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Eternal 1: Eternal Embrace

Page 18

by Ann Lory

  The man looked right at her and smiled as if he heard and felt her surprise. His black eyes never left her violet ones, as he made a chivalrous bow.

  “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Jacques Devereaux.” This time there was no disguising Cassie’s shocked breath.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “This is none of your business,” Craig muttered furiously.

  “It may not be his, but it is surely mine.” Dimitri’s welcome voice preceded him as he stepped from behind Jacques. Cassie drank in his presence with relief.

  Dimitri’s eyes caught Craig’s, and she sensed he had to fight the fury that threatened to take control as he took in the bruises already forming on her arms from Craig’s brutal grip.

  Cassie glanced back and forth between the men, then watched as Jacques retreated, a glitter of what appeared to be humor in his eyes.

  Belatedly, she realized Dimitri was drawing Craig under his trance. The other man looked dazed, then released Cassie’s arm. She immediately moved into Dimitri’s embrace.

  Craig shook his head, then his eyes blazed with anger as he glared at her. “Damn you, Cassie!” His fist drew back to hit Dimitri, but like lightning, her lover’s hand flashed out and gripped Craig’s neck, lifting him so that the other man’s feet dangled. She could see his oxygen was being cut off as he struggled to loosen Dimitri’s hold on him. She thought she could also hear bones beginning to crackle as her co-worker’s eyes rolled wildly, his feet, flailing and kicking.

  Dimitri sneered at him, an unholy gleam shining in his eyes. Cassie felt fear clutch her stomach as it appeared Craig was about to die.

  “Dimitri, don’t.” Her voice was soft, soothing. “Please let him go.” The haze in his eyes seemed to fade a little, and he loosened his grip. Craig fell in a heap at their feet and her lover looked down at him, disgust clearly showing on his face as the other man gasped and choked, sucking in huge gulps of air.

  “Get out of here before I change my mind.” Dimitri’s words were cold steel, and Craig was trembling as he jumped to his feet and ran from the nightclub.

  Cassie breathed a sigh of relief as she watched him go, then swung back to Dimitri, realizing her relief had come a moment too soon as he threw her an angry look.

  “Let’s go,” he said curtly, taking her arm and leading her outside.

  Jacques’s gaze fell on Kelly, struck by her breathtaking beauty. He smiled, then gestured for her to exit before him even as he released his compulsion on the club’s bouncer to search for illicit drugs in the men’s room. He was amused to see she lowered her eyes as she skittered out the door behind Cassie and Dimitri.

  Once they were surrounded by the night, all four made their way toward Cassie’s car. Cassie whirled around to look at her friend. “Do you need a ride?”

  “Yes, I rode with Craig. He said he wanted to talk.”

  Jacques saw Cassie’s gaze slide toward Dimitri. “We will go to my place first. I want you home, then Jacques can take Kelly.”

  Cassie looked at him, and he smiled. “But Dimitri,” she began to whisper.

  “She will be fine, Cassandra.” Dimitri took the keys from her, concentrating on their surroundings, Jacques knew, just as he was, for any signs of Gabriella. Cassie settled into the passenger side seat, and Jacques helped Kelly into the back before he slid in beside her.

  As they drove down the brightly lit street, the strength of the anger radiating from Dimitri permeated the car. His hands gripped the steering wheel and his face seemed set in stone.

  Jacques peered at Kelly, who was blushing furiously under his intense gaze. He smiled wickedly. “Our introduction was rather brief inside the club. I am Jacques, a very old friend of Dimitri’s, as you may have gathered.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Kelly Matthews.”

  He brought her hand to his lips and brushed a feather light kiss against her flesh, feeling her shiver of delight and sensing the heat that coursed through her. He watched as she smiled at him and studied his features.

  “You seem very familiar to me. I’m sure I’ve seen you before.” She paused. “From your accent, I would say you’re a Frenchman.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Je crois que oui. I’m good at guessing these types of things,” she teased.

  Jacques was amazed. Very rarely did mortals surprise him, but he found himself very intrigued with this woman. “Ah! Vous parlez Français! D’on apprenez-vous?”

  “I started in high school, then college. I’ve also been to France.”

  “Did you enjoy my country?”

  Kelly laughed ruefully, her smile breathtaking. “I’m afraid it wasn’t a very good experience.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  She shrugged. “Do you live here, or are you visiting?”

  “Just visiting, I’m afraid.” He was pleased to see the disappointment she couldn’t hide. As Dimitri turned into the drive leading to his home, both he and Jacques jerked to full alert. Gabriella was somewhere nearby.

  He dimly heard Kelly and Cassie’s concerned questions and covered Kelly’s hand with one of his own, his gentle voice soothing her.

  “Everything is fine, cherie.”

  Dimitri quickly pulled up under the canopy and was instantly at Cassie’s door. Jacques was out of the car just as fast and reached in, guiding Kelly out of the vehicle.

  A laugh rang through the air, and Dimitri turned to him. “Get them inside now!”

  Out of the mist Gabriella appeared before them, her black eyes flashing, her smile filled with malice.

  Kelly squealed. Jacques wrapped his arms tightly around both her and Cassie, lifting them both. He raced with preternatural speed toward the door even as his friend raced toward Gabriella.

  The door to the house opened, Rowlin standing in the entrance. Jacques set the women inside, then turned to help Dimitri deal with their maker, who had vanished. Kelly dropped to her knees beside Cassie, crying out to her friend.

  Dimitri felt Cassie’s pain as Gabriella’s laughter seemed to intensify, causing dagger-like pain through her ears and brain. He sensed it when she fell to the floor as if under a physical blow, screaming out in agony. He immediately put a mental block between Gabriella and Cassandra and took the brunt of the punishment. He gritted his teeth, and waited for Gabriella to materialize again.

  Jacques came to stand by his side, and they surveyed the night, biding their time. Then the pressure on Dimitri’s mind eased. He heard Gabriella whisper softly. “You can’t keep her hidden forever.”

  Although his and Jacques’s minds searched with heightened awareness, Dimitri knew she was already gone. Gabriella was still playing her games, but sometime soon, very soon, she would make her move.

  Dimitri and his friend swiftly returned to the house, where they found Cassie curled in a ball on the floor, eyes closed, her hair a tangled mess around her, a tiny trickle of blood smudged beneath her nose. Both Kelly and Rowlin were hovering over her.

  Her lids rose and she looked at him, a trace of pain lingering in her eyes. Dimitri wanted to be angry with her still, but when she looked so vulnerable, he wanted to take her in his arms and hold her forever.

  He knelt down and swept her up into his arms, and she cuddled into his hold, shaking pitifully. Dimitri looked at Jacques, who had remained ready by the door. “You are welcome in my home.”

  Jacques nodded, and Dimitri ignored Kelly’s bewilderment and confusion at everything that had taken place in front of her.

  “Please take Kelly home. Rowlin will retrieve my keys for you.”

  His friend took Kelly’s hand, but she shied away and went to Cassie, still sheltered against Dimitri.

  “What just happened? Is she going to be okay?” She touched her fingers to Cassie’s cheek, concern evident in her blue eyes.

  “Go with Jacques,” Dimitri said softly.

  Kelly shook her head. “No, not until I get some answers.”

  Jacques placed his hands on her sh
oulders and gaze deeply into her eyes. “Come, Kelly, all will be well.”

  She placed her hand in his and allowed him to take her away from Dimitri and Cassie.

  Dimitri climbed the stairs with his precious burden, breathing a sigh of relief that she was safe in his home and cursing himself for having allowed her to block him from her thoughts. When he had realized that she had gone out into the night by herself, fear was the least of what he had felt seize him.

  His chamber doors opened, and he entered, placing her gently on the bed. He was forced to come down beside her when she still clung to him, trembling. He continued to hold her, stroking her back.

  Patches appeared and stood at the foot of the bed, staring at them. She hopped up and hesitantly approached, her paws lightly touching and prodding Cassie. Dimitri sighed at the concern the cat showed for her mistress. He patted the area beside him and was surprised when Patches bounded up and lay cuddled against him, her head lying on his leg, watching Cassie with intelligent green eyes.

  Tremors still shook Cassie. He kissed the top of her head and softly crooned words of love to her. He wanted to hold her like this forever, to love her always. He breathed in the scent of her, savoring the feel of her silken hair and the touch of her smooth flesh, and remembered the taste of her lips and the sound of her heart, a beat that was imprinted on his mind.

  * * * * *

  Kelly stared at Jacques as he drove the Porsche toward her apartment. They were almost there and she had yet to say a word. She shook her head and wondered how he had talked her into leaving Dimitri’s when every part of her had wanted to stay and make sure her friend was all right.

  Once they pulled up in front of her building, she immediately flung open the door and ran for the safety of her apartment. Kelly gave a startled squeak when Jacques appeared in front of her.

  Her heart pounded and she turned her keys outward, ready to use them as a weapon if she needed to. “H-h-how did you do that?”

  Jacques’s smile appeared sincere. “It’s just something I can do.”

  “Who are you really? And who was that woman? What’s wrong with Cassie?” Kelly blurted, out of breath by the time she finished.

  He laughed as all of her questions spilled out at once and reached for her, but his laughter died as she stepped away from his touch.

  She stared at him as if he’d lost his mind.

  “Kelly, I will not hurt you. Won’t you trust me?” He extended his hand.

  Somehow his eyes drew her in; she knew without a doubt that he would never hurt her. She didn’t know why she knew this, but she did and placed her hand in his and let him pull her to him.

  He held her for a long while, and she enjoyed the feel of his warm body pressed against hers. Finally, some time later, his fingers brushed her cheeks, then cupped her face in his large hands as he gently kissed her lips.

  She sighed as his mouth left hers. Dazedly, she thought she heard him say, “Go in and dream sweet dreams, and remember nothing of Gabriella or the pain Cassie suffered.” Kelly nodded foggily as he opened her door and helped her inside. She cast a final look at him before shutting the door softly behind her.

  * * * * *

  The Camaro skidded out of control as a reckless right turn sent the rear of the car spinning out and around until the driver finally brought the vehicle to a stop on the empty street corner. Cursing and slamming his hands against the steering wheel, Craig threw off his seat belt and jumped out, launching an empty bottle of whiskey he’d held between his legs across the street. He paced in a tight circle, ranting and raving with his fury, feeling the need to hurt someone as much as he was hurting.

  The thought of Cassie with Dimitri was enough to drive him mad with jealousy. How long had he loved her, waited for her to come around? Damn her! Damn Alexios! Craig roared out his frustration, kicking the front wheel of his car.

  He heard a husky laugh behind him and spun around to see a beautiful blonde walking toward him. Her skin was pale and perfect, and she had swirling black eyes, but he was in no mood to be polite. “What do you want,” he snapped.

  She stepped before him, her face close to his as she traced a long red nail down his jaw. “I understand your rage.”

  Craig jerked away from her touch. “What do you know of me and my anger?” He turned to leave, grabbing the door handle of his car.

  “I know of Cassie and Dimitri. About your longing for her and how he took her from you.” She purred, then smiled as he pivoted to face her.

  “How do you know all this?”

  She slunk up to him, her hips swaying seductively. He stared, desire rising swiftly.

  “Let’s just say I’ve known Dimitri for a long time, and if you want your darling Cassie back, you’ll need me. Otherwise she will never be yours.”

  She had his full attention now. “How are you going to help me,” he asked sarcastically.

  The woman ran her hand up and over the expanse of his chest and linked her arms around his neck; as she pushed her plush body along his, moaning, he hardened against her. She laced her fingers through his hair, roughly grabbing the locks, and jerked his head back. Her tongue licked a trail from the base of his throat to the tip of his chin.

  Craig gripped her hips, grinding his arousal against her, but she brought his face back down to look at her.

  “Later. First, let’s play,” she said wickedly.

  “Hop in,” he said, his voice raw with lust. He opened the door and she climbed in while he entered the vehicle on the other side. “I’m Craig.” His hand traveled up her thigh as he put the car in gear and drove.

  Taking his hand in hers, she put one of his fingers into her mouth, her tongue teasing the digit, then purred seductively low in her throat.

  “You may call me Gabriella.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Dimitri felt Jacques’s presence in the house. He peered down at Cassie, who was sleeping peacefully at last. Gently, he laid her down and covered her with the thick comforter, then left the sanctuary of his chambers, locking her inside. He hurried down the stairs and stood in the entrance to his study.

  Jacques was across the room from him. They studied each other, then went toward one another with smiles. They embraced, and Dimitri motioned for Jacques to sit. As they settled down into their seats, Dimitri looked at his friend.

  “So how long has it been?”

  Jacques considered the question for a moment, then sat forward. “I think it was sometime during the second World War, before Christian sought the earth ...”

  Dimitri knocked on the door to Jacques’s castle, then glanced at the young man beside him. Well, Christian Mason was not really young at one hundred and forty. As he looked at Dimitri, his teacher and friend, Christian’s black eyes were full of pain and sorrow. Dimitri was about to say something comforting when Jacques appeared.

  “I heard the French fell to the Germans and thought I would check on my friend.”

  Jacques laughed, and clapped him on his back. “Come in, both of you.” He stepped back and made room for the two men to enter his home before examining the younger one more closely “Dimitri told me of your loss; I am sorry for your pain, Christian.”

  Christian nodded, his blond waves falling around his face. “Thank you.”

  Dimitri shook his head. He had given the same lecture to Christian that Jacques had given him when they first met, but to no avail. Dimitri had warned him to stay away from love; the other man had not listened. Instead, he had found it, only to lose it, his lover killed by the very one who had made Christian.

  “Join me in my study for a glass of wine.”

  They followed Jacques and settled down in front of the fireplace with the red wine he passed them.

  Dimitri broke the companionable silence. “So, tell me, how are you holding up with the Germans raining down around you?”

  Jacques shook his head. “I am fine, Dimitri, but it is others I worry about.” He stared into the brilliant hues of color the fire threw o
ut. “I smell the death that surrounds me, people dying by the thousands. Everyday, it sickens me to know what is happening, yet many continue to think it is just rumors.” He looked sadly at Dimitri and Christian. “Sometimes I wonder who the true monsters are, us or them.”

  “We have heard about the death camps. I think people cling to the belief that the reports are untrue because they find it too difficult to believe the barbarity and inhumanity.”

  The three men stilled as they heard the clank of metal from tanks rolling into the castle yard and the sound of men marching onto his green fields. Curses hissed from Jacques’s lips even as a loud bang sounded at the main door, and orders were yelled in German to open.


  The butler ran to the study door. “What should I do, sir?”

  Jacques set his glass down. “Let me handle it, Raymond. Take the others and go to my chambers. Lock yourselves in. I will tell you when it is safe.”

  The man nodded his understanding and raced from the room as bidden. Jacques looked at his friends. “Will you join me, gentlemen? It seems I have more unexpected guests. Not as pleasant a surprise as you were, however.”

  They rose and accompanied Jacques. The blows against the doors did not cease until Jacques flung them open, his manner curt and grim. “Yes?”

  “You are ordered to evacuate your residence; this will be German headquarters from now on.”

  Dimitri and Christian watched as Jacques’s eyes narrowed. “This is my home, and you will not have it,” He flicked a contemptuous glance at the man’s insignia. “Colonel.”

  The mortal was about to argue, then abruptly stopped. Dimitri was certain that the hair on the man’s neck must have risen in response to the animosity all three vampires generated. The colonel cleared his throat and looked down at the orders in his hands.

  “Move on.” Jacques’s sibilant whisper was uttered through tightly clenched teeth.


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