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The Unwilling Mistress

Page 10

by Marie Kelly

  As she gently licked him, her small mouth taking more of him as he groaned and moved his hips against her, his hands moving to her head she had run her fingers down his thighs, hearing how he moaned with pleasure. As she felt him tense he had pulled her from him begging her to stop, as she had stroked him, her mouth kissing his as she brought him to climax, his mouth gasping against hers as his whole body had shuddered. Pulling back she had seen the wonder in his eyes as his dark ones had looked so deeply into her soft blue ones.

  Pulling her against him, he had gently kissed her hair as he stroked her arm suddenly feeling the need just to talk. Drake Trent had never been one to tell the women in his life much about himself, he was a private person, but it was as if a gate had been opened within him and he found himself telling Mia everything about himself as she had done back to him, this woman, who he had known for such a short time, but with whom he felt such a need to share everything with.

  He told her about growing up in an orphanage and how he had bought his first hotel when only 20 and how he had by sheer will and ruthlessness made himself a billionaire owning some of the best known hotels in the world. She in return had told him about growing up and losing her parents while she was only 15, and of how her sister had looked after her, sacrificing her own career to bring up her baby sister. In between they had returned to each other their bodies demanding each other over and over again, until dawn had broke with neither having slept.

  Chapter Seven

  Rising they had showered together, before he had moved to her room with her to collect her bags, not prepared to take the chance that Jake would be there to grab his blackmail tape. As they had moved along the corridor, as Drake had most feared Jake had appeared, surprised to see him still with Mia, cursing as they had moved into her room. He would have to wait until Drake left he thought angrily to himself.

  However ten minutes later when they had both reappeared, he had been confused to see that they were both carrying their bags and quickly he had gone to intercept them as they made their way down the stairs

  Drake had listened as the helicopter had landed on the lawn at the side of the manor, smiling coldly at Jake.

  “Mia has agreed to come with me” he said smoothly, seeing how the other man’s eyes had narrowed

  “I hope that’s OK with you” he had said so matter of factly, with the implications that he didn’t give a damn if he did mind.

  Jake Black had taken in how tired they both looked, his eyes scanning Mia for the bag, relieved when he had spotted it in her arms.

  “Of course not” he said softly, his eyes looking coldly at Mia “Anything I can do” he added to her his eyes looking pointedly at the bag

  She had smiled back at him before pulling it from her shoulder

  “Could you give this bag to Mary” she had said “Tell her I’ll pick up what she owes me on Monday at the club”

  Jake’s face had broken out into a huge grin as he took the bag, smiling at her.

  “I’ll do that Mia” he said, his tone conspiratorial

  “Remember to phone my office on Monday Jake” Drake called out as they moved to the helicopter hand in hand as the other man had watched them with a wide smirk on his face

  “Oh I will” he had said softly “I will”

  Once safely seated on the helicopter, Mia had smiled over at Drake happiness stamped all over her features

  “I can’t believe we did it” she cried with delight, her eyes misting over, feeling as the helicopter had taken off flying so smoothly across the British countryside. He had smiled over at her, holding his mobile phone staring at it intently.

  “Who is so important that you need to phone them right now” she had laughed gently, noticing how solemn his expression had suddenly become.

  “Is everything OK” she asked worry creeping into her voice, just as he had looked back over at her with relief stamped on his handsome face as his phone had leapt into action finally getting a signal

  “I didn’t want to worry you Mia, but phone your sister tell her to get out of your house and somewhere safe that we can pick her up”

  Mia had looked at him dumbfounded

  “Why” she asked in surprise, frowning slightly

  “Jake is not a fool, the minute he sees that tape, he is going to start to look into your past, and it won’t take much to find out the connection between you and Adam. When he does he is going to find the letter gone, and if my guess is right then he will do anything to get it back”

  Mia had looked at him stunned, the horror filling her features at the implications

  “Oh my God, Sarah” she cried taking the phone from him and dialling her sister. With relief Sarah had lifted the phone

  Mia had briefly told her what had happened giving her a place that they would pick her up. Sarah had agreed instantly, promising to leave the house immediately, and with relief Mia had handed back the phone to Drake, her eyes shining at him with wonder

  “Thank you” she said softly, as he had smiled back at her.

  As they landed back in London, Drake had organised for a car to pick them up and drive them to where Sarah was hiding, knowing himself too tired to drive himself. Beside him Mia had sat still her features showing the worry and tiredness she felt. As his hand had gently taken hers she had leant in against him.

  Reaching the area that Sarah had told them she would be Mia had almost cried in relief to see her standing in the shadows waiting for them. As the car had stopped and she had jumped out, Sarah had jumped into her arms, hugging her with joy. As Drake had followed Mia out of the car, she had frozen in surprise quickly looking at Mia for an explanation.

  “I’ll tell you everything in the car” she said with a small grin on her face

  “Get in”

  As they drove to Drakes estate, Sarah had listened intently her eyes wide with surprise as the story unfolded

  “Thank you Drake” she finally said with such warmth and real feeling in her voice

  “My pleasure Sarah” he replied softly, looking gently at Mia

  Sarah had watched the way he looked at her sister, and the way Mia had leant in against him as she had been told the story. Inside her something smiled as she knew that finally Mia had moved on.

  As they pulled up outside Drakes mansion, complete with security gates and more land than she could imagine Mia’s eyes had widened a small nervous feeling fluttering at the pit of her stomach. Seeing this he had grabbed her hand leading her into the wonderful foyer of the grand home. As the housekeeper had moved forward to meet him he had quickly given her instructions to make up an extra room for Sarah whispering gently into Mia’s ear to ask if he wanted her to make it two rooms. Mia had shaken her head shyly, her eyes looking deeply into his

  “No, one will be fine” she replied seeing the way her sister had smiled as she looked at the floor. As the housekeeper moved away he had become more business like

  “We need to talk” he said leading the two women into a large bright living room beautifully furnished in red and gold’s’.

  “We can’t just take the letter to the police” he said as they had all sat down “You know that don’t you” he said looking across at Mia

  Who had nodded gently, as Sarah had looked at the two of them with a shocked look of surprise on her face

  “But..but that was the plan all along” she gasped “We were going to use it to free Adam” she said her eyes staring at the two

  Mia had looked back at her gently

  “That was just the first part of the plan I had Sarah” she said “I stole this letter, he could claim it as inadmissible, there is a chance that it might get thrown out of court, we can’t take that chance”

  Sarah had sat stunned tears welling in her lovely eyes

  “So what was the second part of your plan” Drake had asked solemnly, knowing that she must have had one

  “I was going to meet with the honourable Member of Parliament and tell him that unless he turned evidence against
Jake that I would go to the police, his wife and the papers” she continued

  “He could cut a deal with the court, a much better option than taking the fall himself”

  Drake had nodded gently

  “How were you planning on meeting with him” he asked

  Mia had sighed tiredness suddenly overtaking her

  “I hadn’t thought of that yet…I would think of a way” she had said with grim determination

  “I could get you to see him” Drake spoke softly “I never seem to get refused private chats these days” he grinned, seeing the warm smile light up her face.

  “But first….bed young lady” he said rising “You look exhausted and so am I.........We can deal with this tonight. This whole estate is protected by security, so Jake won’t be disturbing us” Looking over at Sarah he had added

  “Please make yourself at home Sarah, but don’t leave the house… at least not yet, Jake will be looking for both of you”

  Mia had risen also, her hand hiding the large yawn as she had stretched sleepily

  “We didn’t get any sleep last night” she said softly looking shyly at her sister, who was looking back a knowing smile on her face.

  “You must both be exhausted” she said gently “all your sneaking around after dark”

  The two had looked at each other with large grins on their faces before heading for the stairs. As they reached the bottom, Sarah had called Drake back

  Quietly so that her sister, who had started to climb the stairs couldn’t hear she had whispered

  “Please don’t hurt her Drake” as he had leant in to give her a soft kiss on the cheek

  “I won’t” he said with such sincerity that Sarah had smiled.

  Leading her to his room, Mia had instantly taken in the aroma of the room, so him, feeling it envelop her, her senses awakening once more. As they both moved to the large shower each taking time to wash the other, they had felt themselves awakening and as they had kissed, the desire for each other once more rising. As Drake had wrapped her in a towel, he had lifted her to carry her to his bed, before once more lowering his mouth to hers. As they had make love she had watched his eyes as they shone so brightly, and when completely exhausted and sated within each others arm they had both fallen asleep still holding on to each other, and then she had realised that she loved this man, loved him with all her heart and Mia had smiled so happily, safe and secure within his arms.

  Later that evening she had woken, realising that she was alone, calling out his name gently her voice had been full of alarm. From the other end of the large room, she had heard movement, as he had come back over to the bed to sit beside her, fully dressed, in jeans and a polo shirt

  “Hey there beautiful” he had smiled gently down on her “finally awake”

  She had looked around, seeing the chair he had come from and the computer he must have been working on

  “What are you doing” she had asked in surprise, feeling a strange sense of relief at him being there

  “I sent some emails to our MP, and he has agreed to meet with me on Tuesday. I haven’t told him what about…thought I would surprise him” he chuckled, leaning in to kiss her shoulder.

  “Hungry” he asked, seeing how she had nodded, before pulling herself out of bed and walking into the bathroom to once more shower. He had watched as she had walked away, smiling so sweetly at him, her wonderful body causing his whole being to react to her. With a groan of want, he had stayed where he was fighting the desire to join her, knowing too well where that would end up and knowing that Sarah would be waiting for them.

  As she had once more reappeared he had watched her dress, as they talked about their plan to confront Adams employer, agreeing a plan on how best to approach him, before they had both once more descended the stairs instantly smelling the wonderful aroma of food wafting in from the dining room.

  As they had entered Sarah had appeared, carrying what looked like a bottle of wine

  “I thought you too were never going to get up” she had laughed “Jane and I were considering setting off the fire alarm to wake you”

  Drake had raised his eyebrow in surprise hearing her talk so familiarly about his housekeeper who was usually very stand offish with the people he brought into the house, suddenly realising that he had never brought people like Mia and Sarah home before. The women he usually associated with where shallow, self serving socialites or actresses, who expected to be waited on hand and foot. But the two sisters were different and instinctively he knew that Sarah had most probably spent the day helping Mrs Green, not demanding tea and cocktails from her.

  As they ate their meal and enjoyed the expensive wine, Drake had outlined the plan to the two women, both realising that he had taken over, but neither caring as their eyes had watched him seeing how he had thought of everything. With a grin, he had looked over at Sarah

  “Let’s get your husband home to you before the end of the week” to which she had smiled, a soft tear rising to her eyes as she had nodded, looking away to hide the emotion in her face.

  The next day as Drake had left for his office, he had frowned as Sarah had told him that she would have to meet with her lawyer. Making a phone call, he had assigned a security man for her protection making a car and driver available to her for as long as she needed. Sarah had smiled joking that she could get used to this, before leaving the house with him. As he had left, he had pulled Mia into his arms, kissing her softly a light burning so brightly in his eyes

  “Tonight you and I need to have a talk” he had whispered seductively in her ear, his eyes so serious, as hers had looked back at him.

  In his office his secretary had buzzed through

  “Mr Trent, Mr Black is insisting on talking to you”

  Drake had scowled

  “I thought I told you to tell him to come to see me on Tuesday afternoon”

  She had confirmed that she had done this saying

  “He said to tell you that you can never rely on cameras alone.”

  “Put him through” Drake had said solemnly, his face suddenly grim

  “Hi Drake” the voice from the other end of the phone had cried with pleasure “Thought that might get your attention, I’m down stairs thought I might come up for a chat”

  “Ok Jake” he said solemnly “come up now”

  As he made the necessary calls to security, he had sat back thoughtfully, his mind racing with questions

  Moving from the luxurious lift the smaller man had looked around himself, quickly moving to the large reception desk, behind which the attractive secretary had efficiently directed him into Drakes office. Giving the woman his sickliest smile and a wink he had moved into Drakes large office. Jake Black had whistled gently, seeing the expensively decorated and furnished room, which screamed money and good taste.

  “Wow Drake, must be good to be the king” he said with an unpleasant sound to his voice

  Seeing as Drake had stared back at him, no longer even trying to hide the contempt in his eyes

  “What do you want Jake” he replied, his voice low and controlled

  “Straight to business” I like that about you the smaller man had sneered unpleasantly lifting a tape recorder out of his pocket. As he played the tape back, he had looked over watching as Drakes face had become grim, hearing himself talking to Mia in bed, telling her about his upbringing and early business dealings.

  His expression had hardened listening to her gentle voice as she spoke with him, his memory briefly returning to that night, hearing as Jake had laughed his tone so unpleasant

  “One of my best girls Mia, We knew that you would expect a trap, beside what was the point of a video….your not married… you would probably get rave reviews if what’s on this tape is anything to go by” he said with a nasty twist of his lips.

  “No, I wanted to get you talking….and boy did you talk Drakey boy”

  As he had moved and sat on one of the leather chairs, his whole expression had shone with the
fact that he had finally out witted the man before him, his eyes flashing cruelly

  “Now I’m not greedy…all I want is exclusive rights to offer certain personal services to your patrons….it might even be good for your business” he had added unpleasantly

  Drake had sat stock still listening to him, before finally looking at the unpleasant man before him

  “Are you telling me that Mia was in on this” he asked, his tone so cold, his eyes flashing dangerously

  “Of course she was” Jake had sneered


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