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The Unwilling Mistress

Page 11

by Marie Kelly

“ and by the way, we knew that you would fall for the damsel in distress thing, her and her sister…they are the best in the business, you can tell her that the rest of her money is waiting for her for tomorrow as arranged”

  He had finished with a flourish, standing up once more, his superior smile plastered on his face

  Slowly Drake Trent too had stood up, towering over Jake, a look of complete contempt on his face, causing a look of confusion to appear on the other mans

  “Get out Jake

  He had hissed softly, his whole body held rigid

  “I didn’t tell Mia anything that isn’t on public record for anybody who was interested to find out…so you have nothing on me

  As he had slowly moved towards the other man, his hands balled by his side

  “Now get the hell out of my office and don’t ever try to contact me again I will never allow you to use my hotels, Jake, you sicken me.”

  Backing off towards the door, Jack had looked at the imposing figure of Drake Trent, with anger in his eyes and face

  “I’ll get you for this…I’ll make you eat those words” he mumbled as he had stumbled backwards out of the room.

  Back in his office Drake had stood running his hands through his hair. How could he have been such a fool? Mia had used him, made a complete idiot out of him. He had trusted her, and so much more he thought his mouth set firmly with the anger he felt.

  Moving out of his office and slamming the door behind him, he had caused the prim woman behind the desk to look up in surprise

  “Tell my car to meet me downstairs” he had shouted at his secretary, as angrily he had moved to the lifts, his hand slamming the button.

  At the house Mia had laughed with Mrs Green, as her mobile had rang. Looking at the caller ID, she had answered, smiling happily. Hi Sarah, she had cried, feeling the blood in her veins turning to ice as she had heard Jakes voice

  “Hello Mia” he said, his voice triumphant

  “I’ve missed you”

  Mia had looked around herself in total fear, as the housekeeper had looked back at her questioningly

  “Where is my sister” she asked the fear in her voice audible, as her hand had visibly shaken as she held the device

  “She’s here with me” came back the reply, as Mia had shaken her head violently

  “I don’t believe you Jake, Drake had a guard with her”

  “Ah…Drake.. I’m afraid poor Drake is a little cross with you right now” he had chuckled wickedly, before she had heard the sound of a tape being turned on.

  With a gasp of shock she had heard the two of them talking from the last night at his home, her whole face showing her horror as the housekeeper now stood looking on with real concern in her eyes.

  “Aint technology grand sweet heart” Jake had said unpleasantly “Poor Drake was not happy…especially when he found out how you had helped”

  “No” she had cried with misery “He would never believe I helped you”

  Hearing as he had laughed cruelly

  “Oh, he did, called off the guards from your sister and told them to cut her loose… he is probably on his way to sort you out right now…poor Sarah didn’t even know what had happened when we grabbed her”

  Mia had looked around wildly her eyes full of fear

  “What do you want” she had cried

  “I want that letter back” came back the hard response “and for your sisters sake you had better not have shown it to anybody else”

  “I don’t have the letter” she had cried back fearfully “Drake has it”

  “Well in that case Darling I want you to come outside right now and get into the car that will be waiting for you….you and me have things to talk about” he had said unpleasantly

  “Or maybe you would rather I just talked to your sister” his voice full of innuendo as she had cried out

  “Leave her alone… I’m coming” throwing down the phone and running from the room, leaving the housekeeper standing confused, trying to call out to Mia as she had wrenched open the front door and fled down the long driveway as Mrs Green had quickly reached out for the phone.

  As she had left the gate a car had approached her, and as directed Mia had stepped into it, finding Jakes two henchmen already seated inside. Silently they had then driven her to the club, which had not yet opened for customers for the day.

  “Jake wants to see you in his office” Jim had said nastily as she had stood by the side of the car, nervously unsure, feeling as he had given her a small shove forward. Glaring back at him Mia had lifted her chin with determination and stepped forward

  Inside the building, she had been escorted along to Drakes office, seeing as he had stood before his desk, the cheap furnishings from the thread bare carpet to the dirty couch which lined one wall suiting him so well she had thought. Moving into the room she had felt her heart sink on not seeing Sarah, fear rising so strongly within her for her sister, as the two men had wordlessly closed the door leaving her alone with Jake

  “Mia, I really have to thank you for delivering Drake Trent to me” he had smiled, seeing the flash of anger in her eyes as he had tutted gently

  “Now if only you hadn’t taken that letter… that was very naughty of you…. How can I trust you now” he had whined as she had glared at him

  “Where is my sister” she had bitten out angrily, seeing the unpleasant curl of his thin lips

  “She’s safe…I thought that you and I could spend some time together while I waited for Drake to return the letter to me” he had said moving over to her and running his finger down her arm

  Mia had hit his hand away from her, her eyes glaring at him “Don’t touch me” as he had grabbed her hair roughly using it to pull her head closer to his, as she had gasped in pain and fear.

  “Well maybe we should get your sister up here instead” he had growled angrily “I’m rather partial to blondes”

  Mia had looked back at him with panic on her face, as he pushed her away from him, picking up a black piece of lingerie and throwing it at her

  “Put it on, I think we’ll start with a personal dance”

  A sneer on his face

  “I really enjoyed the one you gave Drake” he said his eyes passing over her with greed.

  Holding back the sob, Mia had lifted the garment in her shaking hands as Jim, had knocked on the door

  “He’s on the phone Jake” he had shouted as Jake had smiled unpleasantly at her

  “That must be Drake now….when I come back be wearing that” he said before leaving the room locking the door behind him.

  When he returned several minutes later she was standing in the middle of the room, wearing the teddy suit he had given her, her head bowed and arms folded protectively around herself

  “Drake is on his way over with the letter now” he said triumphantly,

  “Should give us a little time to play though”, he had said sitting down on the couch his hands flipping on some music

  “Now sweetheart…why don’t you do a little dance for me…see what happens from there” he sneered his eyes moving over her

  As Mia had tried to dance in the middle of the floor for him, her body cringing with what she was doing he had hissed angrily at her

  “I said a proper dance Mia, here in front of me and look like your enjoy it…or maybe I should see if your sister would be better”

  Mia had closed her eyes, moving within a few inches of him, her whole insides crawling at dancing so close to him. In her mind she tried to picture Drakes face, pretending that it was him before her, as she had began to move so erotically, the tears falling down her cheeks

  She could hear Jake moan admiringly

  “That’s better” he said his greedy eyes roaming down her body as she moved. Licking his lips in anticipation seeing how her lovely breasts had been pulled together so tightly as to almost have them spill out of the small teddy he had given her. When the music had died his hands had moved to grab her by the waist to pull her down

on the couch beside him.

  With a small whimper she had bit her lip her whole body rigid with fear just as another knock on the door was heard

  “I said I wanted to be left alone” Jake had shouted, before Jim had replied

  “He’s here”

  With a curse Jake had pushed her away from him, standing quickly, his face full of frustration.

  “Damn, he was quick” before smiling evilly over at her “later then Mia, we can finish this later”

  With a laugh as she had cowered away from him to once more stand in the middle of the room he had cried out

  “Bring him in” as the door to the office had opened and Drake had entered

  Drake had quickly taken in the scene before him. Seeing Mia wearing only a black teddy, total devastation on her face as tears fell down her lovely cheeks and her lips quivered

  “Mia, are you OK” he asked the concern in his face and voice causing her to sob louder, hugging herself tighter.

  “I didn’t know Drake” she had cried looking at him with such pain in her eyes “I swear to God I didn’t know”

  He had looked back at her solemnly “I know that” he said his eyes holding hers “I know that you would never do that” he repeated with such sincerity in his voice that she had made to move towards him, as Jake had grabbed her arm holding her to him.

  “Where is the letter Drake” he had spat out unpleasantly

  “Come over here Mia” Drake said gently, his hand outstretched reaching for her

  Mia had looked at him so sadly, “I can’t Drake….they’ve got Sarah” she said as her voice had broken with the emotions running through her

  Drake had shaken his head “No they don’t, she’s safe at the estate”

  “But he said that you kicked her out… and he has her mobile” She began, her eyes so confused, as he had continued

  “Your flat was broken into yesterday…no doubt looking for the letter” he said “they must have taken your sisters phone then…I would never put either of you in danger” he had said gently “come over here Mia…you have to trust me”

  With another sob, she had pulled herself free from Jake and thrown herself into Drakes arms, her whole body shaking as he held her so tightly against him.

  “It’s OK, you’re safe” he whispered softly against her hair, while his eyes had fixed stonily onto Jake

  “It’s over Jake; the police are all around this building. I called them the minute I heard she had left my house”

  “Just give me back the letter Drake and this will all go away” the small man had stuttered “I just want the letter”

  Drake had shaken his head firmly. “It’s too late Jake, the police are picking up a certain MP, who I believe wants to turn states evidence against you

  Jake had looked around himself in panic, running towards the door to yank it open, only to be met by two police officers, one of whom was already holding Jim. Cursing loudly he had tried to push past them, as the officers had quickly caught and cuffed the smaller man, who was cursing loudly at both Drake and Mia as they had taken him away Mia had stood in complete confusion, the relief written all over her face

  Looking at her in concern, Drake had taken in the way she was standing so still, her eyes staring up at him with confusion, and relief, and pulling his suit jacket off gently, he had placed it around her shoulders, as she shivered, the shock still showing in her body, before taking her over to sit on the couch on which Jake had only recently tried to molest.

  Pulling her into his arms he had kissed the top of her head, saying over and over that it was all over, until she had stopped shaking, finally lifted her head, her beautiful eyes shining brightly with the tears which filled them

  “He played the tape to me over the phone”

  Mia had stammered the hurt catching in her voice

  “ he told me that you thought I was in on it…”her voice once more breaking slightly “I would never…” she began as he had hugged her even tighter

  “I know when I left my office, I was ready to kill you Mia” he said with a grimness to his voice, “then I realised that he was lying…I just couldn’t believe that you would do it. The more I thought about it.. the more I just knew that you weren’t involved, that he had to be lying”

  She had remained silent as he continued

  “I phoned home, to warn you and Mrs Green told me what had happened, she was trying to get me at my office, she was in a real state”

  He had said softly, his mouth once more kissing her head so softly

  “God I was so scared Mia…If he had hurt you…” his voice had faltered “The only place I could think of for him to bring you was here, so I called the police and organised for them to meet me here. Then I saw them bringing you in…I had to stall him so I arranged to meet him here. I kept him on the phone as long as I could” he said with a smile. “Figured if he was talking to me then he wasn’t…” he left the last part unsaid as he felt her shiver beside him.

  Pulling back from him she had looked into his eyes hers so serious, as the feelings for him had swollen so much within her.

  “I love you Drake” she said her eyes so bright while so nervous of what she was telling him

  “Oh, Mia” he whispered his eyes shining with happiness “I’ve loved you since the first time you yelled at me” he said his mouth moving down to kiss her so passionately, as she had kissed him back, the feelings of love for him making her head spin with that love, before feeling as he had once more pulled back from her slightly

  “I never knew I could ever love somebody so much, I never knew just how lonely I was” he spoke against her mouth so huskily “until you came into my life like a spitting tornado”

  He had felt her start to cry again in his arms as her hands had moved to cup his face as she reined kisses on his mouth and cheek telling him over and over how much she loved him, both so happy in spite of their surroundings. The two were giggling like teenagers as the detective had entered the room to take their statements, looking over in surprise at the scene before him.

  One year later Drake had awoken, feeling as Mia had stirred gently against him. Lifting her hand he had once more admired how their two rings shone so brightly in the morning light which filtered through the large window.

  She had smiled that large dazzling smile, rolling on her back to look up at him, a small sensual moan escaping her lips

  “I do love week-ends” she had whispered gently, her hand moving to softly caress his cheek

  “No work today” giving another smile full of innuendo

  “Now what else could we do instead” she had breathed as he had chuckled

  Drake Trent had never felt so happy, looking adoringly down at his wife he had once more thought back to the events of the past year.

  After Jake had been arrested, the police had obtained warrants to search the rest of his homes quickly finding the full extent of his blackmail ring, arresting many prominent figures from all walks of life. Sarah and Mia had become household names with their story and how they had broken the ring making them sought after by the many media; however Drake had insisted on remaining anonymous.

  On one interview Mia had been asked her greatest regret, and when telling of having to give up her prestigious placement, she had been surprised and delighted to be personally contacted by the head of the establishment himself, who had offered her an even better job within the company. Drake had been proud of the way she had insisted on keeping their relationship private telling him that she wanted to make it herself. And make it she had, quickly rising in the company with her intelligence quick wit and ability to act under pressure. It was only when she and Drake had gone public with their plans to marry six months later that her link to him had even come to light, and even then she had refused to combine her work and private life when they had offered her his account the most prestigious in the company.

  Smiling he had looked over at the pictures which littered their room seeing Sarah and Adam hap
pily laughing from one. Drake had made sure that Adam was released the day after Jakes arrest and bound into his care until the official hearing in which all charges had been dropped. He had remembered how Adam had moved from the car into his house, Sarah had thrown herself into his arms, and he had watched as the couple so in love had clung to each other. He had taken an instant liking to the man who was now not only such a good friend to him but also a brother. Between them in the picture the two had held their new born daughter, his niece he had thought, suddenly having gone from having no family to having so many people such a large part of his life.

  Looking down again, Mia had pulled her head up to gently touch his lips with hers, her hand moving to softly stroke his side as she had given a small half laugh full of promise, and he was once more filled with the same overpowering love for her as he had the day they had declared their love for each other in Jakes office.


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