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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 26

by Angel Medina

  He says "No wonder why this is called the Dark Carnival, this game is sick!" Once he wins his game he finds another crystal ball of invincibility just like he had found in the train. However, this one was a bit different as Dayvon found out when he and the others went to the food court.

  With Dayvon leading the way the heroes approached the foot court where there were a gang of cultists and frantics. Dayvon notices that the bullets being shot at him were reflecting off him and back to baddies shooting him. With this limited time ability Dayvon and the others cleaned house in the food court. Just like everywhere else the heroes have gone to there were almost no people except an annoying mime. Luis punches the mime and says “I hate mimes!” Then there was a shoot the bottle game where Luis simply shot all of the bottles, his prize was a cloak where he was invisible for a limited period of time. He sees a zoo area goes through all of the zombies and ogres without being seen by them. Then he opens the door on the other side and the others see where he comes out then try to follow him the best they could. Luis uses his voice to lead his crew to where he is, they enter the circus area where the acts would take place. Luis sees a large group of cultists and frantics just sitting there, Luis tells the others “Wait here I’m going to give these guys a shock of their lives!” Luis heads to where the enemies were and started to shoot some of them while he would punch others in a way that he got the enemies to fight among themselves. Eventually he clears the circus area just in time before the cloak wore off and he was visible again. Maria sees a key at the very top of the room but a tightrope had to be crossed and at the bottom was a pool of burning hot water. Maria says “I’ll go get the key I’ve walked a tightrope before.” Luis replies “If you say so be care one false move and you’ll be toasted literally.” Maria says “Relax it’s not like I wearing high heels you know.” Dayvon says while laughing “Like everyday trying to get Angel’s attention, trying to get a quick hit…” Maria cuts Dayvon off saying “Listen I’m not even going to stoop down to your level, I’m going to get that key one way or another.” Maria ascends to where the tightrope begins and she gingerly walks the tightrope until she gets to the other side. Once she gets to the other side she grabs the key and says “Tada! Impressive huh?” Luis and Dayvon look at her and each other in complete shock; they were all too impressed by Maria’s ability to walk the tightrope perfectly. Before Maria got a chance to come back down however a gargoyle attacks her forcing her off the platform. Maria falls off the platform lucky for her Dayvon is able to catch her before she hits the ground. Maria tells Dayvon “Thanks Dayvon, I guess you’re good for something!” Dayvon stays silent as he focuses his attention towards the gargoyle. With their combined efforts the heroes are able to defeat the gargoyle.

  The heroes head back to the front gate of the carnival which they look for a door with the picture of a clown as indicated by the emblem on the key. They find the door with the picture of the clown which leads them to a side exit from the carnival. On their way they see some frantics after killing off the frantics they proceeded to another dock but they don’t see anyway out. Luis says “The way out of here is probably underwater, looks like it’s time for us to go for a swim.” The trio dives underwater carefully because of the many piranha’s underwater. One of them attacks Maria; Luis is able to shoot it down. Our heroes see a clear path to the exit but a whirlpool comes out of nowhere and swallows Maria up taking her away from the others. Luis and Dayvon look on helplessly having no idea where she was heading to. Luis and Dayvon kept on going through the underwater passage until they saw a light above them; they swim up to the surface. They see a couple of gargoyles that they defeat easily. What they see in front of them is what seems to be a hotel as the sign indicates to them. As for Maria the whirlpool takes her through a secret underwater passage that she is eventually able to resurface out of. When Maria gets back to the surface she finds herself in a cave with a stone with symbols in front of her. The symbols are that of a spider, fire, moon, sword, skull and eye. The stone says “Enter the first three symbols to open the secret house of horrors.” Maria tries to understand what the puzzle is asking for until she gets an idea which is the symbols of the keys that she has found. She remembers the first key to the funeral home was a skull key, the second was a fire key to get out of the home and the third one was that of a moon to get to the train platform. Maria enters the symbols in that same order then the stone lowers and a secret wall begins to open. Maria enters the passageway opened by the secret wall.

  Our heroes visit the dark carnival which ends up living up to its name, presenting challenges such as kicking zombie heads, gargoyles, another whirlpool and of course you can forget those delicious rat burgers at the food court oh don’t forget the mimes as well. Dayvon and Luis find their way to a hotel while nothing special in today’s world but back in the 1800’s many hotels had a bad reputation of being haunted or used for sadistic religious practices. Luis and Dayvon may be walking into hell itself. Meanwhile where was Angel, still nowhere to be found? Maria gets pulled into a secret cave where she solves a puzzle that opens up a secret passageway, where would it lead to? Maria has no idea but decides that she has to go inside to find out whether for the better or worse.

  Chapter 19(M)

  The House Of Horrors

  Maria after getting caught in a whirlpool underwater she discovers a secret cave that leads to secret passage. The secret passage leads Maria to a place called “The House Of Horrors” which was a haunted house attraction but why was it so hidden from view. Does this house contain more than just “Horrors"?

  Maria goes through the passageway and finds the entrance to the House of Horrors attraction. Maria was perplexed to the reason that this attraction was so out of the way from everything else. Little did Maria know was that the attraction was still being constructed and wasn't completely done yet. Upon arriving at the entrance Maria finds herself facing ogres, cultists and gargoyles. While Maria handles the cultists just fine she finds herself having trouble dealing with the other enemies. Then twin shotguns are heard and a mysterious man in a trench coat with a white shirt along with a cowboy hat and twin sawed off shotguns. Maria and this mysterious man take care of the remaining enemies. The mysterious man reveals himself only as Caleb a Wild West gunslinger with a vengeful mind and his love for blood and violence. Caleb says in a low and intimidating voice "The sweet scent of blood, how I love it when they bleed!" Maria in a panic asks Caleb "Don't hurt me sir I'm just trying to get out of here!" Caleb replies with the same tone "Oh so you are one of those stowaways's who doesn't belong here. Listen up honey you help me out taking out my ex-boss or leader. I'll spare you your life." Maria scared responds "Sure I'll help you out; it would help if I knew who I was looking for to help you with." Caleb replies "You see those scums on the floor bleeding, I used to belong to their cult but when I noticed I wasn't receiving my "dues" I approached my boss known as "Darkgaryl" leader of the "Cabal" the same guys you see here worshipping this so called "God" of evil." Maria replies "You're scaring me are you sure you're not trying to recruit me or do something crazy?" Caleb replies "You wanna survive little girl?" Maria in a scared tone replies "Yes I do." Caleb responds "Then work with me here, while we might not have the same overall goals but we have a common enemy don't we?" Maria says "Yes I guess we do, go ahead and lead the way." Caleb says "I was always taught ladies first but if you insist." The two head into the House of Horrors.

  Maria upon finding the house of horrors meets Caleb her hero or we should say anti-hero. Caleb is an anti-hero kind of man that although he is helping Maria out but his intentions are not the same to that of Maria's. He wasn't helping Maria out because he has a good heart; to the contrary his heart was as evil as the dead cultists lying on the floor. He simply wants to work with Maria to get his revenge on his leader for a personal vendetta. Despite all this Maria decides she's better off on the good side of this man even with his sinister personality

  Maria and Caleb what appears to be a mouth the
n when they get inside the walls are pinkish. Almost resembling a mouth of a human being, was this ride a resemblance of the human body? When the two go through the hall they enter the ticket booth/entrance where they take out some frantics and cultists. Caleb says "The cries of my fellow mates dying are sweet music to my ears." Maria replies "Hey man you mind keeping that in your head next time, you're scaring me right now." Caleb responds "Don't fear me, just respect me and you'll be fine." The two see a pool of green slime along with a boat or at least the vehicle being used for the ride. They get onto the boat and the current of the water starts to push the two to commence the ride. The two notices the boat stops in the middle of nowhere after a minute or so, a gate drops down blocking the way for our heroes. Then the wall to their left opens up revealing cultists' aiming for Maria but Caleb makes short work of them with his twin shotguns. Maria enters the room which was actually a control room, she finds and hits a switch when raises the gate. Maria quickly jumps back in the boat before the ride restarts, the ride restarts and the duo's journey continues.

  Maria and Caleb keep going until they see a waterfall which signals perhaps the end of the ride. They fall down the waterfall along with the boat and drop into the water. When they resurface they find themselves under the waterfall when zombies rise out of the ground. Maria and Caleb kill off the zombies with Caleb taking an extreme liking to the killing he his doing, like the smell of blood is what keeps him alive. Once the zombies are defeated the duo tries to find where to go next but looking everywhere they find nothing but dead ends. Maria says "Looks like we gotta go underwater!" The two of them head underwater killing off piranha's they see light going straight, they go towards the light see light at the top and are able to resurface. They enter a room with a sinister take with axes, saws, blades and Caleb's favorite which was blood. They is also a dead body being cut up with a table saw, out of nowhere ogres come to attack the two. One nearly cuts Caleb but Maria is able to shoot the ogre on the spot just before the ogre was preparing his attack. Caleb takes out the other ogres and after they are dead he shoots them again, then he takes the blood of the ogres and rubs it on himself. Maria finds a key with a skull etched on it; she saves it for future use. The duo proceeds through the door leading them out of the sinister looking room.

  They open the door at the same time though an axe zombie was waiting for them. The zombie takes a hack, both of them dodge the attack then Caleb shoots the head off the zombie. Maria says "Is this supposed to be a ride but it seems more like hell and you like this?" Caleb says "Revenge is the sweetest thing in the world!" Maria says "Ok... then." They head to the hallway which is full of frantics and ogres which they take care easily. Maria then finds a launcher used for fireworks and a gallon of gasoline, Maria says "These items could be useful." Caleb replies "You're right just stick the gasoline inside the launcher and then shoot it, just try it." Maria follows Caleb's guidance and after mixing the two together she sees an ogre shoot the weapon. The weapon shoots out a fireball which explodes on contact exploding the ogre on contact. Maria is impressed with the new weapon and before she could thank Caleb he says "You're welcome!" like he knew she was going to say thanks. The new weapon was called the napalm launcher which was a Victorian version of a rocket launcher. The duo continue down the hallway find a forest area prop full of cultists and frantics, the duo uses the fake prop trees as cover. Then they use the peek a boo technique to take out each enemy one by one going as far as attracting the enemy one by one. After that they go down a ramp killing more cultists and zombies along the way. Then they go on to a graveyard looking prop under construction for the ride, but the zombies popping out of the fake tombstones and dirt were anything but a prop. One of the zombies grab Caleb but a relaxed Caleb took the zombie, rips his head off and steps on it. While Maria can’t help but to be freaked out about Caleb’s actions, she knows at least he’s on her side to a certain degree.

  Maria finds a switch behind one of the fake tombstones presses it and it opens a wooden door in the hallway. They notice that the other side of the hallway is boarded up with wood indicating a continuation of the hallway still under construction, so our heroes are forced to go through the door. They enter a room full of boxes and cultists; Caleb notices several boxes on top of the cultists. He suggests to Maria to shoot the rope above the cultists, Maria shoots the ropes holding the boxes. The boxes fall and crush the cultists; some boxes were filled with props and others with building materials. Caleb says in his sinister tone “What goes up must come down, too bad for my fellow mates they are going down instead of up.” They open the door in front of them which leads them to a trash bin where zombies await them; Maria uses her napalm launcher to blow the zombies away. Maria and Caleb go on the edge of the trash bin in order to go over the wall; behind the wall was a resemblance of a garden that you would find just before entering a cemetery. Maria and Caleb would have to endure a combination of enemies including cultists, frantics, axe zombies and ogres. Caleb says “This promises to be quite the blood bath.” Maria begins to blow enemies away with her napalm launcher while Caleb blasted the baddies with his twin shotguns. Indeed the scene did turn into a blood bath to Caleb’s satisfaction and in no time the area was cleared. The duo moved on and seen some explosive barrels in their way Caleb shoots them causing the wall behind the barrels to collapse. When the wall collapses completely a secret path is revealed to the two, where it went was anybodies guess. At least Maria wasn’t going in alone, although she still doesn’t trust Caleb completely.

  Maria explores an incomplete haunted house attraction and finds at least a conditional ally named Caleb who has his own agenda at the end of the day. However the two work together well getting through the haunted house attraction. Maria still feels uncomfortable with Caleb due to his careless and at some point's sadistic nature when it came to taking what were his former allies. Maria needed to be careful that she wouldn’t be a casualty to Caleb’s true intentions which was to kill the former leader oh the “Cabal” who was “Darkgaryl”, is “Darkgaryl” the same gargoyle that was seen on the blanket on that dead body back at the Phantom Express? Meanwhile the two find a hidden path but just like Angel they have no idea where it will lead them to, the two of them head in hoping for the best.

  Chapter 19(A)

  Hollowed Grounds

  After Angel gets left behind from the rest of his friends back at the train station he finds a hidden cave. Upon entering the cave nothing threatening is found besides a group of bats just flying by. After he gets out of the cave he finds himself in a courtyard of what seems to be a hidden temple probably that of the “Cabal”. The temple looks intimidating enough from the outside, there’s no knowing of what’s hidden inside the temple. Angel hopes for a clue of where the anti-matter ball is and how to get back to his time before the portal closes forever.

  When Angel arrives at the front courtyard of the temple, he sees several zombies pop out of the ground trying to attack him. However one shot from his flare pistol burns all of the zombies alive. After taking care of the zombies Angel makes his way into the temple; inside the temple he sees a gargoyle statue when he gets to it the statue comes alive. The gargoyle coming alive comes to a surprise to Angel who barely dodges a claw attack by the creature. Angel aims his flare gun to the wings of the gargoyle, burning them then finishes off the creature with a shotgun blast to its face. Something else Angel notices is the constant weird noises coming out of nowhere, there was probably a ritual taking place somewhere but Angel had no idea where. He enters the main hall where he sees some cultists and frantics gathering, he burns all of them with his flare pistol. Angel notices many pictures and stain glassed pictures with symbols of what the “Cabal” stood for. Several of the symbols had a sinister look to them including one with “Darkgaryl” accepting the bloody sacrifices of many dead humans and animals. Angel becomes a bit intimidated and says to himself “Where in the hell am I and what the hell do these pictures mean? I know one thing nobody is going to use me
as a sacrificial lamb!” Angel continues deeper into the temple which seems to be going down in elevation instead of up. Angel gets a funny feeling that these have “Temple guards” have something to hide that’s sinister in nature. Angel heads through the double doors into the next hallway where he is attacked by cultists from the floor above, he sees the door on the other side not to far away. He takes out the cultists but when he tries to open the door on the other side he finds it locked. To add to that problem the walls surrounding him start to move towards him, Angel says “Better think of something quickly or I’m going to make for a good sandwich for that devilish god himself.” He notices the walls are big but the top of the wall of the left side is reachable with one good jump, Angel jumps up as high as he can, he gets to the edge of the wall and is able to pull his weight up just about when the walls were closing. Angel takes a deep breath and says “That was too close for comfort!” Angel sees a bell tower not too far and heads there where he’s able to see the hallway where the door he was heading to is. He jumps down to the hallway where he kills off a couple of cultists; he sees a locked door with a moon emblem telling Angel to look for a moon key. Angel sees double door, he has a funny feeling that the room ahead of him is a trap and the enemy will try to ambush him.

  Angel prepares to go into the next room which is a meeting ground for all of the “Cabal” members, seems empty and quiet. Angel knew though that it was too quiet, he carefully walks to the middle of the room prepared for anything. Then from the ceiling four gargoyles come down but Angel being so prepared he’s able to take down two of the four gargoyles only leaving two. What Angel didn’t expect was for frantics to come out from the upper level of the floor with napalm launchers. The frantics shoot off their napalm launchers Angel barely gets out of the way and with the rounds being so flammable Angel actually suffers from some burns although nothing serious. To Angel’s surprise though was that the same flammable rounds had also hit and burned the gargoyles. Angel says “Talk about bad aiming.” The frantics were taunting Angel to come out in their native language; Angel says “I have no idea what these nuts are saying. Hey hood freaks talk English please!” Angel sees the next door he had to be fast, knowing these guys were waiting for him to come out. Angel sprints his way to the door, when the frantics launch their rockets Angel slides towards the door feet first with the rockets missing him from above. Angel gets to the other side and says to the frantics “Ha missed me!” He goes into the next room which is the hallway leading to the chapel where prayers took place. Out of no where the door is locked and zombies pop out of the floor, Angel running out of flares is forced to deal with these guys in melee combat. Angel takes one of the torches lighting up and killing several of the zombies, however he gets knocked down by one of the zombies and the torch shuts off. One of the zombies tries to hack Angel with its Axe but Angel is able to roll out of the way, he grabs the stick of an unlit torch and strikes the attacking zombie directly on its head. There were still more zombies to deal with though, Angel sees a crossbow picks it up and shoots arrows at the zombies killing them. After all that the doors unlock again with a voice out nowhere saying “Ha Angel for a normal human you are exceptionally talented, how about giving up and being part of the “Cabal” you know that you have no choice. I’m the ultimate being of this universe.” Angel responds “Ultimate being huh we’re see about that and no I didn’t come here to be “recruited” by you so how about coming out here and facing me face to face. The voice responds “In due time Angel, you should be careful what you wish for it may just come true and you’ll regret ever meeting me in person.” Angel replies “Whatever dude all I know is I’m going to open up a can of whoop ass on your behind when I do see you and this size 9 boot is going up your ass!” The voice responds “Tough words Mr. Angel we’ll meet again or at least I hope so, good luck Angel, don’t let the door hit you hahaha!” Angel says to himself “Easy for you to talk tough because you’re not here, we’re see who’s the tough guy here.” Angel prepares to enter the chapel.


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