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The Unwilling Mistress

Page 2

by Marie Kelly

  Raising his eyes to look into hers he had said steely

  “Perhaps you might be best spending time with your kid…although I really don’t thing that it is a place for a child….and does your boss know that you give away his drinks to your friends” he said loftily, annoyed at another woman who seemed to think that it was OK to break the rules.

  He had seen the pained look in her eyes as she had silently turned and moved down to the other end of the bar, cleaning glasses as her eyes had purposefully not met his, a soft flush on her lovely cheeks.

  With a sigh he had continued drinking his coffee, suddenly ashamed at the way he had turned on her, what business was it of his if she gave away the occasional drink, she had been nothing but friendly to him and he had lashed out at her. While he had had a bad day, he knew that he had been out of order turning on her, suddenly feeling ashamed at his behaviour.

  Just as he had considered moving to apologise the door had burst open and a woman had rushed in, her smile as wide as the other woman’s as she had cheerfully greeted many of the customers who had returned her call

  “Hi Mia”

  Drake absently thinking what a lovely name, as she had flashed them a return smile before rushing over to the other woman

  “Sarah, I am so sorry” she had cried as she had reached the woman behind the bar.

  “Things got so mental…it took me forever to get away”.

  Seeing her properly for the first time, Drake had frozen in amazement at the younger woman. She was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, and he had found himself just staring at her. Long dark hair which was pulled back from her face and tied up in a bobble swung down her back and shoulders, swishing against her wonderful body. He had taken in her large blue eyes trimmed with long dark lashes and lips which gave the same wonderful smile as the other woman. Drake had found himself stunned by her, as she had rushed over to Sarah, stopping with a frown on her lovely face as she had noticed how upset she had looked.

  “You Ok sis” she had asked, her voice suddenly full of concern, her hand gently touching her sisters shoulder.

  Sarah had talked softly to her obviously telling the gorgeous brunette of his outburst Drake realised, as he took another mouthful of his coffee, with a sigh seeing how the two women had looked over at him. Two sets of large blue eyes watching him, one hurt and the other angry. As Sarah had moved her eyes quickly away, the younger woman had held his gaze, causing strange sensations to move through him, as it had been Drake who had felt the need to look away, not quite sure why, normally not one to back down from any situation, but feeling so strange at that point.

  The younger woman had then said something he couldn’t hear, which had made the other woman laugh gently before moving into the room behind the bar to collect the small boy. He had watched as she had given her sister a hug, before leaving, purposefully not looking at the man who had berated her, as he had felt like a bigger heel knowing that he had been out of order in his attack on her, sighing angrily at himself as he had noticed that the younger woman had seemed to have taken over from her sister and was now laughing with the other customers as she poured drinks.

  Drake Trent gave another small sigh before standing to leave, suddenly wishing he had kept quiet, knowing that there was no way the younger woman would give him the time of day now, never mind… with a frown he wondered what else he had expected, hoped for and leaving the small pub he had notched the whole experience as the cherry to the rest of his day, giving a wry smile. As he had reached his car he had heard a voice behind him shouting at him, stopping the tall man in his tracks

  “Excuse me, could I have a word”

  Turning around he had come face to face with the dark haired beauty from the bar, and with a smile his eyes had slid appreciatively over her

  “Can I help you?”

  He had noticed a contemptuous look enter her eyes as his had portrayed his obvious interest in her

  “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  She had asked, her hands balled on her hips in anger, her head cocked slightly to look up at him

  Drake had looked at the woman before him in surprise, his expression changing quickly

  “Excuse me” he asked in annoyance, as she had continued

  “How dare you talk to my sister like that” she cried through clenched teeth

  With a sigh he had looked down on her

  “You think it is OK for her to bring her young child in here” he asked the woman before him, seeing as she had shaken her head

  “No, this isn’t any place for a child”

  She had said, seeing the triumphant look enter his eye, as she had continued, her voice dripping with disdain

  “But that isn’t her child. She’s looking after him for his mum while she visits her husband in hospital, and for your information it was only because I was late that he was here at all. And as for giving away drinks, don’t suppose you noticed where she took that glass from did you.”

  Drake looked at her blankly, as she had continued her large blue eyes flashing with anger

  “Didn’t think so”.

  When a customer buys us a drink we put a glass up on the top shelf so that we know how many drinks we were bought during the night for tips. If my sister wants to give one to a man who has been coming in here for years and years, and who has hit a rough patch losing his job, so that he can still meet up with his friends then who’s damn business is that but hers”

  Drake had looked at her with surprise

  “I didn’t know” he muttered gently, feeling uncomfortable

  “No, but by God you were quick to judge” she said “Sitting there in your fancy business suite, looking down on her. Well you had no right to judge her because she is a much better person than you could ever be” she finished her small frame stiff with indignation, before turning away a look of complete contempt on her face to return to the bar

  Drake Trent had suddenly felt very angry. He wasn’t sure who with, with himself for jumping down her sister’s throat or at the small spitting beauty shouting at him, and as she had walked away from him, he had moved forward catching her by the arm and swinging her around

  “Your right”

  He had said softly, seeing the surprise in her eyes as she had glared back at him

  “I really shouldn’t have taken it out on your sister, or judged her, but then again you should be the one apologising. Seems to me that you are the one who caused all the problems tonight”

  He angrily bit out, his tone low and hard, while his dark eyes held hers

  “You knew that she was looking after a small child and you still arrived late, so before you get so self righteous lady perhaps you should make sure that you are whiter than white yourself next time”

  Mia had shaken of his arm glaring at him before moving back into the bar her cold look portraying more than any words ever could.

  Drake had watched as she had moved away from him, her long hair swishing against her body, which while stiff with indignation and anger moved gracefully never looking back as she had returned to the bar.

  Reaching his estate Drake had poured himself a large whisky, his thoughts once more returning to the young woman in the bar. As he had driven home, memories of her had kept returning to him, exciting him as he had remembered the way her eyes had flashed so blue against the darkness of her black hair, her wonderful body so stiff and indignant as he had held her to return her anger. She was magnificent he realised his body knowing that he wanted to know her better. With a sigh he had also remembered the sweetness of her sister. He had turned on her and she had been guiltless of all his accusations and with a frown he realised that he owed her a huge apology making a mental note to fix that as soon as possible, before moving to his room and some much needed sleep.

  As Mia had closed up the bar, her mind kept returning to the stranger from earlier. While she was angry at his outburst to her sister, she had not been able to stop herself from feeling a stran
ge excitement as he had grabbed her, his large hand touching her skin. She had found her whole body shuddering with expectancy, and she had been confused. She had never seen such a handsome man, his black eyes so deep and impenetrable, his air so authorative, and his body so tall and lean with wide shoulders moving down to slim hips. Despite herself she had wondered what a man like that would feel like against her, giving herself a shake and smiling suddenly. He was obviously not from around these parts judging by the expensive suit he wore and the expensive car he had driven away in, the chances of seeing him again were slim to none. With an uncomfortable realisation, she had been glad, not understanding the way she had reacted to him, finding it unsettling. As she had wearily made her way back to her sisters house, she had felt tired, worn out from dancing and then taking over from her sister at the bar, so she could meet up with her lawyer, a family friend, to discuss her husband’s case. Mia had also frowned remembering how close she had come to being discovered in Jake’s office, shuddering at the implication of that for both herself and Sarah, knowing that she did not dare tell her sister what had happened.

  As she entered the small flat, she had smelt the comforting aroma of newly filtered coffee and toast as her sister had moved from the living room to meet her, her smile warm.

  “Thanks for taking over for me Mia” she had said softly “You must be exhausted”

  Mia had given a small laugh

  “Shattered, I’m sorry again Sarah about earlier. I had the chance to look through his office, and didn’t want to pass up the opportunity”

  Her sister had looked at her with expectancy

  “Forget about that Mia…Did you find anything” she had said her voice hopeful, her eyes shining with that hope.

  However, as the younger woman had sighed shaking her head, her shoulders had slumped as she had moved back to sit on the large comfortable couch, tears suddenly welling up in her eyes

  “I’m sorry Mia” she had said an attempt at a smile coming to her lovely face

  Mia had sat down beside her

  “What did Jan say” she had asked gently

  Sarah had taken a moment to answer, her fingers entwining nervously together

  “She told me that they are not prepared to do a re-trial without any new evidence”

  For a second her voice had faltered

  “God Mia, he shouldn’t be there” she cried softly before breaking down against her younger sister, who held her close, comforting her

  “We’ll find the proof, Sarah” she had said with determination “I know it has to be somewhere. He must be keeping it at his house. There is no way that he would destroy that letter, not when he can use it to blackmail that bastard” she had said with bitterness in her voice.

  “I’ve searched everywhere else. I just need to find some way to get into his house”

  Sarah had nodded softly

  “Thank you Mia” she said so gently “I don’t know how to thank you for everything you are doing for us…. But don’t put yourself in any danger” she continued, her eyes looking at Mia pleadingly.

  Mia had sighed, standing up and stretching sleepily; glad she had chosen to say nothing of what had happened earlier

  “How is Jan’s husband” she had asked, changing the subject

  “He’s fine, they hope to have him out in a week” Sarah had replied

  “That man in the bar was really annoyed that Josh was there” she said thoughtfully, smiling as Mia had made a small contemptuous noise

  “Men like that should keep their mouths shut” she bit out “Think themselves better than everybody else…to him woman are only there for one thing”

  Sarah had looked at her reproachfully

  “How do you know that Mia” she asked “He looked really tired, perhaps he had just had a really had a bad day” she sighed

  “You are far too forgiving” her sister had smiled softly “and besides I see men like that every day at the club…. Believe me they are only interested in women for one thing”

  Sarah had laughed gently

  “He was pretty good looking though” she had giggled, as her sister had looked at her in mock shock

  “Now Sarah should married women be looking at other men like that” she laughed, laughing more as her sister had given her a wicked look

  “I’m married not dead” she had grinned.

  Chapter Two

  That night as she sat brushing out her hair, Mia Jones had looked at herself in the mirror. At 23, she had a look in her eyes which defied her youth. Mia had always been aware of the way men looked at her, not really seeing how her large sapphire blue eyes were framed against her black hair, to such stunning effect. She had never used her looks as a way of getting ahead, although she had certainly had many opportunities, preferring to use her brains instead, studying in Scotland for a law degree and performing well, first in her class. She remembered how she had already been offered a prestigious placement in one of the top legal offices in the country and how she had had to turn it down as things had gone so badly for her sister. With a course of anger running through her she had remembered how the phone had rang one evening, as her sister had cried that they had arrested her husband, Adam for embezzling nearly half a million pounds from the company he worked for.

  She had soon found out that he had been told to give the money and a note to a man named Jake Black by his employer, the man keeping both. At the time he had not questioned the action, but two weeks later when the money had been missed his employer had accused him of stealing it, and when it had gone to court the jury had not believed his story.

  With a set line to her mouth she had bitterly thought why they would believe him, Adam’s employer was an MP with many years experience, and a known charity worker. However, in the time she had worked at the club she had found out that he was also a womaniser and a man who was not averse to siphoning off some of that money from the charities for himself. In reality it was his wife with all the money and Mia had known that he would not have wanted her to find out how he really spent his evenings, when she thought him to be at open surgeries. She had overheard enough in the past month to put together the chain of events, realising that the man had become a target for Jakes blackmail as he had kept the half a million pounds, but also with the letter a handy pawn for when he needed favours from high up. Mia had known that to prove her brother in laws innocence she had to find that letter.

  As Sarah, had gone to pieces, it had been Mia who had put together a plan to get that proof, giving her sister hope to go on which she so badly needed. She had contacted her friend, Nancy, who had taught women how to use pole dancing to keep fit, and she had agreed to coach Mia on how to perform in public, before she had auditioned for a dancer’s job in Jake Blacks dance club. She had easily passed the audition, her stunning looks and magnificent body assuring her of the job. While she had performed on stage, Mia had drawn the line at personal dances, refusing to do lap dances for the many men who would often drunkenly pay to have the woman perform so close to them, many trying to grope the women who would have to avoid their busy hands. This was one part of the job that even Mia could not stomach, and she had refused the extra money which she was offered to carry out this role.

  For one month now, she had worked at the club, gleaning useful snippets of information, which she had documented carefully as she gathered evidence to help Adam. However, she still needed to find that letter, and she had sighed, her perfect brow furrowing as to how to get herself into his house, without Jake Black getting her into his bed, a role he seemed keen for her to play. With a small shudder, she had thought how she would never stoop that low, before with a tired sigh she had moved over to her bed, determined to think about it tomorrow as tiredness had overcome her.

  The next day Mia had returned home to find her sister smiling, a smug look on her face. Looking at her suspiciously she had asked what was wrong

  “Oh nothing” Sarah had grinned as she had moved into the living room. As she had fo
llowed her, Mia had spotted two of the largest bouquets of flowers she had ever seen.

  “Where did they come from… who are they for” she had asked in stunned surprise

  Sarah had passed a small envelope to her as she had read hers aloud

  “To Sarah. I hope you will forgive my rude behaviour yesterday I am truly sorry for the way I behaved to you yesterday. Drake Trent”

  She had looked up with a smile

  “See I told you he wasn’t so bad” she smiled looking happily at the flowers.

  Mia had frowned as she opened her envelope

  “To Mia. Thanks for putting me straight. I feel terrible for the way I behaved to both your sister and yourself. Perhaps you and I could go out for dinner so I can show you how sorry I am. Please call me on” and she had read the number, which appeared to be a mobile.


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