” Ross chanted while Jennifer continued to glare at Gabe. Turning toward the sink she began to clean the dishes.

  Gabe and Vinny sat at the table for a moment longer, watching the scene unfold. Vinny looked contrite, “I’m sorry, bro. I didn’t mean to upset her.”

  “No worries. I should have told her right off the bat. I was trying to work up my courage.”

  Vinny snorted. “Your courage? Hell, bro. You were one of the biggest, toughest son-of-a-bitch men in our squad and you’re afraid of one tiny woman?” He glanced over to make sure that Ross wasn’t listening. “I reckon that’s what love’ll do to you. That’s why I’m not looking for it.”

  Gabe grinned. “Yeah, I’ll remind you of this conversation when it hits you in the ass.”

  “As quiet as you may think you’re being, I can hear every word,” came a voice from the kitchen.

  Vinny raised his eyebrows. “Damn, she’s good. And that is one pissed off lady.”

  “No shit, dumbass,” Gabe replied, eyeing the back of her as she rattled the pans in the sink, sloshing water on the counter.

  Laughing, Vinny headed out of the apartment after reminding Ross that they’d look at the boats the next day.

  Sighing, Gabe also stood and walked into the kitchen. Jennifer turned and leaned back against the counter.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I was going to tell you. I was just waiting for the right time.”

  “And when was that? When we walked through their front door?”

  He smiled as he walked forward and placed both hands on either side of her, effectively trapping her within his embrace. Leaning down, he kissed the top of her head. “I really am sorry. I’m new at this…I guess I’m not very good at it yet.” He kissed her forehead again. So, am I forgiven?” Leaning farther, he kissed her nose. He moved down a little farther until he was a whisper away from her lips. “Forgiven?”

  Lifting her sparkling blue eyes to his, she could not help but smile as she moved into his kiss. Simple. Sweet.

  “Yes, you’re forgiven,” she said. “But Gabe, your parents? That seems…kind of…”

  “Serious?” he asked, moving his mouth over hers.

  “Yes, ummm” she said breathily, the feeling of his lips on hers making all thoughts float away.

  “Well, I am serious about you and Ross. So, why not meet my family?”

  His words moved through her bliss and she leaned back. “Serious?”

  She squeaked as he lifted her up onto the counter.

  “Baby, what do you think we’re doing here? I’m not just playing house. I love you. I love Ross. You love me. I’m ready for you to meet the rest of my family.”

  She captured her bottom lip with her teeth as a worried look crossed her face.

  He leaned down, peering into her eyes. “What’s going on in that overactive brain of yours?”

  She hesitated before blurting out, “I’ve never done this before. I’ve never met anyone’s parents like this.”

  “You think I have?” he asked. Seeing her incredulous look, he continued. “Baby, I’ve never taken a woman home to meet my parents. Ever. But since I told them about you and Ross…and well, Vinny hasn’t shut up about you, they can’t wait to meet you.”

  He stepped forward, standing between her legs and pulled her into his chest. With one hand around her back and the other cradling her head, he held her close.

  “I love you, Gabe,” she whispered.

  Smiling to himself, he kissed the top of her head. “I love you, back.”

  Ross popped around the corner of the kitchen counter and looked at his sister and Gabe. “Are you two finished kissing? I need some help,” he said.

  Setting Jennifer down from the counter, he gave her a wink and said, “I’ve got to go save the solar system.”


  The next day dawned clear and bright as Gabe loaded them into his Jeep. Vinny sat in the back with Ross, keeping him entertained for the forty-minute drive, while Jennifer sat nervously wondering what would be waiting for her.

  After leaving the city, they meandered along a smaller highway along the riverside. The early spring day gave hint of the beauty that was to come. The grass was turning green, the trees were budding, and cows were wandering in their pastures.

  Ross was exc
ited about seeing the farmland and Jennifer realized that she did not get him out of the city enough. Sure, I take him to parks and to the zoo, but this…he needs this too. She jumped when Gabe took her hand in his.

  She looked over at him as he squeezed her fingers and gave him a little smile. He gave her a questioning look and she nodded her answer, knowing he was silently asking if she was all right.

  Driving into a small town on the edge of the river, she was amazed that she had never heard of Riverton. Quaint shops lined the streets and the edge of the town was on the river, with a boardwalk on the side. A harbor was at the end of the town and Ross’ excitement over the boats had him straining at his seat belt to be able to see.

  “Hang on, buddy,” Gabe instructed. “You’ll get to see them, I promise.”

  With those simple words, a warm feeling surrounded Jennifer’s heart. This is serious. He does love Ross. Smiling to herself, she continued to look at the town as they pulled up to a stone building next to the harbor. It looks just like something from…she saw the sign hanging over the door. Malloy’s Pub…it is a real pub!

  Vinny helped Ross out and Gabe grabbed him before he could run to the boats. Hoisting Ross on his back, they walk over to Jennifer. Heading into the pub, it took a second for her eyes to grow accustomed to the dim lighting.

  A stone fireplace was in a gathering place to the left, with old, comfortable sofas surrounding it. Jennifer inhaled deeply the slight smokey smell of the fireplace that gave the pub a homey scent. Along the right wall was a long polished bar with mismatched stools lining it. In the corner was a dart board with a chalkboard to the side for keeping tallies. Toward the back were empty tables and booths, awaiting the lunch regulars.

  “Boys,” came a deep call from the back.

  Jennifer looked toward the voice and saw a large, muscular man heading toward them wearing jeans and a Malloy’s Pub t-shirt. A Celtic tattoo on his bicep peeked from the t-shirt, matching the one she knew so intimately on Gabe. I knew Gabe and Vinny were huge but never thought about their parents. The man bear-hugged first Vinny and then turned to Gabe and smiled.


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