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Eternal 1: Eternal Embrace

Page 17

by Ann Lory


  “She is very beautiful.”

  He smiled against her hair. “Yes, she is. She draws men to her, weaving them under her spell. I did not realize what she had done till it was too late.”

  “How old is she?”

  “Old. I am but a babe to her.”

  Cassie shuddered. “That makes her very powerful, doesn’t it?”

  “Very,” he replied simply.

  “How is it you have so many different ... I don’t know ... Powers?” She looked up at him.

  “It is just an ability I have. We all have it to some degree, and it gets stronger with the passage of time.”

  “What can you do?”

  “You’ve seen some of it already, Cassandra. I can open doors with a thought, start a fire, hypnotize, shape-shift ... Others, like Christian, can bend time and go back to the past, but only up to the moment they became vampire.”

  Cassie rose to her knees, breaking the hold of his arms, suddenly more animated. “Shape-shift! How? Into what?”

  “Anything. I most prefer a hawk or wolf.”

  Cassie thought for a moment, then covered her mouth, clearly astonished. “Then that was you! The hawk in the tree!”

  Dimitri nodded, lifting up on one elbow to face her. “Yes, Cassandra, that was me watching over you.”

  “Can you shape-shift now? How did you know you could?”

  “I can do so anytime I wish. Jacques showed me I have the ability.”

  “But how do you do it?”

  “I can’t explain it. I just do.”

  Cassie was silent for a moment as she studied him. “When did you come to America?”

  “I arrived in California in 1849 during the great gold rush. I have seen much over the years, Cassandra: peace, war, technology, inventions. I’ve also met many people and done much.”

  Her eyes widened. “It’s so extraordinary!”

  He grinned, then frowned as he watched the smile vanish from her face. He touched his mind to hers to see what had caused the sudden change, then sucked in his breath.

  Cassie’s thoughts were jumbled as she stared at him, but he caught every one. She marveled at the fact that he was so young looking despite being over five hundred years old. Then her mind turned bleak. He would never die, but she would. She would grow old and frail, and he would not love her anymore.

  Dimitri sat up and grasped her hands, pressing them to his heart. “I will always love you,” he whispered passionately, as if by saying the words everything would be all right between them. He felt her drawing away and tightened his grip. “No, Cassandra, do not do this.”

  Despair filled her eyes. “How can you say that? I am going to age while you stay forever young.”

  “Because it doesn’t matter. I will love you whether you are twenty-two or one hundred and two. That will never change.”

  Cassie pictured herself as an old woman with Dimitri by her side and cringed. She had no doubt that he would remain by her, but she couldn’t let him do that.

  Why had she never thought of this before she let herself fall so completely and totally in love with him? But it had already been too late for her from their first meeting. She touched his face. How she wished she could stay with him always.

  Her heart skipped a beat at an idea. Could she become like he was? Could she drink blood? Her stomach churned, and she shook her head. One look at Dimitri told her he was still reading her thoughts. “Dimitri, I don’t think I can.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  Dimitri’s hands held her gently. “I would never ask it of you.” He kissed the wetness from her cheeks. “Never.”

  “There has to be something we can do. Isn’t there anything that can make you mortal again? We could grow old together.” She knew she was asking on false hope, even as she saw the answer in his saddened features.

  “No, Cassandra. Trust me, there is nothing.”

  “What do we do then?”

  They stared at each other, and a gulf abruptly seemed to grow between them. “What do you want to do, Cassandra?” His voice was soft, but there was pain etched in every word.

  “I don’t know what to do, but I can’t walk away from you, Dimitri. I think I would die a thousand deaths if I did.”

  He hugged her, wrapping her in his warmth. “If ever you want me to let you go, I will -- but only because you ask it.”

  Her arms wound around his neck. “I don’t want you to ever let me go. I want you to love me forever.”

  “Always I will love you and no other.”

  She cried out as his mouth crushed hers, and his hands caressed her all over before he took her with such tenderness that she was filled with both pain and joy. She knew the difficulties that lay between them were far from over, but for now, she would allow herself to just be with Dimitri for as long as she could.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next day, Cassie returned to work. Walking toward her boss’s office, she tried to push aside her fear. She had missed a couple of days of work and hadn’t called to let anyone know. The best she could hope for was that Mr. Harper would forgive her as this was the first time she’d ever done such a thing and give her another chance to prove that she was a worthy employee.

  Cassie took a deep breath when she reached his office. She knocked.

  “Come in.”

  Opening the door, she stepped into his office.

  “Hello, Cassie. Glad you’re feeling better. What can I help you with?”

  Surprised at his words, she almost forgot the speech she’d prepared. “I came to apologize for not being here for two days and for not calling. I want you to know that it will not happen again, Mr. Harper.”

  He gave her a puzzled look. “What? Of course you called. You said you weren’t feeling well.” He frowned. “You must have been more out of it than you thought.”

  She was totally confused. “Sir?”

  “Do you need to take another day, Cassie? You probably haven’t quite recovered.”

  Cassie didn’t understand what her boss was talking about until she thought of Dimitri and wondered if he had something to do with this. What am I thinking? Naturally, he had something to do with this! Shaking her head, Cassie smiled.

  “You must be right. I completely forgot. Sorry to bother you, Mr. Harper.”

  “No problem, Cassie. Please take it easy today.” He went back to his work, and Cassie left his office and walked to hers. As she sat down at her desk, she gave a little laugh, then picked up a stack of papers and busied herself with work.

  The day went by astonishingly quickly, and Cassie was excited at the fact she’d soon be able to leave and spend another evening in Dimitri’s arms. Kelly entered her office just as she was shutting everything off.

  “Hey, hon, how are you?”

  Cassie smiled. “Great, yourself?”


  Cassie motioned toward Kelly’s hand. “What have you got there?”

  “Could you please give this to Dimitri for me?”? Kelly passed over an envelope. “It’s a thank you from Mr. Vincinni himself and says how much we all appreciate his generous donation.”

  Cassie studied the flap. “Did that good, huh?”


  “I’m not surprised,” Cassie noted, and put it in her purse.

  “Let’s do something, in the next couple weeks.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know, anything. Just you and me; it’ll be a girl’s night out.”

  Cassie hesitated, remembering Dimitri’s words and the encounter with Gabriella. “I’m not sure. Things are just really crazy right now, Kelly.”

  “We haven’t done something like this for months, unless you count the museum. But even if you do, I’m not, because you were miserable that day.” Her friend grinned at her mischievously.

  “I don’t think --

  “Please, pretty please,” Kelly begged, a pretty smile on her face and her hands clutched together before her like
a child coaxing a parent.

  Cassie laughed. “Well, how can I deny you when you put it that way? Okay, how about next weekend?”

  “Great! Talk at ya later.” Kelly skipped out the door, made a jab at Craig’s arm as he crossed the hall and into Cassie’s office.

  Grabbing her purse, Cassie headed for the door, but Craig stopped her by leaning into the door jamb and blocking her exit.

  “So you and Alexios are back together?”

  “Yes, we are.

  “You two pretty serious?”

  “Yes, Craig.”

  Craig didn’t say anything else as he turned away from her and went back to his work, but not before she saw the flash of anger and disappointment in his eyes. She opened her mouth, sorry that she couldn’t return his feelings, but decided better of it and left without another word.

  * * * * *

  Arriving at Dimitri’s, Cassie stepped into the house just as the sun was setting. She held the door open for Rowlin, who had pulled up behind her. “My watchman,” she said in the same tone as a heroine would say, “My hero.” She smiled playfully.

  Rowlin blushed. “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  “I understand. Thank you, Rowlin.” She ran up the stairs to find Dimitri. When she reached the third floor, she noticed a light coming from the corridor opposite that leading to his room, a part of his home she had never explored.

  Walking quietly down the hall, she peered around the door jamb, then gasped at the myriad of antiques, paintings, old weapons and jewelry that filled the room. Stepping inside, she looked around her in amazement.

  A necklace in a glass case caught her eye. It practically dripped with diamonds and gold, and she knew it was very old, and priceless.

  “It is priceless. Queen Mary of Italy wore that piece.”

  Cassie spun around, surprised by Dimitri’s presence. Turning back to the beautiful object, she touched its case lightly and spoke softly, wonderingly. “I have never seen anything like it.”

  Dimitri lifted the glass, then took the necklace and brought it around Cassie’s collar. She gasped at its cool weight against her bare skin, then grinned as he tenderly pressed a kiss at her nape. She looked down, then faced Dimitri, who was smiling at her.

  “Well, do I look regal?”

  “That you do.” He laughed. His laughs were so few and far between, that she treasured each one she got from him.

  “This is absolutely stunning, Dimitri.”

  “No. It is you who bring out its beauty.”

  She blushed at his compliment, then turned so he could take the necklace off. As he did, his fingers glided over her skin, causing her to shiver in delight. She spun around, and he brought her body against his, kissing her with all the passion she could wish for. His tongue swept wildly through her mouth, tasting her, drawing her into him. Her hands clutched his shoulders, and his arms held her tight to him as her legs gave out. Overwhelming hunger and desire surged through her.

  She returned his ardor with equal fervor, then whimpered at the feel of his teeth nipping at her lower lip, his actions sweeping over her with a deep erotic sensation. His mouth was warm, rough and wet, driving her crazy with the taste of him. He bit her again, and she felt his fangs, then his sudden withdrawal.

  Cassie stared at him. His eyes were deep black pools, and he was panting heavily, his lips barely hiding his fangs. Abruptly, she wanted to feel them grazing along her flesh, nibbling at her, bringing her pleasure.

  “I must go.” Dimitri said unexpectedly.

  “Go? Where?”

  He strode from the room without answering, and she quickly followed him, running to keep up with his long strides.

  “Dimitri, what’s wrong?” He didn’t respond, so she immediately tried to probe his mind. They reached the bottom of the stairs, and he whirled on her, face angry. She could tell that it was mostly rage at himself rather than her.

  “Do not try to read my thoughts, Cassandra.” As he spoke each word, his fangs were bared to her startled gaze, and his accent had become thick with emotion. “This is what is wrong! Me! I have not fed and the hunger is painful!”

  He pivoted and headed toward the kitchen, leaving her standing at the stairs. Cassie thought about his words, knew he was getting ready to leave. Then a picture of him with another woman in his arms giving him what he desperately needed caused jealousy to course through her. She rushed after him, bursting through the swinging kitchen door.

  Catching him by the wrist, she forced him to look at her. “Take from me.”

  “No, not this time.”

  “Yes, this time, and every time. Let me help you.”

  He sighed. “Cassandra, I do not have any feelings for those I take from. You worry for no reason.”

  “Please, I want to do this.”

  “No. Stay here; I’ll return shortly.” With that, he left from the side door and went into the garage.

  Cassie stood frozen, the sting of rejection settling over her. She walked woodenly back toward the study, then stopped in the main hall for a long moment, staring at the front door.

  She couldn’t help feeling that he had pushed her away and was turning to someone else for something that she could and was willing to give him. Inevitably, thoughts of their remaining time together ticking away upset her even more. When Cassie considered how long an average lifetime was, she realized for the first time just how unfair he was being to her, to them. Anger rose within her. Shutting her mind to Dimitri, Cassie stormed out of the house and into the darkness.

  * * * * *

  Dimitri went through the house, which was immaculate, of course. It was clear Gabriella had been there, since she had purposely left clues, obviously toying with him. Her scent permeated the house, and she had left her sleeping chamber unprotected. He knew she would not be coming back here. She would be aware he’d be looking for her.

  He stood in the center of her chambers and cursed her ability to block her presence from him. Still, he reached out with his mind, searching for her, the slightest touch, anything that could give her away her location, but he felt nothing. The thought that he did not know if he could defeat her alone rose in his mind, and he considered calling upon his old friend, Jacques, to help him.

  Recalling Cassandra, he touched his mind to hers and was surprised to find she had closed herself to him. He grunted, knowing she was still angry with him. In her eagerness to share her blood with him, she had not thought about the fact that he had already supped from her in the last several days. To take anymore would cause her harm.

  Taking one last look, he left the place, his body shifting as he took to the sky. His eyes scanned everything around him, missing nothing, searching visually and mentally for Gabriella. He reared up in the sky suddenly, surprised as a familiar scent and heartbeat reached him. He screeched his hawk’s high-pitched call as he dove toward the earth.

  * * * * *

  Cassie stalked into Kelly’s favorite nightclub where her friend had said she’d be when Cassie had called. She looked around the crowded room and spotted Kelly dancing on one of the platforms above the crowd. The other woman noticed Cassie and waved at her as Cassie greeted her in return and walked toward her. Kelly hopped down, grabbed Cassie’s hand and led the way to a table.

  They sat down and Kelly ordered soft drinks from a waitress, then turned back to Cassie. “What’s up? You sounded upset.”

  “Dimitri upset me, is all, and I had to get away for a bit.”

  “What did he do?”

  “I wanted to help with something that was bothering him, but he refused to let me.”

  “So what was bothering him?”

  Cassie shrugged. “Don’t know.” What a lame lie. Well, it was better than the truth.

  Their beverages arrived and Kelly paid the woman, then took a long swallow. She smiled at Cassie, still breathing a little heavily from her recent exertion. “Know what will cheer you up?”

  Cassie couldn’t help but grin in anticipation.
“I have no idea.”

  “Dancing with me, of course.”

  She laughed, as her friend grabbed her hand and towed her onto the dance floor.

  “When Dimitri is ready to share his troubles, he will. Don’t beat yourself -- or him -- up.”

  Cassie nodded, wishing she could tell Kelly the truth, but she shoved her hurt aside and boogied. They laughed and twirled until Craig showed up. He moved between them, facing Cassie.

  “Where is Dimitri?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” she replied shortly, sidestepped over to Kelly. He seized her arm, bringing her to a standstill, and she was surprised by his rough grip.

  “Dance with me.”

  “No, Craig.”

  She watched his eyes narrow as he glared at her and jerked her up against him. “Why? Am I not good enough for you?”

  Cassie pushed at his chest. “Let me go!”

  Kelly pulled on his arms. “Craig, stop it! You’re acting like an idiot!”

  He glared at both of them. “Is it because I don’t have enough money? Why won’t you give me a chance, Cassie??”

  “I’ve never lied to you. I told you I just want to be friends. “

  “Don’t you know how long I’ve loved you?” he yelled, shaking her.

  Cassie ceased her struggles and stared at him wide-eyed, completely stunned by his confession. She shrieked as he started to drag her off the dance floor, Kelly trying to stop him without success.

  Distantly, she thought she saw someone approaching them. She hoped desperately that it was the club bouncer.

  Fear clutched Cassie’s heart as she realized Craig was not about to let her go. Dimitri, I need you.

  “I believe these ladies do not desire your company.” A voice with a heavy French accent interrupted the three.

  They stumbled to a halt and stared at the pale, handsome stranger, who exuded power and confidence. The man had rich, thick, wavy brown hair that framed his face, the dark strands brushing past the collar of his deep blue shirt. His features were sharp and defined, and he was tall and lean, like Dimitri. One of the club bouncers stepped out of the crush of people toward them, but the stranger held up his hand, glanced at the man and the bouncer turned and walked away. A peculiar feeling came over Cassie as she gazed into the stranger’s eyes; she stifled the gasp that came to her lips.


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