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Fight 4 Us: Legacy

Page 3

by Grenda, Brian


  A bullet comes flying from the casino parking garage, across the highway, and just misses Janet’s head.

  “Take cover!” shouts Janet.

  TJ looks at Janet and asks, “Are you okay?”

  Janet shouts, “That asshole tried to shoot me!”

  Phil takes aim at the Native American that shot at Janet and pulls the trigger.


  The Native American Phil just aimed at goes down from a clean headshot.

  The Native Americans on the casino parking garage take cover.

  Phil, Janet, and TJ provide cover for the drone and also try to kill the remaining Native Americans.

  The drone is flying over the highway and coming back towards Jon.

  “We are almost here!” Just another second!” shouts Jon as he sees his drone flying towards him.


  A Native American gets a shot off and hits one of the propellers on Jon’s drone.

  Jon’s drone starts to take a nosedive and Jon tries to regain control of his drone.

  “Damn it!” shouts Jon.


  Janet kills a Native American with a precise shot from her rifle.

  Jon’s drone starts smoking and struggles to stay airborne.

  Jon turns off the damaged drone propeller and the drone stops smoking.

  Jon’s drone is flying towards the metal fence that surrounds the open dirt field that Jon is in.

  Jon tries to make the drone fly up, but the drone is struggling to stay airborne.

  The drone approaches the metal fence and just makes it over the fence that is next to the highway.

  The drone crashes into the dirt about six hundred feet away from Jon.


  Jon shouts, “The drone is over there! Cover me!”

  Jon starts to run towards his drone.

  The last two remaining Native Americans that are on the top floor of the casino parking garage see Jon running for his drone.

  Phil, TJ, and Janet are looking for the remaining Native Americans on the top floor of the casino parking garage.

  Jon is about two hundred feet away from his drone now.

  One Native American peeks his head over the concrete wall of the casino parking garage and aims his rifle.

  The Native American has Jon in his sight.

  Phil looks through his rifle scope and searches for the remaining Native Americans.

  Jon grabs his drone and starts to run back towards the electric truck.

  The Native American takes a shot at Jon.


  Jon dodges a big rock that is in the dirt.

  Dirt and rock fly up into the air as the Native American’s bullet hits the big rock that Jon just dodged.

  “I got you,” whispers Phil to himself as he adjusts his aim onto the Native American who just shot at Jon.


  Phil fires a shot from his rifle and hits the Native American in his left eye socket.

  Blood, bone, and brains explode out the back of the Native American’s head from Phil’s bullet.

  Jon makes it back to the electric truck.

  The last remaining Native American looks at his dead friends and gets into his truck.

  Janet sees the last Native American get into his truck and fires a shot from her rifle.



  The bullet from Janet’s rifle flies through the passenger side window of the Native American’s truck and hits the Native American in the side of his head.

  The Native American collapses against the driver side door panel.

  Blood starts to pour out of the Native American’s temporal bone and on to the interior of his truck.

  “Nice freaking shot!” shouts Phil to Janet.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here!” shouts Jon.

  Jon places his drone and the drone docking station into the back of the electric truck.

  TJ and Janet get into TJ’s jeep, speed away from the casino, and approach the entrance to the highway.

  Phil and Jon get into the electric truck and follow TJ.

  As TJ and Phil speed towards the highway, a man in the distance watches them drive away. The man is standing and watching them from his penthouse balcony on the top floor of the hotel at the casino.

  The man is a Native American chief, who is wearing a big colorful headdress, a beige Native American vest, and beige pants.


  I’M IN

  “We hit the mother lode for most of the items on the list,” says Shaun to me as he opens the rear truck tailgate of the blue truck.

  Matt exits the blue truck.

  I look at Matt as I stand inside Shaun’s garage and ask, “Did you get everything on the list?”

  Matt looks down at the list and replies, “No, we couldn’t find everything. We still need to find about a third of the items on the list, before we can get started.”

  Shaun and Matt start to unload the blue truck and look to have found a lot of things during there trip.

  “Where should we put this stuff?” asks Shaun.

  “Good question, I think away from other homes and anything dangerous.”

  “What about Chris’ old house?” asks Shaun.

  Matt looks at me.

  “That could work. I’m pretty sure the Warriors that were living in there went back home to the Haven.”

  Matt picks up a bag from Shaun’s driveway and puts it in the back of the blue truck.

  Shaun says, “We will put this stuff in Chris’ garage.”

  Matt and Shaun finish putting the plastic storage totes and bags back into the blue truck, and Shaun drives the blue truck over to Chris’ old house.

  Just the mere thought of Chris pisses me off. I really hope that asshole is dead from the cut I made into his back.

  The South entrance gate opens.

  TJ’s jeep and the electric truck Phil was driving come speeding down the street.

  I hear the engine of TJ’s jeep speeding towards me as I stand inside Shaun’s garage.

  TJ parks his jeep in Shaun’s driveway.

  Phil parks the electric truck behind TJ’s jeep.

  TJ, Janet, Phil, and Jon exit from their vehicles.

  “What’s up guys?”

  “We got a problem Ryan!” shouts TJ.

  “What’s the problem?”

  “The Indians at the casino have my sister. They tried to kill us, and they nearly killed Jon and Janet,” says TJ.

  Phil and Jon walk over to me.

  I look at Janet, TJ, Phil, and Jon.

  Phil looks at me and says, “Those Indians at the casino aren’t messing around. They definitely tried to kill us.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  “Does it even matter?” asks TJ.

  “Yes, it does actually. If you started something with them, versus them just trying to kill you.”

  Jon says, “They saw my drone, shot at the drone, and then shot at us.”

  I look at Jon and ask, “You okay? Did you get hurt?”

  Jon answers, “I’m fine. They missed me.”

  I can sense that TJ is wanting to do something immediately.

  “What intel did you gain from your trip?”

  TJ replies, “We saw a lot of them, they have my sister, and they have guns.”

  Phil says, “We have to watch the video Jon recorded, but it looks like they have some numbers and weapons.”

  “Let’s watch the video first, and then we’ll decide what to do.”

  TJ screams, “Fuck! I don’t have time for this!”

  Janet looks at TJ and tries to calm him down.

  I look at Jon and Phil and say, “Let’s go to my house and watch the drone video.”

  I look at TJ and say, “Calm down TJ, we need to do this the right way.”

  TJ gives me a look of annoyance.

  TJ’s look pisses me off somewhat, but I understand that he just wants to attack the casino and get h
is sister.

  “Do you want our help TJ?”

  TJ looks at me with a glaring stare.

  “Yes,” says TJ.

  “Then let’s watch the video and get a plan together.”

  Jon, Phil, Janet, TJ, and I go into my house and watch the drone video Jon just recorded.

  We watch the drone recording.

  I pause the video on the woman that TJ thinks is his sister.

  “That’s Alice, that’s my sister,” says TJ.

  I look at the woman on the screen.

  The woman on the screen is a thin white woman that is hard to completely make out on the video.

  “How do you know TJ?”

  “She’s the only white woman we have seen on the video! Plus, I know my sister!” shouts TJ.

  “Then, what do we do? Just go in there and blow up the place, shoot anyone that we see, and just go take your sister?”

  TJ replies, “I don’t know, but I’m done talking about it.”

  TJ exits my house.

  Janet runs after TJ.

  “You need to calm down. They might have hundreds of people at that casino. We can’t just go in and kill them all,” says Janet to TJ.

  TJ opens his driver side jeep door.

  Janet pushes TJ’s driver side jeep door closed.

  “Listen TJ! We can’t just go in and attack them! That’s suicide!” shouts Janet at TJ.

  TJ looks at Janet and isn’t sure what to say.

  “What do you want to do?” asks TJ to Janet.

  “I want to stay alive, but also get your sister back,” answers Janet.

  Jon and Phil run over to Janet and TJ.

  “Good, I’m glad you didn’t leave yet. We will help you get your sister back, but we can’t do it alone,” says Phil.

  Shaun drives towards his house in the blue truck he was using before.

  “What’s up assholes? Why you blocking my driveway?” jokes Shaun.

  Phil laughs and replies, “We are moving in a second jackass.”

  “What’s going on?” asks Shaun to Janet, Phil, Jon, and TJ.

  “We are trying to figure out a plan on how to get TJ’s sister back,” answers Janet.

  “Where is she?” asks Shaun.

  “At the Indian casino,” answers TJ.

  TJ gets an idea in his head.

  “I have an idea, I’ll be in touch,” says TJ to Phil.

  TJ gets into his jeep and starts up his jeep.

  Janet says, “See ya later guys.”

  Janet gets into TJ’s jeep.

  TJ makes a sharp right-hand turn, drives through Shaun’s front yard, off the curb, and towards the South entrance.

  “What the fuck!” shouts Shaun as he watches TJ put two large tire marks in his front yard.

  TJ beeps his jeep horn goodbye.


  Phil, Jon, and Matt laugh as TJ exits through the South entrance of our neighborhood.

  “I’m gonna kick TJ’s ass the next time I see him!” shouts Shaun.

  I walk over to Phil and Jon and ask, “What happened? TJ okay?”

  “I don’t know, he got some bright idea and drove off,” says Phil as he smiles at the sight of the huge tire marks that TJ just made in Shaun’s front yard.

  “Did he say anything about what he was planning to do?”

  “Nope, he just tore up Shaun’s front yard and sped away,” replies Jon as I look at the tire tracks TJ left on Shaun’s front yard.

  “I didn’t like what I saw on that video. The casino looks to be loaded with people and we will be outnumbered if we attack the casino.”

  “What are we going to do?” asks Phil.

  “We are going to wait. Let’s see what TJ comes up with and then we’ll decide what to do.”

  TJ speeds down the road.

  “Where are we going?” asks Janet to TJ.

  “I have an idea,” answers TJ.

  “Being vague doesn’t work for me. You need to tell me or take me home,” says Janet.

  TJ gets annoyed at Janet’s response, but he doesn’t say anything.

  “I’m serious TJ! Tell me the plan, or I’ll fucking jump out of this jeep right now!” shouts Janet.

  TJ looks at Janet and then looks back at the road.

  Janet opens her passenger side jeep door.

  TJ looks over at Janet and is shocked that she just opened her passenger side door, while he is driving down the road.

  Janet tries to unclip her seatbelt.

  TJ sees that Janet isn’t joking around and stops his jeep.

  Janet unclips her seatbelt and looks at TJ.

  “I’m sorry. I’m going to MacDill to talk with my father. We need people and they have people,” says TJ.

  Janet closes her passenger side jeep door.

  “We are a team. I’m down for whatever you want to do. Just keep me informed,” says Janet.

  TJ starts to calm down and takes a deep breath.

  TJ drives back onto the road and continues down the road.

  “I like you TJ. I like you a lot, but I never want to feel like you are hiding something from me. I want to be able to trust you, no matter what happens,” says Janet.

  TJ turns onto Bayshore Boulevard and the large wall of the Pride is seen in the distance.

  Janet looks at the large wall of the Pride and then looks at TJ.

  TJ says, “You can trust me. I’m sorry if I made you doubt that. I’m just so anxious about getting my sister back.”

  “I understand, she’s family and we have to protect family,” says Janet.

  TJ drives up to the MacDill Air Force Base entrance.

  TJ shows the guard his ID and the guard lets TJ enter the base.

  Janet and TJ look at all the new vehicles, people, and personnel around the base.

  “This place is always so much busier and crowded every time we come here,” says Janet.

  TJ parks his jeep next to Rich’s sedan.

  TJ goes to exit his jeep, but Janet grabs TJ’s forearm before he can exit his jeep.

  Janet pulls TJ close to her.

  TJ and Janet make eye contact.

  “I’m here for you. Ryan and his group are here for you. We will get your sister back,” says Janet.

  Janet kisses TJ.

  TJ kisses Janet back.

  Janet exits TJ’s jeep.

  TJ and Janet walk into the lobby of Rich’s office building.

  “Hey Rebecca, is my father in?” asks TJ.

  Rebecca replies, “Let me check.”

  Rebecca calls for Rich on Rich’s office phone.

  A loud group of vehicles and soldiers drive by the office building.

  Janet looks out the office building entrance glass doors and sees the loud vehicles and soldiers.

  “He’s not in his office. Let me try him on the radio,” says Rebecca to TJ.

  Rebecca calls for Rich on the radio.

  Janet watches a caravan of military trucks and soldiers stop at the medical building.

  “He’s in the cafeteria. He said for you to meet him there,” says Rebecca to TJ.

  TJ thanks Rebecca and exits the office building with Janet.

  Janet and TJ walk along the sidewalk.

  “Watch out!” screams a soldier who is standing inside one of the large military trucks near the back tailgate of the military truck.

  The soldier jumps down from inside the military truck.

  TJ and Janet stop walking and watch the soldiers.

  Three other soldiers from inside the large military truck push out two cargo nets full of zombies.

  “Careful man, you almost hit me with these dead fuckers!” shouts a soldier who is standing next to the large military truck.

  “You need to be more careful Gomez!” shouts a soldier from inside the large military truck.

  TJ and Janet walk towards the military truck and soldiers.

  “Get those fuckers out of here!” shouts Colonel Meyers at the soldiers that are standing next to the cargo nets t
hat are full of zombies.

  TJ makes eye contact with Colonel Meyers.

  “Where should we put this group of dead ones?” asks a soldier to Colonel Meyers.

  “I don’t know, and I don’t care! Just put them in the medical building somewhere! The medical staff will tell you where to put them!” shouts Colonel Meyers to the soldier that asked him where to put the group of dead ones.

  TJ and Janet can’t believe what they are seeing. They don’t say anything as they watch the soldiers move the zombies into the medical building.

  “Problem?” asks Gomez to TJ with a cocky tone of voice.

  Another group of soldiers walk by TJ and Janet and take the remaining cargo net full of zombies into the medical building.

  TJ walks down the sidewalk and towards the cafeteria.

  Janet follows behind TJ, and they both enter the cafeteria.

  There are a couple of people in the cafeteria as TJ and Janet walk in.

  Rich is talking with Ramano and another soldier at a table.

  TJ sees Rich and walks over to Rich.

  Rich sees TJ walking towards him and asks, “Are you okay son?”

  TJ replies, “I’m fine. I need to talk with you.”

  “Sure, what’s up TJ?” asks Rick.

  “In private,” replies TJ.

  Janet grabs something to eat and sits down next to Ramano.

  TJ and Rich walk away from the cafeteria tables and talk.

  “What’s up son?” asks Rich.

  TJ looks around and checks to see if anyone is around.

  “Alice is at the casino,” answers TJ.

  “How do you know? Did you see her?” asks Rick.

  TJ replies, “I saw her on a drone video we recorded. We need to help her.”

  Rich is glad that his daughter is alive, but he doesn’t know how to get to her.

  “What happened to your face? Are you okay?” asks Rich to TJ.

  “I’ll be fine. The Indians at the casino did this to me,” answers TJ.

  “They are Native Americans son,” says Rich.

  “Enough with the PC bullshit. Whatever you call them. I just need people from here to help me get Alice,” says TJ.

  “What’s going on over there?” asks Ramano to Janet as Ramano watches Rich and TJ talk.

  Janet looks at TJ and Rich talking and answers, “Another trip being planned. We might need your services again.”

  Ramano says, “No problem. You let me know what you need, and I’ll help you.”

  Janet says, “Great. I’ll let you know if we need anything.”


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