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The Unwilling Mistress

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by Marie Kelly

  Special Kindle Edition

  The Unwilling Mistress


  Marie Kelly

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The Unwilling Mistress

  Special Kindle Edition

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  Marie Kelly

  Other tittles

  Blackmailed For The Billionaire’s Pleasure


  Kidnapped The Wrong Sister

  My Son

  The Billionaire’s Vengeance Victim


  The Wedding Deal

  Chapter One

  Mia Jones had listened carefully for the small clicks, as she had slowly turned the dial on the safe, the stethoscope in her ear picking up the small noises as she held her breath, completely focussed on hearing the subtle sounds. As the last number had clicked into place she had given a small happy smile hearing the tell tale sound of the mechanism opening. Pulling the torch from her mouth, she had flashed it inside the safe interior, quickly shuffling through the papers contained within it, pushing the rolls of money aside as she hunted. With a small groan she had put the last paper back inside, feeling the heavy sensation of disappointment at not finding what she had hoped would be contained within the small space.

  Closing the safe once more Mia had moved back towards the door, her hand reaching for the handle to slip back out of the small shabby office freezing as she had heard the unmistakable sound of Jake Brown, gasping, and feeling the terror fill her, knowing that she was trapped in the small room. Mia had quickly flashed the torch around looking for somewhere to hide feeling as her heart had beaten so hard within her body, her legs feeling like jelly as the fear had gripped her. Seeing the large drapes she had turned quickly, hiding herself within the folds of the voluminous material and turning the torch off just in time as the door had burst open, the light filling the small space.

  “I don’t damn well care” she had heard the voice of her employer, hearing the anger in his tone

  “But Jakey.........” she had recognised the whiney voice of one of the girls who worked in the club. Theresa was one of Jakes girls, one of those closest to him, and therefore best stayed away from, and Mia had stood as motionless as possible, holding her breathe expecting to be discovered at any time

  “No Theresa......your so called friend promised that he could get close to the guy........he failed..........and I want my money back”

  She had heard as Theresa had moved closer to Jake, obviously using her charms as she had coo’d softly to him

  “I’ll talk to him.........promise....”

  Hearing again as he had made a small snort of annoyance, as she had sidled closer to him

  “Come on Jakey...........come on back to my flat...........I can make you feel so much better” she had whined in her most sensual voice, making Mia feel sick at the innuendo, praying that Jake felt in the mood for what was on offer, relief flooding her as she had heard the unmistakable sound of the two kissing

  “Come home with me” she had heard Theresa repeat as he had given a small laugh, and the sound of the two moving back to the door

  “ owe me that much bitch” he had said nastily

  “But I still want my money back” as the light had once more been flicked off, the room filling with darkness once more, as the door had opened and closed the room again falling silent.

  Mia had gripped the wall, her legs feeling so shaky as her stomach churned with how close to discovery she had come. Waiting for several minutes, she had again moved to the door, gently opening it a small crack and listening for any sounds, before silently slipping out of the office and moving quickly down the hallway.

  Drake Trent had rang the doorbell of the exclusive flat, sighing softly as he allowed the events of the day to slowly drain away from him hearing as the door was opened by the most stunning brunette. Sophia had smiled warmly at him as she had moved backwards to allow him to enter, her arms moving around his neck as he had quickly stepped forward to pull her in against him, his foot kicking the door closed as he had pushed her up against the wall, his mouth finding hers. Groaning softly he had enjoyed the feel of her lovely body under his hands, as he had allowed his fingers to explore her, rubbing her hardened nipples the desire rising in him.

  “God you are such a welcome site after the day I have had”

  He had whispered against her ear, as she had purred softly, before pulling herself from his arms

  “Darling...........are you planning on seducing me in the hall” she had laughed, her tone holding a hint of disapproval as he had laughed

  “mmmmm now that does have some appeal” he had chuckled, as she had thrown him a small smile moving further into the flat

  “Well let me get you a drink first, put some music on” she had breathed softly moving into the kitchen as he had moved into the luxurious living room. Pulling off his jacket and throwing it over one of the leather chairs he had selected a CD and heard as the soft music had filled the room, wandering around to her computer, his mind still full of many of the negotiations he had been working on that day. Frowning he wondered why when he had been looking forward to that night so much, he was still not able to put his work behind him, his eyes falling on the open letter by the machine, his eyes absently scanning the words. As he had read the contents, his body had stiffened disbelief filling him as he had lifted the letter reading the contents more thoroughly.

  As Sophia had moved into the room, two drinks held in her small hand, she had stopped the smile on her lovely face dropping from her eyes and mouth. Carefully she had put down the drinks, quickly moving to try and retrieve the letter from his hands, a nervous laugh leaving her

  “Ignore that darling............boring business” she had laughed nervously as he had moved it out of her reach

  “Really” had been his only answer, his eyes now dark daggers of accusation

  “Care to explain what kind of business”

  Sophia had moved backwards, her hands wringing nervously in front of herself

  “It is nothing Drake.............please just put it down”

  He however was s
haking his head with disbelief

  “What was the one rule Sophia” his voice had bitten out

  “Your connection with me was never to be used for your own gain”

  Sophia had pouted softly, her eyes looking at him with hurt as she had tried to move against him so seductively

  “It is nothing darling.............just one little means nothing”.

  She had managed to wrap her arms around his waist, her cheek rubbing gently against his as she had purred softly

  “Let's go to bed Drake”

  Her mouth gently kissing the corner of his

  “Let’s talk about it tomorrow” she had said gently in her most seductive voice, her fingers sliding against him, surprised as he had pulled her hands from him standing away from her

  “ rule”

  He had repeated, his voice full of the anger he felt

  “How many other deals have you been making Sophia?”

  Moving to the chair as he had grabbed his jacket, angrily pulling it back on, as she had watched him in disbelief

  “Wh....what are you doing” she had demanded, her lovely eyes cold seeing as he had moved from the room

  “You knew the rules..............we are over” he had bit out hearing the intake of breathe from the woman behind him, as she had tried to catch up with him, her whole demeanour pleading

  “Please will never happen again” she had cried, her voice full of the panic in her face

  “I promise”

  He had stopped at that, looking down at the gorgeous woman before him, his eyes full of contempt

  “I don’t think will understand if I find it hard to believe a damn word you say”

  Turning around and pulling the door open again, hearing as she had began to cry behind him, her voice calling after him as he had strode with determination from the flat.

  Once more back in his car Drake had sat silently for a few moments allowing the anger to slowly drain from him. With a sigh he had flexed his long back in the driving seat, feeling how his whole body had felt heavy with the tiredness which was slowly filling him.

  He had planned on spending the night with Sophia who he had only met the previous month at a cocktail party, looking forward to some much needed rest and relaxation. With a sigh, he realised that he had been so hard on her because he was already bored with her having found her not to be the person he originally thought her to be. Her initial veneer of sweetness and fun had quickly disappeared as she had felt that she was reeling him in closer and closer to her, letting him see the scheming ruthless side to her character, and while using his name to gain more work for herself violated his main rule with his mistresses, he had realised that it was an ideal opportunity to break off the relationship between them. With a small frown he wondered how the press would report yet another break up in such a short time knowing that he was fast gaining a reputation as a womaniser with a very short attention span for women

  Being so tired, he had known that he should have booked himself into a suite in one of the many five star hotels which littered the capitol, perhaps even one of his own he had thought with a small smile, but he had wanted to get home for the week-end. The thought of relaxing, after the disappointment of the night, making him start his top of the range jaguar and head for home. However, after having only driven a short distance he could feel his eyes becoming heavy and Drake Trent was not a fool, he knew that he needed coffee and a break, so he had pulled into the car park of a small pretty pub smiling at the old “horse and hound” sign which hung over the unpretentious doorway of the old stone building

  Standing stiffly at the entrance of the local pub, Drakes eyes had scanned the area as his tall 6.2 frame had made the door seem small. Dark haired and incredibly handsome with a long lean muscular body he was already turning heads from those in the area and moving further into the bar, which also claimed to be a bed and breakfast he had been surprised at just how homely the place looked.

  While not exactly crowded, the place was fairly busy, with couples as well as some who appeared to be on their own. The atmosphere was friendly with people chatting happily to each other, and to other couples beside them. His spirits had lightened a little by the warmth of the place as he had moved over to the bar where one woman seemed to be doing all of the work.

  Of medium height with long blonde hair pulled back to fall down her slender body she had moved over to greet him with a dazzling smile which he had admired absently. Her sparkling warm blue eyes had inexplicably brightened his mood a little as he had smiled back. A pretty girl in a pretty pub he had thought to himself looking around.

  “Hi, what can I get for you” she had asked pleasantly, as he had placed his order before with another of those warm smiles she had moved away to get him the coffee he had asked for, before 2 minutes later placing it gently in front of him.

  “Guess you’re driving” she had laughed at him making him smile back at her with a nod

  “Well let me know if you need that freshened” she said flashing him another of her big smiles “better make sure you have plenty of caffeine in you”

  Sitting at the bar he had watched the young women move over to serve another customer, her welcome to the newcomer just as friendly and warm, giving him the same smile. Drake had found himself admiring her more and more, although he had to admit she was not really his type. He liked brunettes not blondes, and definitely not married ones he thought spotting the wedding ring on her finger, yet there was something about that smile of hers that had his whole body on alert. Taking another sip of his coffee he had chastised himself Sophia was not even a distant memory and he was eyeing up other women....and a married ones at that.

  As his mobile phone had rang he had frowned in annoyance seeing Sophia’s number appear, ignoring it and letting the voice mail pick up as he made a mental note to himself to bar her number as soon as he got home. As he had put the phone back in his pocket the woman had once again appeared before him

  “Would you like a re-fill” she asked holding a pot of coffee in her hands, as he had smiled gently nodding his thanks.

  “You manning the place yourself” he had asked her, his dark eyes looking at her with curiosity as she had nodded with a smile as she poured the liquid into his cup

  “It’s not that bad really” she had said meeting his black eyes with her large blue ones,

  “We have a good clientele here........mostly locals” she had finished with another warm grin, before having to move over to serve another customer.

  As Drake had watched her absently, a small child had appeared in the bar, causing him to frown with annoyance

  “Do you like my picture” the young boy had asked holding up a picture to the woman, who had laughed at him, bending down to talk quietly, while admiring his work. Others in the bar had also admired his picture, most seeming to know the child before she had taken him by the hand and led him out of the bar area and back through to another room. Drake had been annoyed at seeing such a small child, the reaction to his presence by the locals showing that he was often there making him even angrier as the boy could not have been more than seven, annoyed that anybody would bring their child into a bar especially so late at night, his frown widening as a middle aged man had entered the bar and had smiled gently at the woman

  “Hi Sarah” he said softly “The usual please”

  She had greeted him warmly

  “’s so good to see you, we’ve missed you” as she had taken a glass from the top shelf pouring him a whisky, chatting happily with him. As the man had put his hand in his pocket to find money, she had shooed him away, with some comment about not having to pay, of it being on the house. With a frown he had seen the man try to argue with her, before smiling with thanks and moving over to sit with friends, Drake finding himself angered with her lack of professionalism, scowling down into his coffee.

  Sarah had continued to serve the customers who drift
ed in continuously waiting for a lull before once again moving back over to the handsome man who sat silently on the stool at the end of the bar. With another of her large smiles she had asked

  “Are you travelling far” her soft voice gentle and warm.

  To her surprise, as he had seemed so friendly earlier, he had given her a curt answer before ignoring her, frowning into his coffee.

  “Are you OK” she had asked a look of concern in her eyes, as he had looked at her with annoyance in his

  “I’m fine…I would just rather be left alone”

  Sarah had blinked in surprise with a hurt expression in her eyes

  “I..I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to intrude, you just seemed a little upset” she stuttered gently


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